Where Do I Begin

Francis Lai 10 September 2020

6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0
6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0
[s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0
6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0]
[y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0
% [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0]
[t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0
4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8]
[r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7
[u6] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0
6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0
[s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0
6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0]
[y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0
% [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0]
[t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0
4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8]
[r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7
[S6] 0 T 0 T 0 T 0
[g2] 6 q 6 q [p6] [qg] [p6]
[p5] [a9] [ra] 9 r [d9] [rg] [d9]
[f1] 5 0 5 0 [o5] [f0] [o5]
[o4] [p8] [pe] 8 e [s8] [fe] [s8]
[d7] q e q 3 [a7] [dW] [a7]
[s6] 0 t [d0] [tf] [p0] [ts] [f0]
[g2] 6 q 6 q [o6] [qp] [s6]
[s5] 9 [ra] 9 r [s9] [rd] [i9]
[u1] 5 0 5 0 [i5] [o0] [a5]
[a4] 8 [pe] 8 e [o8] [ie] [u8]
[Y7] Q e Q e [QI] [pe] [QI]
[O3] 7 W 7 W 7 W 7
[s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0
6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0]
[y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0
% [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0]
[t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0
4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8]
[r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7
[u6] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0
6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0
[s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0
6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0]
[y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0
% [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0]
[t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0
4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8]
[r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7
[S6] 0 T 0 T 0 T 0
[g2] 6 q 6 q [p6] [qg] [p6]
[p5] [a9] [ra] 9 r [d9] [rg] [d9]
[f1] 5 0 5 0 [o5] [f0] [o5]
[o4] [p8] [pe] 8 e [s8] [fe] [s8]
[d7] q e q 3 [a7] [dW] [a7]
[s6] 0 t [d0] [tf] [p0] [ts] [f0]
[g2] 6 q 6 q [o6] [qp] [s6]
[s5] 9 [ra] 9 r [s9] [rd] [i9]
[u1] 5 0 5 0 [i5] [o0] [a5]
[a4] 8 [pe] 8 e [o8] [ie] [u8]
[Y7] Q e Q e [QI] [pe] [QI]
[O3] 7 W 7 W 7 W 7
[s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0
6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0]
[y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0
% [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0]
[t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0
4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8]
[r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7
[utp6] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0
[usp5] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0
[spf4] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0

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About This Music Sheet

Where Do I Begin is a song by Francis Lai. Use your computer keyboard to play Where Do I Begin music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:01, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Where Do I Begin is classified in the genres: Classical, France on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs.

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    Other Songs By Francis Lai

    • 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [6s] [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] [0u] [ti] [0u] [%y] [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] 0 r 0 % [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] [0y] [ru] [0y] [6t] [0t] t [0p] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [8t] [et] [8p] [ep] [8t] [ey] [8t] [3r] [7r] [Wr] [7O] [WO] 7 W 7 3| p| a| i [6u] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [6s] [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] [0u] [ti] [0u] [%y] [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] 0 r 0 % [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] [0y] [ru] [0y] [6t] [0t] t [0p] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [8t] [et] [8p] [ep] [8t] [ey] [8t] [3r] [7r] [Wr] [7O] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|O [6S] 0 T 0 T 0 T 0 6|d|f|p [2g] 6 q 6 q [6p] [qg] [6p] [5p] [9a] [ra] 9 r [9d] [rg] [9d] [1f] 5 0 5 0 [5o] [0f] [5o] [4o] [8p] [ep] 8 e [8s] [ef] [8s] [7d] q e q 3 [7a] [Wd] [7a] [6s] 0 t [0d] [tf] [0p] [ts] [0f] [2g] 6 q 6 q [6o] [qp] [6s] [5s] 9 [ra] 9 r [9s] [rd] [9i] [1u] 5 0 5 0 [5i] [0o] [5a] [4a] 8 [ep] 8 e [8o] [ei] [8u] [7Y] Q e Q e [QI] [ep] [QI] [3O] 7 W 7 W 7 W 7 3|O|p|a [6s] [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] [0u] [ti] [0u] [%y] [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] 0 r 0 % [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] [0y] [ru] [0y] [6t] [0t] t [0p] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [8t] [et] [8p] [ep] [8t] [ey] [8t] [3r] [7r] [Wr] [7O] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|i [6u] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [6s] [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] [0u] [ti] [0u] [%y] [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] 0 r 0 % [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] [0y] [ru] [0y] [6t] [0t] t [0p] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [8t] [et] [8p] [ep] [8t] [ey] [8t] [3r] [7r] [Wr] [7O] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|O [6S] 0 T 0 T 0 T 0 6|d|f|p [2g] 6 q 6 q [6p] [qg] [6p] [5p] [9a] [ra] 9 r [9d] [rg] [9d] [1f] 5 0 5 0 [5o] [0f] [5o] [4o] [8p] [ep] 8 e [8s] [ef] [8s] [7d] q e q 3 [7a] [Wd] [7a] [6s] 0 t [0d] [tf] [0p] [ts] [0f] [2g] 6 q 6 q [6o] [qp] [6s] [5s] 9 [ra] 9 r [9s] [rd] [9i] [1u] 5 0 5 0 [5i] [0o] [5a] [4a] 8 [ep] 8 e [8o] [ei] [8u] [7Y] Q e Q e [QI] [ep] [QI] [3O] 7 W 7 W 7 W 7 3|O|p|a [6s] [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [0u] [tu] [0s] [ts] [0u] [ti] [0u] [%y] [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] 0 r 0 % [0y] [ry] [0a] [ra] [0y] [ru] [0y] [6t] [0t] t [0p] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [8t] [et] [8p] [ep] [8t] [ey] [8t] [3r] [7r] [Wr] [7O] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|O [6tup] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [5ups] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [4psf] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [60tpfj]
      Level: 4
      Length: 03:48
      Love Story

      Francis Lai


    • [qp]| |[se]| [wa]| [o0]| |[qp]|||
      [qp]| |[se]| [wa]| [o0]| |[qp]|||
      [w8] [t0]y[wu]yty[wu7] [y9] w|
      6 [t0]y[ue]yty[u5] [y9] w ut
      4 8 [tqe]yu y3 8 [t0]yu y
      4 8 [qe] e[y5]y9t[yw]ytt
      1 8 [wu0]yty[wu7] [y9]yw|
      6 0o[oe]uyu[u5]i[u9] [wr] e
      [y4]u[y8]u[yqe]u y3 8 0 e
      [y4]u[y8]u[yqe]u i5u[y9]tw|
      [t6] [sp0] [oea][sp] [oa]4 [o8]o[qe] uu
      1 5 9 0t[wu] [y8]y[w0] uu
      6 0 e s[a$] [s9]aQppp
      [o4] 8 q w [ue]iui[uq]ii[u4]|||
      1 5o[wo0]uyu[wi7] [u9]uwyyy
      [t6] 0o[oe]uyu[i5] [u9]uwyyy
      [t4] 8 [qpie] [uo] 3 8 [i0]o i
      4 8 [qe] [ut][yi5] [ut9][yi]w[ut][ut][ut]
      1 5o[wo0]uyu[wi7] [u9]uwyyy
      [t6] 0 e sa5s[a9]s[wra] pp
      4 8 [qe] pa[p3]o8 [w0]|
      [u4]y[u8]ye| [t5]y[u9]y[wr]ttt
      1 5 [wf0]| [wd7] 9 [wk]|
      [lf6] 0 e| 5k[h9]d[ws]ao
      1 [t5]y[wu0]yty[wu7] [y9] w|
      6 0o[oe]uyu[u5]i[u9] w e
      [y4]u[y8]u[yqe]u y3 8 0 e
      [y4]u[y8]u[yqe]u i5u[y9]tw|
      [t6] [sp6] [oea0][sp]6[oa]4 [o8]o[qe] uu
      1 5 9 [t0] [wu] [y8]y[w0] uu
      6 0 e s[a$] [s9]aQppp
      [o4] 8 q we[ue]iui[uq]ii
      u 4 4 4 4 8[wte]14
      1 5o[wo0]uyu[wi7] [u9]uwy[y7]y
      [t6] 0o[oe]uyu[i5] [u9]u[wr]yyy
      [t4] 8 [tqpie] [uto] 3 8 [wti0]o i
      4 8 [qe] u[i5] [u9]iwuuu
      1 5o[wo0]uyu[wi7] [u9]uwy[y7]y
      [t6] 0 [te] [sp][oa]5[sp][oa9][sp][woa] [pi][pi]
      4 8 [qe] pa[p3]o8 [wt0]|
      [u4]y[u8]ye| [t5]y[u9]y[wr]ttt
      4 4 [q8] 4 [uq8]y[u4]y[uq8] [y4]u
      6 6 [e0] 6 [ue0]y[u6]y[ye0]u[y6]y
      5 5 [w9] 5w[yw9] [t5]y[w9]u5i
      4 4 [q8]y[u4]y[tq8] 4 [q8] 4
      [t6] 6[sp][e0] [oa6][sp][oea0] [pi6][pi][e0] [uo6][uo]
      4 4 [sqp8] [oa4][sp][qoa8] [pi4][pi][q8] [uo4][uo]
      3 8 0 wwo [o0]i[wt]uyy
      5 5 [w9] 5o[wo9] 5 [w9] s[d5]sd|||
      [to] hhfdf[rog] ff dd
      [soe] uh[oh]fdf[wg] [yf]foddd
      [sq] t [spji] [sh] 0 t [usg]h g
      4 8 e f[g5] [f5]g[w9]f[f5]f
      [81] 8h[wh0]f[d8]f[wg7] [f9]fwddd
      [s6] 6 [e0] [lj][kh]5[lj][kh9][lj][wrkh] [jg][jg]
      4 8 [tqe] [jg][kh][jg3][hf]8 [wt0]|
      [spf4]d[f8]d[qe]| [sp5][da][sf9] [wrda]|
      1 [s5]s[wt0]| [yod7] w r|
      [tsp6] 6 [e0]| [roa5] 9 [wig]|
      [usf1] 5 [w0]| [ywod7] 9 w|
      [tsp6] 0 e| [l95]khdsaoy5

      Level: 6
      Length: 04:05
      Flower (Crash Landing on You)

      Yoon Mi-rae

    • k s k h k| | k l v|v|v|b|x|| z x k|k||| [qf] e [tp] s f j x z| | [ute]|f|k l b b v z| j z [ztqe] x|j| z| | [ute]| k l n|n|v z|x| [tqe]|h h h|h|g f|d f [ute]| z x k f j k| l k| [tqe]|h h h|h|g f|d f [ute] h f|[xvn]|[xvn]|x|x z| [tqe]|h h h h [urj0]|f| d f [ute]| k|l|k| f|s d [tqe]|f p|s d z h|a|s| [uthe]||j f| | [d4] o [f8] p [qh] h|h 4|[g8] f q|d f 6|0|[pe]|d|[f6]|[p0]|e| [d4] o [f8] p [qh] h|h 3|[g7] f 0|d f 6 h [f0]|[pe]|d|[f6]|[h0]|[je]| [d4] o [f8] p [qh] h h [j3]|[f7]|0|f| [k6]|[j0]|[ke] j|f 9|e|y| [pj4]|8|[xqf]| [vh4]|8|[qjb]| [nk3]|7|0|[ml] [nk] 3|7|[u0] f| [pid4]|8|q|p [oda] 5|9|w| 6|0 d [ed] d|d 3|[s7] a 0| u a 4|8|q|s p 5|9|[wo]| [u6]|[r0] t e [ut]|[to] 6 [tp] 0 u e f| [pid4]|8|q|p [udO] 3|7|0|a [usp6]|0|[uspe]| [aI9]|[pe]|[yo]|p| [u4]|8|[qoh]| [pj4]|8|[sql]| [zd5]|9|[xwf]| [jb5]|9|[wvh]|b [wjb50]||v [xj]| [zj] x k| [ke] u p f|l j| | [qf] j t h i d f j j| h d s 6 0 r t a s d|d| | [tqpe]|a|s|d|[yrd0]|f|a|s [ed] r t u|h|[sje9]| [sj] k l [sqjf] e t u i p s f|[xj]|z|k| [ke] u o a|h f| | [tqe]|h h h|h|g f|d f [ute]| k|h|h|h|h j f| [tqe]| h g h|h|g f|d f [ute] h f| [zjf]|[kjf]|[ljf]|j|h| [tqe]| h g h|[urj0]|f| d f [ute]| l|k|[tjQ9]|G|f|s d [tqe]|f p||p a s| [uthe]||j f [ywr]| | 6|0 [hf] [hfe] [hf]|[hf] 6|[gd0] [sf] e|d [fa] 5|9|[wha]| [ka5]|9|[zwa]| [l4] k [j8]|[qhf] [hf]|[hf] 4|[gd8] [sf] q|d [fa] 3|7|[pf0]| [fO3]|7|0| 4|8 [hf] [qhf] [hf] [hf] [jf5]|[fa9]|w|d [sf] 6|0|[le]|k|[j9]|[eG]|[yf]|s d 4|[f8] p q| 4|8|[qa]|s| [h5]|9|w|j f 5|9|[wj] k x| | [tsqi]| |f||d s [wua]|s a| f| | [uqp]| p s|d| s a|s a [y0] o||p| p|f| [ted9]| p| f| s|s| [yrd0]||f j| h k| [utqljf]||k j| h j| [wupf]||d f|a|s|d||| [u30] f| [pid4]|8|q|p [oda] 5|9|w| 6|0 d [ed] d|f 3|[s7] a 0| u a 4|8|q|s p 5|9|[wo]| [u6]|[r0] t e [ut]|[to] 6 [tp] 0 u e f| [pid4]|8|q|p [udO] 3|7|0|a [usp6]|0|[uspe]| [aI9]|[pe] o y|p| [up4]|8|[qoh]| [pj4]|8|[sql]| [zd5]|9|[xwf]| [jb5]|9|[wu] f| [tqd]||f p [wu]| o p| [ute]||y u|r|t|y| |u| | q t o p|f d| | d w p| h d|| d f e i p s|l k|[lf]|[sk]| [rkh]|o|a| d||d f [tl] d f k d f h o|d| [qd] t o p s d h s d z| [xe] u p [lf]| [kf]||l| [ql]|o|[spf]| [sjf]| [zf]| [vj]
      Level: 6
      Length: 04:59
      Glassy Sky (Tokyo Ghoul)

      Amanda Lee

    • t|u|y|t r e|w q 0|| 0 q w e t r| t r e 0 t r e|| e[t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]|w [wq]q[w30]|| 0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|w| [e4] [wr] [te]|[r5]| | [t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]||wq[w3]|| 0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|[wr]|[e6]| | t r [e4]|t t [y5]| u i [o3]|u y [t6]| t r [e4]|r t [y7]|r|[e30]||| [t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]|w [wq]q[w30]| | [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|w| [e4] [wr] [te] t [r5]| | [t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]||wq[w3]|| 0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|[wr]|[e6]| | t r [e4]|t t [y5]| u i [o3]|u y [t6]| t r [e4]|r t [y7]|r|[t30] r e|| tt r [e4]|r t [y5]| u i [o3]|u y [t6]| t r [e4]|t|[y5]|r|[t6] e| | [e6]
      Level: 5
      Length: 01:39
