03:07 -
[qpf]| |p f d [r0]| |o d s [e9]| |i s a [yw]||r [yso]|d|[qpf]| |p [tf] d 0 r [uh] d||[ya] s 9 e y [sp]|d s a w|||[qp] f|[te]|[te] p [tfe] d 0|[ur] a [ur] o [urd] s 9|[te]|[ye] o [tse] a w|[yr] o p [wa] y o p a s a s d [qf]|[ti]|[ut] p [tif] d 0|[ura] d h d [yr] a [ur] s 9|[ti] [si] w [ia] [yr] p a [s8] r i t [wu8]|[wto] s d [qp] f p [pi] f f|u i [qp]||f [utpf] d [tspi] a [wo0] a d o o d [urd]||y [uro]|[yr] u [rp] a [us] d [qp] s f p [tpi] f [utpf]|[ti] p [f9] p [ype] f [tpfe] [pg] [ypfe] d [wo] a|y s y [od] y|[ywro] a d|w y o p a [uso] d [qf]|[ti]|[ut] p [tif] d 0|[ur] a [yr] o [urd] s 9|[ye]|[te] i [yse] a w|[yr] o p a [ws] y a o s d [of] d [yf] g [qp] s f|[ut]|[ti] d h d [r0]|[yr] a [ur]|[yr] a [pe9] s|t p [yws] a [rp] a [s8] w t u [ro] t y [ut] [qi] s u a u [se] u s u [qod] u [so] u [oea] u [oa] u [t8] u a u [wro] u o t r t [u8] w|[ywt] t [yt] u [ro] a [tqie] p s i a i [tse] i p i [pe9] s i p i [se] [id] [ys] p [wo] a r| |i [yd]|[i8] o s u o u [ro] u o u [oe] u o u [yo] y [to] u w r
About This Music Sheet
Yoosung Sad (Mystic Messenger) is a song by DoubleTO. Use your computer keyboard to play Yoosung Sad (Mystic Messenger) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:07, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Yoosung Sad (Mystic Messenger) is classified in the genres: Songs From Games, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Sad.
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[uspj]|||h||| [tpig]|||s||| [utof]|||ffdd [uro]|||f h [uspj]|||h||| [tpig]|||s||| [utof]|||dffdd [yoa]||| j| k| [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wts] [a0] [wra] a [wrf]h| [wr]| [wr] [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wth] [wh]| [je]| [tl]| [je] [tl] [utje]|[utfe]|[uthe] xz[xute]z[xute] [utle] [tjie]|[tige]|[tihe] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [tlie] [wuth]|[wutf]|[wuth] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tiec]|[xtie]|[tlie] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [xtie] [wuth]|[wutl]|[wutl] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [sj]|a|u pupua s [uje] [te] [ue] [te] [uhe] [te] [ue] [te] [ige] [te] [ie] [te] [sie] [te] [ie] [te] [wuf] [wt] [wu] [wt] [wu] [wt]f[wuf]d[wtd] [wu] [wr] [wu] [wr] [ue] [wr] [ufe] [wrh] [uje] [te] [ue] [te] [uhe] [te] [ue] [te] [ige] [te] [ie] [te] [sie] [te] [ie] [te] [wuf] [wt] [wu] [wt] [wu] [wtd]f[wuf]d[wtd] [wu] [wr] [wu] [wr] [wuh] [wrf] [wul] [wrl] [uspj]|||hjs l z [tpji]|||h f k k [utol]| h|f klfhx lzk||| j| k| [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wts] [a0] [wra] a [wrf]h| [wr]| [wr] [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[ut]| [utd] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wth] [wh]| [je]| [tl]| [je] [tl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tjie]|[tige]|[tihe] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [tlie] [wuth]|[wutf]|[wuth] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tiec]|[xtie]|[tlie] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [xtie] [wuth]|[wutl]|[wutl] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] s|a|u pu[pj]u[ka] [sl]g [tie]|[tie]|[tie]| [tlie] [tlie] [tkie]l [wut]|[wut]|[wut]| [wutl] [xwut] [wuth] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[ute]|[ute]| [utje] [utke] [utle]g [tie]|[tie]|[tie]| [tlie] [tlie] [tkie]l [wut]|[wut]|[wut]| [wutl] [xwut] [wuth] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]Level: 7Length: 02:33Intermediate
Alan Walker
w u y t w|w w u y t e| e i u y o o o o p o i y t|o| [8wu] u u| [8wu] u u| [8wu] o t y [8wu]| [9wi] i i i [8wi] u u u [9u] y y u [wy] |o| [8wu] u u| [8wu] u u| [8wu] o t y [8wu]| [9wi] i i i [8wi] u u u [9wo] o [wi] y [8wt]| [8wu] u u| [8wu] u u| [8wu] o t y [8wu]| [9wi] i i i [8wi] u u u [9u] y y u [wy] |o| [8wu] u u| [8wu] u u| [8wu] o t y [8wu]| [9wi] i i i [8wi] u u u [9wo] o [wi] y [8wt]Level: 5Length: 00:58Intermediate
Jingle Bells
James Lord Pierpont
[ef] [tu]
[tua]s[wh] [tu] [tua]s[qk]
[tu]l[tuh]f[0d] [ry]h[ryf]a[9p]
[et]u[eti]f[0d] [ry]o[ryp]h[qf]
[tu]p[tua]f[wd] [ry] [ryf] [ej] [tu]
[tuk]l[wv] [tu] [tuk]l[qn]
[tu]m[tuv]x[0z] [ry]v[ryx]k[9j]
[et]f[etg]x[0z] [ry] [ryk] [ej] [tu] [tu]
0 [wr] 0
6 [80] [80]
3 [57] 3
[6f] [80] [80]
[3d] [57] [57a]
[6p] [80] [80]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[6p] [80] [80]
3 [57] 3
6 [80] [80]
3 [57] 3
[6f] [80] [80]
[3d] [57] [57a]
[6p] [80] [80]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3f]
9w[rf] [yd]
[8a]w[ts] [uf]
70[Wa] [ru]
[6s]0etu 60[eyd]t[uf]
[4pj]8qete[4ak]8[qsl]e[tdz]e[3hv]70w[rfx]w[6ak]0[esl]t[ufx]t[9z]eyI[pl]d[Gk]| l
[px] [sf] kl[ov] [sf] kl[in]
[sf]mvx[uz] [ad]vxk[yj] [ps]fgx[uz]
[ad]hjv[ix] [sf]jkx[oz] [ad] j
[ef] [tu] [tua]s[wh] [tu]
[tua]s[qk] [tu]l[tuh]f[0d] [ry]h[ryf]a[9p]
[et]u[eti]f[0d] [ry]o[ryp]h[qf] [tu]p[tua]f[wd]
[ry]a[ryo]u[6p] [80] [80]
[3o] [57u] [57a]
[6p] [80] [80]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[6p]90eyupdfjzx[jzxb]Level: 5Length: 01:37IntermediateWaltz No.1 Op.6 Collapse (Hikaru Shirosu)