02:20 -
3 -
[wu8]||t|[ywt]| t|e
[w85]|t| |r|t|u|
[wto3]|8| t|[tp4]|8|[to]|u i u
[ywr95]| |[wo]|[wo]|[ra]|
[wto5]|0|e|t|[wtq4]| [wt30]|
[wut5]|w|t|o|[utq5]| 5|y|
[t810]| [to]| [to]| [to]|
[to]| [to]| [to0]|w|[w5]|t|
[u510]| [w8]|t [ywt8]|t [wt8]|e
[w85]|t|[w8]| [w8]|r [wt8]|u|
[yr5]|9|[wt]| [wr]|[ro]|[tp]|[ya]|
[us4]|8|[wt]|a [wta]|p|[wt]|o i
[to3]|8|[wut]| [e4]|t [wto]|i|
[ut50]|w|[ut]|u [uqe5]|y [wt] 5|r|
[wt10]|5|8|9|[850]|[ro] [tp]|[ya]|
[us6]|0|e|w a [a4]|[p8]|[wo]|[qi]|
[o3]|8|[wu]| [w7]|[ro] [wid95]|[us]
[us6]|0|e|w a [a4]|[p8]|[wro]|[qie]|
[wto3]|8|w|8|[w7]| [ro95]|[ya]|
[wus8]| [wt0]|a a [wtq] p|[wtqo]|i|
[wro5]| [us83]| [84]|8 t [wto]|e i
[wut5]|w|[ut]|u [ue] [q5]|y [wt] 5|r|
[t10]|5|8|9|[850]| [wo]|[ts]|
[u81] o s f| [w8]|[ts]|[ywod8]| [wts8]|[pe]
[wuo81]|[ts]|[w8]| [w8]|[ra]|[wts8]|[uf]|
[ywda95]| [wt]| [wr]|[oh]|[wroh]|[ka]|
[soh3]|8|[wt]| [tsoi4]|8|[toe]|
[wut84]|w|t|o|[utq5]| 5|y|
[wt1] 5 0
About This Music Sheet
You Raise Me Up is a song by Secret Garden. Use your computer keyboard to play You Raise Me Up music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song You Raise Me Up is classified in the genre of USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs, Norway, Inspirational.
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Other Songs By Secret Garden
u o [etup]||
p a [0wru]||
u o [etup]||
p a [0wro]|u|
u o [9qeu]|t|
y [680r]|w|
0 [9qe]|||
e w [6e] 0 t||
6 0 t|
0 6 0 t||
[6p] 0 t| a
[3u] 7 w|u o
[6p] 0 [tp]| a
[3u] 7 w|u o
[2u]ou6 [0qt]| y
[6r]yr3 [89w]| 0
[2e]we6 q||
2 6 q|u o
[6p] 0 t| a
[3u] 7 w|u o
[6p] 0 [tp]| a
[3o] 7 [wu]|u o
[2u]ou6 [0qt]| y
[6r]yr3 [89w]| 0
[2e] 6 [0q]||
2 6 [0q]| w
[6e]we3 8| 3
6 3 8|u p
[3a] 7 w|u a
[6s] 3 8|u s
[2a]sa[6p] [qi]|o|
[6u] 3 8|u p
[3a] 7 w|u d
[6s]as3 8|u s
[2a]sa[6p] [qi]|o|
[3u] 7 w||
3 7 w| yuiu
[6u] 3 8||
6 3 8| 3
6 3 8| u
[6p] 0 t| a
[3u] 7 w|u o
[6p] 0 [tp]| a
[3u] 7 w|u o
[2u]ou6 [0qt]| y
[6r]yr3 [89w]| 0
[2e] 6 [0q]||
2 6 [0q]|u o
[6p] 3 8|p a
[3u] 7 w|u o
[6p] 3 [8p]| a
[3o] 7 [wu]|u o
[2u]ou6 [0qt]| y
[6r]yr3 [89w]| 0
[2e] 6 [0u]||
2 6 q| w
[6eu]yu3 8 o IoIy
[6u] 3 8|u p
[3a] 7 w|u a
[6s] 3 8|u s
[2a]sa[6p] [qi]|o|
[6u] 3 8|u p
[3a] 7 w|u d
[6s]as3 8|u s
[2a]sa[6p] [qi]|o|
[3u] 7 w||
3 7 w| iuyu
[6u] 3 8||
6 3 8||
6 3 8|u o
[6p] 0 t|p a
[3u] 7 w|u o
[6p] 0 t|p a
[3o] 7 [wu]|u o
[2u] 6 [0qt]| y
[6r] 3 [89w]| 0
[2e] 6 9 0 q e
y u i p d|
6 3 6 8 0 e
[6sj]Level: 6Length: 01:47IntermediateNocturne (Secret Garden)
Secret Garden
[is] | s | s | s | [ys] | s | s | s | [es] | s | s | s | s | s | s u s s f d s a [qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [ets] y s [t t] [ts] y [ts] r [ts] y s t s [t t] [us] y t r [qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [ets] y s [t t] [ts] y [ts] r [ts] y s t s t t u y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] s t s s e w [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] t s t s t t u y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qst] | s | s | s | [sqy9] | s | s | s | [sue] | s | s | s | [sute] | s | s | sLevel: 5Intermediate
w|y t 1 5 9 0|
w q 2 6 8 t||
[3w] 8|9|w|
[48q]||[59w]|y t
[1f] 5 9 0|t|
[2g] 6 0 q|t|
3 8|9 g f [0d] s
[48]||o|d s
1 5 9 [0o]||
o [2i] 6 [0u] [ti]|p|o 3 8 0 r|t|
o [qt]||[wto]|d s 1 5 9 [0o]|
t a [qs] [2d] 6 [0s] [qa]|s|o
3 8 r t|o s d [qtuf]|
p d [Wry] s a s
6 0 e r s [td] f a
5 7 0 w a [7s] d p
4 6 8 r p [ta] s o
3 [8i] 9 [wu]| u i
2 [6s] [0s] q|u i s|f g l||
u [5i] 9 [qd] [wd]|[ts]|d
wety| [5g]|g [8f]51 5 9 0 f [5g] [8h] [ws]
4 8 q w|[tp] s g
5 [9f] q [ws]|[rd] f [tf]
6 0 [ro] [tu] 5 0 [ws] [rh]
[3h] 8 [0g] [wf]|[rag] [tsf] [oh]
4 [8d] w e|r f [td]
[5wy] [9u] [qis] [wus] y [ta] s t
1 5 8 0 [7o] 5 [7d] [9a]
6 [3s] [7s] 8 o [wo] [td] [oa]
4 [8s] [qr] [ets]||f
[5g] 9 [qf] [rd] % [qs] r [ys]
6 [0d] r [tf]|d f g
2 6 [0g] [qf]| [us] [is]
3 8 [0o] [wo]||tw
4 8 [qa] [ws] t o a s h||
s d f d 1 5 9 0|
8 w q 2 6 9 t a s d a
3 [8o] 0 w|t|o
[qet]||[qwys] d f d
1 5 8 9|0 [qs] t
2 6 9 q| p o
3 8 0 w|t u y qwt| o|d s
1 5 9 [0o]|t|[wo]
[2i] 6 [0u] [qi]|[tp]|o
[39] 8 0 [wt]||
[qt] q e t [wyo] w [rd] [ys]
1 5 8 [9o]|0 a [qs]
[2d] 6 [0s] [qa]|s|o
3 7 8 w|r [ts] [od]
[qwtf]|p d [Wr] [ts] [ya] [us]
[6t] 0 e r s [td] f [ya]
[5r] 7 0 u a [rs] d [tp]
[4q] 8 q t p a s o
3 [8i] y [tu]|o u i
2 [6s] [0s] q|u i s
i f [ug] [tgl]|q|u
[5i] 9 [qd] [wd]|[ts] [yd] o
[hv]| ytr[wg]|g [wf]0
1 5 0 5 [0wf] g h [5s]
4 8 q 8 [qe] s s [8g]
5 [9f] e [rs] [wy] d f [0f]
6 0 [eu]|5 0 [wys] h
[3h] 8 [0g] [8f] [wt] [ag] [sf] [5h]
4 [8d] q 8 [et]|f [4d]
[5y] [9u] [qis] [wrus]|[ta] s [5t]
1 5 9 0 [7o] 5 [7d] [9a]
6 [3s] [8s] 3 [60o] o d [3oa]
4 [8s] [qr] [ets]||f
[5g] 9 [qrf] d % [qs] [ry] [os]
6 [0ad] e [rof]|[td] f g
2 6 [0g] [qf]|e s [ws]
3 8 [0o] [wo]|t a [ws]
4 8 w e|[td] f [qg]
3 [8f] 0 [wd] 7 [5s] 7 [9h]
4 8 w [es] s [ts] s [qa]
5 [9s] [wd] r|[ys] d [rf]
3 [7p] [0s] W % [7s] [0d] [rsf]
6 [0dg] r [tsf]|[uad] [ps] [eps]
4 [8ip] q e s [td] f [qp]
4 [8d] q W s [td] f [qg]
5 [9f] w [9g] t [rh] w [9h]
g|g f 8 w y u f g h s
q t i o s d f g
w [yf] p [ad]|s|d
e [uf] a s| s h
[3h] 8 [0g] [wf]|[tag] [sf] [wh]
4 [8d] w e|t f [qd]
5 9 [es] [rs]|[ys]|t
[18] 5 9 0 [7o] 5 [7d] [9oa]
6 [0us] [rus] t o [uo] d [6ea]
4 [8os] w [eos]|[tad] [sf] [4q]
[5pg] 9 [esf] [roh] % [0ad] W [ros]
6 [0ad] [rsf] t|u [id] [6eus]
[29] 6 [0pg] [qof]|t [is] [5wis]
[30] 8 [0uo] [wuo]|t|w
[4q] 8 [roa] [tus] y [td]sy u
o||s d f d 8 w y u||
9 e t|a s d [ia]
3 8 r [tos]|h|h
[qtos]||[wys] [od] f [od]
8 w y u|o s|
9 e y i| p o
0 t y o| u y
[qt] w r t o a s h [hl]vLevel: 6Length: 04:04IntermediateLove Sight (TXT)
[wt8] w w t w w t w w t w w [t60] w w t w w t w w t w w [t84] w w t w w [r75] w w r w w [wt8] w w t w w [w8]t||f d s [uts8] w w [ts] w w [ts] w [ws] [ts] [wd] [rf7] [tse6] w w t w w t w [wo] [ts] [wd] [wf5] [sq4] 8 q [tsqi] t 8 [wr95] 9 [ws] [ywso] 0 [y5] [wut8] w w [t8] w w [t8] w w [tof8] [wd] [ws] [utso8] w w [ts] w [wp] t w [wo] [ts] [wd] [rf7] [usoe6] w w t w w t w [wo] [ts] [wd] [wf5] [sqoi4] 8 [qp]o[tqi] t 8 [woa95] 9 [ws] [ywso] y [ws] [se6] w w t w w t w [ws] [so30] [wf] [th] [qh4]j8 q [tqji] thq [wda5] 9 [ws] [yoj] [wh] [wg5] [sofe6] 0 e [upfe]d[us] e [e6] 0 e [ywso] [wf5] [h9] [qh4]j8 q [tqji] thq [wda5] 9 [ws] [ywoj] [yh] [wg] [o81]sf8 w [tf8] w 8 [wo5]ad||df d s [se6]||[rd7]||[tf8]||l|k [sq4]gj| |[qO]sgH d d d sf[t8]d[ws] t u t w [t8] w t u t w [t8] w t u t w [t8] w t [uof] [td] [ws] [uso8] w t [us] t [wp] 8 w [to] [sr7] [wd] [rD]d[us6] 0 e t e 0 6 0 e [ws5] [d9] [wf] [soi4] 8 q [sie] q 8 [yoa5] 9 [ws] [sr] w [y9] [u8] w t u t w 8 w t [uof] [td] [ws] [uso8] w t [us] t ws[s8] w [ts]s[f7] [wh] [rh]sfj6 0 [je] [tf] ef[d0] [sof6] 0 [se] [u5]os[d9] [wf][pg]4 [s8] q [se]gj[qh] [g8] [ofa5] [d9] w [rd] [wd] [f9] [use6] 0 e [upe] u e 6 0 [sle][sl][sl30] [xf] [vh] [qljb4] 8 q [tqljib] thq [wda5] 9 [wsl] [yojb] [wvh] [wgc5] [xhfe6] 0 e [xupfe][zd][uslf] e [e6] 0 e [ywsolf] [xwf5] [vh9] [qljb4] 8 q [tqljib] thq [wda5] 9 [wsl] [ywojb] [yvh] [wgc] [xlhf81] 8 w [xtlhf8] w 8 [zwkhd5]||zZ z lj[fe6]jl||[rd7]hkz d [tf8]hlx|[xml]|[zn] [qj4]lcb|l c x [qH]lz|h h h fj4 [spg8][spg][sqpg][spg][spge] [sqpg] [tlj8] [khd5] [hda9][hda][whda][hda][rhda] [whda] [oda5] [sof6] [od0][od][oed][od][od7] [wod] [sro] [o8]sfh[wpg] [tof] [id3] [of7] [us0]p4 [sp8] q [spie] [sqpi] 8 5 [oda9][oda][woda][oda][roda] [woda] 5 6 [uso0][yod][yoed][yod][yod7] [ywod] [sro] [s8]fh[wpg] [tof][id][id3] [of7] [us0][tp]4 8 q [se] [qi] [d8] [oa5] 9 w a w 9 [da5]|||l l x v [vi]bs g [ljgb] v [zok]dh|l b v c [xplh] f j [xlj]zl|p f j [olh] [xd] [vh] [vi]bs g [ljgb] v [zok]dh|l b v c [xslh]||[xv]||[zok]dh| |l [plhe]||[zrha]|x [xtslh]||[vm]|n [qlib]||v||[iH]lz|d d d s [to8]sfds
Level: 7Length: 03:34IntermediateYou Are The Reason
Calum Scott
Leona Lewis