The Days

Avicii 10 September 2020

[uqf8] [oh] [oh] [80] [oh]|[uf] [oh]
[wpj9]|[oh] [uf80] [uf]|[yd]|
[qpe8] [ts] [ts] [pe80] [ts]|[ts] [pe]
[wuf9] [yd]|[yd]||[ts]
[uqf8] [oh] [oh] [80] [oh]|[uf] [oh]
[woh9] [pj] [pj] [ka80] [pj] [oh] [uf] [yd]
[qpe8] [ts] [ts] [pe80] [ts]|[ts] [pe]
[wuf9] [yd]|[yd]||[ts][yd]
[uqf8] [oh] [oh] [80] [oh]|[uf] [oh]
[wpj9]|[oh] [uf80] [uf]|[yd]|
[qpe8] [ts] [ts] [pe80] [ts]|[ts] [pe]
[wuf9] [yd]|[yd]||[ts]
[uqf8] [oh] [oh] [80] [oh]|[uf] [oh]
[wpj9]|[oh] [uf80] [oh][pj][sl]|[oh]
[qoh8][pj][sl] [sl] [pj80] [sl]|[sl] [pj]
[xwf9] [zd]|[zd]

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About This Music Sheet

The Days is a song by Avicii. Use your computer keyboard to play The Days music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:35, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song The Days is classified in the genre of Dance on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using EDM, Happy, House.


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Other Songs By Avicii

  • [euf] f f [euf] f ff[eu] p
    [euf] f f [euf] f ff[eu] s
    [wyd] s d [wys] d f [wyd] s
    [eup]| [eu]| [eu] f
    [euf] f f [euf] f ff[eu]|
    [euf] f f [euf] f ff[eu] s
    [wyd] s d [wys] d f [wyd] s
    [eus]| [eu]|s [eus] a
    [qtp] s|[qts] s s [qts] d
    [wtf] g f [wtd] f|[wt] s
    [wyd] s d [wys] d f [wyd] s
    [eup]| [eu]|s [eus] a
    [qtp] s|[qts] s s[qt] h
    [wtj] kj [wth] f|[wt]|
    [wyf] f f [wyf] s s [wyf] f [wyd]||
    s f h [qtj]| h j k j h [wtf]||
    f f s [wyd]| s d| s [euf] h||
    s f h [qtj]|j h j k j h [wtf]||
    f f s [wyd]| f h| j f| s g f d s
    [qtl] l hj[qtl] l l [qth]jl
    [wtl] l hj[wtl] l l [wth]jl
    [wyl] l hj[wyl] l l [wyh]jl
    [eul] l hj[wyl] l z [wyx]hj
    [qtl] l hj[qtl] l l [qth]jl
    [wtl] l hj[wtl] l l [wth]jl
    [wyl] l hj[wyl] l l [wyl] l
    [eul]| [uf] [ig] [uf] [yd] [ts]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:00
    The Nights (Avicii)


  • [i9][g] [i][g] [i][g][t6][s] [t][s] [t][s][t^][d] [y][d] [y][d][y8][f] [y][f] [y][f][iy9][g] [i][g] [i][y][te6][s] [t][s] [t][s][yE^][d] [y][d] [y][d][dut8][f] [u][f] [u][gp9] [gi][g][9][gpi][g9][gy][js6][t][f][f6][ftp][6][dp6][t][Pi^][y] [^][y] [^][y][8][u] [8][u][f][fo8][fu][gp9][i][g][g9][gpi][g9][gy][gy][js6][t][f][f6][ftp][6][dp6][t][Pi^][y] [^][y][^][so^][y][8][u] [8][u] [fo8][gu][gp9][i][f][f9][fpi][9][d9][dy][dp6][t][s][s6][sut][6][i6][it][i^][y][i][^][siy] [pi^][y][8][u] [8][u][fo8][gu][gp9][i][g9][gpi][g9][9][gy][g9][js6][t][f][f6][fpt][6][dp6][t][Pi^][y] [^][y] [^][y][8][u] [8][u][o8][fu][P5][hE][5][hP5][E][g][hP5][E][hp6][t][g][6][gpt][6][t][6][gP^][hyP^][y][g][hP^][y][js8][u][g][8][gsu][8][u][8][siq][8][i][jsq][i][8][jd9][i][9][i][jd][j9][jdi][9][h9][hfsi][8][u] [8][u] [8][u][jf][lhfu] [zgd92][q][zgd][92][zgdq][92][zdg92][zgd6][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][gsp][6][8][gdP^][9][gdP][^][gdP9][0][hdP^][jfs9][81][0][81][jfs0][lfs][81][jfs0][zgd92][q][92][92][zgdq][zgd][92][zgd6][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][gsp][6][8][gdP^][9][gdP][^][gdP9][hP][^][jfs9][81][0][go81][gso0][gso81][fo0][Po5][^lhd][5][5][jdP][5][2][hsp6][8][6][gsp6][8][fp6][gp8][8][Pi^][9][lgd][^][9][jdP][^][9][hfs81][0][81][jfs0][lfs][81][0][zgd92][q][zgd][92][zgdq][zgd92][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][8][gsp][6][8][gdP^][9][gdP][^][gdP9][hP^][9][jfs9][81][jfs][8][js][Jfs][8][jfs][js][js92][9][hdp92][92][lgse9][9][fpq9][jgd][9][gdpe9][hsp][06][gsi][06][hsie0][hsie6][dP^][lgdEq][6][dPq^][jdP][Eq][gP][gsp81][81][gsp][gsptw][Jfsw8][8][jfstw][hs][hdp92][lgs9][fPq9][gdPe9][hso6][e0][gsi][06][fu][gsie0][dP^][^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][hso81][tw][gsi][w8][fsu][gsitw][tw][6][9][gp9][ge][9][g][gpi][ge][g][js6][6][f0][f][fpt][6][di0][^][q][y][8][8][fq][su][8][w][t][s][fw][g][gp9][9][ge][g][gpi][9][ge][g][js6][6][f0][f][fpt][0][gp0][Pi^][iq][^][iy][dg][su][8][w][t][jw][J][Jd9][9][je][j][jdi][he][h][hs6][6][g0][g][gpt][0][gP^][gq][JPy][q][js][8][w][t][fw][g][gp9][9][ge][gpi][9][ge][g][g][js6][6][f0][f][fpt][gp0][0][Pi^][iq][iy][dg][8][su][8][w][jftw][lhftw][9][zgd92][q][zgd][92][zgdq][zgd92][9][zgd6][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][gsp][6][8][gdP^][9][gdP][^][gdP9][9][hdP^][jfs9][81][0][81][jfs0][lfs][81][jfs0][zgd92][q][92][zgdq][zgd92][zgd][6][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][gsp][6][8][gdP^][9][gdP][^][gdP9][hP^][9][jfs9][9][81][0][go81][gso0][gso81][fo0][Po5][^][lhd][5][^][jdP][5][2][hsp6][8][gsp6][8][fp6][gp8][Pi^][9][lgd][^][9][jdP][^][9][hfs81][0][81][jfs0][lfs][81][zgd92][92][zgd][92][zgdq][zgd92][92][zgd6][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][gsp][6][8][gdP^][9][gdP][^][gdP9][hP^][9][jfs9][81][jfs][js][js][Jfs][9][jfs][9][hs][hdp92][lgse9][fpq9][gdpe9][hsp6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][gP][gsp81][gsp][gsptw][8][Jfsw8][8][jfstw][hs][hdp92][9][lgse9][fpq9][9][jgd][gdpe9][hso6][6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][0][lgdEq][dPq^][j][Eq][dP][81][jfs][tw][jfs][Jfsw8][8][jfstw][hs][hdp92][lgse9][fpq9][jgd][gdpe9][hsp6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][gP][gsp][8][gsptw][Jfsw8][8][jfstw][hs][hdp92][lgse9][9][fpq9][jgd][9][gdpe9][hso6][e9][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][gso81][sotw][fso][w8][soutw][fPoy][h] [h] [g][h] [hspi][g][g] [g]| [gdPi][h] [h] [g][h] [jfso][g][g]|[spit]|[j]|[j]| [piy][j][l] [j][j] [hout]|| [jf] [lhf][zgd92][q][zgd][92][zgdq][zgd92][6][zgd6][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][gsp][68][gdP^][^][gdP][^][gdP9][9][hdP^][jfs9][81][0][81][jfs0][lfs][81][jfs0][zgd92][q][92][zgdq][zgd92][92][zgd6][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][gsp][68][gdP^][9][gdP][^][gdP9][hP^][^][9][jfs9][81][0][go81][gso0][gso81][fo8][Po5][^][lhd][5][^][jdP][5][2][hsp6][8][gsp][6][8][fp6][gp8][Pi^][9][lgd][^][9][jdP][^][9][hfs81][0][8][jfs0][lfs][81][0][zgd92][q][zgd92][92][zgdq][zgd92][6][zgd6][6][lfs8][6][gsp8][gsp][6][8][gsP^][9][gsP][^][gsP9][h^][9][jfs9][81][jfs][js][js][Jfs][9][jfs][9][hs][hdp92][lgse9][gpq9][jgd][gdpe9][hsp6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][gP][gsp81][81][gsp][gsptw][Jfsw8][8][jfsw8][hs][hdp92][lgse9][fpq9][jgd][9][gdpe9][hso6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][gP][81][gsp][gsp][gsptw][Jfsw8][8][jfstw][hs][hdp92][lgs92][fpq9][jgd][gdpe9][hso6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][gP][81][jfs][tw][jfs][Jfsw8][8][jfstw][hs][hdp92][lgse9][fpq9][jgd][gdpe9][hsp6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][Eq][gP][gsp81][gsp][gsptw][8][Jfsw8][8][jfstw][hs][hdp92][lgse9][fpq9][jgd][gdpe9][hso6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][si][gso81][hso][hsotw][tw][hsow8][8][fsotw][gpi][92][lgse9][fpq9][jgd][gdpe9][hsp6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][si][gso81][gso][gsotw][gsow8][8][fsotw][gpi][92][lgse9][fpq9][jgd][gdpe9][hsp6][e0][gsi][06][fsu][gsie0][dP^][lgdEq][dPq^][jdP][Eq][si][gso81][hso][hsotw][hsow8] [fso] [gpi][4]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:35
    Lonely Together


  • O P P P P P P P Y P P P P P P P I O I O I O P O I Y | P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P I O I O I O P O I I | I I i Y I | I I I I O P P P O P | I O O O I O P O I Y | I I i Y I | I I S D g D S P | P P P P I I I P O | G J L Z | L Z c Z L J | J J G H | G H | G J L | G J L Z | L Z c Z L J | J J G H | J L Z | J G k J H G D S D k D S D | P P P I O | I O | I P S | I P S D | S D g D S P | P P I O | P S D P S D G G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G | H J S D G G G | SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G SDG G G H H J P P I O | I O
    Level: 3
    Length: 01:53
    The Nights



  • [utpe6]| 6| 6| 6| [wr50]| 5| 5| 5| [utpe4]| 4| 4| 4| [ye30]| 3| W| 3| [uspf6]| 6| 6| 6| [wur50]| 5| 5| 5| [uspf4]| 4| 4| 4| [yue30]| 3| W|e|r|t| [uspf6]|t|r|t|y|t|r|[ztd] [sl] [ka5]|t|r|t|e|t|r|[utf]| [a4] h k|t|r|[tpjg]|y|t|r|[tka] [sl] [zd3]|y|t|[srl] [ka] [ufW0]|[eQ]|[rW]|[te0]| [f6] j l x t|r|t|y|t|r|[tjgc] [xjf] [zjd5]|t|r|[tsl] [ka] [ufe]|t|r|[utf]| [a4] h k|t|r|[tpjg]|y|t|r|[tka] [sl] [zd3]|y|t|[srl] [ka] [ufW0]|[eQ]|[rW]|[te0]| 6|[ute60]|[xuspljf]| 6| | 5|[yur50]|[yxofa]| [te]|[yr]|[ut]|[yr]| [te4]|[yrq8]|[xutljf]|[yr]|[te]|[yr]|[ut]|[yr]| [te5]|[ywr0]|[xuthf]|[yr]|[te]|[yr]|[ut]|[yr]| [ut6]|0|[sfe]|t|[usj]|e|t|0| 5|0|[rf]|w|[ukd]|r|[lf]|w| [sj4]|0|t|e|u|t|[sfe]|t| [da5]|0|r|w|[usp30]|y|[uaWO]|[yr]| 6|e|[tsf]|u|[utsj]|[yr]|[xutf]|[yr]| [nk5]|0|[rf]|w|[tked]|[yr]|[utlf]|[yr]| [sj4]|0|[xfe]|t|[ujb]|t|[xulfe]|t| [d92] j z|[yr]|[yi]|[yr]|[slfe6]|[ut]|[yaW] d k|r| [p6] s f j [ut]|[ur]|[ut]|[yu]|[ut]|[ur]|[ut]| 5|[ut]|[ur]|[ut] j x b [ue]|[ut]|[ur]|[ut]| 4|[ut]|[ur]|[ut] j l x b [yut]|[ut]|[ur]|[ut]| [yqW3]|[yqW]|t|r|[W30]|[eQ]|[rW]|[te]| 6| e u p s f j l j|6| 6| 5| w y o s f j l j|5| 5| 4| e t u p s f j l j|4| 4| 5| e t u p s f j l j|5| 5| [xmb6]|[uts]|[ura]|[uts]|[yud]|[uts]|[ura]|[utscb] [xb] [z5]|[uts]|[ura]|[utsml] [nk] [xupfe]|[uts]|[ura]|[xutsf]| [k4] v n|[uts]|[urjcba]|[uts]|[yud]|[uts]|[ura]|[utsnk] [ml] [z3]|[yud]|[uts]|[urmla] [nk] [fWH0]|[jeQG]|[rkfWH0]|[tljfe0]| [spjf6]|[slfe] u [pkfa] u [tslf] e [zd0] 8 [slf60] e [kfa0] [80] [ze0] [ml0] [nk5] 2 [slf5] y [oka] y [srl] o [ypj] w [sol] y [oka] y [xrf] y [k4] v n 1 [tsl] i [tkfa] e [sqlf] i [ztd] e [slif] t [kfea] q [nki] [mle] [z3] 7 [zd3] u [sl] u [ka] W [uO0] W [peQI] W [uraO0]|W|[utsp0]|e|t| 6| s t u a r u s t u d y u s t u a r u s t u 5| s t u a r u s t u p e u s t u a r u s t u 4| s t u a r u s t u d y u s t u a r u s t u [d30] y u s t u a r u p e u [s0] r u p r u a O a s||| [utp6]| e t u p s f j l j|6
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:49
    Sorrow Without Solace (Final Fantasy XV)

    Yoko Shimomura

  • [sup] | [sup] | [ayo] a s [ato] | p [tip] | e s [sup] s [ado] a o [ato] p [tip] | o t u [wtu] u [eyi] o p o | [etu] | t | e [wy]utu | yutu | tyutyutyutu | tyut [wtu] | [wty]ut[wtu] | t[wty]utyutyut[wtu] | r r r r r r r r | r r r r y T ree | e u e e | r t r e w | r r r r r r r r r r y T ree w | e u e e | r t r e w [ru] | [qwet] | [wery] | ooo o o p p | [ru] | [qwet] | [wery] | a o o o u yte [ru] | [qwet] | [wery] | ooo o o o o p a o p | u t y | e | [sup] | [sup] | [ayo] a s [ato] | p [tip] | [ayo] [sup] e s [sup] s [ado] a o [ato] p [tip] | o t u [wtu] u [eyi] o p o | [etu] | t | e [wy]utu | yutu | tyutyutyutu a [sup] | [sup] | [ayo] a s [ato] | p [tip] | [ayo] [sup] e s [sup] s [ado] a o [ato] p [tip] | o [wtu] | u [wtu] u [eyi] o p o | [etu] | t | e [wy]utu | yutu | tyutyutyutu | [etu] | t | [ey] | aa[ato] a [sip] a [ryp] | [etu] | t | [ey] | op[sip] | [tip]o[tu] | [wtu] | [qet] | [ety] | u [etu] u [eti] o p [tuo] | [wtu] | [suo] | [sfo] | [sfh] | [af] | [sup] | [ayo] a a [ato] | p [tip] | [ayo] [sup] e s [sup] s [ado] a o [ato] p [tip] | o [wtu] | u [wtu] u [eyi] o p o | [etu] | t | e [wy]utu | yutu | tyutyutyutu | [eru] | [qwet] | [wery] | [wt0]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:50
    No Tears Left To Cry

    Ariana Grande

  • 8888887777777777555555666 t t t [o850] t t y||| t y [u750]iut||| tt[qo86] t||| yyyy uyyt [850]||| t [o850] t t y||| ty[u750]iuuyt||| tt[qo86] t||| yyyy u yt [850]| yyyy uyyt [850]|| yyy yoou [w80] ouo uo p|| [w80] w0w 0w e| wq[e80] u o ppiu|| [e80] u o ppiu ttt[qoe8] u u y tu u[wur9] yy yyy yy t [w80]|| yyy yy t| | yyy yy t
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:13
