Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul)

Ling Tosite Sigure 5 September 2020
  • TYPE
  • transposition

l [pfhz] l k j z [isf] l k j j [odh] g g h f [eua] s p u f [qf] t p f [isf] x x [ead] u e [ps] u s l [wyk] k [odk] l l e u a s p u l [qz] t [pl] [fk] [sj] p z e [ul] a [sk] [aj] p j [wh] y o [pg] [ag] h f e u a s p u [ef] [qf] t [pf] [if] p [sx] [fx] e u a s p u [el] [wyok] k k l l w t y o s d h l z v m a [60tus] s [eus] t [os] f [4qf] d [qud] e t s [5wd] s [ya] o y u 8 w r y t 0 a [6s] 0 t s s u [ts] o f [4qpf] d [qtd] [es] i [5waf] d [wyd] r [oa] [uos] 8 w y u t w o [4qo] u u u [qy] u u [4q] o [6o] 0 r u u u [ty] u u e o [5wo] u u u [5wty] [5wty] [5wry] f x [5wdz] [4qfjlx] [dz] [qdz] [tudz] [sl] [4q] [ak] [5wak] [sl] [wryak] [woah] 5 [oh] [6fjlx] 0 t [dz] [euodz] [sfhl] [6e] [sfhl] [3wafhk] [sfhl] [0ryhkzv] [ak] [30] [sl] [4qjlxb] [hlxv] [eufhx] [sfhl] [4q] [sfl] [5wsl] [ak] [ropj] [ak] [5w] [sl] 6 0 e r t e u [ts] [0ya] [ws] [ya] o y f [4fx] [qdz] [dz] e [tdz] [udz] [sl] [sl] t [esl] [5ak] 9 [sl] w [eak] r [woah] y [roah] [6fx] [0dz] [dz] e [rdz] [tdz] [esfl] [sfl] u [tsfl] [3afk] 0 [sfl] 0 [ryhkxv] [0ak] 7 [3sl] [4qjlxb] 8 [hlxv] q [efhx] [usfl] [4q] [sfl] [5wsfl] [ak] [ropj] [ak] [5w] [sfl] [4q] [8p] [qs] [ef] [tp] [us] f p [6f] [0p] [ts] [ed] [up] [ts] [ed] [0p] [5d] [9o] [wa] [rs] [yo] [wa] y [dz] [6fx] 0 [dz] e [rsl] t [rak] e [sfhl] 4 8 q e [tl] x m q [kn] [whkv] y o [pgkc] [hkv] a [gkc] [efx] u a s p u e [0yoa] w r y r s [4qd] s d s [qtd] s d [eu] s [6a] 0 t a a a [eua] a s [to] s [5wd] s d s [wyd] s d o s [6a] 0 t a a a [etua] a s [to] [sl] [4qdz] [sl] [dz] [qetlm] [etuz] [lm] z [qt] [sl] [6edz] [sl] [dz] [eulm] [toz] [lm] z [eu] [sl] [5wdz] [sl] [dz] [wylm] [yoz] [5wlm] [6ezx] [lxm] p u [6elxm] [ekn] [5whlv] [4qjlxb] q [ipsf] i s f w y o p [ahkz] o [eoad] u p [phkz] f [shz] [hz] 0 r [ol] [uk] a o [df] [qk] t o p s f [wj] y o p [ah] g [esf] u a d s p u 0 r u [oad] u r 0 [qd] t i o p i [td] q [O0ad] r u r [WOa] u r [Oa] [ea] u t s p u e [Qa] y I p [yo] [qu] t i p s i p s f h j l v b m [wyosd] [yoa] [5w] o [4qo] u u u y u u o [60to] u u u y t t o [5wo] u u u y u u o [6o] 0 r u u u [ty] t t e h [4qh] f f [qtf] [eud] f f [4q] h [60th] f f f [tuod] f f [6e] h [5wh] f f [wryf] [wryod] [wryod] [wyofx] c x x [is] m n [odn] m n v x [pf] m m [uan] m n m [is] m m [odm] n b n m [pfh] l [uadk] l k h f [ix] [sz] z f [iz] [sz] [fl] l i [sl] [ok] d l h [ok] d h o [df] [px] [fz] z h [pz] [fz] [hl] l p [fl] [uk] a l d [uv] a [dk] u [al] [ib] s v f [ix] [sl] f i [sl] [ol] d [hk] j o [yk] w [hjl] 4 q q [etops] q 8 4 [5wos] w y [ryoa] w 9 [5sl] [6dz] [6sl] [0tdfz] [esfl] u [dz] [30] [0fhkx] [0ryoad] 0 7 [3sl] [4qjb] [hv] [etufhx] [sfl] q [sfl] [5wjb] [hv] [wryfhx] [sfl] [ryo] [sfl] [6ejb] [hv] [tuofhx] [sfl] [6e] [3sfl] [30jv] [hv] [wryfhx] [sfl] [30] [sgl] [4dgjz] [sgjl] [dgjz] [qtsgjl] [tpdgjz] [sgjl] [dgjz] [4q] [sgjl] [5ak] [wsgl] [ryoadk] [woah] 5 [oah] [6fjlx] [dz] [dz] 6 0 t [dz] [euodz] [sfl] [sfl] [6e] [sfl] [3afhk] [sfl] [0ryhkv] [30ak] 3 [sl] [4jlxb] [hlv] [etifhx] [sfl] [4q] [sfl] [5sfl] [ak] [pj] [ak] [sfl] 4 f [ip] [ts] [qf] p s [6f] 0 t p s [euof] p s [ef] p [5wd] o a [wryd] o a [wd] o [6f] 0 t p s [euf] p s [0ef] [sl] [4qdz] 8 [qsl] e [tak] e q t [6f] [0p] [ts] [ef] [up] [ts] [ef] [0sl] [5wdz] 9 [wsl] r [yofjx] r w 9 [6f] [0p] [ts] [ef] [up] [ts] [uf] f [qf] t [if] [of] p [ix] x e u a s p u l [wohk] [hk] [hk] l l

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About This Music Sheet

Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul) is a song by Ling Tosite Sigure. Use your computer keyboard to play Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:37, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul) is classified in the genres: Japan, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Horror, Tokyo Ghoul.


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Other Songs By Ling Tosite Sigure

  • euas h f|||[kd] hh d d| as[ed]uas|hf| sod [ea]yuo| sp|||60rt u o| t y|48we y o p s aop[f6]0ertrw[ed][uoed6] 09[ohd]0|[sqoh4]|[spj]|[yod] [30][uof]|[ura]| [utsp962]|||[yd]| [oh]| [ka]|||p [f6]3[d7][d8] 0s[wd]|fd s|[f4]1[d5][d6] [s8] [s0]| f [d5]2[d5][s8]|[d9][a7]2 [a5]p[w7] op[962]|6 69w[Q62] 6 [e9] p [sf6]0[rd][ted] [ut][sp][utpd]|[up][up][e80][sp] p[sf4]8[wsh][sqhe] [te]j[utsfe]s 0 [860] [sf] [sf5]9[eda][wrda] [ywr]s[yso]|[oa]s[w9][da]|[oea96]| 6 [s9][wp][Q62]| [te9] 6 [pe2] 6[q9] e[tsq9][uf9][yd3] 70[wra0] 7 [pe2] 6[q9] e[tsq9][uf9][yd3] 70[wroh0] 7 [uf2] 69[qe9] [pe] [yqpje]| [ka974]| [ka730] 70rupa[kaWO30] [uf]|[sl]|[ka4]8qet [sl][ka][a5]9wry [sl][ka][a6]0e[tpj][utfe]psf[upjf] [ts] [e860][sl]|[ka4]8qe[tqe]e[usl][tka][a5]9wr[ywroh] [975][pj][uf6] 0e[te]e[ut]e[utp] [ts]|[sl]|[ka4]8qet [sl][zd][d3]70e[rka]| [ka6]0rt[ute] [sl][pj][p5]0rt[uto] [pj] [xf4]8q[ztqed][ztqed] [sl] [qpj4]8qe[tqohe] [pj] [pj3]70rupap[ka0]WruO|[30]| [ke]uas hl[jf]|||[kd] hh d d|||euas h f|||[zd]|||0et[r4]14414[t4][r4]525525[t5][r5]63[e6][60]3680[e80] 8 [860]t|[te4]14414[te4]4[yr5]255[ut2]555[wr6]3[r6]t[u6]o[a3]6[t6]6[e60] 6et[to]|[yr4]14414[ut4]4[wr5]2[t5][yr5][r2]5[yo5]5[ya6]3[a6]s[a6]p[f3]s[a6]p[j6]f[s6]p[l6]j[f3]s[p6]u[y6][y3][u6][e6][t6][yr4]14414[ut4][yr4]4| [y864]uet[y5]25525[t5][o5]5| [yw97]| [ur63] 70eruoa h k| [je]usfd|||[je]oskh|||[je]osfd|||z|||[upf]|[slj]|[kfa4]8q[jeb][tjb] [slf][kfa]59w[rnk][ynk] [slf][kfa][fa6]0[ue]p[spe]f[utje0]lxnbxlj[xtpe]ljf[tso] [e860][slj]|[qkfa4]8qe[tqe]e[uslf][tkfa][w5]9wr[ywrohd] [975][pj][uspfe6] 0e[te]e[ut]e[utp] [tso]|[slj]|[kfa4]8[tq]eut[slfe][zthd][d3]70[e0][rkfa]ur0[kfa6]0[ue]tou[tsl][spojf][utpe]tete0[wspjf5] [xjf4]8q[ztqjed][ztqjed] [sl] [sqpj4]8qe[tsqohe] [spj] [spjf3]70rupap[kfa0]WruO|[30]| [qkfa84] et i[sl][pj]e tu[uka]| [ka730] er[uf] o [zd]| [r70]| euas h f|||[qd]fp| d q| d [wpd]|||f| j| k| fjkx

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:02
    Wanderers (Tokyo Ghoul)

    Ling Tosite Sigure

  • l z|l|k j|z| l|k j|h h| g g|h f||| f [qf] t [if] [pf] [sf]f[xgf] [xs] p [xq] t i o p o p [ol] [wk] y [ok] [pk] a k p [lj] e u p a s k a k [zqg] t [li] p [sk] [jg] s [zph] q t [li] o [pk] [oj] p [oh] [wh] y [og] [pg] a p [ha] [pf] e u p a s f a f [uf4] 8 [qf] [wf] ef[xf] [xwf]| 4 8 q e t i t [le] [k5] 9 [wk] [ke] r l [le]
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:36
    Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul)

    Ling Tosite Sigure


  • o| [f8] w t u [d7] 9 w [rf] [s6] 0 e r t e [wr]| [qj] 8 e t [wh] 9 w [rj] [fe] 0 e r t e 0 8 [tf] w t u [d7] 9 w [h9] [s6] 0 e r t e [ur]| [qj] 8 e t [wk] 9 r [h9] [je] 0 e r t [sqj] 8 e q t q [lig] q [wkd] 9 w r o 9 [wha] 9 [sqj] 8 e q t q [lig] q [wkd] 9 w r o 9 w 9 [sqj] 8 e q t q [lig] q [wkd] 9 w r o [rk] [wl] [z9] [qljg] 8 e t i [ql] [ze] [xq] [wh][zr][yv] o| [tsf] w t u [wda] 9 w [yf] [sp6] 0 e r t e [wr]| [qjg] 8 e t [whd] 9 w [rj] [sfe] 0 e r t 0 u 0 [sf8] w t u [da7] 9 w [rh] [sp6] 0 e r t e [wr]| [qjg] 8 e t [wkh] 9 r [h9] [jfe] 0 e r t e 0 6 [qjg] 8 e q [wkh] 9 w [rh] [jfe] 0 e r t 0 u 0 [qjg] 8 e q [wkh] 9 w [rh] [sjf6] 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 [fe][tj][ul]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:24
    Alone (Naruto)

    Toshio Masuda

  • [ts] f h k [pl] k h f [si] g h l [oh]||ty[t8] u o a s apop o [30] d dss a s apopo[q4] ips dff d sp [W%] fhfds d s Oo [ws5] d a sp a [p0]O [fe6] dds s a s [WO%]|[wut] ops h [wihT]h g||[tqfe] fdss p [tqWO] f d|[whda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][whfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][shfe][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf]9[yd][yd][yd][yd][yd][yd] [yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [utp5] 5 5o[I5][ro][o5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] [hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] 9[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [utp5] 5 5o[I5][ro][o5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] [hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] 9[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] 5 [hda5] 5 5 3 [hfa3] 3 3 [khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] [aI2] 2 [pI2] 2 5 [hda5] 5 5 3 [hfa3] 3 3 [khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] [aI2] 2 [pI2] 2 [hda5] 5 5 5|[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2]2[whda5]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:24
    All I Want For Christmas Is You (Expert)

    Mariah Carey

  • d[155]f[164]G[166]f[164]G[301]d[155]f[165]G[165]f[165]G[300]d[155]f[164]G[166]f[165]G[232]j[158]h[164]G[165]f[156]d[154]f[417]d[156]f[165]G[166]f[165]G[300]d[154]f[170]G[165]f[165]G[300]d[156]f[165]G[164]f[165]G[233]j[157]h[163]G[166]f[158]d[152]f[418]d[155]f[165]G[164]f[166]G[300]d[155]f[165]G[165]f[165]G[300]d[156]f[164]G[165]f[165]G[233]j[155]h[165]G[165]f[158]d[152]f[419]d[155]f[164]G[165]f[166]G[299]d[155]f[166]G[164]f[166]G[300]d[154]f[166]G[165]f[165]G[233]j[155]h[165]G[165]f[155]d[156]f[604]f[933]s[1061]p[1289]o[323]p[323]s[1364]a[324]s[323]d[1060]g[942]G[1071]d[1061]a[1363]p[323]a[323]d[1237]f[756]k[1660]d[155]f[164]G[166]f[164]G[301]d[155]f[165]G[165]f[165]G[300]d[155]f[164]G[166]f[165]G[232]j[158]h[164]G[165]f[156]d[154]f[417]d[156]f[165]G[166]f[165]G[300]d[154]f[170]G[165]f[165]G[300]d[156]f[165]G[164]f[165]G[233]j[157]h[163]G[166]f[158]d[152]f[418]d[155]f[165]G[164]f[166]G[300]d[155]f[165]G[165]f[165]G[300]d[156]f[164]G[165]f[165]G[233]j[155]h[165]G[165]f[158]d[152]f[419]d[155]f[164]G[165]f[166]G[299]d[155]f[166]G[164]f[166]G[300]d[154]f[166]G[165]f[165]G[233]j[155]h[165]G[165]f[155]d[156]f[604]f[933]s[1061]p[1289]o[323]p[323]s[1364]a[324]s[323]d[1060]g[942]G[1071]d[1061]a[1363]p[323]a[323]d[1237]f[756]k[1660]j[182]G[182]j[172]k[174]j[342]j[182]G[182]j[172]k[174]j[342]j[182]G[182]j[173]k[172]j[355]L[333]k[333]L[333]j[182]G[182]j[172]k[174]j[342]j[182]G[182]j[172]k[174]j[342]j[181]G[182]j[173]k[172]j[173]k[182]H[334]j[322]k[323]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[323]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[323]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[333]Z[323]L[324]Z[332]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[323]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[323]k[182]H[183]k[182]H[182]k[181]L[174]J[332]k[333]L[334]j[182]G[182]j[172]k[174]j[342]j[182]G[182]j[172]k[174]j[342]j[182]G[182]j[173]k[172]j[355]L[333]k[333]L[333]j[182]G[182]j[172]k[174]j[342]j[182]G[182]j[172]k[174]j[342]j[181]G[182]j[173]k[172]j[173]k[182]H[334]j[322]k[323]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[323]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[323]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[333]Z[323]L[324]Z[332]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[323]k[182]H[182]k[182]L[182]k[323]k[182]H[183]k[182]H[182]k[181]L[174]J[332]k[333]L[334]j[323]j[172]j[324]j[171]h[324]l[322]f[324]g[323]d[172]g[323]g[172]f[323]g[324]h[322]j[323]j[173]j[322]j[172]h[324]l[323]f[324]g[172]d[172]g[476]g[172]f[323]s[323]s[344]j[323]j[172]j[324]j[171]h[324]l[322]f[324]g[323]d[172]g[323]g[172]f[323]g[324]h[322]j[323]j[173]j[322]j[172]h[324]l[323]f[324]g[172]d[172]g[476]g[172]f[323]s[323]s[344]h[933]h[172]g[182]D[333]g[324]d[1246]D[333]g[323]h[942]D[639]g[182]D[182]d[1846]h[1246]D[333]g[182]D[182]d[1246]D[334]g[323]h[942]D[638]g[182]D[182]d
    Level: 6
    What Angel Wakes Me

    Masayoshi Soken