02:05 -
[8s] o p u [8s] o p u
[5ryo][ryo] [ryo][ryo] [ryo] [5ryo]| 5|
o[8u]i[wo] [8o] wo[qp]a[es] [qs] e [8u]i[wo] [8o] [wo]
[qp]o[ei] [qi] W [8u] [0o] [6t] [0u] [9y] [qi] 5 [9r]
[8t] 0 5 0 8| [580]|
o[8u]i[0wo] [8o] [0w]o[qp]a[ets] [qs] [et]
[8u]i[0wo] [8o] [0wo] [qp]o[eti] [qi] [Wt]
[8u] [0o] [6t] [0u] [9y] [qi] 5 [9r] [8t] 0 5 w 8|
[80w] s [80wd] s [80wa] s [8qep] p [8qe] s [8qed] s [8qea] s [8qep]|
[8qe] d [Q9ef] d [9eQS] d [9wra] a [W9ra] as[0etd] s [Q9ea] p [9wro]| [5o]|
o[8u]i[wo] [8o] wo[qp]a[es] [qs] e
[8u]i[wo] [8o] [wo] [qp]o[ei] [qi] W
[8u] [0o] [6t] [8u] [9y] [6i] 5 [9a] [8s] 0 5 9 8| [1l]
About This Music Sheet
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town is a song by J. Fred Coots. Use your computer keyboard to play Santa Claus Is Coming to Town music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:05, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Santa Claus Is Coming to Town is classified in the genre of Christmas Songs on Virtual Piano.
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Level: 6Length: 02:38IntermediateSpirited Sailing Stories (Wynncraft)
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Tu Scendi dalle Stelle
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Level: 5Length: 02:46IntermediateTrilobyte (Rogue Legacy)
A Shell in the Pit