
Leonard Cohen 10 September 2020

8 w t u t 7
6 0 e t e 6
8 w t u t 7
6 0 e t e [u6]
[o8] w [to] [uo] t [o7]
[p6] [p0] [pe] t e [u6]
[o8] w [to] [uo] t [o7]
[p6] [p0] [pe] t e [o6]
[p4] 8 [qp] e [qp] [p4]
[p5] 9 [wo] [ro] w [i5]
[o8] w t [uo] t 8
5 9 w r w [u9]
[uo8] w [uto] [uo] t [uo8]
[i4]p 8 [qi]p [oa5] 9 [wo]
[us6] 0 [use] [uts] e [us6]
[us4] 8 [usq] [ed] q [s4]
[pd5] 9 [wd] r w [d5]
[d0]f r u [faO]|d
[d6] 0 e [tsp] e 0
6 0 e [ut] e [o6]
[p4] 8 q [pe] q 8
4 8 q [pe] q [o4]
[u6] 0 e [ut] e 0
6 0 e [ut] e [o6]
[p4] 8 q [pe] q 8
4 8 q [pe] q [o4]
[u1] 5 [i8] 0 [u8] [y5]
5 9 w r [wt] [r5]
[e6]| |
8 w t u t 7
6 0 e t e [u6]
[o8] w [to] [uo] t [o7]
[p6] [p0] [pe] t e [u6]
[o8] w [to] [uo] t [o7]
[p6] [p0] [pe] t e [o6]
[p4] 8 [qp] e [qp] [p4]
[p5] 9 [wo] [ro] w [i5]
[o8] w t [uo] t 8
5 9 w r w [u9]
[uo8] w [uto] [uo] t [uo8]
[i4]p 8 [qi]p [oa5] 9 [wo]
[us6] 0 [use] [uts] e [us6]
[us4] 8 [usq] [ed] q [s4]
[pd5] 9 [wd] r w [d5]
[d0]f r u [faO]|d
[d6] 0 e [tsp] e 0
6 0 e [ut] e [o6]
[p4] 8 q [pe] q 8
4 8 q [pe] q [o4]
[u6] 0 e [ut] e 0
6 0 e [ut] e [o6]
[p4] 8 q [pe] q 8
4 8 q [pe] q [o4]
[u1] 5 [i8] 0 [u8] [y5]
5 9 w r [wt] [r5]
[pf] j k l x jlxb

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About This Music Sheet

Hallelujah is a song by Leonard Cohen. Use your computer keyboard to play Hallelujah music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:54, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Hallelujah is classified in the genres: Canada, Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Gospel.

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    Other Songs By Leonard Cohen

    • [18tu] 1 8 [tu] [18] [7rt] [6e] 6 e [tu] [6e] [7r] [18] [1w] 8 [tu] [18]w[7r] [6et] 6 e [6eu] [5w]7u [1o] 5 [0o] [8o] w [7o] [6tup] [0p] [tp] 6 0 [7u] [8uo] w [tuo] [uo] w [7o] [6p] 0 [tp] [6p] [0o] [6o] [4tip] [8p] e 4 8 [eo] [5p] 9 [wo] [5ro] [9i] [wo] [8tuo] [wo] t 8 0 q [5w] 9 7 [5ry] w u [8o] w [to] [8o] w o [qp] e p [wa] r o [6us] [0s] [tus] [6s] 0 [tp] [qips] [ts] [yid] t q [ts] [5yd] [9d] [rod] [5d] 9 [rd] [%Ouf] 0 [rf] [%f] [0d] [rd] [6d] [0s] [ts] 6 0 e t 0 e [6f] 0 [5h] [4sj] 8 e [sj] e 8 4 8 e [pj] e [8oh] [6uf] 0 t [upf] t 0 6 0 t [uf] 0 [5oh] [4pj] 8 e [pj] e 8 4 8 e [pj] e [oh] [8uf] w t [uf] [ig] [uf] [7yd] w y [oh] w s [8s] w t u t w 6 0 e [tu] e [7tu] 8 w t [18u] t [7rw] [6e] w t [6wetu] 7[rtu] [18to] w [0to] [8to] w [7rto] [6etp] e [0tp] 6 e [7u] [18to] w [5to] [0to] w [8o] [6p] 0 p [0p] e [5o] [4tp] 8qetiteqet[5o]twtot[wo]tiw[5o]w [1o]w[0o]w0w[1o] [w3] [w4] w[5wo]wywrw wq757 [1tuo]w0w[tuo]w[tuo]w0w[tuo]w [4p]eqe[tp]e[5a]rwror [6us]t[us]t[eus]t[0us]t6t[0p]t [4ips]t[qips]t[8ips]t[4ipd]yey[qips]t [5oad]y[road]y[eoad] y[woad]y9y[5d]y [%f]u[0O]u[raO]u[WOf]u[O0d]u[%ad] u[6ad]u[0ps]u[tps]u[rps]u[ep]u[0a] u[8s]u[6p]u[6p]u[5f]u[5o]u[oah] [18sj][4p][6sg][8p][qsg][ep][tsj][ip][tsg][op][isg][tp] [esg][wp][qsg][8p][qsg][8p][4j][8p][qs]8[4h]8 [6f]0ues0urs0u[tf] f0[eu][0s][ru][0a][tup][0u][ea][0u][ts] [0u][eaf][0u][eo][0u][5wah][0o] [4sj][8p][qs][ep][ts][ip][tsj][op][ia][tp][es][wp] [qa][8p] [4a][8p][qs][ep][tj][ip][ts][ep][qh]o [1f]58[0s]w[td][wsf]u[wdg]t[wsf]8[5d]9owaroyd[oh]oa su [1s] uo[u0o]u[8o] uou[7ro]u[6eps]u[ps]u[ps]u[6eps]u[6eps]u[7rps]u [18o]uou[0o]u[wos]uou[7ro]u[6s] [u0p][utp][us]upufo [8h]o[wf]o[th]o[wh]o[uf] o[wh]o[6j]s[0j]s[ej]s[tj]sus[pf]s [th]o[uf]o[uh]o[th]o[uf]o[uh]o[ej]psp[uj]p[uj]p[eh]p[wh]p [qj] [pts][pis]p[tj] [ij]p[tj]p [wj]p[ys]p[iah]o[yah] [wag]o[yah]o [tfh]o[ufh]ouo[uh]o[0h]oqo[5wh] [9d]o[rd]o[9d]y[wo]y[9u] [1to]w[0t]w[5uo]w[8uo]w1w [8uo] [4ip]eqe[qp]e[5oa]rwr[wo]r [6us]t[0us]t[rus]t[eus]t0t[6p]t[4ps]t[qps]t[8pd]y[ei]y[qip]y[8ips]t [5oad]y[9oad]y[road]y[9oad]ywy [5oad]y[%f]u[0O]u[Orf]u[O0f]u[Wad]y[0ad]u [6ad]u[0ps]u[tps]u tupasfjk[el]xbn[0em] 0 6 [5wuaf] u [6e] [6eoh] [4qpsj] t i [psj] i t [4q] t i [psj] i [toh] [6euf] 0 e [tuf] e 0 [6e] 0 e [tuf] e [5woh] [48pj] q e [tpj] e q 4 8 q [tpsj] q h [8osf] w t [uf] g f [wd] y o hs [ts] u o s o r e u p s p r t u o [sf] o [rs] e u p [sj] p [rf] [th] o [sh] [sfh] s [oh] [esfj] [uj] [fj] p e [rf] [tsfh] o h [sh] o [rh]s[esfj] u [pj] [sj] h h [isgj] [pj] s p s j [wsdj] y [oh] [ah] g h [tosh] h o t o 0 [5wodh] o r [odh] w [oh] [15ofh] 8 [0oh] [wofh] [8t] [oh] [4psgj]8qe[tpsgj]i[adk]oyr[wadk]9 [6sfl]0[esfl]t[usfl]p[sfl]put[epfj]0[4sjl] 8[qsjl]e[tdjz]itoit[esjl]q [59dkz]w[rdkz]y[odkz]y[rdkz]w97[5wdkz][4q] [H30fkx] %70[WHfkx]ru[OHfkx]ad[Hadkz]Ou[Hrdkz]0r [30dkz]6[8sfjl] 0e[tsfjl]up[6t][8u][0p][es][tf][uj][pl]xb[sm]|[579w] [uoaf][5woafh] [18pgj]468qe[tpgj]s[is]psps[op][is][tp][8es][4wp][qs][ep] [ts][ip] [ts][op][is][tpj][eg][ws][qp][8s][4f][oh]fs [30uf]s[6p][8u][0p][eu][0p][ra][0s][euf][0s][6p][3u][6p][3u] [6p][3u]p[30a] p[6u][8p][0u][ep] [0u][ep] [0uf][ea]ouoa[5woh]ao[18pj]s[4p][6s][8p][qs][ep][ts][ip][tgj] [os][ip][ts][ep][ws][qp][8s][qp] [48pgj][qs][ep][ts][ip][ts][ep] [qs][8p][4j]spsps[oh]so [30uf][6p][8u][0p][eu][rp][tu][rp][tu][rf] tarpturpeu0peu0p[6es]pudaufsu[5wh]fofos[5wfh] [18pj][4g][6s][8p][qi] [et][et][ti][ti][ipj][tg][es][wp][qi] [8t][qe][8t]i[4p]s[qp][es][tp][is][tp][os][ip][tj][ef][ws][qp][8s][4f][oh]fs [30uf]s[6p][8u][0p][es][rp] [tu][up][tuf][rs][ep][0u][et][0e] [80][0e]t[6uf][0s][ep][0u][ep][0u][ep][0u][ep][fx] 5 [5hkxv] [146qjlcb] [468q][468q][468q][468q] [qetijlcb] [qetipsg][qetipsg][qetipsg][qetipsg] [468qisg] [4qis][4qis][4qis][4qis] [4qjlcb] [4qj][4ql][4ql][4qhlxv] [1358fhlx] [80wtus][80wtus][80wtus][80wtus] [1358fhlx] [80wtgjlc][80wt][80wt][80wt][fhlx][5wdhkz] [579to][579][579][579w] [ryhkzv] [ryoadh] [479qhkzv] [15lxvm] [tis][80][80][80] [%WOtis][ig] [OH][sl][tigc][HV][15hlxv] [osfh][tu][uosf] [%WOtis][ig][OH][sl][gc][HV] [8wosfh]t[uf]o[ts] [Otisg][OH][sl][gc][HV][lm][tohv]s[fx]h[sl] [HV][gc][sl][OH][ig][ts]Wq8%41[1580t]

      Level: 8
      Length: 04:39
      Hallelujah (Expert)

      Leonard Cohen

    • 8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e 7 8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e [u0] [o8] 0 [wo] [to] w [o0] [p6] 8 [p0] [pe] 0 [u8] [o8] 0 [wo] [to] w [o0] [p6] [p8] [p0] e 0 [o8] [p4] 6 [p8] q [p8] [p6] [p5] 7 [o9] [wo] 9 [i7] [o8] [u0] w [ut] [wi] [u0] [y5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uo8] 0 [wuo] [uto] w [uo0] [pi4] 8 [qpi] [oa5] 9 [wp] [us6] 0 [use] [uts] e [p0] [si4] 8 [sqi] [ed] q [si8] [od5] 9 [wod] r w [d9] [fa0] r u [faO]| d [pd6] 0 e [tsp] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o0] [pi4] 8 q [pie] q 8 4 8 q [pie] q [o8] [ut6] 0 e [ut] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o0] [pi4] 8 q [pie] q 8 4 8 q [pie] q [o8] [ut1] 5 8 [i0] 8 [u5] [yr5] 7 9 w [t9] [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [u0] [uo8] 0 [wo] [uto] w [o0] [up6] 8 [p0] [upe] 0 [u8] [uo8] 0 [wo] [uto] w [o0] [up6] [p8] [up0] e 0 [o8] [pi4] 6 [pi8] q [p8] [p6] [ypo5] 7 [o9] [ywo] 9 [i7] [uo8] [u0] w [ut] [wi] [u0] [yr5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [tpi4] 8 [tqpi] [yoa5] 9 [ywp] [uts6] 0 [utse] [uts] e [up0] [tsi4] 8 [tsqi] [yed] q [tsi8] [yod5] 9 [ywd] r w [yd9] [ufa0] r u [ufaO]| [ypd] [ypd6] 0 e [utsp] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [uo0] [tpi4] 8 q [tpie] q 8 4 8 q [tpie] q [o8] [ut6] 0 e [ut] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [uo0] [tpi4] 8 q [tpie] q 8 4 8 q [tpie] q [o8] [ut1] 5 8 [i0] 8 [u5] [yr5] 7 9 w [t9] [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [u0] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [utp6] 8 [utp0] [utpe] 0 [ut8] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [utso] w [uoa0] [uoa6] 8[uso][a0] [utpe] 0 [uo8] [tpi4] [tpi6] 8 q [pi8] [pi6] [ypo5] 7 [yo9] [ywo] 9 [ri7] [to8] [ut0] w [ut] [wti] [ut0] [yr5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [tpi4] 8 [tqpi] [yoa5] 9 [ywp] [uts6] 0 [utse] [uts] e [up0] [tsi4] 8 [tsqi] [yed] q [tsi8] [yod5] 9 [ywd] r w [yd9] [ufa0] r u [ufaO]| [ypd] [ypd6] 0 e [utsp] e 0 6 0 e [utf] e [oh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [oh8] [usf6] 0 e [utsf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [oh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [oh8] [usf1] 5 8 [ig0] 8 [uf5] [yd5] 7 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [ts8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [sf0] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tshf] w [hf0] [sjf6] 8 [jf0] [sjfe] 0 [sf8] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tshf] w [hf0] [sjf6] [sjf8] [sjf0] e 0 [hf8] [sjg4] [sjg6] 8 q [jg8] [jg6] [jhd5] 7 [hd9] [whd] 9 [gd7] [sh8] [sf0] w t [wsg] [sf0] [da5] 7 9 w 9 [fa7] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjg4] 8 [sqjg] [khd5] 9 [wjhd] [slf6] 0 [slfe] [tslf] e [sjf0] [slg4] 8 [sqlg] [zjed] q [slg8] [zhd5] 9 [zwhd] r w [zhd9] [xkf0] r u [xkfO]| [zjd] [zjd6] 0 e [tljf] e 0 6 0 e [tsf] e [shf0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [soh8] [usf6] 0 e [utsf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [soh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [soh8] [usf1] 5 8 [ig0] 8 [uf5] [yd5] 7 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [ts8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [sf0] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjf6] 8 [sjf0] [sjfe] 0 [sf8] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tlhf] w [khf0] [khf6] 8[lhf][k0] [sjfe] 0 [shf8] [sjg4] [sjg6] 8 q [sjg8] [sjg6] [jhd5] 7 [hd9] [whd] 9 [gda7] [sh8] [sf0] w t [wsg] [sf0] [oda5] 7 9 w 9 [fa7] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjg4] 8 [sqjg] [khd5] 9 [wjhd] [slf6] 0 [slfe] [tslf] e [sjf0] [slg4] 8 [sqlg] [zjed] q [slg8] [zhd5] 9 [zwhd] r w [zhd9] [xkf0] r u [xkfO]| [zjd] [zjd6] 0[xjf][zjed] [tsljf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [soh0] [spjg4] 8 q [spjge] q 8 4 8 q [spjge] q [soh8] [uspf6] 0 e [utspf] e 0 6 0 e [tslf] e [kfa0] [kfa4] 8[slf][qkfa] [spjge] q 8 4 8 q [spjge] q [soh8] [usf1] 5 8 [pig0] 8 [uf5] [uf5] [yd7] 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [wutso80]
      Level: 7
      Length: 04:45
      Hallelujah (Alternative)

      Leonard Cohen


    • [0etp] a s a s d d s [0wtd] f h f [qetf] d s d s d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d [0wtd] d f h h [qeth] h j g [0etf] o [0wtp] [0wt] u u [qeti] [qet] i o [0et] [0et] p [0etp] a s s d s [0wt] d f f h f [qetf] d s d d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d d s [0wtd] f f h h [qeth] h h j f d [0et] f j k [0wtl] k k j j h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k k l h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k h h j f [0etf] d s s d [0wtf] f h f d [wry] f [wryg] h [0etf] [0et] p [0etp] a s s d s [0wtd] f h f [qetf] d s d s d [0ets] p [0etp] a s s d d [0wts] d f f f [qetg] g g g h g [0etf] f [qet] h f [qet] h f [0eth] j f f f [wryh] j d h h [qeyj] h h [qetj] k l k [0et] h j [wryd] j k [0wtl] k k j j h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k k l h [0etf] j k [0wtl] k h h j f [0etf] d s s d [0wtf] f h f d [wryd] f h f [0ets]

      Level: 6
      Length: 01:30
      Angel (Piggy Official)

      Emma Duncan

    • 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 1
      [1a] [3s] [5h] u [1u] [3o] [5a] s
      [1ua] 3 5 u [1u] [3o] [5a] s
      [6a] p 8 6 6 8 0 8
      6 [8u] [0y] [8t] [5u] e [0e] w
      [1a] [3s] [5h] u [1u] [3o] [5a] s
      [1ua] 3 5 u [1u] [3o] [5a] s
      6 8 [0a] p 6 8 0 8
      4| [6ps] [9ps] [5a] sa7 9
      [5k] l [7k] [9l] 6 d [9d] [qs]
      [wf] p [5p] o 5| 5|
      [5a] [7s] [9a] [ws] [5a] 7 9 w
      4| [8q]| [8e] s [8es] d
      [5f] g [0wf] d 5 s [9wf] d
      [4s]| [8q]| [8e] s [8es] s
      [6s] a [80p] o 5 p [79a] s
      [4p]| [8q] o [8e] s [8es] d
      [5f] g [58f] d 5 s [9rf] d
      [4s] 6 8 6 [4k] j [8k] j
      [qk] j [tk] [ej] [qk] j [tk] [ej]
      [1a] s h u [58u] o a s
      [1ua]||u [58u] o a s
      6| a p [68]| |
      6 y [80y] t [5u] e [79e] w
      [1a] s h u [58u] o a s
      [1ua]||u [58u] o a s
      [6a] [8p] 0| 6 8 0 8
      4| [9qps] [ps] [5a]sa [9r]|
      [5k] l [7k] [9l] 7 d [9d] [ws]
      [5f] p [7s] [9p]
      4 6 8 6 4 [6s] [8s] [6d]
      [1f] [5g] [8f] [5d] 5 [7s] [9f] d
      [4s] 6 8 6 4 s [8s] [6s]
      [6s] a [0p] o 5 [7p] [9a] [7s]
      [4p] 6 8 [6o] 4 [6s] [8s] d
      [5f] [8g] [0f] [8d] 5 [7s] [9f] [7d]
      [4s] h s| [8q] h s|
      4 h [4s]| [8q] h s a
      [5a] s a s [9wa]| a|
      [5a] s [9a] s [6a] s [0d] f
      5 s a s [9wa]| a s
      [5a]| [9a] s [6a] s [0d] f
      5 s a s [9wa] s a s
      [5a] s [9a] s [6a] s [0a] s
      a g g g g g g f
      [qet]| |[qet] p s d
      [0wtf] g h d [9wr] s f d
      [qets]| [qet]| [qet] s s s
      [0ets] a p o [wry] p a s
      [8p] q e h 8 [qh] [eh] h
      [8h] [0g] [wf] [0d] 7 [9s] [wf] [9d]
      [6s] 8 q| [4k] [8j] [qk] j
      1 1 8 1 1 1 8

      Level: 6
      Length: 02:36
      End of Beginning (Djo)


    • [etu] p u p u p
      [Wtu] O u O u O
      [wtu] o u o u o
      [Qey] I y I y I
      [qya]|[0tp]|[9rO] u
      [6u]|[et] i [6u]|
      [%u]|[Wt]|[%i] u
      [5u] u [et]|5|
      $|[et]|$ u
      [4y]|[qery]|4 y
      [7y]|[6t]|[%ryu] u
      [6u]|[et]|[6i] u
      [5u]|[et]|[5i] u
      [2y] y [2qey]|[3t]|
      [%r] u [6u]|[et] i
      [%i] u [5u] u [et]|
      5|$|[et]|$ u
      [4y]|[qery]|4 y [4qey]|[W3ru]|
      [%ryu] u [6u]|[et]|
      [6i] u [5u]|[et]|
      [5i] u [4eto]|i|
      [2y] y [2qey]|[3t]|
      Level: 6
      Length: 00:58
      Time In A Bottle

      Jim Croce