Duncan Laurence

1 Music Sheets

About the Artist

Duncan de Moor, known professionally as Duncan Laurence, is a Dutch singer and songwriter. He represented the Netherlands in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 with his song "Arcade" and went on to win the competition, giving the Netherlands its first Eurovision win since 1975.

Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

  • [etij]| l [wryk]| z
    [wruh]| h [etij]|||
    [etij]| l [wryk]| z
    [wruh]| h [etij]|||
    [etis]|d|[wryf]| s
    [etis]|d|[wryf]| s
    [wrua]| a [etis]|||
    [etih]| h [wryg] f|f
    [etih] h h|[wryd] d d|
    [wrud] d f|[etip]|||
    [etis]|d|[wryf]| s
    [etis]| d [wryf]| s
    [etih]|h|[wryg] g f|
    [eh] h h|[rd] d d|
    [wd] d f|[ep]|||
    [etip]|f|[etif]|d s
    [etu]|d g [etuf] d|s
    [etip]|f|[etif]|d s
    [wryp]|f g [wryf]||
    [eyi] d d g f d s a p|f|f| d
    [etul]||[etu] k l k
    [wry] j| [wry]||
    [wtuf]||[wtu] h f|
    [etuf]||[etuf] h f|
    [wryd]| s [wrya]||
    [etip]|f|f|d s p|f|f|||
    [etis]|d d [wryf]|s|
    [etis] s d|[wryf]|s|
    [wrua]| a [etis]|||
    [etih]|h h [wryg]|f|
    s s
    [etih] h h|[wryd] d d|
    [wrud] d f|[etip]|||
    [etul]||[etu] k l k
    [wry] j| [wry]||
    [wtuf]||[wtu] h f|
    [etuf]||[etuf] h f|
    [wryd]| s [wrya]||
    [etip]|f|[etif]|d s
    [etul]||[etu] k l k
    [wry] j| [wry]||
    [wtuf]||[wtu] h f|
    [etuf]||[etuf] h f|
    [wryd]| s [wrya]||
    [etip]|f|[etif]|d s
    [eyi]||f g g f
    [wtuf]|f|f|d s
    [wtu]||d f f f
    [wrud]|d|s d|f
    [etul]||k l k
    [wry] j||
    [wtuf]||h f|
    [etuf]||f h f|
    [wryd]| s a||
    [qetp]|f|f|d s
    [eyil]||[eyi] k l k
    [wru] j| [wru]||
    [etif]||[eti] h f|
    [wryd]| s [wrya]||
    [etip]|f|f|d s p|f|f||
    [etij]| l [wryk]| z
    [wruh]| h [etij]|||
    [etij]| l [wryk]| z
    [wruh]| h [etij]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:02
    Arcade (Duncan Laurence)

    Duncan Laurence


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