Joseph Eastburn Winner

1 Music Sheets

About the Artist

Joseph Eastburn Winner (1837–1918) was an American composer and music publisher. He is best known for his tune, "The Little Brown Jug" (1869). He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he operated a publishing business from 1854 to 1907. He sometimes used the pseudonym R. A. Eastburn on his compositions. From 1845 to 1854 he partnered with his brother, the composer Septimus Winner, in the music publishing business.

Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

  • o|
    [8u] o o o
    [9i] p p p p
    [wa] a a p a
    [8s] d f
    [8u] o o o
    [9i] p p p
    [wa] a p a
    [8s] o s
    [8o] o o
    [qp] p p
    [9a] a a p a
    [8s] d f
    [8o] o o
    [qp] p p
    [9a] a a p a
    [8s] [wo] [8s]

    Level: 4
    Length: 00:50
    Little Brown Jug

    Joseph Eastburn Winner


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