
2 Music Sheets

About the Artist
  • Birth Name:

    Armando Christian Perez

  • Nationality:


  • Born:

    15th January 1981

  • Genres:

    Rap Latin

Armando Christian Perez, known by his stage name Pitbull, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer. Perez began his career in the early 2000s, recording reggaeton, latin hip hop and crunk music under a multitude of labels. In 2004, he released his debut album M.I.A.M.I. under TVT Records and the executive production of Lil Jon. Pitbull later released his second album El Mariel, in 2006 and his third, The Boatlift, in 2007. His fourth album, Rebelution (2009), included his breakthrough hit single "I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)", which peaked at number two on the US Billboard Hot 100 and number four on the UK Singles Chart.Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

  • f|
    [ex]tup|z l k j|
    [qj]et[ul] k j h j f d
    [8f][0d][wf]t||o o|
    0wry|u yu|f
    [etux] e [ez] l k [ej] [wj]
    [qetfj] l[qs]k [qfj] h j [qsf]
    [8od]9[80wsf]df 8 8 dfhl[tx]
    we[0wrad] 0 [0h] h h [uh] [yf]
    [etuf] [ed]f [ed] f|[ef] f
    [etu] [ed]f [ef] x|9|
    [6tu] 6p [6p] f p [6p] [5s]
    6 6p [6p] f|[5p] [4s]
    [6tu] 6p [6p] [3j]45 4 3
    6 6j 6 [3p] @ [2p] [1s]
    [6p] 6[6sfj] 6 6 j[6l]j[5h]f[6j] f[6h][6j]
    [6h]j345 [4p]s3f[6p] [6s][6fj] 6|p [4s] [3f]
    [6j] j[6h][6j]l[6h]j3 [@j]h[2j] [1s]
    [6p] 6[6sfj] 6 6 p [6s] [5f]
    [6j] j[6h][6j] [6h]j3[4h][5j] [4j]f[3s]
    [6p] 6[6sfj] 6|ps[4p] [3f]
    [6p] 6[6sfj]|0 [(psf] 9 [8psf]
    [ep] s[ep] s[ef]s[ep] s[ep] s[ef]s[ep]
    [0s][8f][ep] [0s][8f][6e]|[30psf] j
    [6p] h[80][sj] h [6fj] h[80]j h
    [6pj] [80j] h [6fj] [80]s|
    [6p] h[80][sj] h [6fj] h[80]j h
    [6pj] [80j] h [6sj] 8h[30f]|
    [6p] h[80][sj] h [6fj] h[80]j h
    [6pj] [80j] h [6sj] 8j0 [eh]
    [6fj] [80x] x [6j] [80j] j
    [6fj] [80x] x [6jb] 8 [6hv]|
    6|[usl] t [usl] t [esl] [0sl]
    [esl] [tsl] [usl] [tsl] [psl] u [tdz]|
    6|[usj] [tsj] [usj] [tsj] [esj] [0sj]
    [esj] [0sj][sj]8 [6sj] [8sj] 6 3 1
    6|[usj] [tsj] [usj] [tsj] [esj] [0sj]
    [esj] t[pj]u [tsj] [pj] uh[tf]|
    6 [sj] [usj] [tfj] [upj] [tpj] e [0sj]
    [esj] t[pj]u [tsj] [epj] 0 8 h
    [6ej] j6e [6h] [6ej] j6e 6
    [6esj] [sj]6[esj] [6sj] [esj] [sj]6e w
    [6j]|[uj] [tj] [ej] [tj] [uj] p
    [ej] [tj] [uj] [tj] [pj] [uj] [tjb] r
    [etujlx] [etu] [etuz] [fjl] [etuk] j w
    [qetsfj] l[qet]k [qetj] [sfh] [qetj] f [8d]9[80wosf]
    [80wd]f [80w] [fhl] [80w]|we[0wrdhk] [0wr] [0wr]|[0wr] f y
    [etujlx] [etu] [etuz] [fjl] [etuk] j w
    [qetsfj] l[qet]k [qetj] [sfh] [qetj] f [8d]9[80wosf] [80wd]f [80w] [os] [80wf]df we
    [0wroad] [0wr] [0wr] d[0wrf]df [yf]
    [etupsf] e t ud[tf]d[ef] [tf]
    [etupsf] e t ud[tf]d[ef] [tj]
    [ejlx] t u [tz] [efjl] [uk] [tsfj] w
    [qsfj] [el] [tk] [uj] [tsfh] [ej] [qf] [9d]
    [8osf] 0d[wf] [tj] [sfj] [wj] [0sfj] [8j]9[0adj] wjr [yj] [uadj] 0 [rf] y
    [etujlx]|u [tz] [efjl] [uk] [tsfj] w
    [qsfj] [el] [tk] [uj] [tsfh] [ej] [qf] [9d]
    [8osf] 0d[wf] [tj] [sfj] [wj] [0sfj] [8j]9[0adj] wjr [yj] [uadj] [0f]f[rf]|
    [6esf] h6[ej] [6h] [6ej] j6[ej] [6h]
    [6ej] [6j]e [6h] [esfj] 6[epsf] 6
    [esf] h6[ej] [6h] [ej] j6[ej] [6h]
    [ej] [6j]e [6h] [epsj] [6h][ef] w
    [6esf] h6[ej] [6h] [ej] j6[ej] [6h]
    [ej] [6j]e [6h] [esfj] [6j]e [wh]
    [6efj] [6x]e [6x] [6ejlxb] 6e 6
    [6e] [6x]e [6x] [ejb] 6[ehv] 6
    6|[usl] t [usl] t [esl] [0sl]
    [esl] [tsl] [usl] [tsl] [psl] u [tdz]|
    6 [sj] [usj] [tfj] [upj] [tsj] [epj] [0sj]
    [esj] 0[sj]8 [6fj] [8pj] 6 3 1
    6 [sj] [usj] [tsj] [usj] [tpj] [esj] [0pj]
    [esj] t[sj]u [tpj] [psj] uh[tf]|
    6 [sj] [usj] [tsj] [upj] [tsj] [epj] [0sj]
    [esj] t[sj]u [tfj] [epj] 0 8 [ah]
    [6esj] [sj]6e [6ah] [6esj] [sj]6e 6
    [6esj] [fj]6[epj] [6sj] [epj] [sj]6e w
    [6j] 8 [0j] [8j] [6j] [8j] [0j] e
    [6j] [8j] [0j] [8j] [ej] [0j] [etup]|
    [etujlx] [etu] [etuz] [fjl] [etuk] j w
    [qetsfj] l[qet]k [qetj] [sfh] [qetj] f [8d]9[80wosf]
    [80wd]f [80w] [fhl] [80w]|
    we[0wrdhk] [0wr] [0wr]|[0wr] f y
    [etujlx] [etu] [etuz] [fjl] [etuk] j w
    [qetsfj] l[qet]k [qetj] [sfh] [qetj] f [8d]9[80wosf]
    [80wd]f [80w] [os] [80wf]df we[0wroad]
    [0wr] [0wr] d[0wrf]df [yf]
    [etupsf] e t ud[tf]d[ef] [tf]
    [etupsf] e t ud[tf]d[ef] [tj]
    [ejlx] t u [tz] [efjl] [uk] [tsfj] w
    [qsfj] [el] [tk] [uj] [tsfh] [ej] [qf] [9d]
    [8osf] 0d[wf] [tj] [sfj] [wj] [0sfj]
    [8j]9[0adj] wjr [yj] [uadj] 0 [rf] y
    [etujlx]|u [tz] [efjl] k [tsfj] w
    [qsfj] [el] [tk] [uj] [tsfh] [ej] [qf] d
    [8osf] 0d[wf] [tj] [sfj] [wj] [0sfj]
    [8j]9[0adj] wjr [yj] [uadj] fg[3f]|
    [6f]df[6d]f fg[etuf] fgf f
    [6j]f 6fdf f d[6f] [6d]f[6f] f[6d][6f] [6f]d[6f]
    df[30]dfd[6f]gf6[6f] df|fhfd[6f]jfdfd[6f]
    [0ed]f [0ed]fdsf6dfdf [0ef]gf f [6s] [5p]
    6 fdfd[6f] [0ef] f[0e]|d[6f] f6f [6f]xfgfg[0etf] f
    6 f8f [0d]f6f 8s p 6 8sp0p6sp8p|
    [6jlx]| [0z] [etufjl] k [6sfj]|
    [4qsfj] l k [8j] [qetsfh] j [6f] [4d]
    [18osf] df [wj] [tuosfj] j [1sfj] [2j]
    [30adj] j [rj] [uoadj]|f|
    [6jlx]| [0z] [etufjl] k [6sfj]|
    [4qsfj] l k [8j] [qetsfh] j [6f] [4d]
    [18osf] df [wj] [tuosfj] j [8sfj] [9j]
    [0uadj] j [rj] [uoadj]|f|
    [ejlx] t u [tz] [efjl] [uk] [tsfj] w
    [qsfj] [el] [tk] [uj] [tsfh] [ej] [qf] [9d]
    [8osf] 0d[wf] [tj] [sfj] [wj] [0sfj] [8j]9[0wryafj] j j j

    Level: 9
    Length: 03:43
    On The Floor (Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull)


  • [0etu] [ye9] [5wy] [wt8u] [yrw7] [etu0] [ye9] [wry] [utw8] [yrw7] [fso] f x l k [jd] h G h [dwoy] d k j [hf] G f [dpy] [sf] f l k [jd] G h j [dwyo] d k j [hf] G f [dpy] [sft] t [tl] [tk] [yjd] y y y [dwo] [wd] [wdk] j [hfa] G f [dpy] [fst] t [tl] k [jdy] y y y [dyw] [wd] [wdk] j [hfu] G [fu] [du] [tof]fsp pdddGGhj hhhds fffdd f d [tof]fsp pdddGGhj hhhds fffdd f d
    Level: 6
    Feel This Moment



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