Sam Hulick

2 Music Sheets

About the Artist

The music of Mass Effect 3 was composed by Sasha Dikicyan, Sam Hulick, Christopher Lennertz, Clint Mansell, and Cris Velasco. Everyone except for Mansell was a returning composer; Hulick contributed to the first two games and Dikicyan, Lennertz, and Velasco scored some Mass Effect 2 downloadable content packs. Jack Wall, the lead composer of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, had no involvement in the production of Mass Effect 3. Each composer was allocated a specific area of the game to work on, and in total there were 90 minutes of music scored. According to Hulick, the team aimed for a balance between the orchestral sound of Mass Effect 2 and the synthesizer-driven sound of Mass Effect. Mansell, a Golden Globe Award-nominated composer, likened his role to that of a disc jockey, who is responsible for choosing the right music at the right times.Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

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    Level: 7
    Length: 02:57
    An End Once and For All (Mass Effect 3) (Alternative)

    Sam Hulick

  • [e6]| |[80]| | [e4]| |[86]| | [e6]| |[80]| | [e4]| |[86]| | [e6]| |[80]|r| [t4]| |[y86]|t| [r3]| |[e70]|w| [Q2]| |[96]| | [e6]| |[80]|r| [e4]| |[86]| | [e6]|r|[e80]|r| [t3]| |[y75]| | [u2]| |[e9$]| | [u4]| |[e86]| | [w5]| |[970]|w| [e6]| |[80]| | [qe4]| |[86]| | [e6]| |[80]|r| [qe4]| |[r86]|t| [t30]|y|[t75]|r| [e92]| |[96]| | [e6]| |[80]| | 6| |[80]| | [use]| |d| | [tsq]| |d| | [ra0]| |o| | [eI9]| |p| | [use]| |d| | [tsq]| |d| | [ra0]|p|a|o| [eI9]|u|I|y| [t6]|[r8]|[t0]|e| [t4]|[r6]|[t8]|[qe]| [w3]|[q5]|[w7]|0| [Q2]|[0$]|[Q6]|[e9]| [t6]|[r8]|[t0]|[ye]| [u3]|5|[r7]|0| [I2]|[u$]|[I6]|[y9]| [t4]|[r6]|[t8]|[qe]| [w753]||| [Q62]||| [r730]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:39
    I Was Lost Without You (Mass Effect 3)

    Sam Hulick


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