02:40 -
3 -
[sh] j f k| |
[ha] j f z| |lk[ji] [sh] [jf] k||
h fd[uf] adfhklk|||u| a|
[qp]tiopsf| |
df[wd]yospa| |
asaou60etyodohdhjlkhfwod| |
s 0wtuoa|||[ure0]| |
p d f 6 0 [se] t [yp]
p d f 5 0 [wh] e [rf]
p s d 4 [s8] [qp] [wd]
e s p a 5 [s9] [wa] [to]pr| |
[a6][p0][ue][tp] y u u[ywra]sau[a4][p8][uq][wp] e r u[ywr0]|
[spkhf]jf[ojfa]| |
f[oka]lzx[tqihe]jhls f [ge9]| |
[o7]pod| 3 [e70] y u
48qw[se]wq8[p4]8[qp]w[ed] f
9eyipiye[uof2]6[oh9]q[pje]q[ka9]q370wetrt[yr5] u u o
[p4]8qwe0etu f h j
[w5]ruoa [we]| r| u
[ur3]70ereryu| |
[up] d upf
6 e [u0]ps e [yup0] [pe] [d0] [to]sf
4 8 [qoh] w [ofe] [wp] [se] [wd]
1 [u5]os [p8] [u5]od 0 [u5]os [p8] [y5]oa
7 [s5] [a7] [o9][ypo]w [p9] [wod] [u9]pf
6 0 [ue]ps 0 [yutp] [p0] [ed] [o0]sf
5 0 [wo]sfh e [rf] [ed] [rf] [he]dfj$ 9 e 9 y [f9]jl[uk] y
[spjf2] 6 9 6 9 [e6] [y9] [u6]
4 8 [tq] 8 [qe] [p8] [qd] [f8]
5 0 [ws] e [ro] [se] [ra] [ue]opa
6 3 [s6]h 3 [p8]sg 3 [pf6] 3
[og3] 8 [wof] 8 [wof] 8[od]3 [s8]
[so4] 8 q 8 e 8 q|
[s5] [a9] [ws] [ed] r o|
p 6 0 e t y| |
6 0 e
About This Music Sheet
A Contract (Death’s Gambit) is a song by Kyle Hnedak. Use your computer keyboard to play A Contract (Death’s Gambit) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song A Contract (Death’s Gambit) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Kyle Hnedak
[ki] l h j| | gh[ki] [pl] [sh] [zf]| l| k [uj] [ok] [fa] [hd]| | u o a d| s a [qa] [se] [to] [up]| | io[qa] [se] [to] [ud]| s a s [f0] [wa] [ro] y| | [u6] 0 w t| | [qp] e [tf] y q e [tf] [yp] [qf] e t y [qf] edt [ys] [wa] r [yf] u w r [yf] [us] [wa] r y u w r y u [ji] p [xs] d i p [xs] [jd] [xi] p s d [xi] pzs [ld] [ok] a [xd] f o a [xd] [zf] [zo] a d f h|||y u o [p4] 8 q [u8] [oe] [p8] q| [a5] 9 [wo] [ue] [us] [ta]| y [p6] 0 e [ut] o p o| 8 w t y u| f h [ypji]||f h j|| uoaf h l k| j| [spi]|||oaf| |0||| 37[u0] fd4 8 [qp] [wf] [d5] [o9] w| [t6]oas[a0] [se] [d0]ot [s0] [f3] [d8] 4 8 [sq] [wf] [d5] 9 wo wtusoaodoso8wty[pj0]w[xtf][zud] qetu[qpj]e[xtf]u[zwd]r[yoh]uwryu [uts]o[ya]o[us]o[yh]o[s5]o[a9]o[ws]o[rh]o [s4]o[a8]o[sq]o[wh]o[se]oaosoho [s5]o[a9]o[ws]o[rh]osoaosoho [s6]o[a0]o[se]o[h0]o[ts]oaosoho [s8]o[wa]o[ts]o[yh]o[us]oao[p3]o[a7]o [s4]o[a8]o[sq]o[wh]o[se]o[wa]o[sq]o[h8]o [s5]o[a9]o[ws]o[rh]o[ts]o[ra]o[ws]o[h9]o [s6]o[a0]o[se]o[th]o[us]o[ya]o[ts]o[wh]o [d8]o[ws]o[td]o[ys]o[ud]o[ys]o[a5]o[s8]o [ute8]| p| a| o u [60]| |[yws7] a o| [ute6]| p| a| hfd[use]| |[wua]| | [sf]| j| k| h f [od]| |l k j x fgJx| | [igfPE]| d| [uraI]||| [u60]|||[roa]||| [qa7]|||[u60]| p| a| o u| |s a o| 6Level: 5Length: 03:00Intermediate
The End of Immortality (Death’s Gambit)
Kyle Hnedak
Y i o [i(]|w E| |(|w [YE] Y iqo [i9]|w E| |9|w [YE] P|[o9]|[O8]|[o(] [wY]| |8|( [wY] P|[o8]|[O%]|[o8] [Y(]||i o % i 8 ( Y iwo [i(]|w [YE]| |[oP] (|w [YE] Y i P [yP9]|w [yE]||o O 9|w [yYE] P|o|[YO8]|[o(] [wtO]||o O 8|( [wt] P|o q [tO%]|[o8] [OE(]||[YP] [YP] [Z%]|8 [W(]|h [w(]Dd[PD@]|( [whE] D|[wE]|[hD@]|[JD(] [wE] H h[qE]g [od2]|9 [whE] d|[wE]|[od2]|[hP9] [wE] g D[wE]ds[oP1]|( [wtD] [oP]|[wt]|1 P [D(] [wt]PD P[tqD] [gH]%|( [tW] [hD]|[tW] [sY] %|( [tW]||[tW]|[PJ(] hJ [wE]hg|[whE]|[PJ(] hJ [wE]hg|[qhE]|[PJ9] hJ [wE]hg|[whE]|[PJ9] hJ [wE]hg|[hE9]|[sD8]||[wt]||[wt]|8|h [wt]gh g[whE] [HD]%||[tW] [hD]|[tW]|[sD%]||[tWD] H|[thW] h @ g h [wE]gh|[wED] D[h@] gh [wE]gh g[qED] g[d2] dh [wE]gh|[wED]|2 D h [wE]gh g [ED9] g [gP1]||[wth] [hP]|[wt] D [H1] h g[wt] h|[wE] h [h%] D|[tW]||[tsW]|[P%]||[tW]||[tWP]|[oD@]|w [wE]||[wsE] P @|( [wPE] P P[wE]P [gdP2]|9 [wE]||[whE] g 2|9 [wsE] s s[wE]s [sH1]|8 [wt] h|[wts]|[HD1]|( [wt] h|[wts]|[sHD%]|8 [E(] [hP]|Y [gP] [ZD%]|( [tW]|h [tW]Dd[D@]|( [whE] D ( [wE] ( [hD@]|[JD(] [wE] H (h[wE]g( [od2]|9 [whE] d 9 [wE] 9 [od2]|[hP9] [wE] g 9D[wE]d9s[oP1]|8 [wtD] [oP] 8 [wt] 8 1 P [D8] [wt]PD 8P[wtD] 8[gH]%|( [tW] [hD] ( [tW] ( [sY%]|( [tW]|( [tW] ( [PJ@] h[J(] [wE]hg ( [whE] ( [PJ@] h[J(] [wE]hg ( [whE] ( [PJ2] h[J9] [wE]hg 9 [whE] 9 [PJ2] h[J9] [wE]hg 9 [whE] 9 [sD1]|8 [wt]|8 [wt] 8 1|[h8] [wt]gh 8g[wth] 8[HD]%|( [tW] [hD] ( [tW] ( [sD%]|( [tW]|( [tW]|[h(]|w [YJE] h| |[h(]|[wg] [YED]|g h|[g9]|w [yJE] h| |[h9]|[wg] [yED]|g h|[D8]|( [wtJ] h| |8|( [wt] s D g [OD%]|8 [E(] [sO]|Y|[ZP%]|8 [E(]|^ ( 9 [v(] w E [YB] [vo]| |[v(] w [cE] [ZY] o c v|[c9] w E [yB] [vi]| |[v9] w [cE] [yZ] i c v|[Z8] w t [YB] [vo]| |8 w t Y [ol] Z c [ZV%] ( W E [vZ]|Y|[J(][ZE]Z
Level: 6Length: 03:24IntermediateSweet Night (Itaewon Class)
[tl] h l h l h g f [tg] f g f g h g f [slfe] h l h l h g f [ge] f g f g h g f [sqlf] h l h l h g f [qg] f g f g h g f [wslf] h l h l h g f [wg] f g f g h h h [zth] x z l [of] h [th] h [zth] l k l t h h h [zhe] x z l [us] h [he] h [zhe] l k l [ue] [lh] [lh] [lh] [qlg] j j h [to]|[tig] l [qlg] j j h g f i [da] [wo]|t|y|t| [yoa75]| |o o o [od81] f d s [wu] o [to8] o [od8] s a s [wt8] o o o [d6] f d [so] [t0] o [o6] o [od6] s a s [e60] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf4] g f [pd] [w8]|[q8] f [f4] g s p [ws8] f [q8] [da] [w5]|[w7] 8 9 f d f [h5] [f7] 9 w [f3] d s p 6|[sf] [sf] [e60] s|s [pd2]|[ph] [pf] 9 h [s9] d [sf5] [sg]|f [w5] [sh] 5 f [81] [s81] h [s81] [f7] [s7] h [s7] [f6] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] 6| [sf4] g [sf] d [q4] s [s4] d [sf5] g [sf] g [wsf5] d 5 [da] 5|5 7 [w9] [og] [wog5] [og] [sg81] f [w5] [sf] [ut0]|8 s [sg1] [sg] [sg5] [sf] [81] s [s7] s [of6] [og] 0 f [e60] s s s [wf60] [sg] [sg] f [e60] [oh] [oh6] [oh] [oh4] [ig] [ig] [ts] [q4]|[e86] [oh] [oh] [og] [og] f 6 s 5 [sp] 5 [da] 5 2 7 5 2 5 [oa]|5 2 7 [h5] [h2] h [zh8] x z l [wu] h [h8] h [zh8] l k l 8 h [h7] h [zh6] x z l [t0] h [h6] h [zh6] l k l [60] [hf] [hf] [hf] [sh4] g f s [w8]|[q8] f [sqf4] d s p s f q [da] [w5]|[w7] 8 9 f d f [h5] [f7] 9 w [f30] d s p 6|[sf] [sf] [e60] s|s [pd962]|[ph] [pf] 9 h [s9] d [sf5] [sg]|f [w5] [sh] 5 f [81] [s81] h [s81] [f7] [s7] h [s7] [f6] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] h 6 [sh] [sh4] g g s [q4] [sp] [sp4] d [sf5] g [sf] g [wf5] d 5 [da] 5|5 7 [w9] [og] [wog5] [og] [sg81] f [w5] [sf] [ut0]|8 s [sg1] [sg] [sg5] [sf] [81] s [s7] s [of6] [og] 0 f [e60] s s s [wf60] [gd] [gd] f [e60] [oh] [oh6] [oh] [oh4] [ig] [ig] [ts] [q4]|[e86] [oh] [oh] [og] [og] f 6 s 5 [sp] 5 [da] 5 2 7 5 [oh2] [ig5] [uf]|5 2 7 5 [p2]| [o81]||w t y u [W(%]| |p| [o81]||w t y u [W(%]||t o i i u [81] [t81]|[t81] [o7] [i7] i [u7] 6 [t6] t [e6] [t5] [y5]|[t5] 4 1 6 1 4 [o1] [t6] [y1] 5 2 7 2 5 2 7 2 [s81] [o5] [s0] [o5] [s81] [o5] [i0] [u5] [i81] [u5] [i0] [u5] [i81] [o5] [i0] [u5] [s6] [o3] [s8] [o3] [s6] [o3] [i8] [u3] [i6] [u3] [i8] [u3] [i6] [o3] [i8] [u3] [s4] [o1] [s6] [o1] [s4] [o1] [i6] [u1] [i4] [u1] [i6] [u1] [i4] [o1] [i6] [u1] [s5] [o5] [s5] [o5] [s5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [ig5] [ig5] [ig5] [ig81] [uf5] 0 [uf5] [81] 5 0 [ts5] [ig81] [ig5] [ig0] [uf5] [81] [ts5] [ts0] [ts5] [uf6] [ig3] 8 [uf3] 6 [ts3] [ts8] [ts3] [uf6] [ig3] [ig8] [uf3] 6 [oh3] [oh8] [oh3] [oh4] [ig1] [ig6] [ts1] 4 1 6 [oh1] [oh4] [ig1] [ig6] [uf1] 4 [ts1] 6 [ts1] 5 [yd2] 7 2 5 2 [oh7] [ig2] [uf5] 2 7 2 5 [ig2] [ig7] [ig2] [ig1] [uf]|[uf] [w80]||[ts] [ig1] [ig] [ig] [uf] [81] [ts] [ts7] [ts] [uf6] [ig]|[uf] [860] [ts] [ts] [ts] [uf6] [ig] [ig] [uf] 6 [oh] [oh5] [oh] [oh2] [ig2] [ig] [ts2] 2 2|[oh2] [oh2] [ig2] [ig] [uf2] 2 [ts2]|[ts2] 5 [yd]||[975]|[yd] y 5| |[975]|p o [81] o s o s o i u [ti] u i u i o i u [utse] o s o s o i u [tie] u i u i o i u [utsq] o s o s o i u [tqi] u i u i o i u [wuts] o s o s o i u [wti] u i u i u y t [to]sfLevel: 7Length: 04:13Intermediate
My Chemical Romance
a|[of]|[pG]|[ha]|[pjf]| |h G [uhf]|[jIG]|[okh]|[pjf]| |h G [thf]|[yjG]|[ukh]|[jfI]| |h G [phf]|[ojG]|[khI]|[ojf]| |f f f f f f f f f f f f [uhf] f [jfI] f [okf] f [pjf] f f f [phf] [pfG] [uhf] f [lfI] f [okf] f [pjf] f f f [phf] [pfG] [uthf] f [yjfI] f [uokf] f [pjfI] f f f [phfI] [pfIG] [thf] f [yfG] f [uf] f [dI] f f f f f fG[hf]j[kf]l[zf]xfG[hf]j[kf]l[zf]xfG[hf]j[kf]l[zf]xfG[hf]j[kf]l[zf]|[xf]| |[to81] [I8]ou1[I8][o5][I2][o6][p9]d[a3] [s0]ap[a$][oQ]I[o5] [wI]o[u1] [t8]yu[t81][a81] [p81]o[I30]o[u30]I[o30]p[a30]f[d30]s[aQ$]p[wo5]I[u6]t[ea0] [fe60] [eG6]h[G7]d[rQG]h[rj7]k[rh7]G[f8]k[xwt]z[wtk8]l[wtk8]j[h8]G[wtf8]s[wta8]p[wo]I[u81]I[o81]p[a8]d[f81]G[h81]j[k8]z[x8]C[v85]v[b81]Cv[x8]lk[j81]h[G81]fs[a8]po[I81]u[t81]re[w8]wQw[Q92] [730]
Level: 5Length: 01:08IntermediatePathway (Made in Abyss)
Kevin Penkin