[u][I][0wro] [u] [a] [u][I][0wro] [u] [a] [0wra][s][a][p][o] [o][I][0wru] [u][I][0wro] [u] [o][p][0wra] [u] [a][S][d][S][etu0d][S][d][S][d][f][d][S][0wra] [u][I][0wro] [u] [o][p][0wra] [u] [a][S][d][S][etud][S][d][S][d][f][d][S][0wra]
About This Music Sheet
Angry Birds is a song by Ari Pulkkinen. Use your computer keyboard to play Angry Birds music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Angry Birds is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, Virtual Piano Comp.
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Other Songs By Ari Pulkkinen
pa[se] p f pa[se] f f|[tf]gfd[sr] sa[pe]||pa[se] [utp] 0 [uts]d[fe] [uts] 0 [utf]G[th]G[uoh]G[rh]j[yhI]G[fe] [ut] 0 [utp]a[se] [utp] 0 [uts]d[fe] [uts] 0 [utf]G[th]G[uoh]G[rh]j[yhI]G[fe] [ut] 0 [utf]G[th] [uoh] [wh] [uoh] [th]j[uoh]G[wh] [uof]G[th] [uoh] [rG] [yIG]d[pe] [utf] [f0] [utf]G[th] [uoh] [wh] [uoh] [th]j[uoh]G[wh] [uof]G[th] [uoh] [rG] [yIG]d[pe] [ut] 0 [ut] [pe] [ut]O[p0] [uta] [se] [ut]a[s0] [utd] [edD] [utdD] [dD0] [ut] [zeZ] [zutZ] [zZ0] [ut] [pe] [ut]O[p0] [uta] [se] [ut]a[s0] [utd] [heG] [uthG] [hG0] [ut] [veC] [vutC] [vC0] [ut] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utD] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utf] [feD] [utfD] [fD0] [ut] [xeZ] [xutZ] [xZ0] [ut] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utg] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utf] [heG] [uthG] [hG0] [ut] [veC] [vutC] [vC0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utf]g[f0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utp]f[p0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utf]g[f0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utp]f[p0] [ut] [se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] 0 [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] 0 [uts]d[tf] [uof] [wf] [uof] [tf]G[uof]d[wf] [uso]d[tf] [uof] [wh]G[uoh]G[tf] [uo] w [upo]a[se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] e pa[se] p f pa[se] f f|[tf]gfd[sr] sa[pe]||pa[se] [utp] 0 [uts]d[fe] [uts] 0 [utf]G[th]G[uoh]G[rh]j[yhI]G[fe] [ut] 0 [utp]a[se] [utp] 0 [uts]d[fe] [uts] 0 [utf]G[th]G[uoh]G[rh]j[yhI]G[fe] [ut] 0 [utf]G[th] [uoh] [wh] [uoh] [th]j[uoh]G[wh] [uof]G[th] [uoh] [rG] [yIG]d[pe] [utf] [f0] [utf]G[th] [uoh] [wh] [uoh] [th]j[uoh]G[wh] [uof]G[th] [uoh] [rG] [yIG]d[pe] [ut] 0 [ut] [pe] [ut]O[p0] [uta] [se] [ut]a[s0] [utd] [edD] [utdD] [dD0] [ut] [zeZ] [zutZ] [zZ0] [ut] [pe] [ut]O[p0] [uta] [se] [ut]a[s0] [utd] [heG] [uthG] [hG0] [ut] [veC] [vutC] [vC0] [ut] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utD] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utf] [feD] [utfD] [fD0] [ut] [xeZ] [xutZ] [xZ0] [ut] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utg] [fe] [ut]f[f0] [utf] [heG] [uthG] [hG0] [ut] [veC] [vutC] [vC0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utf]g[f0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utp]f[p0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utf]g[f0] [ut] [pe] [ut] [a0] [ut] [se] [utp]f[p0] [ut] [se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] 0 [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] 0 [uts]d[tf] [uof] [wf] [uof] [tf]G[uof]d[wf] [uso]d[tf] [uof] [wh]G[uoh]G[tf] [uo] w [upo]a[se] [uts] [s0] [uts] [se]d[uts]a[s0] [utp]a[se] [uts] [s0]d[uts]a[pe] [ut] e pa[se] p f pa[se] f f|[tf]gfd[sr] sa[pe]||pa
Level: 6Length: 02:06IntermediateAngry Birds (Alternative)
Ari Pulkkinen
dfg d j dfg d j| jJjhg gfd| dfg d ghj g| jklklklkjhj| dfg d ghj g| jklklklkjhj| jkllll lzlkl| lll l lzlkjLevel: 1Length: 00:50Super Easy
Angry Birds (Super Easy)
Ari Pulkkinen
[wut]||f a| | [urW]||f k| | [tie]||jkl k| j [yrk]||h [utke]| | 8 e t [uf] a u t e 0 W r [uf] k u r W q e t [ji]kl [ki] t [je] [wk] r y [oj] [ke] r u f [he]tih g g [wf]ruf d d [f0]ruf a f Wru||f [he]tih g g [wf]ruf d d [f0]Wru k| Wru||f [sh4]8w[sh] [sg] [sg] [pf3]680[pf] [pd] [pd] [fa3]70[fa] [aO] [fa] %70||f [sh4]8w[sh] [sg] [sg] [pf3]680[pf] [pd] [pd] [fa730]| [kf]| [urW]| | [ute]||f a| [ute] [ute] [wut]||f k| [wut] [wut] [utq]||jkl k [utq] [utqj] [k730]| |H| [730] [730] [962]||p u| [962] [730] [q84]||p f| [q84] 0 [8510]||sdf d [851] [s962] [f730]||dsa||u [o4]8wo i i [u3]680u y y [u3]70u r u %70||u [o4]8wo i i [u3]680u y y [u730]| a| [urW]||u [to4]8w[to] [ti] [ti] [ue3]680[ue] [ye] [ye] [ur3]70[ur] [rW] [ur] %70||u [to4]8w[to] [ti] [ti] [ue3]680[ue] [ye] [ye] [ur730]||iuy| t| [r3]Level: 7Length: 01:39Intermediate
Renesmee’s Lullaby (Twilight)
Carter Burwell
[j6]| 8| 9| 0| |6| 8| 9| 8| |
[j4]| 8| 9| 0| e| r| t| |[y75]| |3| |
u r r u r r I r r I r u o u u Y u I
[ua] r r [ua] r r [aI] r r I r u
[oa] u u Y u I [ua30] r r [ua] r r
I r r I r u [ro] u [u(] Y [u0] I
[uQ] r r u r r I r [wr5] I r u
o u u Y u I [u30] r r u r r
I r r I r u [ro] u [u(] Y [u0] I
[ue] e e u e e [rI] e e I e u
o u u Y u I [wu] t t u t t
I t t I t u [uo] u [uQ] Y [wu] I
[yu] e e u e e [tI] e e I e u
o u u Y u I [tI] e e I e e
o e e I e u [ro] u u [Y(] u I
[rofa] r r u r r I r r I r u
[ok] u [uD] Y [uf] I [uSQG] r r u r r
[whI] r r I r u o u u Y u I
[urfa] r r u r r I r r I r u
[ok] u [uD] Y [uf] I [ujfe] e e u e e
[kI] e e I e u o u u Y u I
[ush] t t u t t I t t I t u
[xo] u [uG] Y [uh] I [zue] t t u t t
[lI] t t I t u o u u Y u I
[lI] t t I t t o t t I t u
[oka] u u [ZYD] u I
[gc9]| |q| |w| |[vh]| |[xfe6]| |e| |t| |y| |
[gc4]| |q| |w| |[vh]| |[xfe6]| |t| |y| |u| |[e6]Level: 6Length: 01:54IntermediateAssassin’s Creed Unity Main Theme
Chris Tilton
[6p] a [0tp] a p a [0ts] d
5 o [0rd] o d o [0rd] o
3 p [8wo] p o p [8wa] s
4 i [8es] i s i [8es] i
[6u] i [qtu] i o p [qta] s
[5d] o [9rd] o d o [9rd] o
3 p [8wo] p o p [8wa] s
4 i [9es] i s i [9es] i
[6u] i [0tu] i o p [0ta] s
[7d] o [wyd] o d o [wyd] o 8 p [wyo] p o p [wya] s
[7d] o [wud] o d o [wud] o 6 p [qto] p o p [qta] s
[7a] u [wya] u a u [wya] u 8 i [wyu] i o p [wya] s
[5d] o [0rd] o d o [0rd] o 6|
[0ts] u s u [0ts] a 5| [0ra] u a u [0ra] p 3|
[8wp] t p t [8wp] o 4| [8eo] t o t [8eo] s 6|
[qts] i s i [qts] a 5| [9ra] y a y [9ra] o 3|
[8wo] t o t [8wo] t 4| [8eo] t o t [8eo] s 6|
[0ts] u s u [0ts] d 7| [wyd] o d o [wyd] f 8|
[wyf] o f o [wyf] d 7| [wud] o d o [wud] s 6|
[qts] i s i [qts] d 7| [wyd] o d o [wyd] f 8|
[wyf] o f o [wyf] d 5| [0rd] o d o [0rd] s 6|
[0ts] u s u [0ts] a 3| [8wa] u a u [8wa] p 4|
[8ep] t p t [8ep] o 5| [0ro] t o t [0ro] s 6|
[qts] i s i [qts] o 3| [8wo] t o t [8wo] p 4|
[8ep] t p t [8ep] a 2| [qra] i a i [qra]|
[6p]| [0t]| |[0t]|
[6p]| [qr]| |[qr]|
[68e]Level: 5Length: 01:51IntermediateWritten On The Sky (Max Richter)
Max Richter