Baby Don’t Hurt Me (David Guetta)

David Guetta 25 March 2025

[etus] a s p s a s [wtup]
s a s o s a s o
[wrua] p a o a p a [wryo]
[ad] e r [wp] [rp] [ep] [rp] [wp]
[tup] [rp] [tf] e [tf] r [tp] [ep]
[tuo] [rp] [tf] [ws] [td] [rs] [ts] [ws]
[ruod] [ed] [rd] [wf] [rd] [es] [rp] w
[ryoa] e r [wp] [rp] [ep] [rp] [wp]
[tup] [rp] [tf] e [tf] r [tp] [ep]
[tuo]p[rp] [tf] [ws] [td] r [ts] [ws]
[ruod] [ed] [rd] [wf] [rd] [es] [rp] w
[ryoa] e r w r e r w
[tu] r t [ep] [tf] [rg] [tf] [esh]
[tu] r t w t [rg] [tf] [wad]
[ru] e r w r [ef] [rs] [wd]
[ryo] e r w r e r [wp]
[tu] r t e [tf] [rg] [tf] [esh]
[tu] r t w t [rg] [tf] [wad]
[ru] e r w r [ef] [rs] [wod]
[ry] e r w r [ef] [rh] [wsfj]
[etu]|[etu]|[etuf] g[etu]f [etih]
[wtu] f [wtu]|[wtu] [wtu]f [wtih]
[wru] f [wru]|[wru] [wru]f [wrid]
[wry]|[wry]|[wry] f[wry]h [wryj]
[etu]|[etu]|[etuf] g[etu]f [etih]
[wtu] f [wtu]|[wtu] [wtu]f [wtih]
[wru] f [wru]|[wru] [wru]f [wrid]
[wry]|[wry]|[wry] f[wry]h [wrysfj]
[etu]|[etus] p [etus] a[etu]s [etip]
[wtus] a [wtus] o [wtus] a[wtu]s [wtio]
[wrua] p [wrua] o [wrua] p[wru]a [wrio]
[wrya] p [wrya] o [wrya] f[wry]h [wrysfj]
[etu]|[etus] p [etus] a[etu]s [etip]
[wtus] a [wtus] o [wtus] a[wtu]s [wtio]
[wrua] p [wrua] o [wrua] p[wru]a [wrio]
[wrya] p [wrya] o [wrya] p[wry]a [wryo]
[680] [6p] [ea]a6p[6a]a6p[ea] [6p]
[80wp] [8a] [ta]a8p[8a]a8p[ta] [8p]
[0wrp] [0a] [ua]a0p[0a]a0p[ua]o0o
[680] [6s] [ed]d6s[6f]d6d[es] [6p]
[80w] [8s] [td]d8s[8f]s8s[ts] [8d]
[680] 6 [ed]d6d[6d]d6d[eh] 6
[80wd]d8d[td]d8d[8d]d8d[th] 8
[0wrd] 0 u [0s] [0a] [0p] [uo] 0
[wry] w 5 w w [wf] [5h] [wsfj]
[etu]|[etu]|[etuf] g[etu]f [etih]
[wtu] f [wtu]|[wtu] [wtu]f [wtih]
[wru] f [wru]|[wru] [wru]f [wrid]
[wry]|[wry]|[wry] f[wry]h [wryj]
[etu]|[etu]|[etuf] g[etu]f [etih]
[wtu] f [wtu]|[wtu] [wtu]f [wtih]
[wru] f [wru]|[wru] [wru]f [wrid]
[wry]|[wry]|[wry] f[wry]h [wrysfj]
[etu]|[etus] p [etus] a[etu]s [etip]
[wtus] a [wtus] o [wtus] a[wtu]s [wtio]
[wrua] p [wrua] o [wrua] p[wru]a [wrio]
[wrya] p [wrya] o [wrya] f[wry]h [wrysfj]
[etu]|[etus] p [etus] a[etu]s [etip]
[wtus] a [wtus] o [wtus] a[wtu]s [wtio]
[wrua] p [wrua] o [wrua] p[wru]a [wrio]
[wrya] p [wrya] o [wrya] f[wry]h [wrysfj]
[etu]|[etu]|[etuf] g[etu]f [etih]
[wtu] f [wtu]|[wtu] [wtu]f [wtih]
[wru] f [wru]|[wru] [wru]f [wrid]
[wry]|[wry]|[wry] f[wry]h [wryj]
[etu]|[etu]|[etuf] g[etu]f [etih]
[wtu] f [wtu]|[wtu] [wtu]f [wtih]
[wru] f [wru]|[wru] [wru]f [wrid]
[wry]|[wry]|[wry] f[wry]h [wryj]

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About This Music Sheet

Baby Don’t Hurt Me (David Guetta) is a song by David Guetta. Use your computer keyboard to play Baby Don’t Hurt Me (David Guetta) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:15, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Baby Don’t Hurt Me (David Guetta) is classified in the genres: Dance, Electronica, Pop on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By David Guetta

  • 8 w y w u w y w [y7] w t w y w t w 6 e y e u e y e [y0] e y e u e y e 8 w y w u w y w [y7] w t w y w t w 6 e y e u e y i e u e y e u e t 8 w y w [uo] [wp] [ys] [wa] 7 w t w y w [to] [wd] 7 [se] y [ea] u [ea] y [pi] e [up] e [ys] e u e t 8 w y [wo] [uo] [wp] [ys] [wa] 7 w t [wo] [yo] [wp] [ut] w 6 e y e u e y i e u e y e u e t 8 w y w [uo] [wp] [ys] [wa] 7 w t w y [wo] [to] [wd] 6 [se] y [ea] u [ea] y [pe] 0 [pe] y [se] u e y e 8 w y [wo] [uo] [wp] [ys] [wa] 7 w t [wo] [yo] [wp] [ut] w 6 e y e u e y i e u e y e u e t 4 8 q [wp] [pge] [pg] [of] 4q5 9 w [ea] [ra] [of] [wof] 5 3 7 0 w [ra]|[a0] [of3] 6 0 e [ura] t o [se] [p6] 4 8 q [wp] [pge] [pg] [of] 4q5 9 w [uea] [ura] [of] [wof] 5 3 7 0 w [ura] [ua] [ua0] [of3] 6 0 e [ura] t o [se] [p6] 4 8 q [wp] [sje] [sj] [ha] 4q[da5] 9 w [fea] [rfa] [ha] [wha] 5 [od3] 7 0 w [rof] [of] [of0] [slf3] 6 0 e [rkhd] t d e [j6] [sp4] 8 q [wp] [sje] [sj] [ha] 4q[da5] 9 w [fea] [rfa] [ha] [wha] 5 [od30] [30] [30] [30] [of30] [of30] [of30] [slf30] 666666[khd6]666666 [sj] [spjg4]|[tqie]4q4[tie4] 4 [tqie] 4 [wuro5]|[wuro]5w5[uro5] 5 [wuro] 5 [wur30]|[wur0]303[wur3] 3 [wur0] 3 [utpe6]|[utpe]6e6[utpe6] 6 [utpe] 6 [tqie4]|[tqie]4q4[tie4] 4 [tqie] 4 [ywro5]|[ywro]5w5[yro5] 5 [ywro] 5 [wur30]|[wur0]303[wur3] 3 [wur0] 3 [utpe6]|[utpe]6e6[utpe6] 6 [utpe] 6 8 w y w [uo] [wp] [ys] [wa] 7 w t w y w [to] [wd] 7 [se] y [ea] u [ea] y [pi] e [up] e [ys] e u e t 8 w y [wo] [uo] [wp] [ys] [wa] 7 w t [wo] [yo] [wp] [ut] w 6 e y e u e y i e u e y e u e t 8 w y w [uo] [wp] [ys] [wa] 7 w t w y [wo] [to] [wd] 6 [se] y [ea] u [ea] y [pe] 0 [pe] y [se] u e y e 8 w y [wo] [uo] [wp] [ys] [wa] 7 w t [wo] [yo] [wp] [ut] w 6 e y e u e y i e u e y e u e t 4 8 q [wp] [pge] [pg] [of] 4q5 9 w [ea] [ra] [of] [wof] 5 3 7 0 w [ra]|[a0] [of3] 6 0 e [ura] t o [se] [p6] 4 8 q [wp] [pge] [pg] [of] 4q5 9 w [uea] [ura] [of] [wof] 5 3 7 0 w [ura] [ua] [ua0] [of3] 6 0 e [ura] t o [se] [p6] 4 8 q [wp] [sje] [sj] [ha] 4q[da5] 9 w [fea] [rfa] [ha] [wha] 5 [od3] 7 0 w [rof] [of] [of0] [slf3] 6 0 e [rkhd] t d e [j6] [sp4] 8 q [wp] [sje] [sj] [ha] 4q[da5] 9 w [fea] [rfa] [ha] [wha] 5 [od30] [30] [30] [30] [of30] [of30] [of30] [slf30] 666666[khd6]666666 [sj] [spjg4]|[tqie]4q4[tie4] 4 [tqie] 4 [wuro5]|[wuro]5w5[uro5] 5 [wuro] 5 [wur30]|[wur0]303[uf3] [uf3] [uf0] [sl3] 6|[s6]6[khd6]66 6 6 [sj6] [tqie4]|[tqie]4q4[tie4] 4 [tqie] 4 [ywro5]|[ywro]5w5[yro5] 5 [ywro] 5 [wur30]|[wur0]303[uf3] [uf3] [uf0] [sl3] 6|[s6]6[khd6]66 6 6 [sj6] [spjg4] 8 q w [ohe]|[wuf] 4q5 9 w e [rha]|[wof] 5 3 7 0 w [rha]|[f0] [d3] [pd6] 0 [fe] [rg] [tf]|[se] 6 4 8 q w [sphe]|[qf] 5w5 9 w [oe] [roh]|[wof] 5w[spj6] 0 [spje] r [tspj]|[spje] 6 [spj6] 0 [spje] r [tspj]|[sphe] 6 4 8 q [wp] [sje] [sj] [ha] 4q[da5] 9 w [fea] [rfa] [fa] [wha] 5 [od3] 7 0 w [rof] [of] [of0] [slf3] 6 0 e [rkhd] t|e [sj6] [p4] 8 [qp] [ws] [sje] [sj] [ha] 4q[da5] 9 w [fea] [rfa] [ha] [wha] 5 [da3] 7 0 w [rof] [of] [of0] [slf3] [63] 1 3 [khd6] 8 [d0] e [j6] [sp4] 8 q [wp] [sje] [sj] [ha] 4q[da5] 9 w [fea] [rfa] [ha] [wha] 5 [od3] 7 0 w [rof] [of] [of0] [slf3] 6 0 e [rkhd] t|e [sj6] [spjg4] 8 [tqie] w [tie]|[tie] 4q[yro5] 9 [ywro] e [yro]|[ywro] 5 [yro30] [30] [yro30] [30] [yro30] [30] [yro30] [30] [utpe6]666[utpe6]666[utpe6]666[utpe6]|[utpe860]

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:22
    Titanium (Intermediate)

    David Guetta

  • uI I | uI p |
    uI I y u I pa | yu I | yu I |
    uI I | uI p |
    uI I y u I pa | yu I | yu | y |
    o I u | yy T y | yy T y | yy T y | o I u y y

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:00
    Super Easy
    Without You

    David Guetta

  • [t1] o d o f o d o [r7] o s o d o s o [e6] u d p f p d g [p6] f p d p f p s 1| o o p s a 7|| o d [s6] s|a a a|p 6 p|s||1| o o p s a 7| o o p u|6|||6|||1| o o p s a 7|| o d [s6] s|a a| p 6 p|s||1|| o p s a 7| o o p u|6|||6|||4| p g g f|5| a a f f|3||a| a d [f6]| a a|s p 4|| g g f|5| a a f f|3||a| a d [f6]| a a|s p 4| s j j h|5| f f h h|3 f| f f f l 6| k||j 4| s j j h|5| f f h h|3 f| f f f l 6| k||j 4|| h|f|5| d h|f|3|| h h f f [d6]|g|f||4|| h|f|5|o o h h f|[j6]||| 6||h|4| s j j h|5| f f h h|3 f| f f f l 6| k||j 4| s j j h|5| f f h h|3 f| f f f l 6| k||j 4| s j j h|5| f f h h|3 f| f f f l 6| k||j 4| s j j h|5| f f h h|3 f| f f f l 6| k|| j 6
    Level: 4
    Length: 01:54

    David Guetta


  • p s f p s f p s f u a f u a d s
    i s g i s g i s g t s f t s d s
    p s f p s f p s f u a f u a d s
    i s g i s g i s g t s g h g f d
    p [0es] f [0ep] s [0ef] p [0es]
    f [70u] a [70f] u [70a] d [70s]
    i [8qs] g [8qi] s [8qg] i [8qs]
    g [0wt] s [0wf] t [9ws] d [9ws]
    [6p] [0es] f [0ep] s [0ef] p [0es]
    [3f] [70u] a [70f] u [70a] d [70s]
    [4i] [8qs] g [8qi] s [8qg] i [8qs]
    [8h] [0wt] s [0wg] [7h] [9wg] f [9wd]
    [6ep] s f p s f p s
    [30f] u a f u a d s
    [4qi] s g i s g i s
    [18g] t s f [7r] s d s
    [6ep] s f p s f p s
    [30f] u a f u a d s
    [4qi] s g i s g i s
    [18g] t s g [7h] g f d
    p [0es] f [0ep] s [0ef] p [0es]
    f [70u] a [70f] u [70a] d [70s]
    i [8qs] g [8qi] s [8qg] i [8qs]
    g [0wt] s [0wf] t [9ws] d [9ws]
    p [0es] f [0ep] s [0ef] p [0es]
    f [70u] a [70f] u [70a] d [70s]
    i [8qs] g [8qi] s [8qg] i [8qs]
    g [0wt] s [0wg] h [9wg] f|
    [6up] [0e]|[0e] t [0ey] u [0ei]
    [3u] [70y] ty[70]u [70y] y [70t]t4 [8q]|[8q] t [8qy] u [8qi]
    [8u] [0wy] ty[0w]u7 [9wy] y [9wt]t6 [0et]|[0e] t [0ey] u [0ei]
    [3u] [70y] t [70y] u [70]y [70y]t4 [8qt]|[8q] t [8qy] u [8qi]
    [8u] [0wy] ty[0w]u7 [9wy] y [9wt]
    [6p] s f p s f p s
    [3f] [3u] a [3f] u a d s
    [4i] s g [4i] s g i s
    [8g] t s [8g] h g [7f] d
    [6p] s f p s f p s
    [3f] [3u] a [3f] u a d s
    [4i] s g [4i] s g i s
    [8g] 8 8 7|0|
    6 [etu]|[etu]|[etu]|[etu]
    3 [Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]
    4 [eti]|[eti]|[eti]|[eti]
    [18] [wtu]|[wtu] 7 [wry]|[wry]
    6 [etu]|[etu]|[etu]|[etu]
    3 [Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]
    4 [eti]|[eti]|[eti]|[eti]
    [18] [wtu]|[wtu] 7 [wry]|
    [6up] [0e]|[0e] t [0ey] u [0ei]
    [3u] [70y] ty[70]u [70y] y [70t]t4 [8q]|[8q] t [8qy] u [8qi]
    [8u] [0wy] ty[0w]u7 [9wy] y [9wt]t6 [0et]|[0e] t [0ey] u [0ei]
    [3u] [70y] t [70y] u [70]y [70y]t4 [8qt]|[8q] t [8qy] u [8qi]
    [8u] [0wy] ty[0w]u7 [9wy] y [9wt] [6e]|||
    3 3|3||
    4| 4||
    8 8 8 7|0|
    [6p] s f p s f p s
    [3f] [3u] a [3f] u a d s
    [4i] s g [4i] s g i s
    [8g] u8s [8f] [7u] s|
    6 [etu]|[etu]|[etu]|[etu] 3 [W3ru]|[W3ru]|[Wru]|[Wru]
    4 [eti]|[4eti]|[eti]|[eti] 8 [wtu]8 [8wtu] 7 [wry] 0 [wry]|
    [etu]|[etu] s [etud] f [etug] f [Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|
    [eti]|[eti] s [etid] f [etig] f [wtu]|[wtu]|[wry]|[wry]|
    [etu]|[etu] s [etud] f [etug] f [Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|
    [eti]|[eti] s [etid] f [etig] f [wtu]|[wtu]|[wry]|[wry]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:48
    Fall Away

    Twenty One Pilots

  • [7G] [Qf] [eG] [yj]
    [eG] T u p f G j k G f
    [5G] [9f] [wG] [rj]
    [eG] T o p f G L L k
    [7G] [Qf] [eG] [yj]
    [eG] T u p f G j k G f
    [5G] [9f] [wG] [rj]
    [eG] T o f G L L k
    [7raG] [Qf] [rG] [Qyj] Q r Q
    [6aG] [Qf] [rG] [yj] [uk] [rG] [ef]
    [5aG] [wf] [rG] [wyj] 7 9 7
    [6aG] [0f] [rG] [IL] [IL] [uk] e
    [7raG] [Qf] [rG] [Qyj] Q r Q
    [6aG] [Qf] [rG] [yj] [uk] [rG] [ef]
    [5aG] [wf] [rG] [wyj] 7 9 7
    [6aG] [0f] [rG] [IL] [IL] [0uk] e r T
    [9edj] [wsh] [edj] [8tgl] [rfk] [8wsh]
    [9eydj] q e y q [6d] [7f] [8g]
    [qidj] e y [ij] [tusg] [oj] i o [ig] [uf]
    [9ad] q r y 9 [qrd] [9g] [qej]
    [9djz] q e [ypz] [ufhl] [iz] u i [ul] [th]
    [S6pj] 0 e w 0 [Tox]
    [yijzc] q e [yic] [tulx] [ic] [pb] [uc]
    [qykv] [rz] [wk] [yv] [rz] w [9x]
    [ypgjc] [ez] [ij] [pc] [uofhx] [ul] u i [uh] [tx]
    [eidgx] q y [iz] [yz] [6d] [7f] [8g]
    [qidj] e y [ij] [tusg] [oj] i o [ig] [uf]
    [9ad] q r y 9 [qrd] [9g] [qej]
    [9djz] q e [ypz] [ufhl] [iz] u i [ul] [th]
    [S6pj] 0 e w 0 [Tox]
    [yijzc] q e [yic] [tulx] [ic] [pb] [uc]
    [qykv] [rz] [wk] [yv] [rz] w [9x]
    [ypgkc] [ez] [ij] [pc] [uohx] [ul] u i [uh] [tx]
    [Jwx] t u [gz] [qeygjz]
    [9yi] q e [qi] [8t] [0o] i o [wi] u
    [7ry] 9 q [7y] 9 q 9 i
    [9rp] q e [qp] [8tu] [0i] u i [wu] t
    [T] 0 e w 0 [To]
    [9yi] q e [qi] [8tu] i p u
    [7y] r w y r w 9
    [7rp] 9 q [9p] [8tu] [0i] u i [wu] [0t]
    [9yi] q e [9e] y i p d f g
    [ydj] p i [dj] [tpg] [uj] [sg] [of]
    [rad] i y a i [yd] [ag] [ij]
    [raz] i y [az] [tol] [uz] [sl] [oh]
    [Tsj] p u s [Tp] [Tophjx]
    [9ygjc] e y [igjc] [tufhx] [igjc] [pjlb] [igjc]
    [ryhzv] [rdkz] [wahk] [yohzv] [rkz] w [9flx] [flx]
    [rpgjc] [ygz] [rdgj] [pgjc] [tuhx] [ighl] u i [ush] [tjlx]
    [Jyohx] [yigjz] [6d] [^f] [8g]
    [qidj] e y [ij] [tusg] [oj] i o [ig] [uf]
    [9ad] q r y 9 [qrd] [9g] [qej]
    [9djz] q e [ypz] [ufhl] [iz] u i [ul] [th]
    [S6pj] 0 e w 0 [Tox]
    [yijzc] q e [yic] [tulx] [ic] [pb] [uc]
    [qykv] [rz] [wk] [yv] [rz] w [9x]
    [ypgjc] [ez] [ij] [pc] [uohx] [uhl] u i [uh] [thx]
    [Jeihx] q y [eigjz] [qgjz] y [ei] q
    [yigjc] [ez] [yj] [ic] [uofhx] [ufhl] u i [ufh] [tfhx]
    [wufhx] e y [eidgjz] [eidgjz] e y [ex]
    [rc] y i z j c [wx] t u l h x
    [dx] i p [iz] [pz] d i p
    [9ry] i p a

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:58
    Beloved Tomboyish Girl (Touhou)


  • [tuo] [tuo] [tuo] [tuo] [yip] [yip] [yip] [yip] [etu] [etu] [etu] [etu] [qet] [qet] [qet] [qet] t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u t y [is] [pd] [id] [ys] [is] p e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [ul] [tl] [uh] [oh] u y i [pf] [ih] [yh] [ij] [pj] i e t [uf] [th] [eh] [tf] [uf] [th] [qh] [es] [ts] [ed] [qd] [es] [ts] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qeid] [ps] [qets] [pf] [tusf] f [tush] f [tusf] f [tudh] [fg] [yidj] g [yigj] g [yidj] g [yigj] [gh] [etps] s [etpf] s [etps] s [etfg] [sj] [qeip] p [qeis] p [qeip] p [qesl] [pl] [tusf] f [tush] f [tusf] f [tush] [fz] [yidj] g [yigj] g [yidj] g [yijl] [gl] [etsv] s [etpf] s [etsx] s [etfl] [sj] [qeps] [8l] [wv] [qc] [9x] [8z] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [8il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [qips] e t [8l] [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u t y [is] [pd] [id] [ys] [is] p e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [ul] [tl] [uh] [oh] u y i [pf] [ih] [yh] [ij] [pj] i e t [uf] [th] [eh] [tf] [uf] [th] [qh] [es] [ts] [ed] [qd] [es] [ts] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qetd] s [sf] f [tuo] d g [yip] f h [etu] g j [qet] l l [tuo] h z [yip] l l [etuv] x l j [qet] [8l] [wv] [qc] [9x] [8z] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [8il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [qips] e t [8l] [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtol] [wto] k [wto] [wtoh] [9wy] [9wyl] l [9wyl] l [9wyl] l [0euz] x [0eu] z [0eu] [0eul] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtoz] x [wto] z [wto] [wtok] w r y [8l] [wv] [qc] [0yx] [9rz] [tfz] [uf] [od] [ud] [tf] [uf] [odl] [udx] [yg] [ig] [pf] [if] [ygv] [igc] [pfx] [ifz] [esz] [ts] [up] [tp] [es] [ts] [upl] [tpx] [qp] [ep] [ti] [ei] [qpv] [epc] [tix] [eiz] [tfz] [uf] [od] [udz] [tf] [uf] [odz] [ud] [yg] [ig] [pf] [ifl] [ygv] [igc] [pfx] [ifz] [esz] [ts] [up] [tpz] [es] [ts] [upz] [tpl] [qp] [ep] [ti] [eil] [qpv] [epc] [tix] [eiz] [tfz] u [od] u [tf] u [odl] [ux] [yg] i [pf] i [ygv] [ic] [pfx] [iz] [esz] t [up] t [es] t [upl] [tx] [qp] e [ti] e [qpv] [ec] [tix] [ez] [tfz] u [od] [uz] [tf] u [odz] u [yg] i [pf] [il] [ygv] [ic] [pfx] [iz] [esz] t [up] [tz] [es] t [upz] [tl] [qp] e [ti] e [qp] e [ti] e [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtol] [wto] k [wto] [wtoh] [9wy] [9wy] [9wy] [9wy] [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtoz] x [wto] z [wto] [wtok]
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    Length: 03:54
    Firework (Intermediate)

    Katy Perry