01:58 -
9|e|i p| o| i|
[d8]|w|y| |i|
[s^]|q|[tl]| h| |
[g8]|w|[yl]| s| |
[s9]|e|[uf]| l||z|
[l9]|e|[ih]| g| |
[s^]|q|[tl]| h| |
[g8]|w|[yl]| s| |
[s9]|e|[uf]| l||z|
[l9]|e|[ih]| g| |
[so^4]|q|[tl]| h| |
[sg85]|w|[yl]| s| |
[sp96]|e|[ug]| l||z|
[lg96]|e|[ih]| g| |
[so^4]|q|[tl]| h| |
[sg851]|w|[yl]| s| |
[sp962]|e|[uf]| l||z|
[lg962]|e|[ih]| g| |
y|p|g j| h| g|
[zt]|o|d| |g|
[yf]|p| s|j|J|h|g g
About This Music Sheet
Before the Story (Deltarune) is a song by Toby Fox. Use your computer keyboard to play Before the Story (Deltarune) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:58, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Before the Story (Deltarune) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Relaxing, Deltarune.
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Other Songs By Toby Fox
8 [0wo] 8u[0w] [8t] [0wy]t8w[0we]t4 [68e] 4t[68] [5r] [79t]y5 [79]
8 [0wo] 8u[0w] [8t] [0wy]t8w[0we]t[68qi]uy [79wy]te [68qe] [80wt] [0wt]|
w8 [0wo] 8u[0w] [8t] [0wy]t8w[0we]t4 [68e] 4t[68] [579r] t[579y]|
w 8 [0wo] 8u[0w] [8t] [0wy]t8w[0we]t[68qi]uy [79wy]te [68qe] [80wt] [0wt]|
4 [68e] 4e[68] [4e] [68t]r4e[68w]e1 [350] 10[35] [19] [350]q10[359] 4 [68e] 4e[68]
[4e] [68t]r4e[68w]e5 [79r]|[79w]|[79r] y[79t] r[79e]r4 [68e] 4e[68]
[4e] [68t]r4e[68w]e1 [350] 10[35] [19] [350]q10[359] 4 [68e] 4e[68]
[4e] [68t]r4e[68w]e[79q] r|[79w]|[79qr] y[79qt]|[79qr]|
[79qr] [79qr][70wt][79qr]|[79qr]Level: 6Length: 00:34IntermediateDog Song (Undertale)
Toby Fox
j h g f d [eS]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO]|e||
S d S a f [qj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
j H j x j [ej]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO] kj[eH]||
k j H| j k H [qpj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
j h g f d [eOS]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO]|e||
S d S a f [qpj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
j H j x j [Oej]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO] kj[eH]||
k j H| j k H [qj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
j h g f d [eS]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO]|e||
S d S a f [qj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
j H j x j [ej]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO] kj[eH]||
k j H| j k H [qpj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
j h g f d [eOS]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO]|e||
S d S a f [qpj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
j H j x j [Oej]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO] kj[eH]||
k j H| j k HLevel: 5Length: 01:28IntermediateDialtone (Deltarune)
Toby Fox
q e t u a s o u
[0p]ere r t [0o]wre r t
q e t u a s o u
[0p]e t [us] [td] [0a]wre [wo] [9a]
q e t u a s o u
[0p]ere r t [0o]wre r t
[9e] we t i u t yy
5 9 w t [5r]| |
q e t u a s o u
[0p]ere r t [0o]wre r t
q e t u a s o u
[0p]e t [us] [td] [0a]wre [wo] [9a]
q e t u a s o u
[0p]ere r t [0o]wre r t
[9e] we t i u t yy
5 9 w t [5r]| |
[30uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru]
[4qto] [qet] [qto] [qet] [qto] [qet]
[30uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru]
[4qos] [eti] [qos] [eti] [qos] [eti]
[30uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru]
[4qto] [qet] [qto] [qet] [qto] [qet]
[yp] op s g f s dd
w y o s [wa]Level: 7Length: 01:15IntermediateLost Girl (Deltarune)
Toby Fox
8 w t y|w t y
0 w t o|w t y
( w t y|w t y|
w t o||
8 w t y|w t y
0 w t y|w t y
q e t o|e t y|
s a o|t y t
8 w t y|w t y
0 w t y|w t y
( w t y|o y t
( w t [9y]|o w t
8 w t y|w t o
0 w t o|i u t
( w t y|w t y
9 t y [ti]o5||
[8o] w t [yh]|t w|
[0d] r y o|y r|
[(s]|E [Yh]|E (|
[9o] e t y w 5 9 w
[8o] w t|[ys]|w|
[0o]h|t jy|t y|
[(h]|E|[9ed]|y [8s]|
w t u y t w|
[8o] w t [yh]|t w|
[0d] r y o|y r 0
[(s] E Y h|Y E o9|
e y o|5 w|
[8o] w t|s w 8|
[4o] s h|[5qd]| [8s]|
w t u y t w|
[qd]|[ts]|[qa] [ts]|
[0d]|t|[0k] Jtj
[(h]|E|( E|
[wd]|[ys]|[wd] [yf]|
[qd]|[ts]|[qa] st d
0|t|[0k] Jtj
[(h]|t|( t|
8 w t y|w t y
0 w t o|w t y
( w t y|w t y|
w t o||
8 w t y|w t y
0 w t y|w t y
q e t o|e t y|
s a o|t y t
8 w t y|w t y
0 w t y|w t y
( w t y|o y t
( w t [9y]|o w t
8 w t y|w t o
0 w t o|i u t
( w t y|w t y
9 t y [ti]o5||
[8o] w t [yh]|t w|
[0d] r y o|y r|
[(s]|E [Yh]|E (|
[9o] e t y w 5 9 w
[8o] w t|[ys]|w|
[0o]h|t jy|t y|
[(h]|E|[9ed]|y [8s]|
w t u y t w|
[8o] w t [yh]|t w|
[0d] r y o|y r 0
[(s] E Y h|Y E o9|
e y o|5 w|
[8o] w t|s w 8|
[4o] s h|[5qd]| [8s]|
w t u y t w|
[qd]|[ts]|[qa] [ts]|
[0d]|t|[0k] Jtj
[(h]|E|( E|
[wd]|[ys]|[wd] [yf]|
[qd]|[ts]|[qa] st d
0|t|[0k] Jtj
[(h]|t|( t|
[5t]wLevel: 5Length: 03:57IntermediateHome (Undertale)
Toby Fox
680w| s a s| p a
s h f s| a p u
3579| a p a| u I
o d| a| |
5^9q| P p P| y Y
i d| P| p o p
[2y]468||[tu] [yi] [os]| [pf]|||
[6p]sfh s [ea] s| [0p] a
[6s] h f [es]| a [7p] [8u]
[3u]oad a [0p] a| [7u] I
[3o] d| [0a]||7 8
[5o]Pdg P [wp] P| [9y] Y
[5i] d| [wP]| p [9o] [6p]
[2y]||[9tu] [yi] [os] 6 [pf]
2||9||6 8
[6p]sfh s [ea] s| [0p] a
[6s] h f [es]| a [7p] [8u]
[3u]oad a [0p] a| [7u] I
[3o] d| [0a]||7 8
[5o]Pdg P [wp] P| [9y] Y
[5i] d| [wP]| p [9o] [6p]
[2y]||[9tu] [yi] [os] 6 [pf]
2||9||6 8
[6p]sfh a [es] a o [0a] s
[6a]| s [ed]||[7f] 8
[3a]||[0o] h G [7d] a
[3p]||0||7 8
[5o]Pdg a [ws] a o [9a] s
[5d]| D [wd]||[9D] 6
[2y]ips| [9i] p i [6p] s
[2g]||9||6 8
68(||j h f
[3d]%7 s| d| f|
[2d]4^||d j hg
[4h]68| |f gf
5^0||| 5^0|||
[6p]sfh s [ea] s| [0p] a
[6s] h f [es]| a [7p] [8u]
[3u]oad a [0p] a| [7u] I
[3o] d| [0a]||7 8
[5o]Pdg P [wp] P| [9y] Y
[5i] d| [wP]| p [9o] [6p]
[2y]||[9tu] [yi] [os] 6 [pf]
2||9||6 8
[6p]sfh s [ea] s| [0p] a
[6s] h f [es]| a [7p] [8u]
[3u]oad a [0p] a| [7u] I
[3o] d| [0a]||7 8
[5o]Pdg P [wp] P| [9y] Y
[5i] d| [wP]| p [9o] [6p]
[2y]||[6tu] [9yi] [6os]| 2pdjLevel: 5Length: 02:37IntermediateIt’s Raining Somewhere Else (Undertale)
Toby Fox
[5e] r||
[qt] e [qt] e [qt] e [qt] e
[qt] e [qt] e [qt] e [qt] e
[8qep] t [8qep] t [8qep] t [8qep] t
[8qep] t [8qep] t [8qep] t [8qep] t
[8wa] t [ua] t [ua] t [ua] t
[wa] t [ua] t [ua] t [ua] t
[qes] t [is] t [is] t [is] t
[qes] t [is] t [qis] t [is] t
[wo] t [wuo] t [wuo] t [wuo] t
[wuo] t [wuo] t [wuo] t [wuo] t
[9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r
[9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r
[8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q
[8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w
[8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w
[0to] w [0to] w [0to] w [0to] w
[9e] r||
[8qp] t [ep] t [ep] t [ep] t
[ep] t [ep] t [ep] t [ep] t
[8wa] t [ua] t [ua] t [ua] t
[es] t [is] t [is] t [is] t
[9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r
[8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q
[8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q
[8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ta] w
[8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ta] w
[qts] e [qts] e [qts] e [qts] e
[qts] e [qts] e [qts] e [qts] e
[8eg] s [8eg] s [8eg] s [8eg] s
[8eg] s [8eg] s [8eg] s [8eg] s
[8rh] s [8rh] s [8rh] s [8rh] s
[8rh] s [8rh] s [8rh] s [8rh] s
[8eg] s [8eg] s [8tg] s [8tg] s
[9tg] s [9tg] s [9tg] s [9tg] j
[8wl] h [8wl] h [8wl] h [8wl] h
[9ws] a [9wp] o [9ws] a [9wp] u
[9ws] a [9wp] o [9ws] a [9wp] u
pLevel: 6Length: 03:09IntermediateTo Build A Home (The Cinematic Orchestra)
The Cinematic Orchestra
680wetuo |
[ytqe86] |
[wut8] |
68qetuo |
[yqie^9] |
t | [ph] | h| h[ih] f d ds[tf] |
o | s | [ph] | h| s[li] kjh hj[th] |
fgf[od] | s | [ph] | h| h[ih] f d ds[tf] |
s | [wd] o sdfdessps ssq i sdfd8s sh sdw o sdfdessps ssq i sdfd8s sh sdw o sds etuo |
[ypihE] | [toa]sf | [tsoie] | [ypodE] |
[toa]sf | [uphe] | h| h[tqih] f [ldcb] ds[wtf8] |
[ywro] | [zvsn] | [utohe] | h|
s[tqli] kj[lhcb] hj[wth8] | fgf[ywrod] |
[zvsn] | [utohe] | h| h[tqih] f [ldcb] ds[wtf8] |
s | [ywrod] o [zvsn]dfd[upe]ssps ss[tqi] i [slcb]dfd[wt8]s sh sd[ywro] o [zvsn]dfd[utoe]ssps ss[tqi] i [slcb]dfd[wt8]s sh sdw9[w7]5[t2][y5][u2]y6[t3][t6][e8][t0]e[t0]t48qq[t8]y[u4]y1[t5]8[t0][o8] ty59ww[t9]yuy6[t3][t6][e8][t0]e[t0]t48qq[t8]y[u4]y1[t5]8[t0][wo] ty59[wo]w[ts9][yd][uf][yd]6[ts3][ts6][pe8][ts0]e[ts0][ts]48[qi]q[ts8][yd][uf4][yd]1[ts5]8[ts0][oh8] [ts][yd]59[wo]w[ts9][yd][uf][yd]6[ts3][ts6][pe8][ts0]e[ts0][ts]48[qi]q[ts8][yd][uf4][yd]1[ts5]8[ts0][woh] [ts][yd]572579wryoadh k [sl6][k8][h0][je][td][uf][ph][uj][td][fe][h0][j8][d6][f0][he][j0][s1]l[k5][h8][j0][wd][tf][uh][oj][sd][of][uh][tj][wd][f0][wh][tj][sle6]| [vphe]| [xqf84] | qetite[sl851]| [toh8]| [zwd95] | wryoyr[xfe60]| [zuped]| [vh][xqf84]| qetite[sl851]| [wtoh80]| [zwd95] | wryoadh | lzxzp[lf] jl llisg lzxzt[ol] l[vs] lzodh lzxzp[lf] jl llisg lzxzt[ol]slv lzodh [ol]zxz[pl]fj[lf]j[lf][lj][lf][li]sgh[sl][zi][xs]z[tl]osl[vo]t[ol]z[zo]dhd[lh][zd][xh]z[pl]f[lj][lf]j[lf][lj][lf][li]sgh[sl][zi][xs]z[tl]osl[vo]t[ol]zoyrw[wo]9[s7][d5][f2][d5]6[s0][se][tp][us]p[us][ts]48[qi]e[ts][id][tf][ed]1[s5]8[s0][wh]t[ws][d0]59[wo]r[ys][od][yf][rd]6[s0][se][tp][us]p[us][ts]48[qi]e[ts][id][tf][ed]1[s5]8[s0][wh]t[ws][d0]59[woh]r[ysl][zod][xf][zd]6[sl6][sl0][pje][tsl]u[spl][sl]44[ig8]q[sle][ztd][xif][zd]1[sl1]5[sl8][vh0]w[tsl][zd]55[oh9]w[srl][zyd][xof][zd]6[sl6][sl0][pje][tsl]u[spl][sl]44[ig8]q[sle][ztd][xif][zd]1[sl1]5[sl8][vh0]w[tsl][zd]559wryoadhk | [sl6]0[ke][tl]up[uk][tl]48[qh][le]t[si][th][se][s1]df5[g8]0[wh]t[wf]0[g5]fd9wryoyr[sl6]0[ke][tl]up[uk][tl]48[qh][le]t[si][th][se][s1]df5[g8]0[wh]t[xw]0[z5]9wryoyr[sl6]0[kea][tsl]up[uka][tsl][sl4]8[qka][sle]ti[tka]e[sl1]58[vh0]wt[wsl]0[zd5]9wryoyr[sl6]0[kea][tsl]up[uka][tsl][sl4]8[qka][sle]ti[tka]e[sl1]58[vh0]wt[wsl]0[zd5]9wryoyr[sl6]| [pje60]| [sle60][zd][xfe60] [sl4]| [qoh84]| [sql84][zd][xqf84] [sl1]| [vh851]| [sl851] [zd5]| [w95]| [w95] [sl6]| [pje60]| [sle60][zd][xfe60] [sl4]| [qoh84]| [sql84][zd][xqf84] [sl1]| [vh851]| [sl851] [zd5]| [w95]| [w95] [sl6]| [pje60]| [sle60][zd][xfe60] [zd4]| [sql84]| [qoh84][sl][zqd84] [sl1]| [vh851]| [sl851] [zd5]| [w95]| [w95] [s6]0e[tp]| sdf [d4]8q[se]| osd [o1]sf58[shf0]wt[ud]t[o5]ad9wryoadhkzvnzv [ph] |
h| h[ih] f d ds[tf] | s | [ts]od |
s [ph] | h| s[li] kjh ghjhght |
fgf[od] | s | [ph] | h| h[ih]
f d ds[tf] | s |
[wd] o sdfdqts ps ss8w o sdfdeus sh sdwy|
s fds[s8]0wtLevel: 7Length: 05:46IntermediateKataware Doki (Kimi no Na wa) (Alternative)
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Brian Crain