Changes (Alternative)

XXXtentancion 27 October 2020

[is] s s s
[ys] s s s
[es] s s s
s s t s t t u y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t u y t r
[qts] y s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[9ts] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[ets] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[ts] s t s s e w
[qts] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[9ts] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[ets] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[ts] t s t s t t u y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r
t y

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About This Music Sheet

Changes (Alternative) is a song by XXXtentancion. Use your computer keyboard to play Changes (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:58, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Changes (Alternative) is classified in the genres: USA, Rap on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Hip hop, Virtual Piano Comp.


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Other Songs By XXXtentancion

  • [utqpe]|a|s [sp] [utohe]||f|u o [ha]|[ywr]|a|r| [ywr0]||y 0 [rp] o [utqpe]|a t s| [utokfe]||s|u| [of]|[ywr]|[ha]|r y [ywro0]||r[uf] d [s0] a [tp4]|[ta] 8 [tsq]| [sph6]||[spf] 0 t 6 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 w r| [p3] o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]| [sf6]||[shf] 0 t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]||7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [tp4] 8 [tqa4] e [ts]| [sph6]||[spf0] [te] 6 0 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 7 w 3 p o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]| [us6]||[sh0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]||7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [up4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [tsphe6]||[spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [30]| [73] 0 7 w 3 p [o3] [up4]|[uta] [84] [tsq4]| [usf6]||[shf0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uo30]||[73] [wuof] d [s73] a [usp4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [sphe6]||[spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [p3]||[o73]|w 7 [p3] o [utp92]|[uta] 6 [ts9]| [usfe6]||[shf0]|t 6 [uof]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uoa30]||[73] [wuof] d [s73] a [p840]||[uo]fd sa [woa60]|o o [ua] s [ua]|5 9 w r y|3|| 7 s [wf] f [h3]|[sp4] 8 q e t p [if4]|[d6] 0 e [uts] e| 6 as[oa5] 9 w r y|3| 7 0 w [rof] d [s3] a [tqpie]| [pi]f d s a [utoea]|o o a s a|[ywr]| r y w 0|| w s [rf] f [h0]|[utsqe]| t u [qp] f|[utoed]| s t u e as[ywra]| y r w 0|| w|r|y| [qe] [usj] a [sl] [utoe]|f u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[utqpe] [ka] [sl] [utoe]|h u [xf] [ywr] h| [ha] [ywr0]|[yxhf][zd][sl][ka][tqpje] [ka] [sl] [utokhe]|[hf] u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[qpe9] a [sl] [utofe]|t u [ofa] [ywr]| a [ywr0]
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:12
    Jocelyn Flores (Intermediate)


  • [utqpe]|a|s [sp][utohe]||f| u o[ha]|[ywr]|a|r|[ywr0]|| y 0 [rp] o [utqpe]|a t s|[utokfe]|| s|u|[of]|[ywr]|[ha]|r y [ywro0]|| r[uf] d [s0] a [tp4]|[ta] 8 [tsq]|[sph6]|| [spf] 0 t 6 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 w r| [p3] o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]|[sf6]|| [shf] 0 t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]|| 7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [tp4] 8 [tqa4] e [ts]|[sph6]|| [spf0] [te] 6 0 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 7 w 3p o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]|[us6]|| [sh0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]|| 7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [up4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [tsphe6]|| [spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [30]| [73] 0 7 w 3 p [o3] [up4]|[uta] [84] [tsq4]|[usf6]|| [shf0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uo30]|| [73] [wuof] d [s73] a [usp4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [sphe6]|| [spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [p3]|| [o73]|w 7 [p3] o [utp92]|[uta] 6 [ts9]|[usfe6]|| [shf0]|t 6 [uof]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uoa30]|| [73] [wuof] d [s73] a [p840]||[uo]fdsa [woa60]| o o [ua] s [ua]|5 9 w r y|3|| 7 s [wf] f [h3]|[sp4] 8 q e t p [if4]| [d6] 0 e [uts] e|6 as[oa5] 9 w r y|3| 7 0 w [rof] d [s3] a [tqpie]| [pi]f d s a [utoea]|o o a s a|[ywr]| r y w 0|| w s [rf] f [h0]|[utsqe]| t u [qp] f|[utoed]| s t u e as[ywra]| y r w 0|| w|r|y| [qe] [usj] a [sl] [utoe]| f u|[ywr] [ha]|[wr0]| 0 po[utqpe] [ka] [sl] [utoe]| h u [xf] [ywr] h|[ha] [ywr0]| [yxhf][zd][sl][ka][tqpje] [ka] [sl] [utokhe]|[hf] u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[qpe9] a [sl] [utofe]|t u [ofa] [ywr]| a [ywr0]
    Level: 8
    Length: 02:12
    Jocelyn Flores


  • [is] | s | s | s | [ys] | s | s | s | [es] | s | s | s | s | s | s u s s f d s a [qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [ets] y s [t t] [ts] y [ts] r [ts] y s t s [t t] [us] y t r [qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [ets] y s [t t] [ts] y [ts] r [ts] y s t s t t u y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] s t s s e w [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] t s t s t t u y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qst] | s | s | s | [sqy9] | s | s | s | [sue] | s | s | s | [sute] | s | s | s
    Level: 5



  • b j x j b j x j b j x j b j x j [eb] [uj] [xp] [uj] [ba] [uj] [xp] [uj] [eb] [uj] [xp] [uj] [ba] [uj] [xp] [uj] [eb] [uj] [xp] [uj] [ba] [uj] [xp] [uj] [qb] [tj] [xp] [tj] [ba] [tj] [xp] [tj] [bQ] [yj] [xp] [yj] [ba] [yj] [xp] [yj] [qb] [tj] [xp] [tj] [fb]| | [eb] [uj] [xp] [uj] [ba] [uj] [xp] [uj] [qb] [tj] [xp] [tj] [pb] [tj] [xp] [jf] [dQ] [yj] [xp] [yj] [ba] [yj] [xp] [yj] [qb] [tj] [xp] [tj] [db]| | [je] u [xp] [uj] [ba] [uj] [xp] [uj] [qb] [tj] [xp] [tj] [pb] [tj] [xp] [xtf] [zdQ] [yj] [xp] [yj] [ba] [yj] [xp] [yj] [sql] [tj] [xi] j [wk]| | [us6] [p0] [use] [p0] [use] [p0] [use] [p0] [id4] [p8] [qid] [p8] [qid] [p8] [qid] [p8] [id9] [pe] [yid] [pe] [yid] [pe] [yid] [pe] [si4] [p8] [sqi] [pe] [oa5] [p9] [woa] [rp] [us6] [p0] [use] [p0] [use] [p0] [use] [p0] [id4] [p8] [qid] [p8] [qid] [p8] [qid] [p8] [dI9] [pe] [ydI] [pe] [ydI] [pe] [ydI] [pe] [id4] [p8] [qid] [pe] [so5] [p9] [woa] [rp] [se][uf][pj]||| [sq][tg]ij| j| j||x [yG][pj][zd]||| [qg][tj][li]| |[wd][yh][ok]| | [s6] [p0] [pe] [s0] [ts] [p0] [pe] [s0] [s4] [p8] [qpj] 8 [pje] [p8] [qp] [xf8] [zjdG$] [p9] [pQ] [s9] [se] [p9] [pQ] [s9] [s4] [p8] [qp] [se] [a5] [p9] [wp] [ra] [sjf6] [p0] [pe] [s0] [ts] [p0] [pe] [s0] [sjg4] [p8] [qg]jl[s8] [je]lc[p8] [qp] [xljf8] [zjdG$] [p9] [pQ] [s9] [se] [p9] [pQ] [s9] [a0]rf[uj]p p a [O0]arfHuO O a [lg]cb||[vlc]b[zh]vn| | [tqoi4] [tqpi4]||[ywpo5] [ywoa5]|| [sljf6] [p0] [pe] [s0] [ts] [p0] [pe] [s0] [s4] [p8] [qpj] 8 [pje] [p8] [qp] [xf8] [zjdG$] [p9] [pQ] [s9] [se] [p9] [pQ] [s9] [sljg4] [p8] [qp] [se] [khda5] [p9] [wp] [ra] [ljf6] [p0] [pe] [s0] [ts] [p0] [pe] [s0] [ljg4] [p8] [qpjg] [s8] [sjge] [p8] [qp] [xljf8] [zjGC$] [p9] [pQ] [s9] [zjedG] [p9] [pQ] [s9] [xurkjf0]| |[f0][rH][uk]x| | [lg]cb||[vlc]b[zh]vn| | [tqoi] [tqpi]||[ywpo] [ywoa]|| [sihg] [sjig]||[ojhd] [okhd]|| [pL][jb]
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:37
    Infinity War Theme (Avengers)

    Alan Silvestri

  • [ts] f h k [pl] k h f [si] g h l [oh]||ty[t8] u o a s apop o [30] d dss a s apopo[q4] ips dff d sp [W%] fhfds d s Oo [ws5] d a sp a [p0]O [fe6] dds s a s [WO%]|[wut] ops h [wihT]h g||[tqfe] fdss p [tqWO] f d|[whda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][hda][whfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][hfa][shfe][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf][shf]9[yd][yd][yd][yd][yd][yd] [yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [utp5] 5 5o[I5][ro][o5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] [hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] 9[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [utp5] 5 5o[I5][ro][o5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] [hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hda5][hda][hda][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][hfa3][hfa][hfa][khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] 9[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5]I5[ur]5y5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6u[y^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@Y[yro5] 5 5y[I5][ro][ro5][yI]5[ur]5[yr]5 [yro5] 5 5 5[ro][ro5][yI]6[ur][ur^] [ywo7] [uto8] 1 1o[p1][ua][ua1]p1[uo]1u2[tpo@][tpo@] @ @o[p@][oP][oP@]p@[yi]@Y@D[hda5] [j5] [daG5] [h5][ofa][ofa5]G6[pID7][pID7] [pGD7] [hfa3] [j3] [oaG3] [h3][ofa][ofa3]G3[spoD@][spoD@] [spoY@] [yoda2] 2 2[oda]2[usO3][usO3] [u3]Os[o3]sf[s3]fH[skhf6] [sjhf6] [sph6] [sof6] [soD2] [sjD2] 2 [y2] 5 [hda5] 5 5 3 [hfa3] 3 3 [khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] [aI2] 2 [pI2] 2 5 [hda5] 5 5 3 [hfa3] 3 3 [khf6] [shf6] [ofa6] [uoa6] [aI2] 2 [pI2] 2 [hda5] 5 5 5|[yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2][yd2]2[whda5]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:24
    All I Want For Christmas Is You (Expert)

    Mariah Carey

  • YigPiDYiPPiDYigPiDYiPPiDYigPiDYiPPiDYigPiDYiPPiD[dY]igPiDYiPPiD[sY]igPiD[YP]iPPiP[YD]igPiDYiPPiD[dY]igPiDYiPPiD[td]igPiDtiPPiD[ts]igPiD[tP]iPPiD[tg]igPiDtiPDiD[td]igPiDtiPPiD[dY]igPiDYiPPiD[sY]igPiD[YP]iPPiP[YD]igPiDYiPPiD[dY]igPiDYiPPiD[td]igPiDtiPPiD[ts]igPiD[tP]iPPiD[tg]igPiDtiPPiDtigPiP[tD]iPPiD[gW%]igPiDYiPPiDYigPiP[YD]iPPiD[wg5]igPiDYiPPiD[hY]ggPgD[jY]gPPgD[j@(]ggPgD[YJ]gPPgD[hY]ggPiD[gY]iPPiD[hY]igPiDYiPPiDYigPiDYiPPiP[WD%]ig[YWP]iD[YW]iP[YWP]iD[YW]ig[YWP]iD[gYW]iP[YWP]iD[wd5]ig[wYP]iD[wY]iP[wYP]iD[wY]ig[wYP]iD[wYP]iP[wYP]iD[d81]ig[wtP]iD[wt]iP[wtP]iD[wt]ig[wtP]iD[wt]iP[wtP]iP[D!]ig[WTP]iD[WT]iS[WTP]iD[WT]ig[WTP]iD[WT]iS[WTP]iD^ig[qPE]iD[qE]iS[qPE]iD[qE]ig[qPE]iD[qE]iS[qPE]iD$PJ[SQ]PH[Q]SG[SQ]PH[Q]PJ[SQ]PH[Q]SG[qS]PH@PJ[^S(]PH[^(]SG[^S(]PH[^(]PJ[^S(]PH[^(]SJ[D]aL7DZ[rG(]DL[r(]Gk[rG(]DL[r(]DZ[rG(]DL[r(]Gk[GE(]DL%DZ[WH(]DL[W(]Gk[WH(]DL[W(]DZ[WH(]DL[W(]GZ[HE(]Gc[@(]gc[YJE]gZ[YE] J[YJE]DZ[YE]gc[YJE]gZ[YE] J[YJE]DZ[YE]gc[YJE]gZ[YE] J[YJE]DZ[YE]gc[YJE]gZ[YE] J[YJE]DZ[yZJ(]gcJ[g(]Z[ZJ]g[J(]JDZ[tZJ(]gcJ[g(]Z[ZJE]g[J(]JDZ[ZYJ(]gcJ[g(]Z[ZJ]g[J(]JDZ[yZJ(]gcJ[g(]Z[ZJ]g[J(]JDZ[yZJ(]gcJ[g(]Z[ZJ]g[J(]JDZ[tZJ(]gcJ[g(]Z[ZJE]g[J(]JDZ[iZJE]gcJ[g(]Z[ZYJ]g[J(]JDZ[yZJ(]gcJ[g(]Z[ZJ]g[J(]JDZ[yZWH(]gcJ[gW(]Z[ZH]g[WJ(]JDZ[tZWH(]gcJ[gW(]Z[ZHE]g[WJ(]JDZ[tZYWH]gcJ[tgW]Z[ZH]g[tWJ]JDZ[yZWH]gcJ[tgW]Z[ZH]g[tWJ]JDZ[zywhE]gcJ[wgE]Z[zh]g[wJE]JDZ[zwth9]gcJ[wg9]Z[zhE]g[wJ9]JDZ[zwihE]gcJ[wgE]Z[zh]g[wJE]JDZ[zwhE]gcJ[wgE]Z[zhY]g[wJE]JDZ[tiZWH]gcJ[tgW]Z[ZH]g[tWJ]JDZ[tZWH]gcJ[tgW]Z[ZYH]g[tWJ]JDZ[zyqiJE]gcJ[ygE]Z[zJ]g[yJE]JDZ[zyJE]gcJ[ygE]Z[zoJ]g[yJE]JDZ[toZWH]gcJ[tgW]Z[ZOH]g[tWJ]JDZ[tZYWH]gcJ[tgW]Z[yZH]g[tWJ]JDZ[tZYWH]gcJ[tgW]Z[ZH]g[tWJ]JDZ[tZWH]gcJ[tgW]Z[ZH]g[toWJ]JDZ[tqolH]gcJ[tqg]Z[lOH]g[tqJ]JDZ[tqlYH]gcJ[tqg]Z[ylH]g[tqJ]JDZ[tqlYH]gcJ[tqg]Z[lH]g[tqJ]JDZ[tqlH]gcJ[tqg]Z[liH]g[tqJ]JDZ[ywlH9]gcJ[wg9]Z[lH]g[wJ9]JDZ[wlH9]gcJ[wg9]Z[tlH]g[wJ9]JDZ[wrkh9]hvk[wh9]z[kh]d[zw9]hdh[wrhd9]ahd[wra9]d[oa]y[wrd9]oyo[oa5]ydo[y5]o[oa]y[d5]oyo[oa5]ydo[y5]o[oa]y[d5][wo]yo158(wt

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:52
    City of Tears (Hollow Knight)

    Christopher Larkin