Clocks (Easy)

Coldplay 9 December 2020

[9d] p I d p I d p
[6s] p u s p u s p
[6s] p u s p u s p
[0a] o u a o u a |
d d d dasa p |
s sss pap o y |
d d d dasa p |
s sss pap o y

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About This Music Sheet

Clocks (Easy) is a song by Coldplay. Use your computer keyboard to play Clocks (Easy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:25, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song Clocks (Easy) is classified in the genres: UK, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Sad, Soft Rock.

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    Other Songs By Coldplay

    • [6tu]|[tu]|[tu]|[tu]|
      [4ti]|[ti]|[ti]|i o
      [4ti]|[ti]|[ti]|i o
      t y t o 4 u|
      t y t o 8 u|
      w t y t u 5 u|u u|y t 6||
      t y t o 4 u|
      t y t o 8 u|
      t y t u 5 u|u u|y t 6||
      t y t o 4 u|
      t t y t o [8o] u|
      t y t u 5 u|u u|y t 6||
      t y t o 4 u|
      t y t o 8 u|
      t y t u 5 u|u u|y t 4| s|
      p o s 4 p o s|p| 8| u|
      o u p 8 u u u u|y t 4| s|
      p o s 4 p o s|p| 8|
      u o o u p 8 u u u u|
      y t [5r]|||
      5 i i i i i i i
      6ut [tu]|[tu]|[tu]|
      [4ti]|[ti]|[ti]|[ti] [to]
      [4ti]|[ti]|[ti]|[ti] [to]

      Level: 5
      Length: 01:26
      The Scientist (Intermediate)


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      Level: 6
      Length: 01:36
      A Sky Full Of Stars (Alternative)


    • t y [ut6]|[ts]|a|[tp4]| |[to]| |t y [wut1]|o|u|[ywt3]|||t y [wut6]|[yw]|t|[qe4]| |w| |w [wt10]|y [wu0]||[ywr95]|||t y [wut6]|[ts]|a|[tp4]| |[to]| |t y [wut1]|o|u|[ywt3]|||t y [wut6]|[yw]|t|[qe4]| |w|0|w|[w5]||0 0|[w975]|||t y [wut6]|[yw]|t|[qe4]| |w| |w [wt50]|y [yw0]||[ywr95]|||t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||[wut850]|[wut]|u|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w| |w|[t853]|y [ut]||[yr752]|||t [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||t y [wut850]|[wut]|u|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w|0| |[wt850]||w||[wr975]| |w t w t o [se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5|t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||[wut850]|[wut]|u|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w| |w|[t853]|y [ut]||[yr752]| |o uyt r t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||t [wut850]|[wut]|u|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w|0| |[t850]||w||[r975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w|0| |[wt850]| |[wt]|[85]||w t w t o [r975]||w||[o975]| |w e t||[t63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |w|[t851]|y u||[y730]| |w|u o||[t63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |w|[o851]|u t||[y730]| |y t y|t y [u63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |t y [u851]|o|u|[y730]|||t y [u63]|y|t|[e41]| |w| |t|[51]|y y||[y73]| |w| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5|t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||[wut850]|[wut]|o|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w| |w|[t853]|y [ut]||[yr752]| |o uyt r t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||o [uso850]|p|[uto]|[yro975]|||p a [usp860]|[ua]|[uo]|[i864]| |u|t|o|[850]||o t|[r975]|||p a [utp860]| |[to]|[ti864]| |[ut]|t| |[wt850]| |[wt]|[85]||w t w t o [r975]||w||[o975]| |w e t||[t63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |w|[t51]|y u||[y73]| |w|u o||[t63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |w|[o51]|u t||[y73]| |y t y|t y [u63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |t y [u51]|o|u|[y73]|||t y [u63]|y|t|[e41]| |w| |t|[51]|y y||[y73]| |w| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5|t y|||[u1]|o|u|[y3]|||t y [u6]|y|t|[e4]| |w|0|w|[t5]||w||[r5]| |t|t y [u6]|y|t|[e4]| |w| |t|5|y y||[r5]| |w|t y [u6]|s|a|[p4]| |o| |t y [u1]|o|u|[y3]|||t y [u6]|y|t|[e4]| |w| |w|[t1]|y u||[y5]| |o uyt r t y [u6]|s|a|[p4]| |o| |t y [u1]|o|u|[y3]|||t y [u6]|y|t|[y4]| |w|0|w|5||0 8|[w5]|||t y [u6]|y|t|[e4]| |w| |t|5|y y||[r5]| |y| |[t6]| |[t4]|||[u1]| |[y3]|||[t6]| |[t4]|||[u1]| |[y3]|||t y [u860]|o|o|[qp86]| |t t|[850]|o|u|[y975]|||t y [u860]|y|t|[qe86]| |w| |t|[w985]|y y||[w975]|||[s60]

      Level: 9
      Length: 06:09


    • TyTe r r IoIy I I TyTe r r IoIy I TyTe r r IoIy I I TyTe r r uIury TTyTe r r IoIy I I yTe rrrr IoIy I EErTy r r rTyu T T ErTy r r rTyu T III y I IIII uu ryu I III y I IIII uu ryuI k GfdG k Gfdf a k GfdG k Gfdf a
      Level: 2



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      Level: 8
      Length: 06:00
      Bohemian Rhapsody (Alternative)


    • 1 s a [s80]|o [i80] u 1 s a [s80]|o [i80] u 6 s a [s60]|o [i60] u 6 s a [s60]|o [i60] u 7 s a [ws85]|o [wi85] u 7 s a [ws85]|o [wi85] u 1 s a [sq6]|o [qi6] u [r5]uoa|||u u y u [31] 8 0 w t w 0 8 3 8 0 w [ut] [wu] [y0] [u7] [63] 8 [t0] [te] 0 e 0 8 3 8 0 e [t0] [te] [y0] [r8] [62] 7 [r9] [tq] e q [i9] [u6] [72] 8 [tq] w e q 8 6 [61] 4 8 q e q 8 6 1 6 8 [tq] [ue] [uq] [y8] [u6] [31] 8 [y0] [wt] 0 w 0 8 3 8 [t0] [wt] [ut] [wu] [y0] [u7] [63] 8 0 [te] t e [t0] 8 3 8 0 e t [te] [y0] [r8] [62] 5 9 [wt] [t0] w 8 5 [i2] [u8] q [yw] [te] [tq] 8 [y6] [u61] [y4] [t8] q e q 8 6 1 6 8 q 8 q e t i p s g j g s p [e86] t t t [wt60] t t y [qe6] uu|[e50]| |[wt8] t t t [tq98] t t y [ut97] u|y [e70]|t y [oe86] uuy y[w60]t||[qoe6] uuy y[e50]t|t [wto8] uuy y[tq98]t|r [r97]|||[uts] [uts] [yid] [uof31] 5 8 0 [ro5] 8 0 8 [of5] [of8] [of0] [wspg] 8 [of0] [id8] [us] [of72] 5 7 9 [od5] 9 w 9 [of5] [of7] [of9] [wspg] 7 [of9] [wid] [us] [pf63] 6 8 0 [yda8] 0 e 0 [sof6] [sof8] 0 [ged] [s8] [pf0] [uoed]s[uso] [864] 6 4 6 8 q [ed] [tf] gjlzc s s|a a s|s 1 [us] [ya] [us80]|[uo] [yi80] [ut] 1 [us] [ya] [us80] u u y u [31] 8 0 w t w 0 8 3 8 0 w [ut] [wu] [y0] [u7] [u63]y[t8] [t0] [te] t e 0 8 3 8 0 e [t0] [te] [y0] [r8] [r62] 7 [r9] [t0] e 0 [i9] [u6] [u2] 6 [t8] 0 8 [e0] 8 6 [61] 4 8 q e q 8 6 1 6 [t8] [tq] [ue] [uq] [y8] [u6] [31] 8 [y0] [wu] t w 0 [t8] [t3] [t8] [t0] [wt] [ut] [wu] [y0] [u7] [63]y[t8] 0 e t e 0 [sl8] 3 [zd8] 0 e [t0] [te] [y0] [r8] [62] 7 [r9] [wt] 9 [w7] [w9] 7 [i2] [u6] 8 [yq]t[te] wy[u0] 5 [i61] [u4] [t8] q e q 8 6 1 6 8 [qka] e [sql] 8 6 i p s g j g s p [e86] t t t [wt60] t t y [qe6] uu|[e50]| |[wt8] t t t [tq98] t t y [ut97] u|y [e70]|t y [oe86] uuy y[w60]t||[qoe6] uuy y[e50]t|t [wto8] uuy y[tq98]t|r [r97]|||[uts] [uts] [yid] [uof31] 5 8 0 [ro5] 8 0 8 [of5] [of8] [of0] [wspg] 8 [of0] [id8] [us] [of72] 5 7 9 [od5] 9 w 9 [of5] [of7] [of9] [wspg] 7 [of9] [wid] [us] [pf63] 6 8 0 [yda8] 0 e 0 [sof6] [sof8] 0 [ged] [s8] [pf0] [uoed]s[uso] [864] 6 4 6 8 q 8d[f6] 4 6 8 0 6 [uts8] [uts0] [ywid] [uof31] 5 8 0 [ro5] 8 0 [ro8] [of5] [of8] [of0] [wspg] 8 [of0] [id8] [us] [of72] 5 7 9 [od5] 9 w 9 [of5] [of7] [of9] [wspg] 7 [of9] [wid] [us] [pf63] 6 8 0 [yda8] 0 e 0 [sof6] [sof8] 0 [ged] [s8] [pf0] [uoed]s[uso] [864] 6 4 6 8 q 8d[f6] [s64] [s6] 8 [a0] 6s[s8] 0 [ws] [86] 0 e [60] 8 0 [e6] 0 [s86] [s0] e [a60] 8s[s0] [e6] [s0] [86] q e [q6] 8 q [e6] q [d86] [qf] e [qd6] 8d[qf] [e6] [qf] [85] 0d[ws] [50] 8 0 [w5] 0 [us85] [us0] w [ya50] 8 [ya0] [wus5] 0 [o75] 9 w [ts95] 7 9 [w5] [yod9] [75] 9 w [95] 7 [uts9] [wuts5] [yid9] [uof31] 5 8 0 [ro5] [ro8] [ro0] [ro8] [of5] [of8] [of0] [wspg] 8 [of0] [id8] [us] [of72] 5 7 9 [od5] 9 w 9 [of5] [of7] [of9] [wspg] 7 [of9] [wid] [us] [pf63] 6 8 0 [yda8] 0 e 0 [sof6] [sof8] 0 [ged] [s8] [pf0] [uoed]s[uso] [864] 6 4 6 8 q 8d[f6] [64] 6 8 0 6 [uts8] [uts0] [ywid] [uof31] 5 8 0 [ro5] 8 0 [ro9] [of5] [of8] [of0] [wspg] 8 [of0] [wid] [us] [of72] 5 7 9 [od5] 9 w 9 [of5] [of7] [of9] [wspg] 7 [of9] [wid] [us] [pf63] 6 8 0 [yda8] 0 e 0 [sof6] [sof8] 0 [ged] [s8] [pf0] [uoed]s[uso] [864] 6 4 6 8 q ed[tf] gjlc|t t t u u fhlx|||hklx|||[uh]kzvu u i|u y t [uh]jlx||y| |[uj]lxbu u i|u y t [uj]xv||y| |[uj]lcbu u i|u y t [tj]lxc|||t t|r t t|t sfhz

      Level: 7
      Length: 04:06
      Photograph (Alternative)

      Ed Sheeran

    • [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5y]|[wt]|
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      9 r [wt] y [9t]|[qr]|
      [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5y]|[wt]|
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      8 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8e] r [wr] e [5r]|w|
      8 e [wr] t [(r]|[8e]|
      [9y] u [6u] y [qu]|6|
      9 y [6u] i [qu]|[6y]|
      [9t] y [6y] t [qy]|6|
      9 t [6y] u [qy]|[6t]|
      [9qr] t [6t] r [9qt]|5|
      9 r [wt] y [5t]|[qr]|
      [%o] i [wi] u [u*]|w| % i [wi] o [o*] i [wi] u
      [6o] i [wi] u [u*]|w| 6 i [wi] o [o*] i [wi] u
      [9i] u [qu] y [6y]|q|
      [%i] u [qu] y [%y]|q|
      [8i] u [wu] y [6y] t [Qr] t
      [9u] y [qy] t [5t] r [qe] r
      [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5o] u [wy] t
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      8 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8e] r [qr] e [5r]|q|
      9 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5y]|[wt]|
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      8 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8e] r [wr] e [5r]|w|
      8 e [wr] t [(r]|[8e]|
      [9y] u [6u] y [qu]|6|
      9 y [6u] i [qu]|[6y]|
      [9t] y [6y] t [qy]|6|
      9 t [6y] u [qy]|[6t]|
      [9qr] t [6t] r [9qt]|5|
      9 r [wt] y [5t]|[qr]|
      [%o] i [wi] u [u]|w| % i [wi] o [o*] i [wi] u
      [6o] i [wi] u [u]|w| 6 i [wi] o [o*] i [wi] u
      [9i] u [qu] y [6y]|q|
      [%i] u [qu] y [%y]|q|
      [8i] u [wu] y [6y] t [Qr] t
      [9u] y [qy] t [5t] r [qe] r
      [8t] y [wy] t [5y]|w|
      8 t [wy] u [5o] u [wy] t
      [8r] t [wt] r [5t]|w|
      8 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|
      [8e] r [qr] e [5r]|q|
      9 r [wt] y [5t]|[wr]|

      Level: 4
      Length: 02:18
      Strangers In The Night (Frank Sinatra)

      Frank Sinatra