04:25 -
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[eu]| |[0e]| [qe]|
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[Qr]| |[9e]| r|
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[(e]| |[*e]| w|
[*e]| e| e| e|
[(e]| e| [*e]| e|
[we]| e| e| e|
[60]| |[6e]| [60]|
[7q]| |[(w]| (|
[80]| 0| [0w]| 0|
[9q]| |[8w]| 7|
[60]| |6| [0e]|
[qr]| |[Yi]| [Yu]|
[0e]| |[eu]| |
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[60]| |[70]| 8|
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[6(]| 9| [6*]| 8|
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[0e]| |[eu]| |
[ry]| [ri]| |
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[eu]| |[Wt]| |
[6e]| |[7r]| [8t]| |
[7r]| [9y]| |
[9y]| [8t]| [7r]| [6e]|
[6e]| |[%W]| |
[0e]| |[0e]|
[qe]| [9W]| [qr]| |
[qy]| [et]| [0r]| [8e]|
[qe]| |[8W]| 7|
[0e]| [8e]| |[0e]|
[8e]| |[9W]| |
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[0u]| [qi]| |
[9y]| [eY]| |
About This Music Sheet
Dark Souls III Sister Friede & Father Ariandel is a song by Yuka Kitamura. Use your computer keyboard to play Dark Souls III Sister Friede & Father Ariandel music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:25, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Dark Souls III Sister Friede & Father Ariandel is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fantasy, Emotional, Instrumental.
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[^E]|^|[T*]|[i^]|^|[Y*] i [^I]|(|[YQ]|[i^]|*|q| [^Y]|8|[T(] Y [i^]|(|[TQ]| [t8] 6 $ 6 [QI]| [qi]|e|t| [^E]|^|*| [^P]|^|[O*] P [s^]|(|[QO]| [i^]|*|q| [^Y]|* ( [qi] [QI] [qi]|*|[^T]| [t6]|4|[pe8]| [^PE]|4|^Level: 5Length: 00:24Intermediate
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[68t]|6 6 [7r]|
[8t]|6 6 [7r]|
[69y]|6 6 [8t]|
[0u]|6 6 [9y]|
[18t]|[8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t]|[8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y]|[9y] [9y] [8t]|
[10u]|[0u] [0u] [9y]|
[1qi]|[qi] [qi] [0u]|
[18t]|[8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t]|[8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y]|[9y] [9y] [8t]|
[18t]|[7r] [7r] [qi]|
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[68t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[68t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[69y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[60u] [0u] [0u] [0u] [9y]|
[68t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[68t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[69y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[6qi] [qi] [qi] [qi] [0u]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[10u] [0u] [0u] [0u] [9y]|
[1qi] [qi] [qi] [qi] [0u]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [qi]|
[1qi] [qi] [qi] [qi] [0u]|
[1wo] [wo] [wo] [wo] [qi]|
[1EP] [EP] [EP] [EP] [ep]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ig]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [uf]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ig]|
[sl]|[sl]|[gc]Level: 4Length: 01:25EasyDaemon And Caraxes Leave Dragonstone (HOTD)
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w t r e w e w e t t r e w e w e t t r t o o i u y i u t u y w t r e w e w e t t r e w e w e t t r t o o i u y i u t u y y u y e r e r y y u y e r e r w Q w Q 0 w t e r e w r e 9 w e r w Q w Q 0 y t r e w w r r u I o I p o u u o a f f d s a u I o I p o I u r u o I u Y Y u u y t r r e r t r e e 9 w e w 9 0 9 0 w w e w 9 0 9 0 w w e w y y t r e t r w r e wLevel: 2Easy
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