l k [pj] f j f o a x k [ij] s g s [sfl] h [adk] h [psj] f j f o a x k [ij] s g s [sl] [ak] [pj] [fl] [jz] [fx] [oak] d x k [ij] [sj] [gk] [sl] [sfl] h [adk] h [psj] [fl] [jz] [fx] [oak] d [hx] k [ij] s g s [sl] [ak] [psj] [fl] k [jl] z [fx] [oak] d x k [ij] [sj] h [gj] k [sl] [sfl] h [adk] h [psj] [fl] k [jl] z [fx] [oak] d [hx] k [ij] [pl] [sc] [gb] [hv] [gc] [sfx] [adz] [psfl] l [osfl] z x h [ipsgj] c x [oadgz] k [psfj] l l [osfl] z x h [ipsgj] c x [OHadgz] k e [sfj] [pk] l t [fhl] [sz] x q i s [gjl] z x [ahkc] d g x z l [psfl] l [osfl] z x h [ipsgj] c x [Ouadz] k [elm] u p s [flm] j l x [tlm] o z [sx] f h l [hv] l [qjb] t i p [sc] g x [wz] y o a [dkn] h h [ejb] u p s [flm] j l x [tlm] o z [sx] f h l [hv] l [qjb] t i p [sc] g x [wz] y o a [dkn] h z z e u [pjb] s [fkn] j [lm] x t o [slm] f [hz] l x l q t [ilm] p [sz] g x [oc] a d g x z [lm] [psflm] [lm] [osfl] z x [hv] [ipsgjb] c x [dz] [gc] [HV] l [lm] [kn] [tl] u x o f v m v x l h f s f l h f s k h f a [etpj] [us] [pd] [uf] [wroa] y [fx] [ak] [qpj] [tp] [ia] [ts] [tusfx] o [ryadz] o [etpj] [us] [pd] [uf] [wra] y [ox] k [qp] s e g j t i i [tp] s [W0ruk] a k a k a k a [etpl] j [ul] j [pz] j [ux] j [wrk] h [yk] h [fk] h [ak] h [qpj] g [tj] g [ik] g [tl] g [tusx] f [ox] f [ryazx] d [oz] d [etpl] j [ul] j [epz] j [ux] j [wrk] h [yk] h [fj] h [ak] h [qtpl] k j h g f d s d [W0rk] H f H k [6p] u [0p] u [ta] u s u [8s] o [ws] o [ud] o f o [4s] p [8s] p [ed] p f p [5g] o [9f] o [rd] o s o [6p] u [0p] u [ta] u s u [8s] o [ws] o [ud] o f o [4s] p [8s] p [ed] p f p [5a] o [9a] o [ra] o a [W0ruak] [ak] [ak] [ak] [ak] [6sl] 0 e t [usl] p s f [8sl] w [dz] [tfx] u o s [oh] s [4pj] 8 q e [tgc] i [fx] [5dz] 9 w r [yak] o d d [6pj] 0 e t [usl] p s f [8sl] w [dz] [tfx] u o s [oh] s [4pj] 8 q e [tgc] i [fx] [5dz] 9 w r [yak] o d d 6 0 [epj] t [uak] p [sl] f 8 w [tsl] u [odz] s [fx] h 4 8 [qsl] e [tdz] i [fx] [wgc] r y i [fx] [dz] [sl] [etusl] [sl] [wtusl] [dz] [fx] [oh] [qetipj] [gc] [fx] [wryidz] [ak] [6j] 0 [th] f [5h] [9f] [rd] f [4p] 8 e [5ak] 9 r [6s] 0 [td] f [5h] 9 r f [4s] f j 8 [eh] f [5h] 9 r [6s] f h l 0 [tak] [pj] [5ak] [9pj] [roh] [4s] f h l 8 e [5d] h k z 9 r [6sl] 0 [tdz] [fx] [5hv] 9 r [4qlcbm] 8 q e t i p s [Hi] z c n O a g H k z [psfl] l [osfl] z x h [ipsgj] c x [oadgz] k [psfj] l l [osfl] z x h [ipsgj] c x [OHadgz] k e [sfj] [pk] l t [fhl] [sz] x q i s [gjl] z x [ohc] a d g x z l [pl] l [ol] z x h [ij] c x [Huz] k [ydgjz] j g d [H9dgz] H g d [8tsfhl] w t u o s [fl]
About This Music Sheet
Darkside (Intermediate) is a song by Alan Walker. Use your computer keyboard to play Darkside (Intermediate) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:51, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Darkside (Intermediate) is classified in the genres: Dance, Electronica on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using DJ, EDM, Norway.
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Other Songs By Alan Walker
OSf DSaS fSpp
Level: 1Length: 00:05Super EasyThe Spectre (Alan Walker)
Alan Walker
i i i iLevel: 1Length: 00:11Super EasyFaded (Super Easy)
Alan Walker
h | g | D | P | d | ddss | d g h | g | D | P | d | s d d s s | h | j | J J J jj h | P g g g hd d | s P P P dg | P p p p dg | J J J jj h | P g g g hd d | s P P P dg | g g | h | J | h J h | d | g | z lz lz J h | D | g | Z zZ zl J g | d | g | z lz lz g g | h | J | h J h | g | d | z lz lj J Z | z | J | Z zZ zl z g | J | J | z lz lz J g | h | J | h J h | h | g | D | P | d | ddss | d g h g D P d | sddss| g d J J | h | ghP J l h | g d j j J g djJdgz Jlj | h | j | J J J jj h | P g g g hd | d | s P P P dg | P p p p dg | J J J jj h | P g g g hd d | s P P P dg | g g | h | J | h J h | g | d | z lz lj J h | D | g | Z zZ zl J g | d | g | z lz lz J g | h | J | h J h | g | d | z lz lj J Z | z | J | Z zZ zl z g | J | J | z lz lz J g | h | J | h J | h j JD | J J jJ | J z g g | h | J | h J h | h j JD | J J jJ | J z g g | h | J | h J h
Level: 2Length: 03:10EasyAlone (Easy)
Alan Walker
p f s f p f s f i s p s i s p s [sx] h [fx] h [sx] h [fx] h [ok] d [ak] d [ok] d [ak] d [pl] f [sl] f [pl] f [sx] f [ib] s [pb] s [ib] s [pv] s [sx] h [fx] h [sx] h [fx] h [ok] d [ak] d p [fl] [sl] [fj] [pl] [fj] [sl] [fz] [ix] s [pl] [sl] [ih] [sx] p s s h f h s [hl] [fl] [hl] [ok] d a [dl] [ok] [dj] [al] d p [fl] [sl] [fj] [pl] [fj] [sl] [fz] [ix] s [pl] [sl] [iv] [sx] p s s h f h s [hl] [fl] [hz] o d a d o [dx] [ax] [dx] [elx] u [psl] u [el] u [pfx] u [qb] t [ijb] t [qb] [tx] [ihxv] [tx] [tx] o [sfx] o [tx] o [sfx] o [wk] y [oak] y [wk] [yx] [oakx] [yx] [elx] u [psl] u e l u z [pfz] [uz] x [qzb] [tl] [ijlb] t [qb] [tx] [ihxv] [tx] [tx] o [sfx] o [tx] [ol] l [sflx] [ol] z [wk] [yk] [oak] [yl] w y o a d h k z z v n x x x [6x] 0 [es] t s u f [tl] [qj] [th] [ij] p j [il] [hv] [tv] x [8f] w [tf] u f [tl] [fv] [wv] x [5a] 9 [wa] [rz] a [yx] [ax] [rx] [6x] 0 [es] t s [ul] [fl] [tj] c [qj] t [ij] p j i h [tv] [8fx] [wv] [tfx] [uv] [fx] [tv] [fx] [wz] c [5a] 9 [wa] [rj] [ac] y [ax] r [6sl] 0 [esl] t [fx] u [lm] [tkn] [qjb] t i [phj] c i [dzx] t [8fx] w [tfx] u [hv] [tgc] [fx] [dz] [wsl] [5ak] 9 [wak] [rh] [dzc] y [akx] r [6sl] 0 [esl] t [fx] u [lm] [tkn] [qjb] t i [phj] c i [dzv] t [8fx] w [tfx] u [hv] [tgc] [fx] [dz] [wsl] [5ak] 9 [wak] [rh] [slc] y [dx] s [pl] f [sl] f [pl] f [sl] f [il] s [pl] s [il] s [pl] s [sl] h [fl] h [sl] h [fl] h [ok] d [ak] d p [fl] [sl] [fj] [pl] [fj] [sl] [fz] [ix] s [pl] [sl] [ih] [sx] p s s h f h s [hl] [fl] [hl] [ok] d a [dl] [ok] [dj] [al] d p [fl] [sl] [fz] [pj] [fj] [sl] [fz] [ix] s p [sl] [iv] s x p s s h f h s [hl] [fl] [hz] o d a d o [dx] [ax] [dx] [el] j f [us] f j [sl] j f [us] f j [el] j f [us] f j [sl] j f [us] f j [ql] j g [ts] g j [sl] j g [ts] g j [ql] j g [ts] g j [sl] j g [ts] g j [tl] h f [os] f h [sl] h f [os] f h [tl] h f [os] f h [sl] h f [os] f h [wk] h d [ya] d h [ak] h d [ya] d h [wk] l v v x p [fl] [sv] [fv] x p [fl] [sv] [fv] z i [sl] [pl] [sl] i [sl] [pv] [sv] x s h f h s [hl] [fv] [hv] x [oz] d a d o d a d [el] u z [sl] u v [ex] u k [sl] u z [ql] t z [sl] t v [qx] t k [sl] t z [tl] o z [sl] o v [tx] o k [sl] o z [wl] y z [al] y v [wfx] y [fx] a [dz] [yfx] x x x [6x] 0 [ets] 0 [6s] 0 [euf] [0l] [qj] [th] [ipj] t [qj] [tl] [iohv] [tv] x [8f] w [tuf] w [8f] [wl] [tuv] [wv] x [wa] y [oa] [yz] [wa] [yx] [oax] [yx] [6x] 0 [ets] 0 [6s] [0l] [eufl] [0j] c [qj] t [ipj] t [qj] t [ioh] [tv] [8fx] [wv] [tufx] [wv] [8fx] [wv] [tufx] [wz] c [5a] 9 [wra] [9j] [5wc] [5w] [5x] 5 [6sl] 0 [etsl] 0 [6fx] 0 [6elm] [5wkn] [qjb] t [ip] [tgj] [qjlc] t [iphx] t [8fx] w [tufx] w [8hv] [wgc] [tufx] [dz] [wshl] [5adk] 9 [wra] [9h] [5gkc] 9 [wrkx] 9 [6sl] 0 [etsl] 0 [6fx] 0 [etlm] [0kn] [qjb] t [ip] [tgj] [qglc] t [iolv] t [8fx] w [tufx] w [8hv] [wgc] [tufx] [dz] [wshl] [5adk] 9 [wra] [9h] [5wkc] [5w] [5fkx] 5 [6sl] 0 [etsl] 0 [6sl] 0 [etfx] 0 [qjlb] t [ipjb] t [qjlb] t [iohv] t [8fx] w [tuhx] w [8fx] w [tuhx] w [5adk] 9 [wrak] 9 [5k] 9 [wj] rLevel: 6Length: 03:33Intermediate
Faded (Alternative)
Alan Walker
[lf8] w u t o u t w 8 w u t o u t w 8 w u t o u t w [s8] wduft [oh] u t w 8 w u t o [ul] [tk] [wh] [f6] 0 t o u e [th] [g0] [qf] t i t p [si] [td] [ea] [s8] w u t o u t w 8 w u t o u t w [s8] wduft [oh] u t w 8 w u [tl] [oj] [uf] [ts] w 6 0 t [oj] [uf] [se] [tp] 0 [wa] r i [rf]g[og] ifydr [f8] w u t o u t w [d5] 9 q 9 w q 9 5 [s8] w u t o u t w 8 w u t o u t w 8| |[wu0]| | [yqd5]| |[u8]Level: 6Length: 00:57Intermediate
Wiosna (Katawa Shoujo)
Sebastien Skaf
t|u|o|[o8]|[w0]| [whf0]|[hf8]|[w0]|[wsf0]|[sf8]|[w0]| [wt0]|[t8]|[wu0]|[wo0]|[oi9]|[wq]| [wqhg]|[hg9]|[wq]|[wqga]|[ga9]|[wq]| [wrq]|[r9]|[ywq]|[wqp]|[p7]|[wq]| [wqjg]|[jg5]|[wq]|[wqga]|[ga7]|[wq]| [wrq]|[r5]|[ywq]|[wqp]|[p8]|[w0]| [wjf0]|[jf5]|[w0]|[wsf0]|[sf8]|[w0]| [wt0]|[t8]|[wu0]|[wo0]|[s0]|[wt]| [wtlh]|[lh0]|[wt]|[wthf]|[hf0]|[wt]| [wt]|[t0]|[wut]|[wto]|[sq]|[yte]| [ytlje]|[qlj]|[yte]|[ytjge]|[qjg]|[yte]| y|y|i|p|[p7]|[wq]|[wq]|5| [wqI]|[wqo]|[sf8]|[w0]|[w0]|5| [ws0]|[wu0]|[uqe8]||y|[wqp7]||o| [wt80]||[wts80]|[wts80]Level: 7Length: 00:34Intermediate
Blue Danube
Johann Strauss II
[e60] e t e u e t e [w5] w r w y w r w [e60] e t e u e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wr5] w r w [yr] w r w [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te60]|3|6 6 6 66[t6] [te0] [u3] [te0]u[o6] [ie0]3u [e60]i[o5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[u4] [tqe] [t8] [rqe] [t4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [tp6] [tpe0] [us3] [te0][up][so6] [pie0]3[up] [e60][si][oa5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [yo5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[uo3] [wt0] [t8] [wri0] [to3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[up4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0]3u [te60] [r5] [wr] [y9] [wr] [o5] [wr]9y [wr7] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0] [u3] [te60] [u8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [i9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ut6] [te0] [up3] [te0] [oa6] [te0]3[us]d[te60] [uf5] [wr] [yd9] [wsr] [od5] [wr]9[ya] [wr7] [tp6] [ute0] [uo3] [tpe0] [so6] [te0] [ua3] [te60] [up8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [ia9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ue60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[ue60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3] [yr] [ute60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3]|[ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[wr9] [te] [ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[w9]|[u6] [e0] [y3] [e0] [u6] [e0]3t [e60] [y5] [wr] [u9] [wr] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][us4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [ts6] [tse0] [uf3] [te0][us][of6] [ied0]3[us] [e60][id][oa5] [wr] [ia9] [wusr] [ya5] [wr]9 [wtrp7][ya][us3] [wtp0] [tp8] [wro0] [tp3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][uso4] [utqpe] [utp8] [yrqoe] [utp4] [qe] [yro8] [qe6] [up6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [a6] [e0]3sd[e60] [o5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [up6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0]3 [e60] [yo5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [e60] e t e u e t e [w5] w r w y w r w [e60] e t e u e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wr5] w r w [yr] w r w [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te60]|3|6 6 6 66[t6] [te0] [u3] [te0]u[o6] [ie0]3u [e60]i[o5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[u4] [tqe] [t8] [rqe] [t4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [tp6] [tpe0] [us3] [te0][up][so6] [pie0]3[up] [e60][si][oa5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [yo5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[uo3] [wt0] [t8] [wri0] [to3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[up4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0]3u [te60] [r5] [wr] [y9] [wr] [o5] [wr]9y [wr7] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0] [u3] [te60] [u8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [i9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ut6] [te0] [up3] [te0] [oa6] [te0]3[us]d[te60] [uf5] [wr] [yd9] [wsr] [od5] [wr]9[ya] [wr7] [tp6] [ute0] [uo3] [tpe0] [so6] [te0] [ua3] [te60] [up8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [ia9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ue60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[ue60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3] [yr] [ute60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3]|[ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[wr9] [te] [ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[w9]|[u6] [e0] [y3] [e0] [u6] [e0]3t [e60] [y5] [wr] [u9] [wr] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][us4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [ts6] [tse0] [uf3] [te0][us][of6] [ied0]3[us] [e60][id][oa5] [wr] [ia9] [wusr] [ya5] [wr]9 [wtrp7][ya][us3] [wtp0] [tp8] [wro0] [tp3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][uso4] [utqpe] [utp8] [yrqoe] [utp4] [qe] [yro8] [qe6] [up6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [a6] [e0]3sd[e60] [o5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [up6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0]3 [e60] [yo5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [e60]
Level: 6Length: 03:53IntermediateThe Forest Lives On (Wynncraft)