04:13 -
2 -
[tl] h l h l h g f
[tg] f g f g h g f
[slfe] h l h l h g f
[ge] f g f g h g f
[sqlf] h l h l h g f
[qg] f g f g h g f
[wslf] h l h l h g f
[wg] f g f g h h h
[zth] x z l [of] h [th] h
[zth] l k l t h h h
[zhe] x z l [us] h [he] h
[zhe] l k l [ue] [lh] [lh] [lh]
[qlg] j j h [to]|[tig] l
[qlg] j j h g f i [da]
[yoa75]| |o o o
[od81] f d s [wu] o [to8] o
[od8] s a s [wt8] o o o
[d6] f d [so] [t0] o [o6] o
[od6] s a s [e60] [sf] [sf] [sf]
[sf4] g f [pd] [w8]|[q8] f
[f4] g s p [ws8] f [q8] [da]
[w5]|[w7] 8 9 f d f
[h5] [f7] 9 w [f3] d s p
6|[sf] [sf] [e60] s|s
[pd2]|[ph] [pf] 9 h [s9] d
[sf5] [sg]|f [w5] [sh] 5 f
[81] [s81] h [s81] [f7] [s7] h [s7]
[f6] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] 6|
[sf4] g [sf] d [q4] s [s4] d
[sf5] g [sf] g [wsf5] d 5 [da]
5|5 7 [w9] [og] [wog5] [og]
[sg81] f [w5] [sf] [ut0]|8 s
[sg1] [sg] [sg5] [sf] [81] s [s7] s
[of6] [og] 0 f [e60] s s s
[wf60] [sg] [sg] f [e60] [oh] [oh6] [oh]
[oh4] [ig] [ig] [ts] [q4]|[e86] [oh]
[oh] [og] [og] f 6 s 5 [sp]
5 [da] 5 2 7 5 2 5
[oa]|5 2 7 [h5] [h2] h
[zh8] x z l [wu] h [h8] h
[zh8] l k l 8 h [h7] h
[zh6] x z l [t0] h [h6] h
[zh6] l k l [60] [hf] [hf] [hf]
[sh4] g f s [w8]|[q8] f
[sqf4] d s p s f q [da]
[w5]|[w7] 8 9 f d f
[h5] [f7] 9 w [f30] d s p
6|[sf] [sf] [e60] s|s
[pd962]|[ph] [pf] 9 h [s9] d
[sf5] [sg]|f [w5] [sh] 5 f
[81] [s81] h [s81] [f7] [s7] h [s7]
[f6] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] h 6 [sh]
[sh4] g g s [q4] [sp] [sp4] d
[sf5] g [sf] g [wf5] d 5 [da]
5|5 7 [w9] [og] [wog5] [og]
[sg81] f [w5] [sf] [ut0]|8 s
[sg1] [sg] [sg5] [sf] [81] s [s7] s
[of6] [og] 0 f [e60] s s s
[wf60] [gd] [gd] f [e60] [oh] [oh6] [oh]
[oh4] [ig] [ig] [ts] [q4]|[e86] [oh]
[oh] [og] [og] f 6 s 5 [sp]
5 [da] 5 2 7 5 [oh2] [ig5]
[uf]|5 2 7 5 [p2]|
[o81]||w t y u
[W(%]| |p|
[o81]||w t y u
[W(%]||t o i i u
[81] [t81]|[t81] [o7] [i7] i [u7]
6 [t6] t [e6] [t5] [y5]|[t5]
4 1 6 1 4 [o1] [t6] [y1]
5 2 7 2 5 2 7 2
[s81] [o5] [s0] [o5] [s81] [o5] [i0] [u5]
[i81] [u5] [i0] [u5] [i81] [o5] [i0] [u5]
[s6] [o3] [s8] [o3] [s6] [o3] [i8] [u3]
[i6] [u3] [i8] [u3] [i6] [o3] [i8] [u3]
[s4] [o1] [s6] [o1] [s4] [o1] [i6] [u1]
[i4] [u1] [i6] [u1] [i4] [o1] [i6] [u1]
[s5] [o5] [s5] [o5] [s5] [o5] [i5] [u5]
[i5] [u5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [ig5] [ig5] [ig5]
[ig81] [uf5] 0 [uf5] [81] 5 0 [ts5]
[ig81] [ig5] [ig0] [uf5] [81] [ts5] [ts0] [ts5]
[uf6] [ig3] 8 [uf3] 6 [ts3] [ts8] [ts3]
[uf6] [ig3] [ig8] [uf3] 6 [oh3] [oh8] [oh3]
[oh4] [ig1] [ig6] [ts1] 4 1 6 [oh1]
[oh4] [ig1] [ig6] [uf1] 4 [ts1] 6 [ts1]
5 [yd2] 7 2 5 2 [oh7] [ig2]
[uf5] 2 7 2 5 [ig2] [ig7] [ig2]
[ig1] [uf]|[uf] [w80]||[ts]
[ig1] [ig] [ig] [uf] [81] [ts] [ts7] [ts]
[uf6] [ig]|[uf] [860] [ts] [ts] [ts]
[uf6] [ig] [ig] [uf] 6 [oh] [oh5] [oh]
[oh2] [ig2] [ig] [ts2] 2 2|[oh2]
[oh2] [ig2] [ig] [uf2] 2 [ts2]|[ts2]
5 [yd]||[975]|[yd] y
5| |[975]|p o
[81] o s o s o i u
[ti] u i u i o i u
[utse] o s o s o i u
[tie] u i u i o i u
[utsq] o s o s o i u
[tqi] u i u i o i u
[wuts] o s o s o i u
[wti] u i u i u y t
About This Music Sheet
Disenchanted is a song by My Chemical Romance. Use your computer keyboard to play Disenchanted music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:13, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Disenchanted is classified in the genres: Rock, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Goth, Angry.
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Other Songs By My Chemical Romance
l| | k|x|j| | h|l|g| | f|j|d| |h|| hlt h|lkr h u kle h| k [wl] k [tj] hj[qg]|| k [l0] k [je] hg9| | w|hj [tl] h|lkr h u kle h| k [wl] k [tj] hj[qg]|| k [l0] k [je] hg9| |w| hj [tlf8] h|[wl][kd][r7]h [ur0] k[lf][e6]h0| [ke][lf][w5]k [wtsj8] h[sj][q4]g| k[lf][30]k [sje6] h[sg][92]| |[w5]| hk [tlf8] h w [tl][kd][r7]h x k[lf][e6]h 0 [ke][lf][w5]k9 [sj] [wh][sj][qg4]|[qi] kl[t8]kw j [th]g[q4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [wsj5] 9 [sh] w [utso8]|| os[roda7]|[u0] sd[sfe6] [jg] [hf] [sf] [w5]|[t8]| [qjg4] [hf]|[sf] [sf0]|[e6]| [ygd9] [sf]|s [wda5]|| [zh][zh][t8] [lh]|[zh][zh][r7] [lh] [u0] [zh][zh][e6] [lh]|[zh] [zwh5] [lh] [tkh8] [lh][lh][q4] [jg]|[zh][zh]0 [lh] [khe6] [lh] [yljg9]| |[w5]| l[zh] [zth8] [lh]|[zh][zh][r7] [lh] [u0] [zh][zh][e6] [lh]|[zh][zh][w5] [lh] [tkh8] [lh][lh][q4] [jg]|[zh][zh]0 [lh] [khe6] [lh] [yljg9]| |[w5]| | [wt80]Level: 7Length: 01:39Intermediate
Welcome to the Black Parade
My Chemical Romance
0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 3 [70] 3 [70] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] [u0] [urw] 0 [orw] [I0] [rw] [Y0] [Irw]u0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [orw] [a0] [rw] [a0] [srw]a7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [I(Q] [p6] [p0e] 6 [o0e] [I7] [o(Q] 7 [o(Q] [I5] [u9w] 5 [o9w] [I3] [u70] 3 [70] 3 [u70] [u3] [o70] [I7] [(Q] [Y7] [I(Q]u0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [yrw] [u0] [yrw] 0 [yrw] [o0] [rw] [u0]y[rw]y0 [urw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [urw] [o0] [rw] [p0] [prw]o7 [I(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [o(Q] [I6] [u0e] 6 [o0e] [I7] [u(Q] 7 [o(Q] [I5] [u9w] [o5] [o9w] [u3] [70] 3 [70] [u3] [70] [u3] [o70] [I7] [(Q] [Y7] [I(Q] [0u] u a a a p [p1] [o58] [I1] [o58] 1 [a58] [p1] [58] 2 [y69] [y2] [u69] [y2] [t69] [t2] [69] [t5] [9w] 5 [r9w] [r5] [9w] [I5] [u9w] 1 [t58] [t1] [t58] [t1] [58] [r1] [58] [r4] [8q] 4 [t8q] [t4] [8q] [t4] [8q] [y1] [t58] 1 [r58] 1 [58] [t1] [58] [u3] [70] 3 [70] [y2] [69] 2 [69] [r5] [9w] [u5] [I9w] [o3] $ [I5] [u7] [u80w] I u [yeQ(] t [r70w] u o a f | [u0] [urw] 0 [orw] [I0] [rw] [Y0][I][urw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [orw] [a0] [rw][a][0][s][rw] [a7] [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [I(Q] [p6] [p0e] 6 [p0e] [a7] [a(Q] 7 [a(Q] [s5] [a9w] 5 [s9w] 3 [a70] 3 [70] 3 [u70] [u3] [o70] [I7] [(Q] [Y7][I][u(Q] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [f0]f[rw][f][0][D][rw][D] [0] [drw] [d0] [Srw] [S0] [srw] [s0] [arw] [a0] [krw] [J0][k][lrw] 0 [krw] [J0][k][lrw] 0 [krw] [J0][k][rw] [l7] [k(Q] [J7][k][l(Q] 7 [a(Q] [a7] [a(Q] [u6] [a0e] [a6] [a0e] [o7] [u(Q] [o7] [o(Q] [p5] [p9w] [p5] [o9w] [u3] [a70] [a3][p][o70] 3 [a70] [a3] [p70] [I7] [Y(Q] [Y7] [I(Q] [u0] u a a a p [p1] [o58] [u1] [o58] 1 [a58] [p1] [58] 2 [y69] [y2] [u69] [y2] [t69] [t2] [69] [t5] [9w] 5 [r9w] [r5] [9w] [I5] [u9w] 1 [t58] [t1] [t58] [t1] [58] [r1] [58] [r4] [8q] 4 [t8q] [t4] [8q] [t4] [8q] [t1] [r58] 1 [e58] 1 [58] [r1] [58] [u3] [70] 3 [70] [y2] [69] 2 [69] [r5] [u9w] [o5] [o9w] [p3] 4 [o5] 7 [I1] [58] 1 [o58] [o1] [58] 1 [58] 2 [y69] [y2] [u69] 2 [y69] 2 [t69] 5 [o9w] [o5] [o9w] 5 [p9w] [u5] [9w] 1 [t58] [t1] [t58] [t1] [58] [r1] [58] [r4] [8q] 4 [t8q] [t4] [8q] [t4] [8q] [t1] [r58] [e1] [e58] [e1] [58] [r1] [58] [u3] [70] 3 [70] [y2] [69] 2 [69] [r5] [9w] [u5] [I9w] [o3] 4 [I5] [u7] [u80w] o [I(Qe] Y [u07w] | [u0] [urw] 0 [Irw] [o0] [rw] [u0][y][urw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [rw] 0 [urw] [u0] [urw] [o0] [rw] [o0][p][arw] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [(Q] 7 [a(Q] [p6] [p0e] 6 [p0e] [a7] [a(Q] 7 [a(Q] [a5] [a9w] 5 [s9w] [a3] [70] 3 [70] [u3] [u70] 3 [o70] [I7] [(Q] [Y7] [I(Q] [u03] [03] [03] [03] | [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [r7] [e6] [w5] [Q$] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [03] [u0] [E^] [r7] [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [Qr7] [t8] [QE^] | [r7] [e6] [w5] [Q$] [h] [G0] [fwr] [hwr] [G0] [fwr] [hwr] [G0] [fwr] [wr] [0] [wr] [awr] [a0] [awr] [awr] [f0] [wr] [fwr] [a7] [(Q] [(Q] [(Q] r r [t6e] [t6e] [t6e] [u7r] [o7r] [I7r] [I5w] [o5w] [I5w] [u30] [a30] [a30] [a30] [p30] [p30] [p30] [o30] [o30] [I7] [7] [7] [r7] [7] [7] [ruo3] [70] [70] [ruI3] [70] [u70] [r3] [70] [70] 3 [70] [r70] [t3] [t70] [t70] [u3] [70] [o70] [rYI7] [(Q] [(Q] 7 [(Q] [r(Q] [t6] [t0e] [t0e] [u7] [uQr] [oQr] [I5] [o9w] [I9w] [u3] [u70] [u70] [u3] [u70] [u70] [I3] [I70] [70][u][Y7] [(Q] [(Q] [r(Q] | [ruo3] [70] [70] [ruI3] [70] [70] [r3] [70] [70] 3 [r70] [r70] [t3] [t70] [t70] [u3] [70] [o70] [rYI7] [(Q] [(Q] 7 [(Q] [r(Q] [t6] [t0e] [t0e] [u7] [u(Q] [o(Q] [I5] [o9w] [I9w] [u3] [u70] [u70] [u3] [u70] [o70] [I7] [Y(Q] [I(Q] [u30] [u30] [u30] | [f0] [wr] [wr] [a7] [wr] [wr] [f0] [wr] [dwr] [f7] [hwr] [kwr] [z0] [wr] [lwr] [k7] [wr] [Jwr] [j7] [(Q] [(Q] [(Q] [f][G][h][H][j6] [h0e] [G0e] [f7][d][G(Q][D][s(Q][a][f5] [D9w][f][G9w] [s3][a][P70][a][s70][d][f3] [70] [a70][d][D7] [f(Q] [G(Q] [f0] a o [u3]Level: 9Length: 05:45Expert
My Chemical Romance
u p O p a s a s d
[8f]| w| 8| [wh]h
[8f]| w| 8| [wj]h
[8f]| w| 8 f [wd] s
[6d]sp 0| 6| [0f]|
[6d]sp 0| 6| 0 u
[6p] O [0p] a [6s] a [0s] d
[8f] d[ws]| 8| [wj]h
[8f]| w| 8 jh[wj] h
[8j]hf w| 8 f [wd] s
[6d]sp 0| 6| [0f]|
[6d]sp 0| 6 8 9 [0f]
[qj]| 8 H [qj] H[8j] k
[ql] k[8j]| q| [8l] j
[8h]| w| 8 h [wj] h
[8f]| w| 8 8 9 [0f]
[qj]| 8 H [qj] H [8j] H
[qj]| 8| q j [8l] j
[8h]| w| 8 h [wj] h
[8f]| w| 8 f [wd] s
[6d]sp 0| 6| [0f]|
[6f]| 0| 6| 0|
6| 0| 6| 0 u
[6p] O [0p] as6 a [0s] d
[8f]| w| 8| [wj]h
[8f]| w| 8| [wj]h
[8j]hf w| 8 f [wd] s
[6d]sp 0| 6| q u
[6p] O [0p] as6 as0d
[8f]| w| 8| [wj]h
[8f]| w| 8 jh[wj] h
[8j]h [wf]| 8 f [wd] s
[6d]s [0p]| 6 8 9 [0x]
[qb]| 8 V[4b] V[8b] V
[qb]| 8| 4| [8m] b
[wv]| 8| 5| [8b] v
[wx]| 8| 8 8 9 [0x]
[qb]| 8 V[4b] V[8b] V
[qb]| 8| 4| [8m] b
[wv]| 8| 5| [8b] v
[8x]| w| 8| [wz] l
[6j]| 0| 6| [0l]|
[6j]| 0| 6| [0l]|
[6j]| 0| 6Level: 5Length: 02:13IntermediateEl Condor Pasa
Daniel Alomía Robles
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Field of Hopes and Dreams (Deltarune)
Toby Fox
[to] f [if]gf d s d g [og] h f g d o d f g d f s d a s o u t u o s f i f d s d f g d [og] [to] f [ip] d [wy] a [ts] [to] f [if]gf d s d g [og] h f g d o d f g d f s d a s o u t u o s f i f d s d f g d [og] [to] f [ip] d [wy] a [ts][to] f [ip] p O [up] s a O [yO] p [tp] a s f [yp] a s g a d s p O a u y t u p s f g h p T p f h h f g d i O a d d s d a u O e [to]f [if]gf d s d g [og] h f g d o d f g d f s d a s o u t u o s f i f d s d f g d [og] [to] f [ip] d [wy] a [ts] t y u i o [to] y [uo] y [us] y [uo] y u t p i a s o u a s i y a s u y t y u o s f d [od] p [ad] p [ah] p [ad] p a o f s G h d a G h s p G h s a p o [ps] a s a [ps] o I o [ps] a s p [ys] G s j s y s G s G s j s [ys] [wy] a [ta]sa p o p s [ys] a p a s d a o u t s [yp]ap o [ywo] [to] f [if]gf d s d g [og] h f g d o d f g d f s d a s o u t u o s f i f d s d f g d [og] [to] f [ip] d [wy] a [ts] t u o s y s P p P y u P p o i u y p d g o g f d f S d O p d S d f g h f g p y u i o p s P y w e E t y i u o t y u i o P p o i p d S d p I p s D d s P p P p o d h G h P T p h J j h g f g f d g o P g f i p f d u o d s y i s P T P p o i p d f [pf]gf d [ypd] [uos] f [if]gf d s d g [og] h f g d o d f g d f s d a s o u t u o s f i f d s d f g d [og] [to] f [ip] d [wy] a [ts] [sf] [ad] [sf] [ip] [uO] [ip] [ad] [ps] [ad] [uO] t u p s y i a d u o S f [if] d[Is] a s p a o [us] [ta] p [ypd] [ywos] a p o [wya] p a [taf] D f [tp] O p [rpG] [of] D f h [pf] D f h [af] D f h [sf] p s p u p [sf] p [af] o a o u o [af] o [sf] p s p u p [sf] p [af] o a o u o [af] o [as] o a o p o p o I p I p Y I Y I r T Y u I o p a s a P a s a P a Y I p s a D G j h G f D f o p a p o I u [to] f [if]gf d s d g [og] h f g d o d f g d f s d a s o u t u o s f i f d s d f g d [og] [to] f [ip] d [wy] a [ts]Level: 5Intermediate
Partita for Violin No. 3
Johann Sebastian Bach