01:38 -
3 -
[u63] e tyu e ty[u63] e tyu e ty[u63] e Tyu e Ty[u63] e Tyu e Ty[u63]| e| [te63]yu| e| ty[wr73] 0 wer 0 we[wr73] 0 wer 0 w [y52]| w| [wt52]ry| w| tr[qe62] 9 qwe 9 qw[qe62] 9 qwe 9 [q62] [u63]| [63] [e63]| [63] [te63]yu [63] [e63]| [t63]y[wr73] 0 [w73]e[r73] 0 [w73]e[wr73] 0 [w73]e[r73] 0 [w73] [y52]| [52] [w52]| [52] [wt52]ry [52] [w52]| [t52]r[qe63] 0 [q63]w[e63] 0 [q63]w[qe63] 0 [q63]w[e63] 0 [e63] [u6]3680 [e6]3680 [te6][y3][u6]80 [e6]368[t0]y[r3]707[w0][e7][r3]707[w0][e7][r3]707[w0][e7][r3]7[w0]7[r0]7[y5]9w9w9[w5]9w9w9[r5]9w9[wt]9[r5]9w9w9[e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e630] [e630] [e630] [p84] t [i84]o[p84] t [i84]p[o51] t [u51]i[o51] t [u51]o[i62] e [y62]u[i62] e [u62]i[u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[t41] q [e41]r[t41] q [e41]r[t41] [q41] [t41] [y73] [t73] [y73] [u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[u51] i [o51] [p84] t [i84][o84][p84] t [i84][p84][o51] t [u51][i51][o51] t [u51][51][i62] e [y62][u62][i62] e [u62][i62][u63] e [t63][y63][u63] e [r63][63][t41] q [e41][r41][t41] q [e41][r41][t41] [q41] [t41] [r73] [730] [r73] [e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e6] u iop u iop u iop
About This Music Sheet
Game of Thrones Title Sequence (Alternative) is a song by Ramin Djawadi. Use your computer keyboard to play Game of Thrones Title Sequence (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:38, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Game of Thrones Title Sequence (Alternative) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Game of Thrones.
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Other Songs By Ramin Djawadi
u e tyu e tyu e tyu e tyu e Tyu e Tyu e Tyu e Tyu| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer 0 w y| w| try| w|
tre 9 qwe 9 qwe 9 qwe 9 q u| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer 0 w y| w| try| w|
tre 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 e u| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer w r y| w| r| t r|
e e 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe e e p t
iop t ipo t uio t uoi e yui e uiu e tyu e tyt q ert q ert q t y t y u e
tyu e tyu e tyu i o p t iop t ipo t uio t u i e yui e uiu e tyu e r t q ert q er
t q t r 0 r e 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe u iop u iop u iopLevel: 2Length: 01:37EasyGame of Thrones Title Sequence (Easy)
Ramin Djawadi
[s8] w [tsh] w [sh8] w [tg] [wD] [h^] q E q ^ q E q [s%] ( [shW] ( [sh%] ( [gW] [D(] [sh^] q E q [^H] q [JE] q [l%] ( W t Y O s D H||| [tsoY1] @ [oh5] 8 [oh1] @ [ig5] [YD8] [ohPD@] 5 ^ ( @ 5 ^ ( [sigO4] % [oh8] q [OH4] % [oh8] [qOH] [ohdP5] ^ 9 w [ig5] ^ [YD9] [ywd] [ts1] @ 5 8 1 @ 5 8 1 @ 5 8 ( w t| w| W E t| w| W E t| w| W E 8(wtLevel: 7Length: 00:50Intermediate
I Have To Go North (Game of Thrones)
Ramin Djawadi
5||5 9 ( 9| 5| |[@8]| @| |^| |[8%]||| 5||w y Y y| w| |[t@]| (| |9qE||[(%]Wt||| [t1] 5 [ti8] 5 [tY1] 5 [y8] 5 [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^E] 4 ^ 4 [E%] @ % @ % [W@] [E%] [t@] [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^Y] 4 [y^] 4 [t1] 5 [ti8] 5 [tY1] 5 [y8] 5 [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^P] 4 ^ 4 [g%] @ % @ [D%] @ % @ [h^] 4 ^ 4 [g^] 4 ^ 4Level: 5Length: 00:52Intermediate
My Watch is Ended (Game of Thrones)
Ramin Djawadi
f|j|f|[ts] i p| |[yd] o a| |[tf] u o| | f|j|f|[tj] i p| |[yk] o a||j k [ul] p s| | f|j|k|[tl] i p| lzl [yk] o a| h| [uh] o a| f| [tj] i p| | [tf] i p| g| [ws] r y| a| [ep] t u| | 0|e|0|[148]| |[259]| |[1580]| | y|u|r|[37w]| |[14e]| |[25r]| | 0|e|0|[14t]| |[25r]| |[37r]| |[14e]||| e|w|e| q| [30]| | [uf]|[pj]|[uf]| [6tups] 8 0 e 6 8 0 e [5yd] 7 9 w 5 7 9 w [8uf] 0 w t 8 0 w t 8 0 [wuf] t [8pj] 0 [wuf] t [4pj] 6 8 q 4 6 8 q [5ak] 7 9 w 5 7 9 w [6sl] 8 0 e 6 8 0 e 6 8 [0uf] e [8pj] 0 [wuf] t [4isj] 6 8 q 4 6 8 q [5odh] 7 9 w 5 7 9 w [3oah] 5 7 0 3 5 7 0 [4uf] 6 8 q 4 6 8 q [4uf] 6 1 4 [ig]| [5ts] 7 2 5 [ra]| [6ep] 1 3 6 8 0 e t u p s f j| [ef]jl t u p e t u p e t u p [ek] t u p [wf]hl r y o w r y o w r y o [wj] r y o [qg]jl e t i q e t i q e t i [qH] e t i [wa]dj r y o w r y o [wh] r y o w r y o||| 0|e|0|[8p]| f| [9f]|dfd|s|[0f]| | 0|e|0|[ep]| f| [rf]|dfd|s|[tp]| | u|p|u|[8p]| |[9a]| |[0p]||| [8u] q e| i| [5t] 7 9| r| [6e] 8 0| | 0| q|w|eLevel: 8Length: 02:29Expert
Truth (Game of Thrones)
Ramin Djawadi
p f k h j f s f p f k l z l k h p f k h j f s f p f k l z l k h [qp] f k h j f s f [p0] f k l z l k h [pe] f k h j f s f p f k l z l k h [j60] x [eb] v [teb] x [ze] x [rk9] [xt0] [yqc] [rk9] [tl0] x b [vr] b [xe]w[zq] x [rk9] [xt0] [yvq] [unW] [zte] x [wvr] n [b0] x [ze0] x [wk9] x [zq8] x [wk7] [zq6] [v50] [b9] [n5] [ve7] [b80] x z [v7] [k95] [ql] [j60] x [eb] v [teb] x [ze] x [rk9] [xt0] [yqc] [rk9] [tl0] x b [vr] b [xe]w[zq] x [rk9] [xt0] [yvq] [unW] [zte] x [wvr] n [b0] x [ze0] x [wk9] x [zq8] x [wk7] [zq6] [v50] [b9] [n5] [ve7] [b0] x z a [ws] [wa] [ped]| [ud]| t d [ywa]| [woa] s [ywa] s [qia]| e d [yq] q [se]ap y a [us] [wa] [ped]| [ud]| t d [ywa]| [woa] s [ywa] s [qia]| e d [yq] q [se]ap y a [us] [oa] [ped]| [ud]| t d [ywa]| [woa] s [ywa] s [qia]| e d [yq] q [se]ap y a [us] [wa] [ped]| [ud]| t d [ywa]| [woa] s [ywa] s [qia]| e d [yq] q [pe]| [yw] p [oP] s [dE]|||g h j| h| g| [p6] f k h j f s f p f k l z l k h p f k h j f s f p f k l z l k h p f k h j f s f p f k l z l k h [qp] f k h j f s f [p0] f k l z l k h [pe] f k h j f s f p f k l z l k h [j60] x [eb] v [teb] x [ze] x [rk9] [xt0] [yqc] [rk9] [tl0] x b [vr] b [xe]w[zq] x [rk9] [xt0] [yvq] [unW] [zte] x [wvr] n [b0] x [ze0] x [wk9] x [zq8] x [wk7] [zq6] [v50] [b9] [n5] [ve7] [b80] x z [v7] [k95] [ql] [j60] x [eb] v [teb] x [ze] x [rk9] [xt0] [yqc] [rk9] [tl0] x b [vr] b [xe]w[zq] x [rk9] [xt0] [yvq] [unW] [zte] x [wvr] n [b0] x [ze0] x [wk9] x [zq8] x [wk7] [zq6] [v50] [b9] [n5] [ve7] [b0] x z a [ws] [wa] [ped]| [ud]| t d [ywa]| [woa] s [ywa] s [qia]| e d [yq] q [se]ap y a [us] [wa] [ped]| [ud]| t d [ywa]| [woa] s [ywa] s [qia]| e d [yq] q [se]ap y a [us] [oa] [ped]| [ud]| t d [ywa]| [woa] s [ywa] s [qia]| e d [yq] q [se]ap y a [us] [wa] [ped]| [ud]| t d [ywa]| [woa] s [ywa] s [qia]| e d [yq] q [pe]| [yw] p [oP] s [dE]|||g h j| h| g| [p6] f k h j f s f p f k l z l k h
Level: 6Length: 04:06IntermediateWaterfall (Undertale)
Toby Fox
[u860] y|u y|[wu97] y [yw80] t|p o u y t [yqe8]uu|p o u y t [yqe8]uu|t|ttt y [t860]||ttt t [wt97] y [wr80]||ooouuuyy[yqe8]ttttet e t y [qe8] t| |tt[wt97] y [t860]||ttt t [wt97] y [wr80]||ooouuuyy[yqe8]ttttet e t y [qe8] t| |[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o[p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]|[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o [p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] t[tq8][t5] [y0] [t6]||ttt [t7] t y [r81]||ooouu[u30]yy[yq4]ttttet e [tq4] y [q4] t| |tt[t5] y [t6]||ttt [t7] t y [t81]||ooouu[u30]yy[yq4]ttttet e [tq4] y [q4] t| |[w5] w [p860] o[p860] o[p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]|[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o [p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] [pe][q8][ra5]|[tsqe8]|p| |[yd]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [wuf97]||d [yd] fd|[ts860] p||[w97] [pe] [ra]|[tsqe8]|p| |[yd]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [wuf97]||d [yd] fd|s p| |[u6] [y80] 6 [u80] [y6] [80] [u6] [y80] [y8] [wt0] 8 [wp0] [o8] [wu0] [y8] [wt0] [y4]u[uq8] 4 [qp8] [o4] [uq8] [y4] [tq8] [y4]u[yq8] 4 [tq8] 4 [q8] 5 [97] [u6] [y80] 6 [u80] [y6] [80] [u6] [y80] [y8] [wt0] 8 [wp0] [o8] [wu0] [y8] [wt0] [y4]u[uq8] 4 [qp8] [o4] [uq8] [y4] [tq8] [y4]u[yq8] 4 [tq8] 4 [q8] 5 [a97] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] 7 [w9] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0] [p8] [wa0] [p8] [wo0] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [p4] [qa8] [p4] [qo8] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [t4] [q8] 5 [o97] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] 7 [w9] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0] [p8] [wa0] [p8] [wo0] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [p4] [qa8] [p4] [qo8] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] t| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] [pe][q8][ra5]|[ts860]|p| |[ywd97]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [uqfe8]||d [yd] fd|[tsqe8] p
Level: 7Length: 03:31IntermediateHappier (Alternative)
[8tos]| [6eps]| [4qpd]| [5woa]| [6es]| [7rod]| [8tsf]| [6esf]| [4qdg]| [5wsf]| [5wad]| [6eps]| [4qpd]| [5wos]| [5woa]| [8tos]| [8tfh]| [0ush]| [8tfh]| [7rdh]| [5w]| [7rdg]| [tosf]| [5wag]| [7rdg]| [9yag]| [5wag]| [8tsf]| [5wad]| [8tsf]| [9yag]| [8tsf]| [7rod]| [6eps]| [5wsf]| [4q]| 0| [9idg]| [P8ofh]| [4qgj]| [dg]| [5wsf]| [5wad]| [8uos]| [8tos]| [6eps]| [4qpd]| [5woa]| [6es]| [7rod]| [8tsf]| [6esf]| [4qdg]| [5wsf]| [5wad]| [6eps]| [4qpd]| [5wos]| [5woa]| [8tos]| [8tfh]| [0ush]| [8tfh]| [7rdh]| [5w]| [7rdg]| [tosf]| [5wag]| [7rdg]| [9oag]| [5wag]| [8tsf]| [5wad]| [8tsf]| [9yag]| [8tsf]|[7rod]| [6eps]| [5wsf]| [4q]| 0| [9idg]| [p8fh]| [4qgj]| [dg]| [5wsf]| [5wad]| [8uos]Level: 5Length: 01:08Intermediate
God Save The Queen (British National Anthem)