Golden Hour (Life is Strange)

Jonathan Morali 25 September 2020

i p i p i p i p
i p i p i p i p
[i4] p i p i p i p
[qie] p i p i p i p
[i4] p i p i p i p
[tie] p i p i p i p
[u1] o u o u o u o
[wu0] o u o u o u o
[i4] p i p i p i p
[qie] p i p i p i p
[i2] p i p [yqe] i y i
[t6] u t u [te0] u t u
[t1] u t u [wt0] u t u
[t4] i t i [tqe] i t i
[y^] i y i [yq9] i y i
y i y i y i y i
[u1] o u o [wu0] o u o
P o u o P o u o
P P P P P [qige] i g
[qife] g i g [qie] i [qie] i
[qige] i g [qife] g i g [qie]
i [qie] i [wutf] u f [wutd] f
u f [wutf] u [wuts] u [qige] i
g [qife] g i g [qie] i [qie]
i [qige] i g [qife] g i g
[qie] i [qie] i [qige] i g [qife]
g i g [qie] i [qie] i [wutf]
u f [wutd] f u f [wutf] u
[wuts] u [tqig] i [tqif] g i g
[tqi] i [tqi] i [jd2] q 9 [pge]
q 9 q [spf6] 0 e 0 [ts]
e 0 e [o8] w t w u
t w t [qi] t i t p
i t i [jd2] 9 q 9 [pge]
q 9 q [sof8] w t w [us]
t w t [qj] t i t p
i t i q t i t p
i t i [i^] q 9 q [dE]
q 9 q E 9 [s8] w 0
w [JE] w 0 w [fE] w 0
8 [tqpie] s g i g [tqife] g
i [pg] [tqie] i [tqe] i i [tqpie]
s g i g [tqife] g i [pg]
[tqie] i [tqe] i i [wuto0] s f
u f [wutd0] f u f [wutsf0] u
[wuto0] u [tqpie] s g i g [tqife]
g i [pg] [tqie] i [tqe] i i
[tqpie] s g i g [tqife] g i
[pg] [tqie] i [tqe] i i [tqpie] s
g i g [tqife] g i [pg] [tqie]
i [tqe] i i [wuto0] s f u
f [wutd0] f u f [wutsf0] u [wuto0]
u [tqpi] s g i [tqif] g i
[pg] [tqi] i [tq] i i [pj2] q
9 [ige] q 9 q [upf6] 0 e
0 [ts] e 0 e [uo8] w t
w u t w t [qi] t i
t p i t i [pj2] 9 q
9 [ige] q 9 q [uof8] w t
w [us] t w t [qjg] t i
t p i t i q t i
t p [i^] q 9 q [dE] q
9 q E [s8] w 0 w [JE]
w 0 w [fE] w 0 8 [g4]
8 q 8 4

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About This Music Sheet

Golden Hour (Life is Strange) is a song by Jonathan Morali. Use your computer keyboard to play Golden Hour (Life is Strange) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:09, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Golden Hour (Life is Strange) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Instrumental.


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Other Songs By Jonathan Morali

  • [r]YWr uW [T]rWr uQW[r]YWr uW [T]rWr uQW[r0]YWr uQ [T0]rWr uW [r0]YWr uQ [^T]rQr YQ [r7]YQr IQ [T7]rQr IQ [r7]YQr IQ [T7]rQr YQW[rSLH]YWr uW [T]rWr uQW[r]YWr uW [T]rWr uQW[xrkf0]YWr uQ [T0]rWr uW [r0]YWr uQ [^T]rQr Y[xkfQ] [rkaG7]YQr IQ [T7]rQr IQ [r7]YQr IQ [T7]rQr YQW[I7] [QI]r [YQ] 7 Qr [QI] [I(] Qr [YQ] [u^] QTu [uQ] [I] WT[u] WTQW T [QI] [QI] 0u ^ [u$] ^0Q I [I7] Qr[Y7] Qr(Qr [QI] [I(] QrY Q [u^] QTu [uQ] [I] WT[u] WTQW T [uQ] [QI] 0u ^ [u$] ^0Q I [I7] [QI]r [YQ] 7 Qr [QI] [I(] Qr [YQ] [u^] QTu [uQ] [I] WT[u] WTQW T [QI] [QI] 0u ^ [u$] ^0Q I [Y%] Wr YQ % Wr Q % Wr Q % Wr Q [rSH]YWr u[WSH] [T]rWr uQW[rf]YW[rS] u[WS] [T]rWr [TO][fQH]W[rfOH0]Y[fW][ra] uQ [T0]rWr uW [r0]YWr uQ [^TG]rQ[rf] Y[QD] [rf7]YQ[rD] I[SQ] [T7]r[aQ]r IQ [ra7]YQ[ra] IQ [T7]rQr YQW[I7] [QI]r [YQ] 7 Qr [QI] [I(] Qr [YQ] [u^] QTu [uQ] [I] WT[u] WTQW T [QI] [QI] 0u ^ [u$] ^0Q I [I7] Qr[Y7] Qr(Qr [QI] [I(] QrY Q [u^] QTu [uQ] [I] WT[u] WTQW T [uQ] [QI] 0u ^ [u$] ^0Q I [Y%] Wr YQ % Wr Q % Wr Q % Wr Q [rfH]YW[rfS] u[WS] [T]rWr uQW[rfS]YW[rS] u[WS] [T]rWra[TS][fQ][WS][urO0]YW[ur] uQ [T0]rWr uW [urO0]YWr uQ [^T]rQrI[aY][fQ] [raG7]YQr IQ [T7]rQr IQ [r7]YQr IQ [T7]rQr YQW[rS]YW[rS] u[WSH]H[T]r[WSH][rH] uQW[rH]YW[rG] u[fW] [T]r[WS]r TQW[rfa0]YWrOu[fQ] [T0]rWr uW [ur0]YW[ur] uQ [^TG]rQ[rf] Y[QD]S[rf7]YQ[rD] I[aQ] [T7]rQr IQ [ra7]YQr IQ [T7]r[aQ]r [aY]QW[rH]YW[rG] u[fW] [T][rfS]Wr[SH]uQW[r]YWr uW [T]rWr T[SQ]W[ura0]YWr uQ [T0]rWr[ua]uW [ura0]YWr uQ [^T]rQ[rD] Y[fQ] [I7] [QI]r [YQ] 7 Qr [QI] [I(] Qr [YQ] [u^] QTu [uQ] [I] WT[u] WTQW T [QI] [QI] 0u ^ [u$] ^0Q I [I7] [QI]r [YQ] 7 Qr [QI] [I(] Qr [YQ] [u^] QTu [uQ] [I] WT[u] WTQW T [QI] [QI] 0u ^ [u$] ^0Q I [I7] Qr[Y7] Qr(Qr [QI] [I(] QrY Q [u^] QTu [uQ] [I] WT[u] WTQW T [uQ] [QI] 0u ^ [u$] ^0Q I [Y%] Wr YQ % Wr Q % Wr Q % WrDf[QD] [rfS]YW[rS] u[WS] [T]rWr uQW[rS]YW[rS] u[WS] [T]rWr T[SQ][fW][raD0]YW[ra] u[aQ] [T0]rWr uW [aED0]YW[ra] u[aQ] [a^T]rQra[YD]Q [ra7]YQr IQ [T7]rQr IQ [raD7]YQ[ra] IQ [T7]rQr YQW[rkH]YW[rfH] uW [T]rWrSuQW[r]YWr u[WS] [T]rWrfTQW[rfH0]YWr uQ [T0]rWr[kH]uW [rfaH0]YWr uQ [^TG]rQ[rf] Y[QD]S[raD7]YQr IQ [T7]rQr IQ [ra7]YQ[ra] IQ [T7]r[YQ]ruY[QI]W[rSH]YWr uW [TS]rW[rf] u[SQ]W[r]YWr uW [T*]rWr T[fQ]W[raD0]YWrauQ [aT0]rWr uW [raD0]YW[ra] uQ [^TG]rQ[rf] Y[QD] [raQGD7]

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:23
    To All Of You (Life is Strange)

    Jonathan Morali


  • we Ety [te] qe tyY E ( ewqw 9wE | q9Et Eew q w e yoo ioy tEE tyy Ip o iop Ppyoop [wyo] [yo] [9ey] op Psd [sp] ip sdD P Y poio yoP | iyPs Ppo i o p dhh ghd sPP sdd Gj h ghj Jjdhhj [odh] [dh] [ypd] [wo] [ep] [EP] [ts] [yd] [tsep] [qi] [ep] [ts] [yd] [YD] [EP] [Y9] [ep] [wo] [qi] [wo] [9y] [wo] [EP] | [qi] [9y] [EP] [ts] [EP] [ep] [wo] [qi] [wo] [ep] [yd] [oh] [oh] [ig] [oh] [yd] [ts] [EP] [EP] [ts] [yd] [yd] [IG] [pj] [oh] [ig] [oh] [pj] [PJ] [pj] [yd] [oh] [oh] [pj] [woydh] [ydoh] [9yepd]
    Level: 7
    Transformers Theme


  • pjklf j ijkld a pjklf j ijkldsafpjklf j ijkld a
    pjklf j ijkldsafighjs g yghjdsafufhka f
    f tfGhp I ufGha f tfGhpoIaufGha
    f tfGhp I ufGha f tfGhpoIatsdfo
    s esdfpoIaradGI a [r7]Iad[QI]IPS
    pIjGpIjGpIjGpIjkOuHfOuHfOuHfO[Ou] J

    Level: 5
    Length: 00:49
    Scattered and Lost (Celeste)

    Lena Raine

  • [6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    [6w] e [6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
    [6etu] e|[3e] 5 [5w] [3e] [2w]
    [6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 [3e] [2w]
    [6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
    [6etu] e|[3e] 5 5 [3e] [2e]
    [6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3w] [2e]
    [6tu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
    [2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
    [2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
    [2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8 [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
    [2uf] [uf] [uf] [6uf] [8ep] [ep] 6 [5ep]
    6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
    [6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
    [6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
    [30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
    [30uf]|[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30ts] [ts]
    [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
    [29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
    [6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
    [6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
    [6tu]|e [3w] [5e] [5w] [3e] [2w]
    [6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 [5e] [3e] [2w]
    [6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
    [6tu]|e 3 [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
    [6e]|[6e] [3tu] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
    [6tu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
    [2yd]|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6ts] [5yd]
    2|[yd] [6ts] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
    2|[yd] [6yd] [8yd]|[6yd] [5yd]
    [2uf] [uf] [uf] [6wo] [8wo] [WO] [6ep] 5
    6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
    [6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
    [6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
    [30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
    [30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
    [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29ep] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
    [29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
    [6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
    [6e] e [6etu] 3 [5etu] e 3 2
    [6etu]| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e] 6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
    [6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] 3 2 6| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e]
    6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
    [2yd] [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
    2 [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
    2|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
    [2uf] [uf] [uf] 6 [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
    6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [etu] [3e] [2w]
    [6etu] e e [3w] [5e] [5e] [3e] [2w]
    6 e [6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
    [30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf]|
    [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30uf]|[30] [30]
    [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
    [6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
    [6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
    [6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
    [6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    [6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
    [6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
    [6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    [2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
    [2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
    [2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
    [6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
    [6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
    [6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    [5oh]|5 2 4|[2uf] [1oh]
    [5oh]|[5uf] [2oh] 4|[2uf] 1
    [2ig]|9 6 8|[6uf] 5
    [2yd]|[9uf] [6yd] [8ts]|[6yd] 5
    [6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
    [6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
    [6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    [6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
    [6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
    [6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
    [6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
    [6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
    6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 5 4 3 2 1
    6 e [6etu] [3e] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
    [6etu]|e [3e] [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
    [6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
    [6w] e [6etu] 3 5 [etu] [3e] [2e]
    [6tu] e|3 [5e] 5 [3e] 2
    [6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3e] [2e] [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
    2 [yd] [9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
    2|[9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
    2|[9yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] 5
    [2uf] [uf] [9uf] [6uf] [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
    6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
    [6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
    [6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
    [30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30uf] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
    [30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
    [29ep]|[29ep] [29ep] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
    [29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
    [6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
    [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
    [6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
    [6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
    [6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    [6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
    [6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
    [6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    [2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
    [2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
    [2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
    [6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
    [6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
    [6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6|r 3 [5t] 5 [3y] 2
    [5oh]|5 2 4 4 [oh] [ig]
    [5uf]|[5oh] [2ig] [4uf] [4ts] [yd] [uf]
    [2ig]|9 6 8 8 [ig] [uf]
    [2yd] [ts] [9ig] [6uf] [8yd] [8ts] [yd] [ts]
    [6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
    [6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
    [6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
    [6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
    [6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
    [6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
    [6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]

    Level: 6
    Length: 05:53
    Red Right Hand (Peaky Blinders Main Theme)

    Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds