Grenade (Super Easy)

Bruno Mars 17 November 2020

hhhhgfgh hggfddh hggfddp |
gg hhhgffh hggf d gghhgghg g d

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About This Music Sheet

Grenade (Super Easy) is a song by Bruno Mars. Use your computer keyboard to play Grenade (Super Easy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song Grenade (Super Easy) is classified in the genres: Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs, Break-Up Songs.

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    Other Songs By Bruno Mars

    • 6 0 e 0te 0 e 0
      e 0 e 0 e 0 e 0
      3 7 0 7[wr]0 7 0 7
      [0r] 7 0 7 0 7 0 7
      6 0 e [0t] [ey] t0yt[er] 0t
      e 0 e 0 e 0 [ey]tr0
      3 7 0 7r0 e7 0 7r
      [6t] 0 e 0e6 0 e 0[et]
      e 0 e 0 e [0t] [ey] t0yt
      [3r] 7 0 [wr]7 0 7[we]0 [wr]7
      0 7 0 7 0 7 0 [7e]
      [6et] 0 e 0 [et] 0 e [0et]
      e 0 e 0 e 0 [ey]tr0
      3 7 0 7[we]0 [wr]7 0 7[wr]
      0 7 0 7 0 7 0 [7e]
      [6tu] 0 [ety] 0 [et] 0 [er] 0y
      e [0y] [et] 0 [er] 0 e 0[wy]
      3 7 [0wt] 7 [0wr] 7 [0we] 70
      0 7 0 7 0 7 [0e] 7u
      6 [0u] [ey] [0y] [et] 0 [er] 0y
      e [0y] [et]yt0 [er] 0 e 0
      [2qet] 6 9 6[qey]2 6 9 6
      [W3ru] 7 0 W y t y [tu]
      [6u] 0 [et] e4 8 q w
      1 5 8 t [5o] 9iw u
      6 0te e 4 8 q w
      1 5 [8y]uyt [5ry] [9t] [wy] u
      6 0te e 4 8 q w
      1 5 8 t [5o] [9i] [wu] u
      6 0te e 4 8 q w
      1 [5u] [8y]uyt [5ry] 9 w t
      [6tu] 0 e 0[tu]e [0y] [et] 0[ry]
      5 9 w 9 w|t o
      1 5 8 [uO]3 [7u] [0y] t
      6 0 e y5 [9u] [wy]uyt
      [4ey] 8 [qey] 8 [qey] [8t] [qy] 8u
      3 7 0 W r u O a
      f||y t y|
      t e0 t e 0 t e
      t e0 te 0t e
      [370r] w 0 r w 0r w|||
      [6e]rt 0 e 0 [et] 0 e 0t
      e 0te t0 e y0 euyt0
      [3r] 7 0 [wr]7 0 7[we]0 [wr]7
      0||e r t
      6 0 e 0te 0 e t0
      e 0tet 0 [et] [0y] [ey]tr0
      3 7 0 7[wr]0 [we]7 0 7[wr]
      [6u] 0 [ey] 0 [et] 0 [er] 0y
      e [0y] [et] 0 [er] 0 e 0
      [3y] [7y] [0t] 7 [0r] 7 [0e] 7
      0 7 0 7 0|e [tu]
      6 0 [ey] 0 [et] 0 [er] 0[ey]
      [ey] [0ey] [et]yt0 e| e
      [2ey] 6 [9ey] 6 [2ey] [6t] [9y] 6u
      3 7 0 W y t y u
      [60e] t|e [48q]| w
      [158]||[59wy]uyt y u
      [60e] t|e [48q]| w
      [158]| t [59wo] i u i
      [60eu]iu t e[48q]| w
      [158]| t [59wo] i u u
      [60e] t|e [48q]| w
      [158] u yuyt [59wry]|t y
      [6u] 0 e u|y t y
      5 9 w 9 w|t o
      [1o] 5 8 [uO]3 [7u] [0y] t
      6 0 e y 5 [9u] [wy]uyt
      [4ey] 8 [qey] 8 [qey] [8t] [qy] 8u
      3 7 0 W r u O a
      f||y t y
      2 6 9 [qe]6 9 6 9 6[qe]
      9 6 9 6[qe]9 6 9 6
      1 5 8 [0wt]5 8 5 8 5[0w]
      8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5
      [2y] 6 9 [qe]6 9 6 9 6[qey]
      9 6 9 6[qey]9 6 9 6
      3 7 0 7[Wr]0 7 0 [er]7
      0 7 0 7[Wr]0||
      [6s] p u s p u s p
      s p u s p u s p
      [4s] p i s p i s p
      ruOa Oo u o u o p
      [60e] yuy|y[48q]| t
      [158]|yuyt [59wy] u y t
      [158t]| u o u o p
      [60e] yuy y [48q]| t
      [158]| r [59wo] i u u
      [60e] t| [48q]| w
      [158]| t [59wo] i u u
      [60eu] t [qtu] [48qtu] [eyu] [eyu]
      [60e] [wy] [wy] [48qwy]|yuyt
      [60et]| [et][48q]| [wt]
      [158] [wr]|w [59wt]ytr t [et]
      [60e] [eti] [eti] [48qeti] [eto] [eto]
      [48y] q 8 q[ey]|u yuyt
      [59wy]||t o
      [158]| [uO][370] u y t
      [60]| y [59w] u yuyt
      [48qey]|[ey]|[ey] t y u
      3 7 0 W r u O a
      f||d s d
      [6s] p u s p u s p
      s p u s p u s p
      [3a] o u a o u a o
      a o u a o u|
      [6s] p u s p u s p
      s p u s p u s p
      [3a] o u a o u a o|||
      [36s] p u s p u s p
      s p u s p u s p
      [48qs] p i s p i s p
      [3a] 7 0 W r u O a
      f H k x V

      Level: 8
      Length: 04:16
      Grenade (Bruno Mars)

      Bruno Mars

    • 8|[wu]|8|[wu]|
      8|[wu]|8|f d
      [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
      [8of] d [of] d [8of] [of]|[of]
      0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
      6|[0s] p| 0|
      [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
      4 [ps] 8||8|
      4|8||[8f] d
      [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
      [8of] d [of] d [8of] h|[of]
      0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
      6|[0s] p| 0|
      [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
      4 [ps] 8||8|
      9|[pg]|9|[pg] s
      [9pg] [pg]|[ah] 9 [sj]|[ah]
      0 [of] [wr]||[wr]|
      0|[wr]||[wrf] [pg]
      q [of]|[id] q s|[pg]
      q [of]|[id] q s|[ad]
      f f|
      [0h]|[wr] a a|[wrya]|
      [5ro]|9| s 9 [pg]
      4 [of] 8 [id]|s 8 [pg]
      4 [of] 8 [id]|[id] 8 [us]
      8|[0w]||[0w] s
      8 d [0w] f|l [0w] k
      0|[wr]||[wr] s
      0 d [wr] f|k [wr] [sj]
      [5af]|9||[9f] d
      [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
      [8of] d [of] d [8of] [of]|[of]
      0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
      6|[0s] p| 0|
      [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
      4 [ps] 8||8|
      4|8||[8f] d
      [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
      [8of] d [of] d [8of] h|[of]
      0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
      6|[0s] p| 0|
      [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
      4 [ps] 8||8|
      9|[pg]|9|[pg] s
      [9pg] [pg]|[ah] 9 [sj]|[ah]
      0 [of] [wr]||[wr]|
      0|[wr]||[wrf] [pg]
      q [of]|[id] q s|[pg]
      q [of]|[id] q s|[ad]
      f f|
      [0h]|[wr] a a|[wrya]|
      [5ro]|9| s 9 [pg]
      4 [of] 8 [id]|s 8 [pg]
      4 [of] 8 [id]|[id] 8 [us]
      8|[0w]||[0w] s
      8 d [0w] f|l [0w] k
      0|[wr]||[wr] s
      0 d [wr] f|k [wr] [sj]
      [5ah]|9| s [9d] [pg]
      4 [of]|[id] 4 s|[pg]
      4 [of]|[id] 4 [id]|

      Level: 5
      Length: 04:00
      Count on Me (Intermediate)

      Bruno Mars

    • uYuYuO YYY uuY

      Level: 1
      Length: 00:06
      Super Easy
      Talking To The Moon (Bruno Mars)

      Bruno Mars

    • [teQ92]| |[tqe92]| |[w810]| |8yu 9[teQ92]| |[tqe92]| |[ut81] w [ut] w [ut] w [yr7] w [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywri5]|[ywri5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wur7]|[wur] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5]|[ywr5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut7]|[wut] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute]6 [uro30]|[uro] 0 [uro] 0 [uro]3 [yi^E]|[yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [wut5]|[wut] 5 [ywr5]| |[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wt810]|t|t|[qe4]|[ut81] w [ut] w [ut] w [yr7] w [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywri5]|[ywri5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wur7]|[wur] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5]|[ywr5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut7]|[wut] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute]6 [uro30]|[uro] 0 [uro] 0 [uro]3 [yi^E]|[yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [wut5]|[wut] 5 [ywr5]| |[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut] 8 [wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqe] 4 [tqe]4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr] 5 [ywr]5 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [ywr7]|[ywr] 7 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wur5]|[wur] 5 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [teQ] 9 [teQ] 9 [tqe92]|[tqe] 9 [tqe] 9 [tqe] 9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5]|||[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]

      Level: 8
      Length: 03:30
      When I Was Your Man

      Bruno Mars

    • [18tu] w [tu] w [tu] w [tu] w
      [3ry] W [ry] W [ry] W [ry] W
      [6tu] e [tu] e [5ry] w [ry] w
      [4et] q [et] q [et] q [et] q
      [16] w o [tus] a [ws] a [tus] [wf] [tu] w
      [3a] a W a [ry] [Ws] s [ry] W [ry] [Wp] d
      6 [es] p [tu] e 5 w [ry] [wp] d
      4 [qs] [etp] q [et] q [et] q
      [16] w o [tus] a [ws] a [tus] [wf] [tu] w o
      [3a] [Wa] [rya] [Ws] s [ry] W [ry] [Wp] d
      6 [es] p [tu] e 5 w [ry] [wp] d
      4 [qs] [etp] q [et] q [et] q
      2 9 [qe] [9p] [qeg] [9f] [qed] a
      5 [wa] [ry] [ws] [ry] [wd] [ry] s p
      2 9 [qe] [9p] [qef] [9d] [qes] a
      [5w] p a s p
      [4h] 8 [qe] 8 [5g] 9 [wr] 9
      [6f] 0 [et] 0 [6p] [0a] [ets] [0p]
      [4h] 8 [qe] 8 [5g] 9 [wr] 9
      [6f] 0 [et] 0 6 0 [et] [0f]
      [4g] [8f] g [qe] [8f] [5g] f [9d] [wr] 9
      [8f] [wf] h 7 [wh] j 6 [0f] [5f] f 9 s
      [4d] s [qp] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 p [qef] [8s] d
      5 w [ry] w f 5 d s a s a
      [6tup] [5ryo]
      [16] w o [tus] a [ws] a [tus] [wf] [tu] w o
      [3a] W a [ry] [Ws] s [rya] W [ry] p [Wp] d
      6 [es] p [tu] e 5 w [ry] [wp] d
      4 [qs] [etp] q [et] q [et] q
      [16] w o [tus] a [ws] a [tus] [wf] [tu] w o
      [3h] g W f [ry] d W g [ry] f W d [ry] d [Ws]
      [6d] [ef] f [tu] e 5 w [ry] d [ws] d
      4 [qf] g [etf] q [et] q [et] q
      2 9 [qe] [9p] [qeh] [9g] [qef] d
      5 [ws] [ry] [wd] [ry] [wf] [ry] s p
      2 9 [qe] [9p] [qef] [9d] [qes] a
      [5w] p a s p
      [4h] 8 [qe] 8 [5g] 9 [wr] 9
      [6f] 0 [et] 0 [6p] [0a] [ets] [0p]
      [4h] 8 [qe] 8 [5g] 9 [wr] 9
      [6f] 0 [et] 0 6 0 [et] [0f]
      [4g] [8f] g [qe] [8f] [5g] f [9d] [wr] 9
      [8f] [wf] h 7 [wh] j 6 [0f] [5f] f 9 s
      [4d] s [qp] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 p [qef] [8s] d
      5 w [ry] w f 5 d s a s a
      [2qep] [9qep] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qe]
      [2qe] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qe]
      [2qe] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qe] 3 4
      [5wtig] [ig] [ig] [ig] [wig] [uf] 9 [5wruf] [5yd] [wts] [4ep] 3
      [2qe] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qef] h
      [2qef] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qef] h
      [2qef] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qe] [3f] 4
      [5rtupj] [5rtuoh] [5rtuoh] [5rtuf] [5rtupj] [epj] [epj] [epj]
      [etipj] [wyoh] h [qryig] [0etuf]
      [0etuf] 6 [etuf] g g f d [1d] s
      [wetoh] [qryig] [0etuf]
      f 6 e r [1t] [uf] [qetig]
      [0etug] [uf] [qetig] u [uf] [qetig] [ug] [wryd] 5
      [1wtuf] [uf] [wryoh] [wryo] [wryoh] [etupj] [etup] [uf] [wruf] [uf] [ts]
      [qeyd] [ts] [ep] 4 [qp] [ep] [4weuf] [ts] [wryd]
      5 [5d] [wruf] 5 [yd] [ts] [ra] [ts] [ra]
      [6etup] [5wry]
      [tu] [wo] [8ts] [ra] [ts] [ra] [0ts] [uf] [wt] w
      [W9ra] [ra] [ra] a [ts] [ts] [ra]

      Level: 6
      Length: 3:38
      Talking to The Moon (Alternative)

      Bruno Mars


    • v|| u o r| [e4] 8 w t|| y 5 9 w w [yw] u i [ti8]| u||| f [oh]h [ra] [pe4] 8 w t|| [yw] 5 9 w t r|| [ywe93]||[ywe]|[w92] 9 Q|| s d f d [qd] s [ts] o|| s [ws] d [yd] [da] d s s| e a [oa] l|v v z|| s d f d [qd] s [ts] o|p| [h7] [wf] [rf] [od] d s s| [ywu8]||[yu]|8| 8 [uf] [ig] [oh] [sph] [92] [tg] [ig] [spg] [sp] f f [pd] [pd7] [wo] r y [od] f g [gd] 8 [wf] [tf] [ysf] [sf7] [wd] [rd] [so] 6 w t [uf] d s a s [tpi9]| f|| o [d95] [wd] [rd] [od] d s s| [y1] w t y 8 w t y 8| o h [ha] j k l p f [kf] l f| k l [li] s [sk] j s| h h o j| d| l d k|| h j k l e u [ka] [sl]| k l [wl] u [ka] j| h j q t i p p| o s t|| [yod0] s a o [us6] 0 [yra] [uts] s| [ya] [us] 4 [id8] r t [tp] [ya] [us] [us] 5 9 [ywa] [us] s [to] [to] [ro]|| t p o i u 2 9 e [ti] i| [so]| s s j j f d ^ d| w y|g f s o i t||| s s d f [shf] 4 [s8] [ws] [to]| o o o [od5] [d9] [wd] [trod] d s s t [kd6] 0 r [tha] h| [ya]| o p a [s5] d h d [so4] [p8] [se] [so] p [so] ops [od5] 9 [wd] [rod] d s [of]| 6 0 r [us]|| [zhfa]sd|f f g h [sph] 2 9 [ge] [tspig] [sp] f f [pd] 7 [wo] r [yd] [od] f g [gd] 8 w [tf] [hd] [h3] [s8] [ws] [so] 4| f d s a s [tpi9]| f|| o [wd5] d d d d s s|a|| [ut8] t t [ti] w 8 y 8 [ut8] t o 8 [ro7] [tp] [ya] [us] 6 6 [ya0] [use] r t [ya] [us] 4 q [yea] [trp] p|[ro] [ro] 5 [tp9] [wp] [so] s y o s [yoa5] 9 w [yr] [ya] [us] [id] [of] 6 0e[ya] [us0] [ur] 0 [yta] [us] 5 9w[ywa] [tpe] t r [ro] [tp] 4oi 8 w|r o t e q [to] 4 [ro30] [tp] [ya] [us] 6 0e[yra] [uts] r t [yra] [use] 4 [id8]qw e [tp] [yra] [uts] [us] [us5] 9w[ya] [us] s [tp] [tp] [ro] 5| s j h g f 9 [ge] [tg] i|p| s| s s j j f d [ywt5]| w t y o s d [zvl]|| o [wuf5] [oh][oh] [ra] [qpe4] [pe] [pe] [qpe] [pe] [pe] [qpe] [pe4] [wpe5] [ra] [ra] [wra] [yd] [yd] [uf5] [ig] [igd81] [igd] [igd] [yigd] [igd] [ogd] [yogd] [ogd8] [ofd81] [ofd] s o [uf30] [oh][oh] [ra] [qpe4] e e [qpe] e [pe] [qpe] [pe4] [wpe5]|[ra] [ra5] [wra] [yd] [uf5][uf][ig] [igd6] q t [ushf]|[uf]| h [vl]| f d s a s [upo2]| 9 [pod] f [od] s|| [tqoe4]| q t|q s [sq] q s h 4|[lWHD%] [zg^JE] [hWD%]|[toY] [lZ] [hJD] [sohYJD] [hJD]| [W%] [sHD] [sHD] [tsoYHD] [hPD] t [ogY] D [tgdP8] h h [oYE]|Y Y [P8] [yiE1] i E y i g [gdP1] h [sqpjD4] h [toY]| p [sqpD] 4 [spjD@(] h [spD] [toY] o [s(] [d^] [g6] [sohd5] w o [yto] [yto]|tyo w [wro5]| 5w5w[ha] [sj] [kd] [ljf] [le6]|[khd] [ljf] [utp] [utp][khd] [utpljf] [w5]|[khd] [jhd] [yro]|[hda] [hda] [q4] [sjg] s [sh] [tspih] xzjfds [q4] o a o [ha30] [sj] [kd] [ljf] [e6]|[khd] [ljf] [utp] [utp][utpljf] [utpljg] [w5] [lhf] [khf] [uro]|[sj] [sj]| [q4] a h [utp] xlkfds [q4] ertyui[ytoe] p a [usp] [e6]|[yoa] [usp] [te] [te][ytoea] [utspe] [q4] [pid]|q [up] a s [yso] [w5]|a d|p p o|| s j h g f 9 [ge] [tsg] i|o|xcm| s s j j f d 5 9 w r r t y o 5| o [uf5] [oh] h [ra] [qpe4] [pe] [up] [up] [uqp] [tp] [tp] [rp] [wrp5] [rp] [rp] [rp] [ywp] [up][up] [pi] [tpi8]|[pi] [pi] [uo8]|[gd] [gd] [gd] [fd] t s o [uf30]|[oh] [oh] [ka] [qpj4] [pj] [pj] [utjea] [ja] [sj] [utsj] [sj] [ja5] w [wr] y [yro] [utp][utp] [yoa] [yoa6] 0 r s t [kd]|[ha]| s s f d s a s [ypo9]| d y o s d I|| f d s [s4] 8 w [he] c|c c|x x||| l z x z y l|[sg]|l| [zu] z z [zhd] z l l| i s [sf] j||| s d f d 9 s [ts]|i|p| [hd0] f f d [da] s s||| [ypoea6] y o p| d|h|j|z||[skf]
      Level: 7
      Length: 04:32
      Miracles in December (EXO)


    • o|s|s s|d|f| d|s|p| s|d|o| | [wtf8]| h|j|f| d|s|p| o| s||| o|[wts8]| [s7]|d|[of60]| d|s| [pi84]| s|d|[yqo95]| r| [wtsf8]| [h7]|j|[of60]| d|s| [qpi84]| o| [wus8]||o| [us8]|w|[ys]|d|[of6]|0|[ed]|s| [pi4]|8|[sq]|d|[yqo5]| 9| [wof8]| [whda7]|j|[ofe60]| d|s| [qid5]||s|[w8]|s|f g h [tqd] f h|o|[ul]|o|u|[zt]|x|c [wth] l x|o|u|[ol]|[yoh]| | [pd4]|[f8]|[qd]|[ws]|[se]| r| [so6]|[d0]|[wf]|j|[hda93]| [wf]|h| [sjf4]|8|q|h|[qja5]|[h9]|[sq]|d f 1| [of5]|9|[o0]|[wu]| h|f| [ywpd]|u|[yw]|[uf]|[tse]|y|[tlf0]|k| [tsqjg]| [yw]|h|[sf1]|5|8|0| [pd2] 6 9|s|d|j|[sqh84]| [fe]|d [i5] [p9] [qd]|||[ia5]|||o| [ts]|o|[ts]|[rd]|[uofe]| [wud]|s| [tqpi]| s|d|[uo0] w t||o [sf60]| [wha7]|j|[wsf8]| [qpd84]|s|[qidO5]||s 1| [us5]|8|[z7]|[xlh6]|0|[zw]|l| [jg4]|8|[qlf]|z|[hd5]|9|w|r| [xwtlh8]| [wvrk7]|b|[xwh60]| z|l| [qjgd5]|9|[qh]| [wlhf8]| 5|h| [lhf8]|w|[wlf7]|z|[xlh6]|0|[zt]|l| [sjg4]|8|[sql]|[zd]|[qhd5]|9|w|r| [xlhe60]| [wvrk7]|b|[xwtlh8]| [zqj84]|l| [zqjg5]|9|w|r| [lhf80]|w|0|w|t|[w8] [w8]|5| [pd84]|f 4 [qpd8]|[s4]|[sp84]|4|[q8]|4| [sp60]|d e [fe]|[j6]|[ha93]|7 9 [f0] w h| [sjg4]|8 q w e [th]|[jda95]|h w s|[d5] f 1| [ofd5]|9|8|[w0]| [th]|f| [pda5] 9 w e r t f|[spe60]|6 [lhf30]|k| [sqjg84]| [wda95]|h|[wsof8]|o [f1] d s o [pid2]|[s6]|[d0]|[j3]|[shg4]|8 q [lhg]|4 z [zkhg5]|2 6 [tie] 8 q i [tqpi5]|y [uq5] i o [p2] a [si5] y u [i2] [o2] p [a5] [s2] [od5] s [d5] f [sohd5]|5 5 [xjg4]|[z4] [xjg] [q8] z 4 [ljg] [84]|4 [ie] [q8] [ro] 4| [xjf6]|[z6] [xjf] [e0] z 6 [hfd] [60]|6|[use0] a [o6]| [sjg84]|[h4] [sj] [q8]|[h4] [ha] [95]|[f5] [fa] [w9] d 5 [spf] [60]|6|[oea0]|6|[sp60] e 6|[o50] p [s5]| [sjg4]|[l4] [ljg] [q8] z 4 [lhg] [84]|4|[q8]|[l4] z [xjh6]|[z6] [xjh] [e0] z 6 [ljh] [60] e 6|[jf50]|[l5] [lhg] [84]|4 h [qj8]|[l4] [lhd] [q5]|5|[zwd9]|5|6| [lf6] [lf] [e0]|6|[so60] a [s6] [d3] 6 [sof] 6 5 [xjg4]|[z4] [xjg] [q8] z 4 [ljg] [84]|4 [ie] [q8] [ro] 4| [xjf6]|[z6] [xjf] [e0] z 6 [hfd] [60]|6|[use0] a [o6]| [sjg84]|[h4] [sj] [q8]|[h4] [ha] [95]|[f5] [fa] [w9] d 5 [spf] [60]|6|[oea0]|6|[sp60] e 6|[o50] p [s5]| [sjg4]|[l4] [ljg] [q8] z 4 [xjg] [84] z [lg4]|[q8]|[l4] z [xjh6]|[z6] [xjh] [e0] z 6 [ljh] [60] e 6|[jf50]|[l5] [lhg] [84]|4 h [qj8]|[l4] [lhg] [q5]|5 x [zwg9]|5|6| [lf3] [lf] 6 7 8 0 [je] [rf] [tj] [uk] [sp] [fa] [sj] [kd] [lff]||| o|[ts]|o s s|[rd]|[uofe]| [wud]|s| [tqpi]| s|d|[yto0]| | [wut6]| [ywo7]|p|[wut8]| [ye84]|t| [yqW5]||t|[10] [w5] [t8]
      Level: 7
      Length: 04:22
      Photo of My Mind (Crash Landing on You)

      Yoon Mi-rae

    • [51]||[u83]op o u yt[y84] uet [95]| |[51]||[u83]op ouu yt[t84]||[95]| |[51]||[u83]op o u yt[y84] uet [95]| |[51]||[u83]op o u [y84]tt|[95]||ty[wu] [51]||[w83]|wty[ue] [84]||[yr95]|y[i95]uyt[51]||[83]||[83]|[84]||[95]|w[t95]y[wu] [51]||[w83]|wty[ue] [84]||[yr95]|y iuyt[51]|[wu] [83]| |[84] [ue] yt[yr95]|t e[w95]|[u62] i u [i62] u y [t62] y [y95] tu [u61]yt|[61]|[u62] i u [y62] t t [t62] y [95]||[95]||[95]|[u62] i u [i62] u y [t62] y [y95] t u [u61]yt|[61] w[u62] i u [y62] t t [t62] y [95] [95] [95] [95] [95]wttu yte[t51] [wu]|[83]||[83]|[84]|o[95]ooii[i95]uuy[u51]||[83]||[83]|[84]|o[95]ooii[i95]uu[u51]|o [y83]ty|[83]|[84]|o[95]ooii[i95]uu y[u51]||[83]||[83]wty[u84] yt [y95] u [t95]y [ut60]|[yr95]|[te84]|[w830]|[tq62]|[wr3] [t510]| |[51]||[u83]op ou[u83] yt[y84]uwt [95]||[95]|[51]||[u83]op ou[u83] t [84] t t [95]||[95]|[51]|s[83]apapo u [o84] o t[u95] y| |[51]||[u83]op ouuyt[t84]||[95]|wty[wu] [51]||[w83]|w[t83]u[ue] [84]||[ye95]|y[i95]uyt[51]||[83]||[83]|[84]||[95]|w[t95]y[wu] [51]||[w83] w w[t83]y[wu] [84]|u [yr95]|t [o95]uu y[t51]||[83]||[83]|[84] [ue] yt[yr95]|t y[u95]o [u62] i u [i62] u y [t62] y [95] tu [u61]yt|[61]|[u62] i u [y62] t t [t62] y [95] tu [y95]tew|[95]|[u62] i u [y62] t t [t62] o [95] up [u60]|yt [60]|[u62] i u [y62] t t [62] y [95] [95] [95] [95] [95] tou u[51]yt|[83]||[83]|[83]|o[95]ooii[i95]uuy[u51]||[83]||[83]|[84]|o[95]ooii[i95]uu[u51]|o [y83]ty|[83]|[51]|o[83]ooii[i83]uu y[u84]||[95]|w[t95]yu y[t84]||[y95]|w[y95]y [ut60]|[yr95]|[te84]|[w830]|[tq62]|[wr3] [t510]|890wet[y51][uo] [yo] ty[t83]||[83]|[w84]e we|[w95]|90[w95]e[ut][ut][ut51] o uyt[y83]t|[83]|[o84]p op|[o95]||[f95]|[s51]|[of] [83]||[83]|[o84][sp] o[sp] o[sp] [so95]|[sp] [yo95]uyt [u51] o|[83] [83] [83] [83][sp][83][sp][pi84][uo][84][uo][uo84][yi][95][yi][y95]w[t95]y[u95] [y95]te[t51] [wu]|[83]||[83]|[84]|o[95]ooii[i95]uuy[u51]||[83]||[83]|[84]|o[95]ooii[i95]uu[u51]|o [y83]ty|[83]|[84]|o[95]ooii[i95]uu y[t51] ew|[51]|w[t51]yu y[t84]||[y95]|w[t95]y [ut60]|[yr95]|[te84]|[w830]|[tq62]|[wr3] [t510]||yy [ut60]|[yr95]|[te84]|[w830]|[ti62]|[ro5] [ut51]| |[ut60]|[yr95]|[te84]|[w830]|[q962]|[w5] [8510]

      Level: 6
      Length: 04:33
      Thinking Out Loud

      Ed Sheeran