a f h G f k j G|
f h G d g a|
a f h G f k z L l|
j l k J a h f|
hk|hk|hlkJ|hG lk ah l|
r u o I u a p I u o I Y i r|
r u o I u a d S s O s a P p o u
About This Music Sheet
Harry Potter (Theme) is a song by John Williams. Use your computer keyboard to play Harry Potter (Theme) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Harry Potter (Theme) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Harry Potter, Theme Song.
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Other Songs By John Williams
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]||d [8d]||
g [8g]| |8|
f s [wd]||a o| [8f] s [wd]| |w|
h s [eg]||[wf] [wf]||d [wd]| |w|
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]| o| [8h]|
g f [8g]| |8|
h d [8g]||f [wd]|
h d [Eg]| |E| [wh] d [eg]||[wf] [qd]|
g j [wk]| |w|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [qJ]| |q|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [wl]| |[wk]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
s a [8s]| o| [qi]|
s a [8a] s||[8g]| d|
[wgl]| |w| |
[whk]| |w| |
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |w| |8Level: 4Length: 01:18EasyJurassic Park Theme
John Williams
u s a
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 0 [6f] 8 [0g]
[6f] 9 q [6d] 9 q [6d] 9 [qf]
[6d] 8 0 [6s] 8 0
6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0o]
[6i] 9 q [6u] 9 q [6y] 9 [qu]
[6y] 8 0 [6t] 8 0 6 8 0Level: 4Length: 00:18EasyIn Noctem (Harry Potter)
John Williams
t i T s t i T s t i T [uosh] [yia] [uoshl] [ipdk] [ipdl] k [odhl] [ishlz] [oahl] z [OHsglz] [PJsd] l k [8fhl] w u [yh] [og] s [wd] i [8o] [wf] g [yh] [ro] [ei] [qs] 0 [9p] [wy] [80wt] [0wt] r [4qet] [qet] r [80wt] y [8wry] i [8wti] 8 [8wtu] t [5wry] r [5w] [8wu] t [5wry] [30wto] t [4qeti] [5wtu] [5wtu] [5wry] [5wry] [5w] [et] [5w] [ry] [5ws] a [8wuos] [8wuo] [8wuos]a [4qips] [4qip] [4qips] a [8wtuos] [yoad] [8wyoad] [eipsg] [8eipsg] 8 [8wuof] s [5wyoad] a [wryo] [wtuof] s [5wyoad] [5w] [0osh] s [6eisg] [5wusf] [5wusf] [5wyoad] [5wyoad] 5 [sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [8osh] [8s] [PJ4qg] 4 4 [5wsl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg][4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] o I [9o] g f [wg] d S [td] [sl] [ak] [8sgl] [4qh] G h [5w] [ak] [5wh] G h 5 [8sfhl] s g d h [8s] [wg] [5d] [8l] s g d l [8s] [wg] [5d] [8fl] k h k l k [8h] k [4qsgl] h g h [5wadk] t r [80wtl] k l v [8l] k [0wth] [rk] [qetl] k l v [4l] k [qeth] [rk] [80wtl] k l [wryv] [wryz] L z [etiv] [etil] k l v [8l] k [wul] [th] [wryz] h v [rh] [wz] h [wul] [th] [wryz] h v h [5z] [30osh] s [6eisg] [5wusf] [5wusf] [5wyoad] [5wyoad] o [5h] o [5d] [5s] a [8tuos] t r t [8s] a [qips] t r t [qs] a [8us] [to] r [tfh] [8dg] [sf] [8dg] t r t [8h] d [8wsg] [8w] [sf] [5wad] [5wah] [ad] [^Pqdg] [^v] z [^c] [5woah] d [6eisg] [5wusf][4qypd] [29ipdg] [pj] [5wadhk] 5 5 [5sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg][4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [30osh] [30s] [PJ4qg] q 4 [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [8osh] [8s] [5wsghl] [5w] [5adhk] [5sl] [ak] [8sfhl] h [4pdg] s a [8uos] o [qeti] s a [8wua] s 8 [ig] [8yd] [8sghl] [8o] I [8o] 8 [5adhk] [5o] I [5o] 5 [8sfhl] 0 w t u o s f h l x v m m
Level: 8Length: 03:09ExpertJurassic Park Theme (Expert)
John Williams
u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s d f | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o f d | u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s d f | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o f d | u o i y i u o f u o i y i u o f d f g d g D d s s d o I o d o I o d s a s u o i y i u o f u o i y i Y y t u o i y i u o f d gPpPgPpPgDdD ssgPpPgPpPgDdD ssgPpPgPpPgDdDOoODOoODgh | u i o s y u i | u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s df | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o g f d sLevel: 3Easy
The Raiders March (Indiana Jones)
John Williams
u| [tpe0]| | [rqea9]| [wr90]|s d [tse0]| u| |u| [tqpe]||a|s|p|s p f [yqed]|||[ywrf0]| [utje0]||k l|j x|l [tqieb]| |j| l k j [xute0]||l j [wurf0]| f|k|[utje0]|||e| [yq96]| |[u9750]| [8650]|i o [qi96]| e| |e| [yq97]||u|i|y|i y p [wo97]|||[wp860]| [qed96]||f g|d j|g [zq^E9]| |d| g f d [qje96]||g d [pe860]| p|f|[qed96]Level: 7Length: 01:06Intermediate
The Force (Star Wars)
John Williams
p|s|[i^]Pd4 ^ 8 9 ^ [uso1] 5 0|[P8]|[tpi4] 8 q w e|q|[pi8]|[s4]|[id^P] 4 ^ 8 9 ^ [uso1] 5 0 8 [P5] 3 [tpi4] 8 q w [te]|e q [p8]|[s4]|[id^P] 4 ^ 8 9 ^ [sof1] 5 0 9 8 ^ [pfS6] 0 e E TSfh [pgd2] 6 9 0 q|[i^] 4 ^ 8 [p9]|[o1] 5 0 [u8] [t5]|[y2] 6 9 0 q e y|e|q|[gPE] i P|j|[th] u o f s|[d9] e y u i p d|p|i|[ypi2] 6 9 q [pe]|[to1] 5 0 [i8] [u5]|[tie4] 8 q w [oe]|[tpi4] 8 q|[p8] s [id^] q E q [d^]|[of8] w t [wd] [s0] [o8] [tpi4] 8 q w e t e|q|[p8] s [id^] q E q [d^] q [us8] w t w [oP8] 5 [tp6] 0 e [P0] [p8] o [yi9] 6 9 0 [yq] u [yi^] q E q [p^]|[uo8] w t [wu] [t0]|[y9] 6 9 0 q e y|[pe]|[sq]|[id^P] q E t y i [sof8] w t y u t [pfS6] 0 e E TSfhe [ypgd] e 9 0 [qpid] e [odP5] 9 w E [yo] d [us8] 5 8 [d0] [ws] [to] [P4] 8 [tqp] w e t 4 8 [qpi] w [se] q [id^P] q E t y E [sof8] w t w 0 8 [pfS6] 0 e E TSfhe [pgd9] 6 9 0 q e [yi^] q E q [p^]|[to8] w t [wu] [t8]|[y9] 6 9 0 q e y|p|s|[id^] q E t y|[us8] 5 0 9 [P8] 5 [tpi4] 8 q w e t e q [pi8] 6 [s4]|[i^]Pdq E q ^ q [uso8] w t w [uP0] 8 [tpi4] 8 q w e|4 8 [qp] e [tsq] q [i^]Pdq E t y E [sof8] w t y u t [pfS6] 0 e E TSfh [pgd9] 6 9 0 [qi] e [yi^] q E q [pi^]|[to8] w t [wu] [t0]|[y9] 6 9 0 q e y e q 0 9 6 [yi^] q E q [p^] q [to8] 0 [ts] [wu] [t0]|[y9] 6 9 0 q e y
Level: 6Length: 02:16IntermediateKeulraesik Main Theme
Jo Yeong-wook
[6uh] || [qid] || [tif]o || w t || [6ih] ||| [9qysg^P] || g ||| s |||||||| [ph] h h[ih] f d ds[sif] ||| o s [ph] h s[il] kjh hj[sh] fgf[od] || s [ph] h h[ih] f d ds[tf] ||| w o sdfdessps ssq i sdfdtos h sdw o sdfdessps ssq i sdfdt o h sdw || sdse || [dfhE] ||| [tf] ||| [hl] ||| [es] || [Esd] ||| [tf] |||||| [esh] p h h[qh] f [isdf] ds[tf] ||| w [af] s [eh] h s[ql] kj[iosh] hj[th] ofgf[wd] [af] s [eh] h h[qh] f [isdf] ds[tf] ||| w o[asf]dfdessps ssq i [os]dfdtos h sdw o [sf]dfdessps ssq i [sf]dfdtos h sd[wa] o tyuy[6sf]ttet tt4 q tyuy8wt o ty[5h] [wod] tyuy6ttet tt4 q tyuy[8s]wt owty5 w tyuy[6l] [tk] [th] [ej] [td] h [tf] [tj] [4d] h [qf] j [tdf] [yj] [uh] [yf] [8l] [wk] [th] j [od] [wfk] [th] [yj] [5d] [fk] [wh] [ts] y u y [6l] [tk] [th] [ejv] [td] h [tfx] [tj] [4d] h [qf] j[td] [yh] [uf] [yj] [8lz] [wk] [th] hok[tl] [uj] [5f] k [wl] h [tf] [yj] [ul] [yj] [6lx] [tk] [th] [ejz] [td] [hv] [tfx] [tj] [4d] h [qf] j [td] [yh] [uj] [yj] [8l] [wk] [th] [hj] [od] [fh] [thl] [yj] [5d]f [wh]j [toh][yoh][toh][60us] || [^qo] ||| [8u] |||||| [60et] || [^Eqy] |||| [8wtu]Level: 8Expert
Kataware Doki (Kimi no na wa) (Expert)
6| 3 7| 3 9| 9 8|7 3
6| 3 7|3 7 9|q|0| |
6| 3 7| 3 9| 9 8|7 3
6| 3 7|3 7 9|q|0| |
6 f f [s3] [a7]|u 3
9 d d [p9] [f8]|[a7] 3
[p6] f f [s3] [a7]|[u3] 7
[d9]|g|[f0]| |
6 u u [t3] [r7]|0 7
9 y y [e9] [u8]|[r7] 3
[e6] u u [t3] [r7]|[30]|
[r7]|[t8] r [e6]|3|
[f6]|s [f3] [D7]|a 3
[p9] a s [d9] [s8] 7 [a7] 3
[f6]|s [f3] [D7]|[a3] 7
[p9] a [sq] d [a0]| |
[f6]|s [f3] [D7]|a 7
[p9] a s [d9] [s8] [a7] [a7] [O3]
[f6]|s [f6] [D7]|[a%]|
[f3]|[a7]|[p6] u [p3]|
6 jhj gf[g9] dsd|
5 hgh fd[f8] sas|
4 gfg ds[d7] a a|
[d3]|g|[f6]| |
6 jhj [g6]f[g9] dsd 9
5 hgh [f5]d[f8] sas 8
4 gfg [d4]s[d7] a [a7]|
[a3]|[s7] a [p6]|3|
[u6]| |[u6]| 6
[u%]| % [u%]| %
[p$]| |[p$]| $
[O3]| 3 [O3]|3 3
[p6]| |[p6]| 6
[O%]| % [O%]| %
[p$]| |[p$]| $
[a7]| 7 7 O p a
[S6]| |6 p S [D6]
[a%]| % % u I [O%]
[p$]| |$ a p [a$]
[O3]| 3 3 O [p3] [a3]
[S6]| |6 a p [a6]
[a%]|u % [I%]| [I%]
[O$]| |[u$]| $
[I7]| 7 7|p a
[S6]| |6 a|[p6]
[a%]| [u%] %| [O%]
[p$]| |$ O|[I$]
[O3]| [u3] 3|[p3] [a3]
[S6]| 6 6 a|[p6]
[a%]| [f%] %|[S%] [D%]
[f5]| [o5] 5|G 5
[f$]| [S$] $|[f$] $
[G7]| 7 7| 7 *| * *| * 8| 8 8| 8
[I7]| 7 7|7|9| 9 9|9|
[d6]| 6 6|6 6 6| 6 6|6 6
[S0]| 0 0|0 0
6 ppppp 6 0 u [u0] 0
% O O % 3 u [u2] @
% OOOOO % 7 a [a6] 7
6 p p 3 3 u [u6] 7
8 sssss 8 9 d d 9
0 f f 7 7 a [a7] 9
0 fffff 9 8 s s 7
6 p p 6 6 p [p6] 6
[u6]| 6 [i0]|[Y0] [u0]
%| % 3 u [O2] [s@]
[a%] O u [O%] [s7]|[a6] 7
[p6]| 3 3|[p6] [a7]
[s8]| 8 [d9]|s [d9]
[f0]| 7 7|[s7] [d9]
[f0]|d 9 [s8]| [a7]
[p6]| 6 6|6 6
6 f f [s3] [a7]|u 3
9 d d [p9] [f8]|[a7] 3
[p6] f f [s3] [a7]|[u3] 7
[d9]|g|[f0]| |
6 u u [t3] [r7]|0 7
9 y y [e9] [u8]|[r7] 3
[e6] u u [t3] [r7]|[30]|
[r7]|[t8] r [e6]|3|
[f6]|s [f3] [D7]|a 3
[p9] a s [d9] [s8] 7 [a7] 3
[f6]|s [f3] [D7]|[a3] 7
[p9] a [sq] d [a0]| |
[f6]|s [f3] [D7]|a 7
[p9] a s [d9] [s8] [a7] [a7] [O3]
[f6]|s [f6] [D7]|[a%]|
[f3]|[a7]|[p6] u [p3]|
6 jhj gf[g9] dsd|
5 hgh fd[f8] sas|
4 gfg ds[d7] a a|
[d3]|g|[f6]| |
6 jhj [g6]f[g9] dsd 9
5 hgh [f5]d[f8] sas 8
4 gfg [d4]s[d7] a [a7]|
[a3]|[s7] a [p6]|3|
[u6]| |[u6]| 6
[u%]| % [u%]| %
[p$]| |[p$]| $
[O3]| 3 [O3]|3 3
[p6]| |[p6]| 6
[O%]| % [O%]| %
[p$]| |[p$]| $
[a7]| 7 7 O p a
[S6]| |6 p S [D6]
[a%]| % % u I [O%]
[p$]| |$ a p [a$]
[O3]| 3 3 O [p3] [a3]
[S6]| |6 a p [a6]
[a%]|u % [I%]| [I%]
[O$]| |[u$]| $
[I7]| 7 7|p a
[S6]| |6 a|[p6]
[a%]| [u%] %| [O%]
[p$]| |$ O|[I$]
[O3]| [u3] 3|[p3] [a3]
[S6]| 6 6 a|[p6]
[a%]| [f%] %|[S%] [D%]
[f5]| [o5] 5|G 5
[f$]| [S$] $|[f$] $
[G7]| 7 7| 7 *| * *| * 8| 8 8| 8
[I7]| 7 7|7|9| 9 9|9|
[d6]| 6 6|6 6 6| 6 6|6 6
[S0]| 0 0|0 0Level: 4Length: 05:10EasyWelcome to Mafia Town (A Hat in Time)
Pascal Michael Stiefel