00:11 -
S s P|
P s S s P O O|
P s S s P O O|
About This Music Sheet
I’m Just Ken (Barbie) is a song by Mark Ronson. Use your computer keyboard to play I’m Just Ken (Barbie) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:11, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song I’m Just Ken (Barbie) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.
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9 m
10121001005.75 -
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8 w t w u w t w 8 w t w o w u| 8 w t w u w t w 8 w t w o w t| o 0 [wi] 0 [ut] 0 w t [yrq] [wu] r [yw]r[t0] w t| [o8] 0 [wi] 0 [ut] 0 w t [yrq] [wu] r [yw]r[t0] w 8| p e [to] e i e t| [o0] [ws] [to] [wt] [u4]| [y5]| o 0 w [ti] u Q [te]| y q e t [rq] w r| o 0 [wi] 0 [ut] 0 w t [yrq] [wu] r [yw]r[t0] w t| [o8] 0 [wi] 0 [ut] 0 w t [yrq] [wu] r [yw]r[t0] w 8| p 8 [oe]| i 8 e [t8] a 7 [wp]| o 7 w t [so] 0 t a [tpeI8]||u [yo] 9 q 9| 9 [qp] a [tso4] 8 [tie] 8 [ti4] 8 e u [yto3] 8 w 8 [tod3] 8 [wt] y [y5] 9 q [y9] [o5] 9 q i [i1] 5 [u0] 5 1 5 [p0] a [tso4] 8 [tie] 8 [ti4] 8 e u [o1] 5 0 5 1| t y [ue3] 7 9 [i7] [uW93]||y [wt6] 0 e 0 6| [tp50] a [tso4] 8 e [i8] [i4] 8 [ue]| [uo1] 5 0 5 1| t y [u3] 7 w [i7] [u3] 7 [yw]| [y4]8e| t o p s g h j l g h [ic][sb]m| | [o80]| i| u| | [y9] u y y [t0] w|| [woe84]||i [urq95]||r [t1] 5 0 y u t y w 0 w t y u| [yo8] 5 1 5 0 y u t y w 0 w t y u| [yo8] 5 h w [qg] w [f0]| w| [qd] [wf] [rd] [wa] [s80] w [to] 5 [h0] w [qg] w [f0]| w| [qd] [wf] [rd] [wa] [s0]| w| [qj] e [wh] e [qg] e| q h [yl] [rh] [ws] [qfe]| [wrd]| [h0] w [tg] 0 [f9]| [ts]| [w5]| |[wri]Level: 6Length: 01:55Intermediate
I See The Light (Tangled)
Mandy Moore
u y t t y y | t tt t y y |
t t t y y | u y t u y t u y t t y y |
t tt t y y | t t t y y | u y t u y t tLevel: 1Length: 00:40Super EasyOne Kiss
Dua Lipa
Z z l j h l f d Z z l j h l||v||b| |[ue9] Z z [yle9] j h l f [ued9]||[ye9]||D g [wg84]||[e84]||s d [ued9]||[ye9]| |[ue9] Z z [yle9] j h l f [ued9]||[ye9]||D g [w84] k l [e84]||V b [ue9]|m z [ye9] m z x [yw8] n|[xwt8]|m n b [w84] n|[xe84]|m z x [yw8] n b [wvt8]|c x z [w84] m n [ve84]| |x [ue9] Z z [yle9] j h l f [ued9]||[ye9]| |[ut0] k k [tqic] c [ywon] n z [xe]up|||lz[x8] [wh] [uh] g g [f8] [wf] d [p4] [p8] [se] s f [qf] [th] h 4 [h8] [qh] g g [f8] [wf] d [p6] [p0] [se] s f [f6] [j9] j [kf8] [wsh] [tsh] [pg] [pg] [of8] [qof] [id] [si4] [si8] [qpg] [pg] [jf] [jf6] [zj0] [zj] [xk8] [wsh] [tsh] [pg] [pg] [of8] [qof] [id] [si4] [si8] [qpg] [pg] [jf] [jf6] [zj0] [zj] [q^E9] z z l [wtj8] j h f [yed9]|||[q84] [sj] [sj] [lf] [lfe60] [xh] [xh] [vk] [wvrk9]|||[q^E9] [zc] [zc] [xm] [wtlb8] [lb] [vk] [xh] [zywh9]| |zx[C9] [je] [jI] h h [G9] [eG] f [a5] [a9] [rd] d [aG] [waG] [yj] j [LG9] [jed] [jdI] [ha] [ha] [pG9] [peG] [of] [od5] [od9] [rha] [ha] [kG] [wkG] [yxk] [xk] [LC7] [jdQ] [yjd] [ha] [ha] [pG9] [peG] [of] [od0] [rod] [haI] [ha] [kG] [kG0] [xrk] [xk] [kGC7]
Level: 7Length: 02:25IntermediateBella’s Lullaby (Twilight) (Alternative)
Carter Burwell