01:39 -
120 -
[d9] e y i [yj] e
[h8] 0 w t [ug] t
[f6] 0 e [td] [us] t
[d9] e y i [yj] [ke]
[l4] 8 q e [tl] i
[k5] 7 w [rj] [oh] r
[j6] 0 e t u t 6 0 e t u t
[d9] e y i [yj] e
[h8] 0 w t [ug] t
[f6] 0 e [td] [us] t
[d9] e y i [yd] [fe]
[g^] q [fE] y [id] y
[s8] 0 w t [uf] t
[d9] e y i y e
9 e y i y e
9 e y i y e
9 e y i y e
[d9] e y i [yj] e
[h8] 0 w t [ug] t
[f6] 0 e [td] [us] t
[d9] e y i [yj] [ke]
[l4] 8 q e [tl] i
[k5] 7 w [rj] [oh] r
[j6] 0 e t u t
6 0 e t u t
[d9] e y i [yj] e
[h8] 0 w t [ug] t
[f6] 0 e [td] [us] t
[d9] e y i [yd] [fe]
[g^] q [fE] y [id] y
[s8] 0 w t [uf] t
[d9] e y i y e||
g h
[j4] 8 q e [tl] i
[k5] 7 w [rj] [oh] r
[j4] 8 [qg] e [tj] i
[h8] 0 w t [ug] [th]
[j4] 8 q e [tl] i
[z5] 7 w [rl] [ok] r
[j6] 0 e t u t
6 0 e t [ug] [th]
[j6] 0 e t [ul] t
[k5] 7 w [rj] [oh] r
[j4] 8 [qg] e [tj] i
[h8] 0 w t [ud] [tf]
[g^] q [fE] y [ig] y
[h8] 0 [wg] t [uh] t
[j6] 0 e T u T 6 0 e T u T
[d9] e y i [yj] e
[h8] 0 w t [ug] t
[f6] 0 e [td] [us] t
[d9] e y i [yj] [ke]
[l4] 8 q e [tl] i
[k5] 7 w [rj] [oh] r
[j6] 0 e t u t 6 0 e t u t
[d9] e y i [yj] e
[h8] 0 w t [ug] t
[f6] 0 e [td] [us] t
[d9] e y i [yd] [fe]
[g^] q [fE] y [id] y
[s8] 0 w t [uf] t
[d9] e y i y e
About This Music Sheet
Inuyasha’s Lullaby (Inuyasha) is a song by Kaoru Wada. Use your computer keyboard to play Inuyasha’s Lullaby (Inuyasha) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:39, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Inuyasha’s Lullaby (Inuyasha) is classified in the genres: Japan, Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Lullaby, Inuyasha.
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Other Songs By Kaoru Wada
o dhzl | j | g | w yods | p | i | [PJ] | [pj] | [ig] | [yd] | [^E] | [e6] | [q4] | [81] | [92] | d|g|[hY]oP |h|J|[li]ps |z|c|[zo]Pd |l|J|[ih]Pd |z|l|[hY]oP |z|l|[ih]ps |g | [wd]|y|o|p|[qP] | d|g|[h(]|w|[hE]|J|[ql]|e|[zt]|c|[zw]|E|[yl]|J|[qh]|E|[zy]|l|[h(]|w|[zE]|l|[qh]|e|[tg] | [wh]|y|o|p|P | d|g|[P@(]Dh ^|[E(]|[gY]|[oh4]|8|[qpje]|[g8]|[P5]dh 9|[wg]|[ys]|[qid4]|9|[ed9]|g|[o@]Ph ^|[E(]|[gY]|[ohP4]|[PJ8]|[qpje]|[tige]|[y5]iPd 9|[ywiP]|E|[yqpi4]|9|[qod9]|[og]|[P@(]Dh ^|[w(]|[gE]|[qo4]h|8|[qpje]|[tge]|[wP5]dh 9|[ywg]|[ysi]|[qd4]|9|[ypied]|s|[oYP@(]|^|[odPE(]|s|[qoE4]|8|[qie4] | [ywoE5]|9|w|e|[ywE] | [odP5]|[gdP2]1^6[o@]PDh @(^(w|[gE]|[o4]sh 4q8q[pje]|[ig]|[o5]Pdh 5^9w[ig]|[ts]|[y4]oPd 6269[qid]|[qpge]|[ohPD@]|@(^(w|[igE]|[oh4]|[PJ4]8qe[tpj]|[ig]|[E5]iPd 525 [oP]|Eyo [pi4]|4^9[q4][yd]|[ig4]24 [o@]PDh @(^([woh]|[ig]|[o4]sh 4q8q[pje]|[ig]|[o5]Pdh 25^9[wig]|[ts]|[y4]oPd 69ey[zid]|[ysli]|[o@]PDh ^@^([zwd]|[slE]|[o4]sh 8|[sqig]|e|[o5]Pdh |w e t y i o p s d P | [zd]|[sl]|[ohYP] | [zd]|[sl]|[spoih] | [ig] | [oh5]|9|w|e|r | [id4]|8|q|w|e | [od5]|9|w|e|r | [id4]|8|q|w|[tsie] | [o5][P5]dh
Level: 7Length: 02:24IntermediateAffections Touching Across Time (Inuyasha)
Kaoru Wada
d|g|[gY]h|P|[hD]|J|[li]|s|[zg]|c|[og]Jz d|[lh]|J|z| |[zd]|l|[hY]|P|[zD]|l|[ih]|s|g| |[oh]|d|h|j|J| |y|i|[i@]o|^|[o(]|P|[sq4]|8|[qd]|g|[widP5]|9|[ws]|[eP]|[oE]| |[ed]|[ws]|[o@]|^|[d(]|s|[o4]|8|[qi]| |[o5]|9|w|e|E|9|y|i|[i@]o|^|[o(]|i|[qo4]|8|[qp]|i|[o5]|9|[wi]|t|y| |[y9]|t|[w@]|^|[t(]y|t|[w4]|8|q| |5|9|w|e|E|9|[yd]|[ig]|[oh@]|^|[oh(]|[wPJ]|[sql4]|8|[zqd]|[gc]|[zwd5]|9|[wsl]|[ePJ]|[ohE]| |[zed]|[wsl]|[oh@]|^|[zd(]|[sl]|[qoh4]|8|[qig]| |[oh5]|9|e|t|E|9|[yd]|[ig]|[oh@(]|^|[oh(]|[^PJ]|[sql4]|8|[zqd]|[gec]|[wJB5]|[jb9]|[wvh]|[gc9]|[zqd4]|8|[zqd]|[sl]|[oh@]|^|[zd(]|[sl]|[qoh4]|8|[qig]| |[oh5]|9|w|e|E| |[YD]|[IG]|[OH30]|7|[OH0]|[kaW]|[SL$]||[ZQD]|[GC]|[ZD%]|(|[WSL]|[kaE]|[rZD]| |[SLE]|[kaW]|[OH3]|7|[ZD0]|[WSL]|[OH$]||[QIG]| |[OH%]|(|W|E|r| |D|G|[uG]H|O|[aH]|k|[LI]|P|[ZS]|C|[ZO]|a|[LD]|k|Z| |L|k|[uH]|O|[aL]Z|L|[IH]|P|[SG]| |[WS]DH Y|O|P|a
Level: 6Length: 01:51IntermediateFutari no Kimochi (Inuyasha)
Kaoru Wada
f|h|[spji]|| j|l|[zoda]|| x|v|[xspf]|| z|l|[ojda]|| x|z|[spji]|| x|z|[ojda]||h|| [f6]|0|e|r|t|| f|h|[qj]|t| [ji]|l|[zw]|y| [xo]|v|[xe]|u| [zp]|l|[wj]|y| [xo]|z|[qj]|t| [xi]|z|[wj]|y|[oh]|| [je]|u|p|a|s||u|o| [p4]|8|q|[o8]| [p5]|9|[wa]|[o9]| [p6]|0|[oe]|[y0]| [u5]|9|[wu]|[o9]| [p4]|8|q|[o8]| [p5]|[s9]|[wa]|[o9]| [u6]|0|[ye]|0| [te]|0|[uf]|[oh]| [pj4]|8|q|[oh8]| [pj5]|9|[wka]|[oh9]| [pj6]|0|[ohe]|[yd0]| [uf5]|9|[wf]|[d9]| [p4]|8|[qf]|[d8]| [p5]|9|[wo]|9| [p6]|0|e|r|t||f|h| [j4]|8|[qj]|[l8]| [z5]|9|[xw]|[v9]| [x6]|0|[ze]|[l0]| [j5]|9|[xw]|[z9]| [j4]|8|[xq]|[z8]| [j5]|9|[wh]|9| [f6]|0|e|r|t||[uf]|[oh]| [pj4]|8|[qpj]|[sl8]| [zd5]|9|[xwf]|[vh9]| [xf6]|0|[zed]|[sl0]| [pj5]|9|[xwf]|[zd9]| [pj4]|8|[xqf]|[zd8]| [pj5]|9|[woh]|9| [pj6]|0|e|r|t||f|h| [qp]sj t|i|[th]| [wp]sj y|[ok]|[yh]| [je]|u|[ph]|[ud]| [wf]|y|[of]|[yh]| [qp]sj t|i|[th]| [wj]|[yl]|[ok]|[yh]| [f6]|0|[ed]|0| [se]|0|[uf]|[oh]| [pj4]|8|q|[oh8]| [pj5]|9|[wka]|[oh9]| [pj6]|0|[ohe]|[yd0]| [uf5]|9|[wf]|[d9]| [p4]|8|[qf]|[d8]| [p5]|9|[wo]|9| [p6]|0|e|r|t||[xf]|[vh]| [qjb]|t|i|[vth]| [wjb]|y|[onk]|[yvh]| [jeb]|u|[vph]|[zud]| [xwf]|y|[xof]|[yvh]| [qjb]|t|[vih]|t| [wjb]|[yml]|[onk]|[yvh]| [xfe]|u|[zpd]|u| [sp]|u|f|h| [qj]|t|i|[th]| [wj]|y|[ok]|[yh]| [je]|u|[ph]|[ud]| [wf]|y|[of]|[yd]| [qp]|t|[if]|[td]| [wp]|y|o|y| [p6]|0|e|r|t||x|z| [qj]|t|[xi]|z| [wj]|y|[oh]|| [j9]|w|e|w|y||x|z| [ib]|s|[xg]|[zs]| [ob]|d|[vh]|d| [eb]|u|p|a|sLevel: 6Length: 02:57Intermediate
To Love’s End (Inuyasha)
Kaoru Wada
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6w] e [6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e|[3e] 5 [5w] [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e|[3e] 5 5 [3e] [2e]
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3w] [2e]
[6tu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8 [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] [6uf] [8ep] [ep] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf]|[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30ts] [ts]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]|e [3w] [5e] [5w] [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 [5e] [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]|e 3 [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
[6e]|[6e] [3tu] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
[2yd]|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6ts] [5yd]
2|[yd] [6ts] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[yd] [6yd] [8yd]|[6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] [6wo] [8wo] [WO] [6ep] 5
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29ep] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5etu] e 3 2
[6etu]| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e] 6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] 3 2 6| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e]
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
[2yd] [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2 [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
2|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] 6 [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [etu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e e [3w] [5e] [5e] [3e] [2w]
6 e [6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf]|
[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30uf]|[30] [30]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
[2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
[2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
[6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
[6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
[6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[5oh]|5 2 4|[2uf] [1oh]
[5oh]|[5uf] [2oh] 4|[2uf] 1
[2ig]|9 6 8|[6uf] 5
[2yd]|[9uf] [6yd] [8ts]|[6yd] 5
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 5 4 3 2 1
6 e [6etu] [3e] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
[6etu]|e [3e] [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6w] e [6etu] 3 5 [etu] [3e] [2e]
[6tu] e|3 [5e] 5 [3e] 2
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3e] [2e] [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
2 [yd] [9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[9yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] 5
[2uf] [uf] [9uf] [6uf] [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30uf] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29ep] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
[2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
[2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
[6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
[6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
[6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6|r 3 [5t] 5 [3y] 2
[5oh]|5 2 4 4 [oh] [ig]
[5uf]|[5oh] [2ig] [4uf] [4ts] [yd] [uf]
[2ig]|9 6 8 8 [ig] [uf]
[2yd] [ts] [9ig] [6uf] [8yd] [8ts] [yd] [ts]
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]Level: 6Length: 05:53IntermediateRed Right Hand (Peaky Blinders Main Theme)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
[8tg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[6eg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[4qh] s o s g s o s f s o s g s h s
[5wd] s o s d s o s d|||
[0wos]| [os] qw[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] ew[oa] q0[oa] 9
[68eos]| [os] 90[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] 8w[qoa] 0 [9oa] 8
[48qos]| [os] 50[oa]| [oa]|
[od]| [od] 5[0oa] q[oa] w
[os] 9 [os]| [os]| [os]|
[oa]| [oa]| [oa]| [oa] w
[5wtu]| [wt] io[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] po[wr] i [wru] y
[6wt]| [wt] yu[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] o[wri] u [wry] t
[4wt]| [wt] wu[wr]| [wr]|
[wy]| [wy]| [wru]u i[wr] o
[wt] y [wt]| [wt]| [wt]|Level: 7Length: 01:05IntermediateStronger Together (Ladybug & Cat Noir)
Jeremy Zag
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River Flows In You (Easy)