02:28 -
5 q r y u|o|||o a [wrp80]||o a [tqpe9]||o a [wrp80] u u [wa95] d s a [wrp80]|s f [tqed9]||s f [tedQ9]||s f [tqed9] a s p a o [wo5] u u [wro80]|[wu75(] o a [wrp80]||o a [tqpe9]|o a [wrp80] u u [wu95] o d s a [wrp80]|s f [tqed9]|s f [woedY]||o [tqfe9] f f f [wuofe] f|[wts0]|f [wrf80] o f D f [ywE0]|f D f [tqe9]|g h g [urqfe] d y h [wrh80] o h G h [ywE0]|h G h [wueT]|j J j h g|f [tqhe9]|g f h [ywrq]|h g [wrf80] o|f h [wueT] a||p [tsqe9] s s s s [ywsrq] s [wusrq] s [wts0]| |8|7|[p6] f [O7] f 8 o f [I9] d 9 i d [i6] s $ u s [s3] a [p6] f [O7] f [o8] f [I9] d [i9] p [p6] p [s$] s [s3] a [je6] f j [rH7] f H [th8] h h [yG9]|[yg9] d g [fe6] s p [sQ$] s s [a30]|[je6] f j [rH7] f H [th8] j h [yG9] j j [yj9] j j l j f [wd5]||g [wrf80] o f D f [ywE0]|f D f [tqe9]|g h g [urqfe] d y h [wrh80] o h G h [ywE0]|h G h [wueT]|j J j h g|f [tqhe9] g|l [ywrqf] d|s d [ywrg0] f D f [wukeaT]||j [tqje9] j j j j [ywrqj] j [wurqj] j [wtj0]| |[wiT]||l [tqle9] l l l l||[l*] q W t l|l|l 0 w r y|l
About This Music Sheet
It’s Over, Isn’t It (Steven Universe) is a song by Zach Callison. Use your computer keyboard to play It’s Over, Isn’t It (Steven Universe) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:28, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song It’s Over, Isn’t It (Steven Universe) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Cartoon, Steven Universe.
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Other Songs By Zach Callison
qet s p s p s p [fe]Tu g f|| [dE]yis|i|o p| [dE]Tis i o p p p|q| [tse] p [sq] p [tse] p [fe]|[ugT] f e|[uTS]| [gE]|[yif] d E f [yig] h [jE]|[ihT] g E S [iT]| [sq]|[te]|q|[te]| [qj]|[the] g q h [te]| [fe]|[uT]|e|[uTS]| [je]|[uhT]|[ge]|[ufT] g E| [yi]|E|[ysi]| [jE]|[yih]|[gE] f [yi] g E| [iT]|[sE]|[iT]| [jE]|[ihT]|[gE]|[ifT] g q| [te]|q|[tse]| [qj]|[te] h [qg] h [te]| [fe]|[uT]|[eS]|[uT]| [pe]|[uT]|e|[uhT] h [gE]|[yi]|E|[yi]| [jE]|[yih]|[gE] h [yi] g E| [iT]|[sE]|[iT]| [gE]|[iT]|[hE]|[iT]| [qh]et gLevel: 6Length: 00:40Intermediate
We Are The Crystal Gems (Steven Universe)
Zach Callison
[utso]| |ooops [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [id] [utof]| | h z l||j h||s| [utolhf]| |gjgfd [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j [yh] [of] [pd] [yida0] s d [utofd] d s [utqoed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [id] [utf] o| |h j x| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| |[utso]| | ooops [yrida]||[uofda]|| [utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| | O p [id] [utof]||| [utso]| |ooops [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [pd] [ypig]||| [ut]||| [yri]||[uo]||[ute]||| [ywi]||[ut]||[tqe]||| [tYW]| |i [ut]||| [uto]||| [yri]||[uo]||[ute]| | y o p [yi0]||[ut]||[tqe]||| [tYW]| |i [ut]| | [ut]||| [yri]||[uo]|| [ute]||| [ywi]||[ut]|| [tqe]||| [tYW]| | i [ut]||| [uto]||| [yri]||[uo]|| [ute]| | y o p [yi0]||[ut]||| f| |s| |d s d d s d| |f| |H| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d sl k j h|| d sd| | [uo]| | [uto] s d l x v|| [xvm]Level: 7Length: 03:41Intermediate
True Kinda Love (Steven Universe)
Zach Callison
6|8|[te92]|t 8 t|p 1 [t92]|t 8 t|6 0 [o6]|6| |[t6]|[p40]||9||t|[tp92]||8||6|[s851]||6 8||6 [u92]| |t|e t [yq4] y|t| |e [yw5]||t||w u [wt81] tw|[wut]y y[wt]|[wu4]t u[wt]|[wto]|e t [yqo4]||t||e u [w5]| |r| |[tp81] pt|[wtso] s[wt] 8 [td4] d[td]|[tf] f[fe] t [yqh4] hh [th]h hh [he] u [w5]
Level: 6Length: 01:03IntermediateAlex in the Dryer (Orange is the New Black)
Gwendolyn Sanford
[wt0] s [hf] s|s [wthf0]| [te0] p [sf] p|p [tsfe0]| [qe8] i [sp] i|i [sqpe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] [mb]|j n j [xteb0]| [qlec8] i [sp] i|i [sqe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h| [wt0] g [tfe0] g h f|s [te0] d [qfe8] s o|v|[vqe8] p [wro9] a|d f g [wrd9]| [wt0]|gh h| [wt0] g [tfe0] g l j|g [te0] f [qed8] f g|z|[xqe8] f [wr9] g h| o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] p [sf] p|p [tsfe0]| [qe8] i [sp] i|i [sqpe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] [mb]|j n j [xteb0]| [qlec8] i [sp] i|i [sqe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h|g [wt0] f [tse0] S d fg|Gh [te0]| [qe8] j h f|o [qe8] p [wsr9] p d s|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h|g [wt0] f [tse0] S d fg|Gh [te0]| [qe8] j h f|o [qe8] p [wsr9] p d s|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h| [wt0] g [tfe0] g h f|s [te0] d [qfe8] s o|v|[vqe8] p [wro9] a|d f g [wrd9]| [wt0]|gh h| [wt0] g [tfe0] g l j|g [te0] f [qed8] f g|z|[xqe8] f [wr9] g h| o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] p [sf] p|p [tsfe0]| [qe8] i [sp] i|i [sqpe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0] [hf]|s|s [wthf0]| [te0] [mb]|j n j [xteb0]| [qlec8] i [sp] i|i [sqe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h|g [wt0] f [tse0] S d fg|Gh [te0]| [qe8] j h f|o [qe8] p [wsr9] p d s|o [wro9]pa[wtd0]|gh h|g [wt0] f [tse0] S d fg|Gh [te0]| [qe8] j h f|o [qe8] p [wsr9] p d s|o [wro9]pa[wsr9] p d s|f [wr9] g [wtg0] f s p s [hf] [wt0]| [te0] [mb]|j n j [xteb0]| [qlec8] i [sp] i|i [sqe8]| [wr9] o [da] o|o [wro9]pa[wuso8]Level: 7Length: 02:17Intermediate
Okay Everyone! (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Dan Salvato
[eis] t [eis] t [wuos] t [wos] t
[WOa] u [WOa] u [eup] t [eup] t
[eip] t [eip] t [wuos] t [wos] t
[woa] y [woa] y [woa] y [woa] s
[eipd] d [eipd] sf[wos]f f[wos] s
[WOad] d [WOad] sf[eps]f f[eps]|
[eipd] d [eipd] sf[wos]f f[wos] s
[roaf] d [roa]| [ruo]| [ruo]|
[eipd] d [eipd] sf[eip]f f[eip]dws
[ei] t [eip] t [etip]| |
[6psh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
[5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
[6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
[5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
[6eps]| [ps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rofh] f
[wosf] o [wsf] o [wsf] o [roa] u
[eps] u [eps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rafh] f
[wag] f [wad]s a[wo]| [woa]|
[5wkc] x zl k| |
[eipd] [td] [eipd] [ts]f[wos]ftf[wos] td
[WOa]drd[WOa]s[rs]f[eps]f[tf]f[eps] t
[eipd] [td] [eipd] [ts]f[wos]ftf[wos] ts
[roaf] [ud] [roa] u [ruo] w [ruo] w
[eipd] [yd] [eipd] [ys]f[eip]fyf[eip]d[wy]s
[ei] t [eip] t [etip]| |
[6psh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
[5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
[6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
[5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
[6eps]| [ps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rofh] f
[wosf] o [wsf] o [wsf] o [roa] u
[eps] u [eps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rafh] f
[wag] f [wad]s a[wo]| [woa]|
[5wkc] x [5z]l k[wh] r [whl] r
[egjl] 6 [egjl] 6 [wfhl] 5 [wfhl] 5
[WHfk] % [WHfk] [%l]x[ejl]x6x[ejl] 6
[egjx] [6z] [egjz] [6l]x[whl]x5x[whl] 5x
[rhkx] [0z] [rhk] 0 [rfh] 0 [rafh] 0
[eip] 9 [eipa] 9 [eips] 9 [eipd] 9
[eis] [qt] [eip] [qt] [etip]| |
[6epsh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
[5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
[6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
[5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
[6eps] s [ps] s [qesgj] hh[psh] f
[5wuo] s [sfh]h [%Wafh]g f[Oa]d f
[6eps] ssps [qesgj] hh[ps]h f
[5wos] s [sfh]h [%WOag] fd[Oa]d f
[eps]| 6| [6psh]| [epsh]f
[5wad]| [5woa]| [woa]| [woa] ss
[eip] q [eips] q [wuos] 8 [wuos] 8
[WOua] 0 [WOua] 0s[etup] 6 [etup] 6
[eips] q [eips] q [wosf] 8 [wosf] [8f]f
[roa] [0d] [roa] 0 [roa] 0 [roaf] 0
[6ei]pdd d sf f f d s
[qei]pLevel: 7Length: 02:45IntermediateThe Craving (Twenty One Pilots)
Twenty One Pilots