Zach Callison

3 Music Sheets

About the Artist

Zach Callison is an American actor, voice actor and singer. He is known as the voice of Steven Universe, the title character of Steven Universe, Steven Universe: The Movie and Steven Universe Future. Callison is best known for voicing the titular character of Steven Universe. He is also known for his roles in Disney shows including Prince James from Sofia the First, Billy from I'm in the Band and additional voices from Kinect Disneyland Adventures.Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

  • 5 q r y u|o|||o a [wrp80]||o a [tqpe9]||o a [wrp80] u u [wa95] d s a [wrp80]|s f [tqed9]||s f [tedQ9]||s f [tqed9] a s p a o [wo5] u u [wro80]|[wu75(] o a [wrp80]||o a [tqpe9]|o a [wrp80] u u [wu95] o d s a [wrp80]|s f [tqed9]|s f [woedY]||o [tqfe9] f f f [wuofe] f|[wts0]|f [wrf80] o f D f [ywE0]|f D f [tqe9]|g h g [urqfe] d y h [wrh80] o h G h [ywE0]|h G h [wueT]|j J j h g|f [tqhe9]|g f h [ywrq]|h g [wrf80] o|f h [wueT] a||p [tsqe9] s s s s [ywsrq] s [wusrq] s [wts0]| |8|7|[p6] f [O7] f 8 o f [I9] d 9 i d [i6] s $ u s [s3] a [p6] f [O7] f [o8] f [I9] d [i9] p [p6] p [s$] s [s3] a [je6] f j [rH7] f H [th8] h h [yG9]|[yg9] d g [fe6] s p [sQ$] s s [a30]|[je6] f j [rH7] f H [th8] j h [yG9] j j [yj9] j j l j f [wd5]||g [wrf80] o f D f [ywE0]|f D f [tqe9]|g h g [urqfe] d y h [wrh80] o h G h [ywE0]|h G h [wueT]|j J j h g|f [tqhe9] g|l [ywrqf] d|s d [ywrg0] f D f [wukeaT]||j [tqje9] j j j j [ywrqj] j [wurqj] j [wtj0]| |[wiT]||l [tqle9] l l l l||[l*] q W t l|l|l 0 w r y|l

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:28
    It’s Over, Isn’t It (Steven Universe)

    Zach Callison

  • qet s p s p s p [fe]Tu g f|| [dE]yis|i|o p| [dE]Tis i o p p p|q| [tse] p [sq] p [tse] p [fe]|[ugT] f e|[uTS]| [gE]|[yif] d E f [yig] h [jE]|[ihT] g E S [iT]| [sq]|[te]|q|[te]| [qj]|[the] g q h [te]| [fe]|[uT]|e|[uTS]| [je]|[uhT]|[ge]|[ufT] g E| [yi]|E|[ysi]| [jE]|[yih]|[gE] f [yi] g E| [iT]|[sE]|[iT]| [jE]|[ihT]|[gE]|[ifT] g q| [te]|q|[tse]| [qj]|[te] h [qg] h [te]| [fe]|[uT]|[eS]|[uT]| [pe]|[uT]|e|[uhT] h [gE]|[yi]|E|[yi]| [jE]|[yih]|[gE] h [yi] g E| [iT]|[sE]|[iT]| [gE]|[iT]|[hE]|[iT]| [qh]et g
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:40
    We Are The Crystal Gems (Steven Universe)

    Zach Callison

  • [utso]| |ooops [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [id] [utof]| | h z l||j h||s| [utolhf]| |gjgfd [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j [yh] [of] [pd] [yida0] s d [utofd] d s [utqoed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [id] [utf] o| |h j x| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| |[utso]| | ooops [yrida]||[uofda]|| [utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| | O p [id] [utof]||| [utso]| |ooops [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [pd] [ypig]||| [ut]||| [yri]||[uo]||[ute]||| [ywi]||[ut]||[tqe]||| [tYW]| |i [ut]||| [uto]||| [yri]||[uo]||[ute]| | y o p [yi0]||[ut]||[tqe]||| [tYW]| |i [ut]| | [ut]||| [yri]||[uo]|| [ute]||| [ywi]||[ut]|| [tqe]||| [tYW]| | i [ut]||| [uto]||| [yri]||[uo]|| [ute]| | y o p [yi0]||[ut]||| f| |s| |d s d d s d| |f| |H| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d sl k j h|| d sd| | [uo]| | [uto] s d l x v|| [xvm]
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:41
    True Kinda Love (Steven Universe)

    Zach Callison


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