[8td] f d f d a s [6ed] f d f d a s
[4qd] f d g d a s [5wd] f d
[8to] s a s [6es] a p o [4qo] s a s [5w]
[8to] s a s [6es] a p o [4qo] s a s [5wa]
[8dh] u o a s [6af] u a s [4j] o a s [5dk] o s a
[8dh] u o a s [6af] u a s [4j] o a s [5dk] o s a
[8td] [8f] 8 [8d] [8f] [8d] [8a] [8s] [6ed] [6f] 6 [6d] [6f] [6d] [6a] [6s]
[4qd] [4f] 4 [4d] [4g] [4d] [4a] [4s] [5wd] [5f] 5 [5d] 5 5 5
[8to] [8s] [8a] [8s] 8 8 8 [6es] 6 6 [6a] [6p] 6 [6o] 6
[4qo] [4s] [4a] [4s] 4 4 4 [5w] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
[8to] [8s] [8a] [8s] 8 8 8 [6es] 6 6 [6a] [6p] 6 [6o] 6
[4qo] [4s] [4a] [4s] 4 4 4 [5wa] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
[8dh] [8u] [8o] [8a] 8 [8s] 8 8 [6af] 6 [6u] [6a] [6s] 6 6
[4j] 4 [4o] [4a] [4s] 4 4 [5dk] 5 5 [5o] [5s] [5a] 5 5
[8dh] [8u] [8o] [8a] 8 [8s] 8 8 [6af] 6 [6u] [6a] [6s] 6 6
[4j] 4 [4o] [4a] [4s] 4 4 [5dk] 5 5 [5o] [5s] [5a] 5 5 5 5
o [8ts] [8ts] a d [6es] [6es] a d [4qs] [4qs] a d [5ws] 9 w u
o [8ts] [8ts] a d [6es] [6es] a d [4qs] [4qs] a d [5ws] 9 w u
o [8ts] [8ts] a d [6es] [6es] a d [4qs] [4qs] a d [8tus] 1
About This Music Sheet
Latika’s Theme (Slumdog Millionaire) is a song by Suzanne D’Mello. Use your computer keyboard to play Latika’s Theme (Slumdog Millionaire) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song Latika’s Theme (Slumdog Millionaire) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using India, Instrumental, Emotional, Slumdog Millionaire.
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[sq][td][yd][td][od][td][yd][ts][sq][td]ytoty[ts][s8][wd][td][wd][od][wd][td][ws][f8][wd]twowt[wd]f[d0]ryr[od]ryr[d0][sr][yd][sr][of]r[ys][sr]6[p0]e0t0[spe]060t0r0e[s0][sq][td][yd][td][od][td][yd][ts][sq][td]ytoty[ts][s8][wd][td][wd][od][wd][td][ws][f8][wd]twowt[wd]f[d0]ryr[od]ryr[d0][sr][yd][sr][of]r[ys][sr]6[p0]e0t0[spe]060t0[ra]0[se][h0]qtytot[yf]tqtyt[oa]t[ys][thf]8wtwow[tsf]w8wtwowt[wd]f[d0]ryrory[rd]f[d0]ryror[ys][rd][f6][d0][ed][s0][td]0[se][s0]6[p0]t0r0[se]0[qhf]tytot[ysf]tqtytot[ys]t[hf8]wtwow[tsf]w8wtwowt[wk]l[k0]ryrory[rk]l[k0]ryrory[rk]l[uk] j H g [uf0] sssds[hf]4 [sf][hf]q[sf] [ut] [ut]s[uts]ds[hf]1[sf] [hf]w[sf] [ut] [ut] [uth]hhl[k3]h f[yrd] l[k0]h f[ywrd] sd6 sd[e0]ssp6 s[tse]ds[hf]4 [sf][hf]q[sf] [ut] [ut]s[uts]ds[hf]1[sf] [hf]w[sf] [ut] [ut] [uth]hhl[k3]h f[yrd] l[k0]h f[ywrd] sd6 sd[e0]ssp6|[wr0] to4|[80] [80] [80]tt[r80] t[to]%|[W8] [tiW8] [W8] [W8] tt[to^][to] [ti][qE] t [to^][to] [ti][qE] o [u8]|[wt] [wt] [wt] [wtr] to4|[80] [80] [80]tt[r80] t[to]%|[W8] [tiW8] [W8] [W8] tt[to^][to] [ti][qE] t [to^][to] [ti][qE] o [ut8] w tyuyt w q w ghs8ghs ghs ghs hHgwhHg hHg hHg ghs8ghs ghs ghs ghf0gh[wf] ghf ghf [wutg]hs ghs ghs ghs [thWO]Hg hHg hHg hHg [tigE]hs ghs ghs ghs [utog]hf ghf ghgfdsas[qhf]tytot[ysf]tqtytot[ys]t[hf8]wtwow[tsf]w8wtwowt[wk]l[k0]ryrory[rk]l[k0]ryrory[rk]l[uk]lklklklklklklkl[uk0] sssds[hf]4 [sf][hf]q[sf] [ut] [ut]s[uts]ds[hf]1[sf] [hf]w[sf] [ut] [ut] [uth]hhl[k3]h f[yrd] l[k0]h f[ywrd] sd6 sd[e0]ssp6 s[tse]ds[hf]4 [sf][hf]q[sf] [ut] [ut]s[uts]ds[hf]1[sf] [hf]w[sf] [ut] [ut] [uth]hhl[k3]h f[yrd] l[k0]h f[ywrd] sd6 sd[e0]ssp6|[wr0] to4|[80] [80] [80]tt[r80] t[to]%|[W8] [tiW8] [W8] [W8] tt[to^][to] [ti][qE] t [to^][to] [ti][qE] o [u8]|[wt] [wt] [wt] [wta] shq|[ut] [ut] [ut]ss[uta] s[sh]W|[tO] [tsgO] [tO] [tO] ss[shE][sh] [sg][iP] s [shE][sh] [sg][iP] h [sf8] w td[yf]d[us]
Level: 6Length: 03:13IntermediateButterfly
7 [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [pi] sd[d9] [je] [yh] h 6 0g[fe]gd [g7] qd[rg] g qd[tg] [ig]| [g9]h[je]h[yg]hj [h8] w t d [g7] qd[rg] g qd[tg] [ig] d[g9]h[je]h[yg]hj [h8] [wj] [th] g [d7] qg[rj]hg [qg]d[tg] [ig] h9 eg[yj]hgd[g8] [wg] [th] d7 qg[rg]gg [qg]g[tg]d[ig]gg [g9]g[ge] [yg] g [h6] 0 eghj[k7] [qk] [rk] jh[qj] [th] [ig] gd[g9] [ed]gydh 8 w t hj[k7]k[qk] [rk] jh[qj]h[tg] [ig] gg[l9] [je]jyhj [h6] 0g[je]hg 7 [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [pi] sd[d9] [je] [yh] h [h8] wg[tf]gd [g7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [id]ddd[d9] [je] [yh] h 6 0 e| [rgda7]Level: 5Length: 01:01Intermediate
Whatcha Say
Jason Derulo
Y 3 7 r| |Y 3 7 r||W|T ! 3 r| |T ! 3 r||0|[kY] 3 7 [rf]| |[kY] 3 7 [rf]||[ZW]|[kT] ! 3 [rf]| |[kT] ! 3 [rD]||[f0]|[H6] 0 r [uaW] f|D|[H6] 0 r [aW]||[S0]|[aW] Y I a|Y u|W Y I a||0|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|Y|[k0] [rf] u [ka]|Y [ZW]|[k*] [rV] [YC] a V|r|[k] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[u0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x| |[H6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] a|u|0 [rH] [uG] a H|D|[kY] [rf] 0 [rk]||W|* [rH] [uG] a [fH]|D|[a*] [rf] [uD] S a|0|6 [x0] [rZ] u [xf]|D|[H6] [S0] r [ufa]|k S|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] Y [kI] [aD]||u|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|C|[k0] [rf] u [ka]||[ZW] x [k] [rV] [YC] a V|Z k [k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[n0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x|C|[VH6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] f|[k0]|Y 3 7 r| |Y 3 7 r||W|T ! 3 r| |T ! 3 r||0|[kY] 3 7 [rf]| |[kY] 3 7 [rf]||[ZW]|[kT] ! 3 [rf]| |[kT] ! 3 [rD]||[f0]|[H6] 0 r [uaW] f|D|[H6] 0 r [aW]||[S0]|[aW] Y I a|Y u|W Y I a||0|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|Y|[k0] [rf] u [ka]|Y [ZW]|[k] [rV] [YC] a V|r|[k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[u0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x| |[H6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] a|u|0 [rH] [uG] a H|D|[kY] [rf] 0 [rk]||W| [rH] [uG] a [fH]|D|[a*] [rf] [uD] S a|0|6 [x0] [rZ] u [xf]|D|[H6] [S0] r [ufa]|k S|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] Y [kI] [aD]||u|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|C|[k0] [rf] u [ka]||[ZW] x [k] [rV] [YC] a V|Z k [k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[n0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x|C|[VH6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] f|[k0]
Level: 5Length: 03:18IntermediateChildren of the Ruins (OneShot)
Casey Gu