02:48 -
8wtyuytu8wtyuytu0wrtytry0wrtytryqetyuytuqetyuytuqWtyuytuqWty[ug]ytu[f8]wtyuytu8wty[uf]ytu[d0]wrtytry0wrt[yd]try[sq]etyuytuqety[us]ytu[qh]Wty[ug]ytu[sq]Wty[ud]ytu[o8]swftyuytu8wty[uf]ytu[k0]wrtytry0wrt[yl]try[sqj]etyuytuqety[uj]ytu[xq]Wty[uc]ytu[ql]Wty[zu]ytu[k0]wrtotro0wrt[oh]tro[j(]QetIteI(Qet[jI]teI[xj9]qetptep[lj9]qetptep[xh5]9wryoyr[wlh]975[zkh7] 9 [u8]od[wu][to][wd][us][wu][to][ws][a8][wu][to][wa][us][wu][to][ws][d6][u0][pe][d0][ts][u0][pe][s0][a6][u0][pe][a0][ts][u0][pe][s0][f$][I9][pQ][f9][ed][I9][pQ][d9][s$][I9][pQ][s9][ed][I9][pQ][d9][f4][i6][O9][f6][dW][i6][O9][d6][g4][o7][wa][g7][rf][o7][wa][f7][d7][wu][to][wd][us][wu][to][ws][a8][wu][to][wa][us][wu][to][ws][d6][u0][pe][d0][ts][u0][pe][s0][a6][u0][pe][a0][ts][u0][pe][s0][f$][I9][pQ][f9][ed][I9][pQ][d9][s$][I9][pQ][s9][ed][I9][pQ][d9][f4][i8][qO][f8][dW][i8][qO][d8][g5][o9][wa][g9][rf][o9][wa][f9][u8]owstyuytu8wty[uf]ytu[d0]wrtytry0wrt[yd]try[sq]etyuytuqety[us]ytu[qh]Wty[ug]ytu[sq]Wty[ud]ytu[o8]swdftyuytu8wty[uf]ytu[k0]wrtytry0wrt[yl]try[qjf]etyuytuqety[uj]ytu[xq]Wty[uc]ytu[ql]Wty[zu]ytu[k0]wrtotro0wrt[oh]tro[j(]QetIteI(Qet[jI]teI[xj9]qetptep[lj9]qetptep[xh5]9wryoyr[wlh]975[zkh7] 9 [tf]hz[of][sh][zo][lf][of][sh][ol][tk][of][sh][ok][lf][of][sh][ol][ze][uf][pj][zu][sl][uf][pj][ul][ke][uf][pj][uk][sl][uf][pj][ul][xQ][yG][jI][yx][zp][yG][jI][zy][lQ][yG][jI][yl][zp][yG][jI][zy][xq][ge][yH][xe][zO][tg][yH][zt][wc][yh][ok][yc][xa][yh][ok][yx][zt][of][sh][zo][lf][of][sh][ol][tk][of][sh][ok][lf][of][sh][ol][ze][uf][ja][zu][sl][uf][pj][ul][ke][uf][pj][uk][sl][uf][pj][ul][xQ][yG][jI][yx][zp][yG][jI][zy][lQ][yG][jI][yl][zp][yG][jI][zy][xq][tg][iH][xt][zO][tg][iH][zt][wc][yh][ok][yc][xa][yh][ok][yx][tl]osdfdsftosd[xf]dsf[zu]oasdsaduoas[zd]sad[li]psdfdsfipsd[lf]dsf[vi]Osd[fc]dsf[li]Osd[zf]|[tsolhf]
About This Music Sheet
Light Rain Road (Secret) is a song by Jay Chou. Use your computer keyboard to play Light Rain Road (Secret) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:48, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Light Rain Road (Secret) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Emotional.
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Other Songs By Jay Chou
u [pe] [ia] [us] [tf] [rd] [se] [aW] [se] [a0] [yd] [rg] e W f [rd] a [se] f [tj] w Q d [yp] s [wa] d [rh] q 0 o [ts] asa[qp] s [ge] * 9 d [qf] g [wh] f [us] t [pi] g [fWO] d [se] u [tl] u Qk[zy]l[ke]j[yH]j[wh]g[uf]g[th]f[ud]s[wg]d[iS]d[ya]d[oi]as [iW] [wu] [yq] [wu]|[yuraO7]|[te6]rty[tpf]rty[wt5]rty[tpf]rty[tq4]rty[tpf]rty[t30]rty[ugO]ytr[te6]rty[tpf]rty[wt5]rty[tpf]rty[tq4]rty[tpf]rty[t30]rty[ugO]yiu[te6]uaO[tsp]fkH[wj5]lbx[tpn]bmV[qb4]xvc[yxp]zjk[l30]fsl[rkO]dak[se6]fkH[tpl]xnV[wb5]mbx[tpn]bmV[qb4]xvc[yxp]zbn[m30]xlm[rnO]zkn[xljeb6] [utpf][utpf][utpf] [tpig][tpig][tpig] [udaO30] [uspfe6] [utsp][utsp][utsp] [rida][yrda][ydaW] [xkfH30] [xljeb6] [utpf][utpf][utpf] [tpig][tpig][tpig] [udaO30] [uspfe6] [utsp][utsp][utsp] [rida][yrda][ydaW] [ufaO30] [pe6]a[ts0]S[rqd]D[f30]g[fe6]j[tH0]j[rql]k[j30]H[je6]k[tl0]L[zrq]Z[x30]c[xe6]b[tV0]b[rqm]n[b30]V[eb6]| |b
Level: 8Length: 01:05ExpertTime Travel Theme (Secret)
Jay Chou
5 9 r 9 [t0]| |5 9 [wr]|[t0]||e [r5] 9 r 9 [t0]| |5 9 [wr]|[t0] y s a [p8] [o0] [ro] o [I9] [oe] [yp] a [y7] Q [ye] Q 0 [yw] [yo] [rI] [u6] [y0] [yw] [t0] [r2] [e6] [r9] t [y5] 7 [wr] 7 [tqe9] y [ye] y [u8] w t [wu] [Y7] [uQ] [eI] r [o0] w r w 9 [wo] [teI] [wo] [p6] 0 w p p [toe] [ua] s[p9] e t e [yQ] y T y [a5]o9 [wr] [a9] [s7] [aQ] [peY] [QI] [o0] r [uo] r 9 [ro] [yI] [ro] [d8] w [ut] [wd] [s9] [ea] [ypI] [ea] [a5] 9 [wr] 9 [wt0] y T y [a5] 9 [wr] [a9] [s7] [aQ] [peY] [QI] [o0] [rp] [oaI] [rG] [f] r u a [d6] [s0] [wta] [s0] [a9] e t p [o5] 7 [yt]|[ywr] y T y [a5] 9 [wr] [a9] [s7] [aQ] [peY] [QI] [o8] [rp] [oaI] [rG] [f] r u a [d6] [s0] [wta] [s0] [a9] e t p [o5]|[yt]|[ywr]
Level: 5Length: 01:20IntermediateFirst Kiss (Secret)
Jay Chou
^ [yi] [yi] E y P [pie] [ti] e [%WYO] t Y W [EY] t W [EY(] E w ( [Y(Q] [QE] ( E i Y E t [yq] E y ^ q [u8w] [4q] Y ^ [qy] E y q E y E yi g g g g D [dyi] [gei] p p e t i [YW] g g g [DW] Y d [D(] P P ( w E [(QE] D D D ( d E d s [yqd] P o P q E y [wut] P P d [qe] P P P [qy] q E y E [yi] g g g [iyg] g g D [dyi] [egi] P P e [ti] [YW] g g g g [DW] [DY] d [D(] g D ( w E [(QE] P D D g [D(] [DE] d [dyq] g P q y [wut] P P d [qe] P d s P P [qy] q E y [E(] J J [JE] J [J(] [jw] h [gqy] P [PE] q y Q [ye] d d d [dw] s s P P E [qy] [qy] q w E [(E] J J [JE] J [J(] [jw] h [gyq] g J [JE] q E y [twd] s s [dt] [dw] [gt] P s [qet] [qte] [et] E [yi] g [iyg] g g D [dyi] [gei] P P e [ti] [WY] P P s S s [PW] [PY] o [PE(] d s P P ( w E [(QE] d d g ( g E g D [gyq] P P q y [wut] P P d [qet] P P P [qy] [qy] q E y [P^] [P^] E y P [pie] [pie] [seo] i [YW%] [YW%] W Y [@(] o @ o ( o [@IE] [@IE] ( E [YI] ( E [yiq] [iyq] ^ q [u8w] [4q] Y ^ [qy] [qy] q w E [E(] q E y [E(] J J [JE] J [J(] [jw] h [gqy] d [dy] q y Q [ye] d d d [dw] s s P P E [qy] [qy] q w E [(E] J J [JE] J [J(] [jw] h [gyq] g J [JE] q E y [twd] s [st] s [dw] [st] P s [qet] [qte] [et] [yig] g g g g g D [dyi] [gei] P P q [ti] [WY] g g g [DW] Y d [DE(] P P s D ( w E [(QE] D D D D ( d [QE] s [dyq] P o P q y [uwt] P P d [qe] P P P [qy] q E y [wut] P P d [qe] P P i [P^] q E y i PLevel: 4Easy
Make You Feel My Love
p o|p| f g h g f|| p o|p| f g h g f|| p o|p| f g h g f|| p o|p| f g h g f|| p o|p|p o s|d s f p|| p o|h g fg f d s fp| p|p o|p|p o s|d s f p|| p o|h g fg f d s fdsp|| pop p s|| pop p u|| pop p f f|| pop p u|| s d|fds fdp s|s|ops fdp s|s|s|s| fdfds p ops fdp s|s p g| f||p|| pps d d|s d d|s d s p|| pps p g| f||d|f|| pps d d|psd d|opd s p|| p h d d|spd d|d s df|| p h d d|s d d|d s df| p|s|f d fgf|| ff dfgf|| d|ops d|s d s p|| o o p p p j p o o f o|i| p p s d d|s d d|s d s p|| o o p p p j p o o f o|i| p p s d d|s d d|s d s p|| o o p||| po op oo o| po op ou|| po op ou|o i|| p|a|o p o|| u o i|| p up up p u| i ti ti i o| p op op f| u o po pu i|| p op op f|u u o po po i| o o p o o p o o p o p o s|| o o p o o p o o p o p o t|| p s p g| f||p|| pps d d|s d d|s d s p|| pps p g| f||d|f|| pps d d|psd d|opd s p|| p h d d|spd d|d s df|| p h d d|s d d|d s df| p|s|f d fgf|| ff dfgf|| d|ops d|s d s p|| o o p upsfjfdaoupsfhgfdsp||p o| fspyoyuoadspoutyipds| o o| upsfjfdaoupsfhgfdsp||p o| fspyoyuoadspouosdsas| o o p pps p g| f||p|| p s d d|s d d|s d s p|| pps p g| f||d|f|| e t y|e t y| p s d|p s d d d d s p|| pps p g| f||p|| p s d d|s d d|s d s p|| pps p g| f||d|f|| pps d d|psd d|opd s p|| o o p| j h j j l||j h j j h|d| psd d|opd s p||o o p| j h j j l||j h j j h|d| psd d|opd s p||h h jLevel: 2Length: 03:56Easy
o [Cv][Cv]h[Cv][Cv][Cdv]|[Cv][Cv]|[Cv][Cv]s [Cv][Cv]h[Cv][Cv][Cov]|[Cv][Cv]|[Cv][Cv]o [Cv][Cv]s[Cv][Cv][Chv] [Cv][Cv][Cjv] [Cv][Cv]h [Cv][Cv]d[Cv][Cv][Csv]|| o [Cv][Cv]h[Cv][Cv][Cdv]|[Cv][Cv]|[Cv][Cv]s [Cv][Cv]h[Cv][Cv][Cov]|[Cv][Cv]|[Cv][Cv]o [Cv][Cv]s[Cv][Cv][Chv] [Cv][Cv][Cjv] [Cv][Cv]h [Cv][Cv]d[Cv][Cv][Csv]|| [Cv][Cv] [Cv][Cv][Cv]|[Cv][Cv]|[Cv][Cv]| [Cv][Cv] [Cv][Cv][Cv]|[Cv][Cv]|[Cv][Cv]| [Cv][Cv] [Cv][Cv][Cv] [Cv][Cv][Cv] [Cv][Cv]| [Cv][Cv] [Cv][Cv][Cv]Level: 4Length: 00:34Easy
Start Menu (Undertale)
Toby Fox