Listen To Your Heart (Roxette)

Roxette 21 July 2024

[60] e t [48o]| i| u
[59y]| t [60u]| |
[60r]touyt[48e]| |we
[59r]| y [60t] re||
6 [0p] [es] [48qh]| g| f
[5d] 9 [ws] [60ef]| |
[60a]shfds[48p]| |ps
[680et] u u [48qeu] i u y t
[59wry] y t [680eu] yt||
[680et] u u [48qeu] i u y t
[59wro] o p [680eu]yt| yte
[680] e e [48qr]t e| et
[59wry] y t [680eu]| yyuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]| y t p
[9qeyi]| |yuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]||t y
[8wtu] i u [59wry]||yuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]| ety
[8wtu] i u [59wry]||ty
[8wtuo] o p [59wro]y||yt
[48qet] t i [80wu]yt eyuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]||t r
[59w]||t y t r
[680t]r[ep] s [468qh]| g| f
[579wd]| s [680ef]| |
[680ea]shfds[468qp]| |op
[579wa]| d [680es] ap| uy
[680et] u u [48qeu] i u y t
[59wry] y t [680eu] yt||
[680et] u u [48qeu] i u y t
[59wro] o p [680eu]yt| yte
[680] e e [48qr]t e| et
[59wry] y t [680eu]| yyuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]| y t p
[9qeyi]| |yuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]||t y
[8wtu] i u [59wry]||yuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]| ety
[8wtu] i u [59wry]||ty
[8wtuo] o p [59wro]y||yt
[48qet] t i [80wu]yt eyuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]||t r
[59wr]||t y o p
[680ep]||[468q]| |
[579w]||[680e]| |a
[680es] a p [468qp]| o i u
[579wy]uy t ty| t r

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About This Music Sheet

Listen To Your Heart (Roxette) is a song by Roxette. Use your computer keyboard to play Listen To Your Heart (Roxette) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:23, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Listen To Your Heart (Roxette) is classified in the genre of Pop Rock on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Roxette

  • q| 0|
    [80t]||8 8| w|
    [80t]||8 8| w|
    [4qe]||4 4| 8|
    4||4 4||w
    [8wu]uu i u||8|
    8||8 8| t u
    [4ei]| u t||4|
    4||4 4| u y
    [80y] t| 8 8| u y
    [80y] t| 8 8| u y
    [4ey] t| 4 4| i u
    [5ry]||5 5 w u y
    [80y] t| 8 8 t y u
    [4ei] t| 4 4| u y
    [2ei] y| 2 2 y u t
    [5ry]||5 5| y u
    [6et]||6 6 t y t
    [8uo]||8 8 t y u
    [4et]||4 4| [et]|
    [5ry]| 5 t [5ry]ui 5|
    [8uo]||oo[8us]| o [ip]
    4oi| t [4t] y [3tu]|
    [2yi]||ii[6tu] y t [ry]
    5| 5 y [5y]ui 5|
    [8uo]||oo[8us]| o [ip]
    4oi| tt[4t] y [3tu]|
    [2yi]||ii[6tu] y t [ry]
    5| 5| 5| [5u] y
    [80y] t| 8 8| u y
    [80y] t| 8 8| u y
    [4ey] t| 4 4| i u
    [5ry]||5 5 w u y
    [80y] t| 8 8 t y u
    [4ei] t| 4 4| u y
    [2ei] y| 2 2 y u t
    [5ry]||5 5| y u
    [6et]||6 6 t y t
    [8uo]||8 8 t y u
    [4et]||4 4| [et]|
    [5ry]| 5 t [5ry]ui 5|
    [8uo]||oo[8us]| o [ip]
    4oi| t [4t] y [3tu]|
    [2yi]||ii[6tu] y t [ry]
    5| 5 y [5y]ui 5|
    [8uo]||oo[8us]| o [Eo]
    5||5 [5o] i| u
    [80y] u t 8 8| |
    8||8 [8u] y| t
    [^wu] i [qy] ^ ^| 4|
    [E1yi]| 1 i [1uo]pP 1|
    [4ps]||ss[4pg]| s [Pd]
    ^sP| i [^i] o [6ip]|
    [5oP]||PP[9ip] o i [uo]
    8| 8 o [8o]pP 8|
    [4ps]||ss[4pg]| s [Pd]
    ^sP| ii[^i] o [6ip]|
    [5oP]||PP[9ip] o i [uo]
    8| [8us]| [8us] d [8s]|
    [4ip]||[ps][ps][4ps]| p|
    [y^P]||[dg] [^dg] d [6s]|
    [P5d] [Pd]| dd[9id] s p [us]
    8 p [8o] o [8uo]pP 8|
    [4ps]||ss[4pg]| s [oD]
    8 d s 8 [Y8s] P| p
    [4to] p i 4 4| |
    4||4 [4tp] o| i
    [@tp] P [Eo] @ @| |
    [@ip]| [oP] @ [@ip]| [oP]|
    [4tp][tp][tp] [yP] [tp] 4| [tp] [tp]
    [y^P]| p [yi] ^| 6|
    5| [oP] s [2ip]| i [uo]
    8| 8| [8uo]yt 8|
    [4tp][tp][tp] [yP] [tp] 4| [tp] [tp]
    [y^P]| p [yi] ^| 6|
    5| [oP] s [2ip]| i [uo]
    8| 8| [8uo]yt 8|

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:55
    It Must Have Been Love (Roxette)


  • [e6p] s f [qh] g f dd s [ef] ashf[qs] opad[es] ap ff[qh] | gg f dd s f | ff[qh]gfdshhjf ds ppasp psddsf ffdsds ds j | ffdsds psdfgf d dfdsds psdfgf d sdhhjhd dssgf | ffdsds | popasdsap
    Level: 3
    Listen To Your Heart



  • [ij] s g j s j
    [uh] s f h s h
    [yg] p d g p g
    [tf] o s f o f
    [Edz] i P d i d
    [esl] i p s i s
    [wak] y o a [esl]|
    [8s] w [th] w [th] w
    [0h] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [qs] t [ij] t [ij] t
    [qj] t i t i t
    [0s] t [uh] t [uh] t
    [eh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [9g] e [yf] e [wd] y
    [8s] w t u o|
    [8os] w [th] w [th] w
    [0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
    [qpsj] t i t i t
    [0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
    [epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
    [8uos] w t u o|
    [Ed] i P d i d
    [es] i p s i s
    [wa] y o a [es]|
    [1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
    [3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
    [4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
    [4psj] 8 q e t e
    [3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
    [6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
    [1uos] 5 8 0 w|
    [1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
    [3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
    [4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
    [4psj] 8 q e t e
    [3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
    [6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
    [1uos] 5 8 0 w|
    [^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
    [6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
    [5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
    [1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
    [3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
    [4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
    [4psj] 8 q e t e
    [3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
    [6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
    [1uos] 5 8 0 w|
    [1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
    [3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
    [4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
    [4psj] 8 q e t e
    [3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
    [6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
    [1uos] 5 8 0 w|
    [^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
    [6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
    [5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
    [8os] w [th] w [th] w
    [0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
    [qpsj] t i t i t
    [0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
    [epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
    [8uos] w t u o|
    [8os] w [th] w [th] w
    [0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
    [qpsj] t i t i t
    [0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
    [epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
    [8uos] w t u o|
    [qp] t i p t p
    [0o] t u o t o

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:10
    Lavender’s Blue (Cinderella)
  • [qed]|d d s d g [qe]|g g f g f [e0]|f f d f d [wr]|d d d s a [qed]|[qed] d[qe] s [qed] g [qe]|[qge] g[qe] f [qge] f [e0]|[fe0] f[e0] d [fe0] d [wr]|[wrd] d[wr] d [wsr] a [qea] p [qe]|[qe]|[qe]| [qe]|[qe] p [qed] ss[qe] a [ea0] p [e0]|[e0]|[e0]| [wr]|[wr] o [wrd] ss[wr] a [qea] s [qe]|[qe]|[qe]| [qe]|[qe] p [qed] ss[qe] a [ea0] p [e0]|[e0]|[e0]| [wr]|[wr]|[wr]|[wr]| [g9]|[qge] g[qe] f [qge] j q|[tje] j[te] j [tke] l 0|[tle] l[te] j [tle] k w|[yrk] k[yr] k [yrf]| [g9]|[qge] g9 f [qge] j q|[tje] jq j [tke] l 0|[tle] l0 j [xte] z w|[zyr] zw z [zyr]| 9 gg g g fg h| q gg g g fg h| e ff f f df h| w dd d d df d s 9 gg[qe]g g9fg [qhe]| q gg[te]g gqfg [the]| 0 ff[te]f f0df [the]| 9 dd[wr]d d9df [wrd] s [qe] dd d d df d s [qe] dd d d df d s [e0] dd d d df d s [wr] dd d d df d s [g9]|[qge] g[qe] f [qge] j q|[tje] j[te] j [tke] l 0|[tle] l[te] j [tle] k w|[yrk] k[yr] k [yrf]| [g9]|[qge] g9 f [qge] j q|[tje] jq j [tke] l 0|[tle] l0 j [xte] z| [zwrk] [zwrk] [zwrk] [zwrk]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:30
    Get Lucky

    Daft Punk

  • [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [sjfe] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [upo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:16
    Amongst the Clouds (Wynncraft)
