Live While We’re Young

One Direction 10 September 2020

ooassao ooassao assao ooassaop ooassao ooassao assao ooassaop ddddddo dddddo ddaop op dfdfdf dopa dfdfdfdf ddaopda dfdfdfdf ddaopda daoppopo

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About This Music Sheet

Live While We’re Young is a song by One Direction. Use your computer keyboard to play Live While We’re Young music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Live While We’re Young is classified in the genres: UK, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, Happy, Teen.


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Other Songs By One Direction

  • [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe] 8
    [qe] 8 [qe] 8 [qe]| ops
    [8qep]| [8qe]| [8qe]| [8qei]opi
    [9qEP]| [8qep]| [E9wo]| [8qep] o
    [80w]| [80w]| [80w]| [80wo]ps
    [8qep] oi[8qe]| [8qe]| [8qei]opi
    [9qEP]| [8qep]| [E9wo]| [8qep] o
    [80w]| [80w]| [80w]| [80w]|
    [9qe] pp[9qep] pp[E9qs] ss[E9qs]pp
    [8qe]| [8qei]opi[80wp]| [80wo]|
    [9qe] pp[9qep] pp[E9qs] ss[9qE] p
    [8qeP] p [8qe]| [80w] sgf
    [E9qd]| [9qE] s [8qe]| [8qe] i
    [80wo] o [80wp] p [9qe] s[9qeg]f
    [E9qd]| [9qE] s [8qe]| [8qe] i
    [80wo] o [80ws] p [80w] s[80wg]f
    [E9qd] f[9qE] g [8qe]| [8qe]|
    [0eo] o [0ep] p [9qe]| [9qep]o
    [E9qi]| [9qE] i [8qe] i[8qep]o
    [E9qi]| [9qE] i [8qe]| [8qej]h
    [E9qg]| [9qE] g [8qe] i[8qep]o
    [9qei]||i i| ops
    [8qep]| [8qe]| [8qe]| [8qei]opi
    [9qEP]| [8qep]| [E9wo]| [8qep] o
    [80w]| [80w]| [80w]| [80wo]ps
    [8qep] oi[8qe]| [8qe]| [8qei]opi
    [9qEP]| [8qep]| [E9wo]| [8qep] o
    [80w]| [80w]| [80w]| [80w]|
    [9qe] pp[9qep] pp[E9qs] ss[E9qs]pp
    [8qe]| [8qei]opi[80wp]| [80wo]|
    [9qe] pp[9qep] pp[E9qs] ss[9qE] p
    [8qeP] p [8qe]| [80w] sgf
    [E9qd]| [9qE] s [8qe]| [8qe] i
    [80wo] o [80wp] p [9qe] s[9qeg]f
    [E9qd]| [9qE] s [8qe]| [8qe] i
    [80wo] o [80ws] p [80w] s[80wg]f
    [E9qd] f[9qE] g [8qe]| [8qe]|
    [0eo] o [0ep] p [9qe]| [9qep]o
    [E9qi]| [9qE] i [8qe] i[8qep]o
    [E9qi]| [9qE] i [8qe]| [8qej]h
    [E9qg]| [9qE] g [8qe] i[8qep]o
    [E9qi]||i [8qe]| |
    [9qe] ds[9qed] s [E9qd]ssd[9qE]sds
    [8qes] s [8qegj] s [0e] S [0efj] S
    [9qe] ds[9qed] s [E9qd]ssd[9qE]sds
    [8qe] s [8qegj] s [0e] S [0efj] S
    [9qe] ds[9qed] s [E9qd]ssd[9qE]sds
    [8qe]| [8qe] s [0eS]| [0e] S
    [^Eqd]| ddsp[6qes]| p o
    [80w]| |sgf
    [E9qd]||s [8qe]||i
    [80wo] o p p [9qe] sgf
    [E9qd]||s [8qe]||i
    [80wo] o s p [9qe] sgf
    [E9qd] f g [8qe]| |
    [0eo] o p p [9qe]| po [E9qi]||i [8qe] ipo [E9qi]||i [8qe] sgf [E9qd]| [9qE] s [8qe]| [8qe] i [80wo] o [80wp] p [80w] s[80wg]f [E9qd]| [9qE] s [8qe]| [8qe] i [80wo] o [80ws] p [9qe] s[9qeg]f [E9qd] f[9qE] g [8qe]| [8qe]| [0eo] o [*0ep] p [9qe]| [9qep]o
    [E9qi]| [9qE] i [8qe] i[8qep]o
    [E9qi]| [9qE] i [8qe]| [8qej]h
    [E9qg]| [9qE] g [8qe] i[8qep]o
    [E9qi]| [9qE] i [8qe]| [8qej]h
    [E9qg]||g [8qeg] tyy
    [80wo]||i [8qe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:42
    If I Could Fly (One Direction)

    One Direction

  • h s d s h s d s
    h s d s h s d s
    [tz] [sx] [dx] [sz] [hx] s d [sz]
    h [sx] [dx] [sl] [hz] [sx] [dx] s
    e s [dv] s [hz] [sl] d [sv]
    h [sv] [dv] [sv] [hz] [sl] [dl] s
    [uz] [sx] [dx] [sz] [hx] s [dz] [sx]
    h s d [sz] [hx] [sz] [dl] [sz]
    o s d s h s d s
    h s d s h s d s
    [tz] [sx] [dx] s [hx] s d [sz]
    h [sx] [dx] [sl] [hz] [sx] [dx] s
    e s [dv] s [hz] [sl] [dl] [sv]
    h [sv] [dv] [sv] [hz] [sl] [dl] s
    [uz] [sx] [dx] [sz] [hx] s [dz] [sx]
    h [sx] d [sz] [hx] [sz] [dl] [sz]
    o s d s h s d s [hk]|||
    q [ep] [tg] [ig] [pg] f|d
    w r [ya] [os] a d|
    q [ep] [tg] [ig] [pg] f f d
    w r [ya] [os] a d|
    q e [tg] [ig] [pg] f|d
    w r [ya] [os] a d|
    [tf] o [sf]|[rh] o [sh] s
    e o s f w [od] s|
    q e [tg] [ig] [pg]|f d
    [wd] [ra] y [os] a d|
    q e [tg] [ig] [pg]|f|
    [wd] r [ya] [os] a d|
    q e [tg] [ig] [pg] f f d
    w r [ya] [os] a d|
    [tf] o [sf] o [rh] o [sh] [os]
    e o s [of] w [od] s|
    q t [ig] [pg] [sg] f|d
    w y o a s s|s
    [18o] t y t o t y t
    o t y t o t y t
    [8d] [tf] [yf] [td] [of] t y [td]
    o [tf] [yf] [ts] [od] [tf] [yf] t
    6 t [yh] t [od] [ts] y [th]
    o [th] [yh] [th] [od] [ts] [ys] t
    [0d] [tf] [yf] [td] [of] t [yf] [td]
    [of] [td] [yf] t [of] [td] [ys] [td]
    w t y t o t y t
    o t y t o t y t
    [8d] [tf] [yf] t [of] t y [td]
    o [tf] [yf] [ts] [od] [tf] [yf] t
    6 t [yh] t [od] [ts] y [th]
    o [th] [yh] [th] [od] [ts] [ys] t
    [0d] [tf] [yf] [td] [of] t [yd] [tf]
    o [tf] y [td] [of] [td] [ys] [td]
    w t y t o t y t
    p t y t pa||
    4 [8p] [qg] [eg] [tg] [ef] q [8d]
    5 9 [wa] [rs] y [rd] w 9
    4 [8p] [qg] [eg] [tg] [ef] [qf] [8d]
    5 9 [wa] [rs] y [rd] w 9
    4 8 [qg] [eg] [tg] [ef] q [8d]
    5 9 [wa] [rs] y [rd] w 9
    [8f] w [tf] w [7h] w [th] [ws]
    6 w t [wf] 5 [wd] [ts] [wa]
    [4p] 8 [qg] [eg] [tg] e [qf] [8d]
    [5d] [9a] w [rs] y [rd] w 9
    [4p] 8 [qg] [eg] [tg] e [qf] 8
    [5d] 9 [wa] [rs] y [rd] w 9
    [4p] 8 [qg] [eg] [tg] [ef] [qf] [8d]
    5 9 [wa] [rs] y [rd] w 9
    [8f] w [tf] w [7h] w [th] [ws]
    6 w t [wf] 5 [wd] [ts] [wa]
    [4p] 8 [qg] [eg] [tg] [ef] q [8d]
    5 9 w r [ys] s|S
    [9d] y u y [pS] y u y
    [pa] y u y p [ya] [uS] [ya]
    7 y u y p y u y
    [Ip] y u y [pd] [yS] [ua] [yS]
    [wa] y u y p y u y
    [eI] T u p [uS]||
    [yx] [dC] [fC] [dx] [jC] d f [dx]
    j [dC] [fC] [dz] [jx] [dC] [fC] d
    r d [fb] d [jx] [dz] f [db]
    j [db] [fb] [db] [jx] [dz] [fz] [dx]
    [Ix] [dC] [fC] [dx] [jC] d [fx] [dC]
    j [dx] [fC] [dx] [jC] d [fx] [dx] p d f j L||
    5 [9a] [wh] [rh] [yh] [rG] w [9f]
    6 0 [eS] [Td] u [Tf] e 0
    5 [9a] [wh] [rh] [yh] [rG] [wG] [9f]
    6 0 [eS] [Td] u [Tf] e 0
    5 9 [wh] [rh] [yh] [rG] w [9f]
    6 0 [eS] [Td] u [Tf] e 0
    [9G] e [yG] e [j*] e [yj] [ed] 7 e y [eG] 6 [ef] [yd] [eS] [5a] 9 [wh] [rh] [yh] r [wG] [9f] [6f] [0S] e [Td] u [Tf] e 0 [5a] 9 [wh] [rh] [yh] r [wG] 9 [6f] 0 [eS] [Td] u [Tf] e 0 [5a] 9 [wh] [rh] [yh] [rG] [wG] [9f] 6 0 [eS] [Td] u [Tf] e 0 [9G] e [yG] e [j*] e [yj] [ed]
    7 e y [eG] 6 [ef] [yd] [eS]
    [5a] 9 [wh] [rh] [yh] [rG] w [9f]
    6 0 e [Td] u [Tf] e 0
    [5a] 9 [wh] [rh] [yj] [rj] w [9G]
    [6f] 0 e [Td] u [Tf] e 0
    [5a] 9 [wh] [rh] [yh] [oG] a [df]
    e u p S d d|d [I9eyp]

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:34
    Night Changes (One Direction)

    One Direction

  • [13] [15] [46] [46] [57] [57] [58] [59] [13] [15] [46] [46] [57] [57] [58t] t [59t] [13t] 8 [15] [46] t [0t] [46t] [57qw] 5 2 [58t] [50t] [59t] [138t] 8 [15t] [46t] [0t] [46t] [57qy] u [5y] 2 [58t] [50t] [59t] [13t] 8 [15] [46] t [0t] [46t] [57qw] 5 2 [58t] [50t] [59t] [138t] 8 [15t] [46t] [0t] [46t] [57qy] u [5y] 2 [58] [50] [1t] 5 [80u] [0wo] [4qp] [8qp] [4o] [0eu] 6 [6u] [9wu] [5y] 5 [1t] 5 [80u] [0wo] [4qp] [8qp] [4o] [9wry] 5 5 5 5 5 [of] 5 [5od] 5 [is] 5 [158us] [us] [8w] [58us] [358us] [us] [80w] [us] [14id] 8 [qeof] [68qid] [5of] [6qod] [8wis] [158us] [us] [8w] [58us] [358us] [us] [80w] [us] [14id] 8 [qeof] [68qid] [5of] [6qod] [8wis] [158us] [us] [8w] [58us] [358us] [us] [80w] [us] [6of] 8 [0eid] [5id] [5of] [6qod] [8wis] [158us] [8w] [58id] [358of] [80w] [5uof] 5 [uof] [5uof] 5 [uof] 5 [5uof] 5 5 [yid] 5 5 [tus] 5 [158tus] 8 [tus] [wt] [8tus] [0wtus] 5 [tus] [80w] [tus] [14yid] 8 [qtuof] [8yid] [qe] [5uof] [6qyod] [8wtis] [158tus] 8 [tus] [wt] [8tus] [0wtus] 5 [tus] [80w] [tus] [14yid] 8 [qtuof] [8yid] [qe] [5uof] [6qyod] [8wtis] [158tus] 8 [tus] [wt] [8tus] [0wtus] 5 [tus] [80w] [tus] [6uof] 8 [0eyid] [5yid] [qe] [5uof] [6qyod] [8wtis] [158tus] 8 [wt] [8yid] [6uof] [80w] [14uof] [8uof] [qtuof] [8uof] [qeuof] 5 [yid] [6q] [8wtus] [158tus] 8 [wt] [8yid] [6uof] [80w] [wuof] [uof] [uof] [uof] [wuof] [qyid] [0tus] [13] s l [15] [46] s l [46] [68] s l [57] [8ts] [tl] [59t] [13t] s [8l] [15] [46] [ts] [0tl] [46t] [57qw] s [5l] 2 [8ts] [0tl] [59t] [138t] s [8l] [15t] [46t] s [0tl] [46t] [57qy] u [5y] 2 [8ts] [tl] [59t] [13t] s [8l] [15] [46] [ts] [0tl] [46t] [57qw] s [5l] 2 [8ts] [0tl] [59t] [138t] s [8l] [15t] [46t] s [0tl] [46t] [57qy] u [5y] 2 [2o] [5yod] [1t] 5 [80u] [0wo] [4qp] [8qp] [4o] [0eu] 6 [6u] [9wu] [5y] 5 [1t] 5 [80u] [0wo] [4qp] [8qp] [4o] [9wry] 5 5 5 5 5 [of] 5 [5od] 5 [is] 5 [158us] [us] [8w] [58us] [358us] [us] [80w] [us] [14id] 8 [qeof] [68qid] [5of] [6qod] [8wis] [158us] [us] [8w] [58us] [358us] [us] [80w] [us] [14id] 8 [qeof] [68qid] [5of] [6qod] [8wis] [158us] [us] [8w] [58us] [358us] [us] [80w] [us] [6of] 8 [0eid] [5id] [5of] [6qod] [8wis] [158us] [8w] [58id] [358of] [80w] [5uof] 5 [uof] [5uof] 5 [uof] 5 [5uof] 5 5 [yid] 5 5 [tus] 5 [158tus] 8 [tus] [wt] [8tus] [0wtus] 5 [tus] [80w] [tus] [14yid] 8 [qtuof] [8yid] [qe] [5uof] [6qyod] [8wtis] [158tus] 8 [tus] [wt] [8tus] [0wtus] 5 [tus] [80w] [tus] [14yid] 8 [qtuof] [8yid] [qe] [5uof] [6qyod] [8wtis] [158tus] 8 [tus] [wt] [8tus] [0wtus] 5 [tus] [80w] [tus] [6uof] 8 [0eyid] [5yid] [qe] [5uof] [6qyod] [8wtis] [158tus] 8 [wt] [8yid] [6uof] [80w] [14uof] [8uof] [qtuof] [8uof] [qeuof] 5 [yid] [6q] [8wtus] [158tus] 8 [wt] [8yid] [6uof] [80w] [wuof] [uof] [uof] [uof] [wuof] [qyid] [0tus] [158tos] [usf] [158osh] [48qpsgj] [psj] [48qosh] [60eupf] [upf] [59wupf] [59wyoad] [59w] [158tos] [usf] [158osh] [48qpsgj] [psj] [48qosh] [60e] [59w] [59w] [59w] [158tos] [usf] [158osh] [48qpsgj] [psj] [48qosh] [60eupf] [upf] [59wupf] [59wyoad] [59w] [158tos] [usf] [158osh] [48qpsgj] [psj] [48qosh] [60e] [59w] [59wu] y [59wt] [qt] 4 [qt] 8 [qt] [8qet] 7 [qt] [8r] [9qt] [59wy] 9 [wu] [9wy] r [wu] [9wy] [5wt] [qt] 4 [qt] 8 [qt] [8qet] 7 [qt] [8r] [9qt] [59wy] 9 [wu] [9wy] r [wu] [9wy] [5wt] [0qt] [0qt] [0qt] [qt] [qt] [qt] [weu] [qey] [qey] [wu] [wy] [qwt] [qt] [qy] [wu]

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:36
    What Makes You Beautiful (Intermediate)

    One Direction

  • [t6] | [y7] | [u8] | 5 | 0 | t y u i u y | t u e | [r5] o o p a a | o o p a a | p p | o o | [w3] o p a a | o p a a p p o o | [r5] o o p a a | o o p a a p p o o | [w3] o p a a | o o p a a p p o | [t6] | [r5] | [e4] | [e4] [e4] [r5] [t6] [t6] [u8] [e4]
    Level: 4
    Length: 00:45
    You And I

    One Direction

  • t t t t|| t t t w|| t t t t| t t t| t t y u y|| t t t t|| t t t w|| t t t t| t t t| t t y u y u y u y t t| u o p| p o u| u u|y||t| u o p| p o u||y| u y t t t t t t t y|u y| u y t t t t t t t y|u y| u y t t t t t t t u|y y| u y t t||y u| | u u u u u y t t t t t t t y|u y| u y t t t t t t t u|y y| u y t t||y u| | u u u u u y t t t t t t t y|u y| u y t t t t t t t u|y y| u y t t||y u|| u u u u u y t t||y u|| u u u u u y t
    Level: 2
    Length: 01:10
    What Makes You Beautiful

    One Direction


  • y Y u s u s u s|
    s d D f s d f a d s|
    y Y u s u s u s|
    p o I p s f d s p d|
    y Y u s u s u s|
    s d D f s d f a d s
    s d f s d f s d s f s d f s d s f s d f a d s|
    u i I o p o u i I o p o f s o p a s d f d s d o
    u i o p o u i I o p o o p P a a p I y o
    u i I o p o u i I o p o f s o p a s d f d s d s o
    I o s p s p s p o s f h f s p a s d f d s
    y Y u s u s u s|
    s d D f s d f a d s|
    s d f s d f s d s f s d f s d s f s d f a d s

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:40
    Super Easy
    The Entertainer (Super Easy)

    Scott Joplin

  • uopouui uopoute uopoosp uuuiuio yuyyurw yuyyoiu yuyyurw Yuyy sf saspi ssssaasd dsdffffddsdp fffs uopouui uopoute uopoosp uuuiuio yuyyurw yuyyoiu yuyyurw yuyy sf saspi ssssaasd sdsffffddsdp effs effs t ttu ytetye eteu ui iiuo tytu utetye ewwteu uiiio saspi ssssaasd sdsffffddsdp ffffffff saspi ssssaasd sdsffffddsdp oui yuyyurw yuyyoiu yuyyurw yuyyoiu yuyuurw yuyyoiu yuyyurw yuyyoiu yuyyurw yuyyoiu
    Level: 3

    Marina And The Diamonds

  • 1 5 0 ui[1o] 5 0 iu[7u] 5 [7y]| 7 5 7 5
    6 3 6 ty[5u] 1 5 tr[4t]r[1e] 4| [48e]| [59r]|
    [1wt] 5 0 ui[1o] 5 0 iu[7u] 5 [7y]| 7 5 7 5
    6 3 [6et] [8ry] [6tu] [3ry] [6et] [wr]
    [4qe] 8 q 6 [48ti]| [to]|
    [4ei] 8 q [6i]o[4p] 8 q [6o]i[3to] [8t] [0tu] 5 3 8 0 5
    4 8 [qei] [6ei] [3wi] [8wu] [0wy] [5wt]
    [2qu] [6t] [9qy] 4 1 6 8 1
    7 5 [5wry] [5wry] [6wtu] [6wtu] [7wri] [7wri]
    [18wuo]| [3wt] [3wt] [4ey] [4ey] [5tu] [5tu]
    [4ei] 6 8 [ey]u[ei] [ei] [5wu] [wu]
    [10t] 5 8 5 8| |
    1 5 0 ui[1o] 5 0 iu[7u] 5 [7y]| 7 5 7 5
    6 3 6 ty[5u] 1 5 tr[4t]r[1e] 4| [48e]| [59r]|
    [1wt] 5 0 ui[1o] 5 0 iu[7u] 5 [7y]| 7 5 7 5
    6 3 [6et] [8ry] [6tu] [3ry] [6et] [wr]
    [4qe] 8 q 6 [48ti]| [to]|
    [4ei] 8 q [6i]o[4p] 8 q [6o]i[3to] [8t] [0tu] 5 3 8 0 5
    4 8 [qei] [6ei] [3wi] [8wu] [0wy] [5wt]
    [2qu] [6t] [9qy] 4 1 6 8 1
    7 5 [5wry] [5wry] [6wtu] [6wtu] [7wri] [7wri]
    [18wuo]| [3wt] [3wt] [4ey] [4ey] [5tu] [5tu]
    [4ei] 6 8 [ey]u[ei] [ei] [5wu] [wu]
    [10t] 5 8 5 8| |
    [8uo] w t w 7 0 r [0tp]
    [6et] 0 e 0 5 0 w 0
    [4ei] [8eu] [qey] [6et] [3wi] [8wu] 0 [5y]t[2qu] [6t] [8y] 6 [5ip]| [5oa]|
    [1uo] 5 8 5 7 3 7 [3tp]
    [6et] 3 6 3 5 3 5 3
    [4ei] [1eu] [4ey] [6et] [3wi] [1wu] 3 [5wy][wt][2qu] [6t] [1y] 2 5| [wu] [qt]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:05
    Always on My Mind (Elvis Presley)

    Elvis Presley