04:04 -
2 -
w|y t 1 5 9 0|
w q 2 6 8 t||
[3w] 8|9|w|
[48q]||[59w]|y t
[1f] 5 9 0|t|
[2g] 6 0 q|t|
3 8|9 g f [0d] s
[48]||o|d s
1 5 9 [0o]||
o [2i] 6 [0u] [ti]|p|o 3 8 0 r|t|
o [qt]||[wto]|d s 1 5 9 [0o]|
t a [qs] [2d] 6 [0s] [qa]|s|o
3 8 r t|o s d [qtuf]|
p d [Wry] s a s
6 0 e r s [td] f a
5 7 0 w a [7s] d p
4 6 8 r p [ta] s o
3 [8i] 9 [wu]| u i
2 [6s] [0s] q|u i s|f g l||
u [5i] 9 [qd] [wd]|[ts]|d
wety| [5g]|g [8f]51 5 9 0 f [5g] [8h] [ws]
4 8 q w|[tp] s g
5 [9f] q [ws]|[rd] f [tf]
6 0 [ro] [tu] 5 0 [ws] [rh]
[3h] 8 [0g] [wf]|[rag] [tsf] [oh]
4 [8d] w e|r f [td]
[5wy] [9u] [qis] [wus] y [ta] s t
1 5 8 0 [7o] 5 [7d] [9a]
6 [3s] [7s] 8 o [wo] [td] [oa]
4 [8s] [qr] [ets]||f
[5g] 9 [qf] [rd] % [qs] r [ys]
6 [0d] r [tf]|d f g
2 6 [0g] [qf]| [us] [is]
3 8 [0o] [wo]||tw
4 8 [qa] [ws] t o a s h||
s d f d 1 5 9 0|
8 w q 2 6 9 t a s d a
3 [8o] 0 w|t|o
[qet]||[qwys] d f d
1 5 8 9|0 [qs] t
2 6 9 q| p o
3 8 0 w|t u y qwt| o|d s
1 5 9 [0o]|t|[wo]
[2i] 6 [0u] [qi]|[tp]|o
[39] 8 0 [wt]||
[qt] q e t [wyo] w [rd] [ys]
1 5 8 [9o]|0 a [qs]
[2d] 6 [0s] [qa]|s|o
3 7 8 w|r [ts] [od]
[qwtf]|p d [Wr] [ts] [ya] [us]
[6t] 0 e r s [td] f [ya]
[5r] 7 0 u a [rs] d [tp]
[4q] 8 q t p a s o
3 [8i] y [tu]|o u i
2 [6s] [0s] q|u i s
i f [ug] [tgl]|q|u
[5i] 9 [qd] [wd]|[ts] [yd] o
[hv]| ytr[wg]|g [wf]0
1 5 0 5 [0wf] g h [5s]
4 8 q 8 [qe] s s [8g]
5 [9f] e [rs] [wy] d f [0f]
6 0 [eu]|5 0 [wys] h
[3h] 8 [0g] [8f] [wt] [ag] [sf] [5h]
4 [8d] q 8 [et]|f [4d]
[5y] [9u] [qis] [wrus]|[ta] s [5t]
1 5 9 0 [7o] 5 [7d] [9a]
6 [3s] [8s] 3 [60o] o d [3oa]
4 [8s] [qr] [ets]||f
[5g] 9 [qrf] d % [qs] [ry] [os]
6 [0ad] e [rof]|[td] f g
2 6 [0g] [qf]|e s [ws]
3 8 [0o] [wo]|t a [ws]
4 8 w e|[td] f [qg]
3 [8f] 0 [wd] 7 [5s] 7 [9h]
4 8 w [es] s [ts] s [qa]
5 [9s] [wd] r|[ys] d [rf]
3 [7p] [0s] W % [7s] [0d] [rsf]
6 [0dg] r [tsf]|[uad] [ps] [eps]
4 [8ip] q e s [td] f [qp]
4 [8d] q W s [td] f [qg]
5 [9f] w [9g] t [rh] w [9h]
g|g f 8 w y u f g h s
q t i o s d f g
w [yf] p [ad]|s|d
e [uf] a s| s h
[3h] 8 [0g] [wf]|[tag] [sf] [wh]
4 [8d] w e|t f [qd]
5 9 [es] [rs]|[ys]|t
[18] 5 9 0 [7o] 5 [7d] [9oa]
6 [0us] [rus] t o [uo] d [6ea]
4 [8os] w [eos]|[tad] [sf] [4q]
[5pg] 9 [esf] [roh] % [0ad] W [ros]
6 [0ad] [rsf] t|u [id] [6eus]
[29] 6 [0pg] [qof]|t [is] [5wis]
[30] 8 [0uo] [wuo]|t|w
[4q] 8 [roa] [tus] y [td]sy u
o||s d f d 8 w y u||
9 e t|a s d [ia]
3 8 r [tos]|h|h
[qtos]||[wys] [od] f [od]
8 w y u|o s|
9 e y i| p o
0 t y o| u y
[qt] w r t o a s h [hl]v
About This Music Sheet
Love Sight (TXT) is a song by TXT. Use your computer keyboard to play Love Sight (TXT) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:04, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Love Sight (TXT) is classified in the genres: South Korea, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using K-Pop.
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[q84] [q84]|u o p s p [te60]y[ue60]y [w95] [w95]|[wu97] y [tq84] [q84]|u o p s p [e60] [oe60] y [w95] [w95]|[wo97] o [o4] i[i6][qi8] uuu [y4]t[tq8]yu [u6] 8[e0] t t [t5] [w9]| [o4] [p6][uq8] oy 4u[tq8] t [p6]ou[o8][e0] p|5 [wo9] o [s4]aa6[qo8]uosa4a[qo8]uy [y6] u8[e0] t t [t5] [w9]| [o4] [p6][uq8] oy 4u[tq8] t [p6]ou[o8][e0] p|5 [w9] u [uq84] o p s d f [pd86]| 5 098[o0]98 [tpi8] 6|5 098098 [usp8] 9|s a p[o95] y [uq84] o p s d f [pd86]||098[o0]98 [tpi8] 6|5 wwwe00 [usp0] 9|s s f [od]| qeti s||h g etup f d [ywro]|sdf [tqif]s s p p o o d [uped]|f|[ywo] s a s qeti s||h g etup f d [ywro]|sdf [tqif]s s p p o o d [uped]| o d f d f [s84] [p84] [84] w|[of6] [qid8] [of] [86] [86] [se0] s a [a5] [ws9] s [h84] [h84]d[84]df fs6s[qd8] o [86] [86] [e0] o d [f5] [wd9] f [s84] [p84] [84] w|[of6] [qid8] [of] [86] [86] [se0] s a [a5] [ws9] s [h84] [h84]d[84]df fs6s[qd8] f [d86] [86] [se0]|a 5p[wo9]| [s4] 6 [84] f h j [ql] [j8] 6 8 [pe0] po5 [o7]s[ws]o[a9]s 4 6 [84] f h j [ql] [j8] 6 8 [fe0] d 5 [ts7] [wts] [ts9] 4 6 [84] f h j [ql] [j8] 6 8 [pe0] po5 [o7]s[ws]o[a9]s 4 6 [84] f h j [ql] [j8] 6 8 [fe0] d 5 [ts7] [wts] [ts9] [864] u u [864] ouuyu o [860] uyu [975] ouuyu y [864] uyuy[u864] o poo y [860] uyuyu [wo5][w5][wu5][yw5][wu95]yt [e8]78 7 [tqe7] 5 3 8 7 [ute] 5 5 [ywr5] 1 1 7 6 [tqe]54|[tqe]|6 656 [ute6] 66 [ywr8] 7|8| qeti [sp]||h [sg] etup f [da] [ywro]|sdf [tqif]s s p p o o d [uped]|[pf]|[ywo] s a s qeti [sp]||h [sg] etup f [da] [ywro]|sdf [tqif]s s p p o o d [uspe]d| o d f d f [s84] [p84] [84] w|[of6] [qid8] [of] [86] [86] [se0] s a [a5] [ws9] s [h84] [h84]d[84]df fs6s[qd8] o [86] [86] [e0] o d [f5] [wd9] f [s84] [p84] [84] w|[of6] [qid8] [of] [86] [86] [se0] s a [a5] [ws9] s [h84] [h84]d[84]df fs6s[qd8] f [d86] [86] [se0]|a 5p[wo9]| [s4] 6 [84] f h j [ql] [j8] 6 8 [pe0] po5 [o7]s[ws]o[a9]s 4 6 [84] f h j [ql] [j8] 6 8 [fe0] d 5 [ts7] [wts] [ts9] 4 6 [84] f h j [ql] [j8] 6 8 [pe0] po5 [o7]s[ws]o[a9]s 4 6 [84] f h j [ql] [j8] 6 8 [fe0] d 5 [ts7] [wts] [ts9] [640]| ttuytuyt [u^50]yt|ttuytuyu [u860]yt|ewuytuyt [u70%]ty| oiuyu t [ue640]| [to] [^50]| t [p860] ouo uy[u70%] tetyu [u640] y| [^50]|tyu [u860] y|t s pouy|| o [pd] [pf] [da] [fa] [s41] [p41] [641] w|[ohf6] [qigd84] [ohf] [63] [63] [se80] o [oa] [oa5] [wso95] [so] [h41] [h41]d[641]df fs6s[qd84] o [63] [63] [e80] o [pd] [pf5] [wda95] [fa] [s41] [p41] [641] w|[ohf6] [qigd84] [ohf] [63] [63] [se80] o [oa] [oa5] [wso95] [so] [h41] [h41]d[641]df fs6s[qd84] f [pd63] [63] [soe80]|a 5p[ywo95]| [ts4] 6 [84] [fa] [hd] [jf] [qlh] [jf8] 6 8 [pe0] po5 [o7]s[ws]o[a9]s 4 6 [84] [fa] [hd] [jf] [qlh] [jf8] 6 8 [fe0] d 5 [tso7] [wtso] [tso9] 4 6 [84] [fa] [hd] [jf] [qlh] [jf8] 6 8 [pe0] po5 [o7]s[ws]o[a9]s 4 6 [84] [fa] [hd] [jf] [qlh] [jf8] 6 8 [fe0] d 5 [tso7] [wtso] [tso9]Level: 7Length: 03:38Intermediate
3 6[sp8] 68|[sp6]|j|[sp] 67 8[oa7] [da6] 3 6[sp8] 68|[sp6]|f|[sp] 45 6[sp4] [ia5] [g4] 6[sp8] 6q|[sp6]| [sp] 5[j6] 7[sp6] [da5] [sfH3] [da%]7 [da%]0|[da%]| [da] 58[da9] [sp8][oa7] [sp8] [j3] [p6][spf8] [s6][g8]|[spf6]| p[spj] 6[g7] 8[ofa7] [da6] [j3] [p6][spf8] [s6][k8]|[spj6]| p[spj] 4[k5] [j6][spH4] [jga5] [g4] 6[spj8] [g6][ql]|[spk6] j| p[spj] [f5][k6] [j7][spH6] [jda5] [skf3] [da%][f7] [da%][H0]|[fa%]| k|[fa] 58[zkd9] [sp8][lha7] [sp8] 6 [ut3][pf8] 39 30 36f3f8f3d9d3s0s[id3][so] [pi4] 1[p6] 1[s8] 1[D(]i[s1] [pD4] [pD1]6[pD]1[pD8] [od1]([si]1o [od5] 27 29 2[wsp][da][sp2] [oa5][yo][sp2][yo7][da][yo2][gd9][yo][sD2][ywo][da][yo2] [sD1] [o5][sh5] [o5][h^J] [o5][hD5] 5 [fH7] [a5][kf3] [a5][jd2] [a5][fH7] 5 [g6] [p4][s8] [p4][d9] [s4][qp] 46 [f4][d8] [s4][d9] [s4][qp] [s4][f%] [a3][d7] 3[f9] [d3]0 3% [f3][d7] [s3][a9] [s3][a0] [u3][p6] [i4][s8] 4[d9] [s4][qp] [i4]6 4[g8] 4[j9] [g4]q [H4]% [f3][H7] [j3][k9] [l3][k0] [H3][j2] [g1][l4] 1[l6] [z1][l8] [k1]7 [f7][j3] [f7][l%] [f7][k7] [f7][j8] [f1][H7] [f1][j6] [f1][k%] 3[fe] [se][jG] e| [jhe] s [eG] e[jf] e[ed] [fe][sj0] 0 [se] [pe][jd] e| [jfe] s [ed] [fe][jf] [ed]e [se][pjf0] [sq] [WO] [pW][fH] [aW]|u[fWH]| [fW] W[fH] W[dW] W[sfH0] q [wa] w[hd] w| [whd] p [wa] [ws][hd] [wa]w [wp][hd9] 0 [QO] [pQ][dG] [aQ]Q Q[dG9] [P0]O [QP] Q[dG] QI I[ydQG] P [wa] [ro]S| [ra] [yo] [wS] [rd]| [TS] [ya][TP] [ra] [SQ] [IE]P E[TS] [QI]| [rd] Q[SE] Q[ra] Q[TS] w [ue] eI e|u[oe]| [pe] eo e[eI] [oe]u| [ye] eu e|y[u0] y [eI] eu e[ye] [ue][r9] [t0] [pe6]| 6[ts] 6|6 [ra6] 6|6[PE] [PE6][PE6][PE6][PE6] [pe6]66[u0] 6[wo] 6[y9] 6 [i4][qo][p4][qp][i4][qp][O5][wp][a5][aW][u%][aW] [pe6]|[u0] 6[Y(] 6[e6] 6 [pj6] 6[uf] 6[YD] 6[pe6]66 [q4][w4][e64]|4ee[e4]ee[e4] [W2][e9][r2][r9][20][r9][O3][u0][a3][f0][d3][a0] [tse]0[pe][ts]re[yed]0[se][ta]re [pe]0[fe][td]r[se][udWO]0[sW][yraO]t[ra] [tse]0[pe][ts]re[rea]0[pe][tWO]re [raW]0[fW][rd]e[sW][uaWO]0[sW][ra]e[WO] [pe]0e[ut0]re[pe]0e[utf]re [yed]0etre[pe]0e[yra]tr [tsqg]8qew[qh][qpje]8q[je]wq [raH0]70[jW]q0[ukf0]70[rf]eW 0 e[tsp] et|[spe]|j|[sp] er t[roa] [eda] 0 e[tsp] et|[spe]|f|[sp] qw e[sqp] [wia] [qg] e[tsp] ei|[spe]| [sp] w[je] r[spe] [wda] [sfH0] [daW]r [daW]u|[daW]| [da] wt[yda] [tsp][roa] [tsp] 0 e[tsp] et|[spe]| [sp] er t[roa] [eda] 0 e[tsp] et|[spe]| [sp] qw e[sqp] [wia] q e[tsp] ei|[spe]| [sp] we r[spe] [wda] [sf0] [daW]r [daW]u|[daW]| [da] wt[yda] [tsp][roa] [tsp]Level: 6Length: 02:35Intermediate
Fungal Funk (Crypt of the Necrodancer)
Danny Baranowsky
u p a [6s] 0 t a [9s] e u [5s] [9d] [ra] p [0a] w u a [qa] s [ep] o [9p] e i o [0u] 7 0 Q W u p a [6s] 0 t a [9s] e i [5s] [9d] [ra] p [0a] w u a [qa] s [ep] o [9p] e i o [6p] 0 e r t u p a [6s] 0 t a [9s] e u [ws] [9d] [ra] p [0a] w u a [qa] s [ep] o [9p] e i o [0u] 7 0 Q W u p a [6s] 0 t a [9s] e i [ws] [9d] [ra] p [0a] w u a [qa] s [ep] o [9p] e i o [6p] 0 e r t a s h [qj] t p [9j] k [rh] [ig] [0h] r o a 6 [0a] [rs] [uf] [9g] e i p [5g] [9h] [af] [os] [0f] u r e a [5s] h [qj] t p [9j] k [rh] [ig] [0h] r o a [6h] j [rg] [uf] [9g] e i p [5g] [9h] [af] [od] [0f] r u I O u p a [6p] 0 e r t [qa] s [ep] o [9p] e i o [6p] 0 e r [6tup]Level: 4Easy
Tears Stain (Secret Garden)
Yoon Sang-hyun
[8t]|[0wt] t
[5t]|[0wr] t
[7y]|[qw] r
[7y]|[qwy] u
[5i]|[qwu] y
[8u]|[0w] y
[8t]|[0wt] t
[5t]|[0wr] t
[7y]|[qw] r
[7y]|[qwy] u
[5i]|[qwu] y
[8u]|[0w] y
[5t]|[0w] u
o|[80w] o
[8qep] o i p
o|[80w] o
[8qep] o p a
[80ws] o u p
[79wo] i u y
[8u]|[0w] i
[5u] y [0wt]|
[8o]|[0w] p
[5o] i [0wu]|
[8o]|[0w] o
[9I]|[Qe] y
[5o]|[9q] i
[8u] y [0wt]|
[8u]|[0w] i
[5u] y [0wt]|
[8o]|[0w] p
[5o] i [0wu]|
[8o]|[0w] o
[9I]|[Qe] y
[5o]|[9q] i
[8u] y [0wt] u
o|[80w] o
[8qep] o i p
o|[80w] o
[8qep] o p a
[80ws] o u p
[79wo] i u y
[80wt]Level: 6Length: 00:46IntermediateCampana Sobre Campana (Villancicos)