03:00 -
-2 -
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| u w
t u [rtuo] a
[euod] s a s [wuf]||
f [qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s [0rya]| e| [W0y]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wyi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s [wuf]| |
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [wtud] s a o [qtup]| |
[TQY] p a s [wtuo]| |
[wrio]| |
[8wyi]| |
[8wtu]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| u w
t u [rtuo] a
[euod] s a s [wuf]||
f [qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s
[0rya]| e| [W0Y]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wyi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s [wuf]| |
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [wtud] s a o [qtup]| |
[TQY] p a s [yupa]| |
[0yO]| 0|
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s
[wuf]| u|
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[ryuh] g f d [ets]||
s [wrd] s a o [qtp]| |
[Qt] p a s
[wto]| y t
[wto] r e r
[8s] w yd[wf]g[8h] w uj[wk]l[8k] w yj[wh]g[8h] w u w
[8k] w yj[wh]g[8h] w u w 7 d [ryij] h
[ryuh] g f d [etups]| u s
[eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s
[wtuo]| r t
[weio]| r|
[8s] w ud[wf]g[8h] [wj]k[ul]z[ox]v[tum][os]|||
About This Music Sheet
Love Theme (Cinema Paradiso) is a song by Andrea Morricone. Use your computer keyboard to play Love Theme (Cinema Paradiso) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Love Theme (Cinema Paradiso) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.
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[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[tp] o o i i u y o
[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[tp] o o i i u y o
[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[8wf]|0|[8eg] f d s
[58s] o s d [7wa] o a s
[etp] o o i [ei] u y t
[8wipd]|[epg]|[tsf] y t r
[5wgk]|0 h [58sf]||
[57dk]|w h [8wsf]||
[59ry]|7 u [8tu]|7|
6| t [48u]|[5o]|
[59qod]| f [etosf]|r|
[qeip] f [9qj] h [0wf]|f d
[5wad]|0 f [9I]|p a
[6qps]|e d [qes] a p f
[9edG]| h [0wf] G d f
[8sh]|[tsh]|[rsh]|[sh] w
[80esh]|[sh] w [8wsh]|[sh]|
[8sf] 0 [wd] 9 [79dg]|f|
[5ad] 9 [eg]|[8wusf]|0|
8|[5wsf]|[qeg]|w f
[59od] f g f [8sf] 0 w|
[0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
[0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
[79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
[rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
[79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
[rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
[ry] Q r Q [ry] w r w
[eu] 0 e [0I] [79I]|[6]| 7|[9ad]|[5G]|[Gj]|
[S6f]|9 G [9dG]|| [Q7a]|[9k] j [59dG]|[G] f
[60of]|9 G [O37a]|[6a] S
[59ad]|* f [9ed] S a S
[0rad]|d f [Q7ed] S [Qa] S
[5ad]|[7d] f [9ed] S [0a] p
[5oa] p [9a] S [ed] f [9G] H
[9ed] p d f [w*S] p S d
[59a] p p o [!5o] I u y 2Level: 7Length: 01:46IntermediateFlying Theme (How to Train Your Dragon)
John Powell
t [uo] h [uoh] [eh] [tu] [tuh] g [qf] [etf] g h [etf] [wd] [ry] s [ryd] [8f] [0ws] o [0w] 6 [80] [80] [qps] [et] [et] [wad] [ry] w e w [8u] [wo] [ts] [tos] [8tp] [6es] [eo] [6ep] [48qs] s [qi] [4q] [5wo] a d [wo] e w [8u] [wo] [ts] [tos] [8tp] [6es] [eo] [6ep] [48qs] s [qi] [4qa] [5wa] t [uo] h [uoh] [eh] [tu] [tuh] g [qf] [etf] g h [etf] [wd] [ry] s [ryd] [tf] [uos] o [uo] p [eo] [tuo] p o [tus] q [et] s [etp] a w o [ryp] a [ryo] t [uo] h [uoj] [eh] [tu] [tuf] g [qh] [etg] f d [etp] [wo] [ry] i [ryp] [to] [uof] s [uo] p [eo] [tuo] p o [tus] q [et] d [etp] a w o [ryp] a [rys] 8 w t h h [ts] [8th] [6e] g [eo] [6ef] [48qs] d f [qi] [4qf] g [5w] G h w e w 8 w t j [tsh] f [8td] [6e] [eo] [6ep] [48qs] p [qis] d [4qs] [5w] [wo] [wo] [th] [uos] d [uos] s [eh] [tus] d [tus] [qg] [ets] d [ets] s [wh] [rys] d [rys] [th] [uos] d [uos] s [eh] [tus] d [tus] [qg] [ets] d [ets] s [wh] [rys] d [rys] [th] [uos] [dh] [uoh] [eh] [tus] d [tus] [qg] [ets] d [ets] s [wh] [rys] d [rys] [th] [uos] d [uos] s [eh] [tus] d [tus] [qg] [ets] d [ets] s [wh] [rys] d [rys] t [uo] h [uoh] [eh] [tu] [tuh] g [qf] [etf] g h [etf] [wd] [ry] s [ryd] [th] [uof] g [uod] [ef] [tus] d [tuo] [qp] [eti] o j [et] w [dh] [ry] [ry] t [uo] h [uoj] [eh] [tu] [tuf] g [qh] [etg] f d [etp] [wo] [ry] i [ryp] [th] [uof] g [uod] [ef] [tus] d [tuo] [qgH] [Deth] [dg] [etsD] [wid] [ys] [yYP] [ep] [qig] [qij] [qti] j [woh] [wok] [wyo] z [qig] h [qij] [qtij] h j [wok] h [woj] L [wyoz] C v 8 w t h h [ts] [8th] [6e] g [eo] [6ef] [48qs] d f [qi] [4qf] g [5w] G h w e w 8 w t j [tsh] f [8td] [6e] [eo] [6ep] [48qs] p [qis] d [4qs] [5w] [wo] [wo] [8u] [wo] [ts] h h [ts] [8th] [6e] g [eo] [6ef] [48qs] d f [qi] [4qf] g [5w] G h w e w 8 w t j [tsh] f [8td] [6e] [eo] [6ep] [48qs] p [qis] d [4qs] [5w] [wyo] [wyo] t j h f d o p [ets] s s p s d [8wts]
Level: 6Length: 03:30IntermediateYour Reality (Doki Doki Literature Club) (Intermediate)
Dan Salvato
[6e] w e t 5 w e w [4e] t w [5e] [3us] 8 [0wo] 8 [0ws] [4id] 8 [qeo] 8 [qed] [5of] 9 [wrpg] 9 [wrf] d [%is] 0 [Wrkc] 0 [Wrx] [6jl] 0 [wtc] 0 [wtx] [3fl] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] [4c] 8 [qex] 8 [qel] [5z] 9 [wrx] 9 [wrk] [3fhl] 8 [0s] w [td] [ipf] 4 8 q e t s [5f] 9 [wd] [rs] [yd] [adh] [adh] % 0 [Wd] r [ya] d [6s] 0 w t [usj] [sh] [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] [sh] [4s] 8 q e [tos] [5oa] 9 [wos] r [yod] [os] [3f] 8 [0s] w [td] [ipf] 4 8 q e t s [5f] 9 [wd] [rs] [yd] [adh] [adh] % 0 [Wd] r [ya] d [6s] 0 w t [usj] [sh] [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] [sh] [4s] 8 q e [ts] [5oa] 9 [wos] r [yod] [os] [1p] [36f] [1p] [36f] s p [%3f] p [%3f] s s [25j] f [25] s s [$2] p [$2a] [4is] 8 q [eis] 8 6 [4ia] [6is] 8 [qid] 4 [5od] 9 w [rod] 9 7 [5of] [5od] [5os] [4od] [3s] 8 [0o] w [tos] w [0of] 8 [4of] 8 [qod] [es] [tod] e q 8 [5d] 9 [wo] r [ya] r [wd] 9 [%g] 0 [Wf] [rd] [yf] r [Wd] 0 [6s] 0 w t [usj] t [wsh] 0 [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] w [0sh] 8 [4s] 8 q e [ts] e q 8 [5a] 9 [ws] r [yd] r [wf] 9 [3s] 8 [0o] w [tos] w [0of] 8 [4of] 8 [qod] [eos] [tod] e q 8 [5d] 9 [wo] r [ya] r [wd] 9 [%g] 0 [Wf] [rf] [yf] r [Wd] 0 [6s] 0 w t [usj] t [wsh] 0 [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] w [0sh] 8 [4s] 8 q e [ts] e q 8 [5a] 9 [wh] r [yd] r [wf] 9 [3s] 8 [0o] w [tos] w [0of] 8 [4of] 8 [qod] [eos] [tod] e q 8 [5d] 9 [wo] r [ya] r [wd] 9 [%g] 0 [Wf] [rf] [yf] r [Wd] 0 [6s] 0 w t [usj] t [wsh] 0 [3s] 8 0 w [tsj] w [0sh] 8 [4s] 8 q e [ts] e q 8 [5a] 9 [ws] r [yd] r [ws] 9 [14] [oh] [14uf] [14yd] [%3yd] [oh] [%3uf] [%3yd] [36yd] [pj] [36uf] [36yd] [ts] 1 3 5 [8ep] [ra] [2ts] 2 [ts] 2 [5uf] [yd] [25] [ts] [25ep] [6yd] [ts] [yd] [ts] 5 o p o [4p] s o [5o] [5p] [5os] [5od]Level: 5Length: 02:45Intermediate
Silhouette (Naruto)
Kana Boon