u u u u t u Y r y y y y r y t e r 0 u u u u t u Y r y y y y t y u y t r e
About This Music Sheet
Luigi’s Mansion (Theme) is a song by Kazumi Totaka. Use your computer keyboard to play Luigi’s Mansion (Theme) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:24, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Luigi’s Mansion (Theme) is classified in the genres: Songs From Games, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Nintendo, Theme Song.
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Other Songs By Kazumi Totaka
p sf s piii| uipsf s ph|Gg|
a fp f a f Pp o ooo| ooo|
I i u sf s piii hhh|psf s ph| g|
dPiu dPuspYy Oiyooo| Sdfgjl|||
t T y|Ty| tTyp uy|Ty|||
y Y u|Yu| uYua Iu|Iy|||
ooo p sf s piii| uipsf s ph|Gg|
a fp f a f Pp o ooo| ooo|
I i u sf s piii hhh|psf s ph| g|
dPiu dPuspYy Oiyooo| Sdfgjl|||
t T y|Ty| tTyp uy|Ty|||
y Y u|Yu| uYua Iu|Iy|||
ooo p sf s pLevel: 2Length: 01:47EasyMii Channel Theme (Easy)
Kazumi Totaka
q t t| q t t|
q [to]p[tP] o [qf] t [td]|
q [ts]d[tD] s [qp] t [to]|
q [ti]oio[ti] t q t t| q t t|
q [to]p[tP] o [qf] t [td] s
[yqa] t [utp] o [iE(] E E|
( [iE]oio[iE] st( E E|
( E E| ( E E|
q [wo][pe][PE] [wo] [uf]|
[yd] [ts] [ra]|
[pe] [wo] [qi] E| ( E|
( E [iP]|
[iE]| l|
q t t| q t t|
q [to]p[tP] o [qf] t [td]|
q [ts]d[tD] s [qp] t [to]|
q [ti]oio[ti] t q t t| q t t|
q [to]p[tP] o [qf] t [td] s
[yqa] t [utp] o [iE(] E E|
( [iE]oio[iE] st( E E|
( E E| ( E E|
q [wo][pe][PE] [wo] [uf]|
[yd] [ts] [ra]|
[pe] [wo] [qi] E| ( E|
( E [iP]| [iE]| lLevel: 5Length: 01:38IntermediateNew Leaf (Animal Crossing)
Kazumi Totaka
u| y| u uur| u u I I ooooI| a|pa|pa|papoIu| y| u uur| u u I I ooooI| a|pa|pa|papoIu| y| Y| u
Level: 2Length: 00:28EasyVent Frais Vent Du Matin (Fresh Wind Morning Wind)
Hhl HhD hlklzh Ooy d z OoY D Z gDdsas tos Hhd HhD hlk BVv vVvcvcZcZz HJHhHhghgD hlZzlkl Ooy d z OoY D Z OsasdsSso [hv] SsO [HV] gDdsasos Ooy OoY gDdsaLevel: 3Easy
Love Waltz (The Secret of Moonacre)
Christian Henson
p d j H j f g p | p d j H j f g j J S | p d l z l J k g | p d j H j f g j J SLevel: 1Length: 00:42Super Easy
Nightmare on Elm Street Theme
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