Matilda (Harry Styles)

Harry Styles 10 September 2023
  • TYPE
  • transposition

8 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q a q o q
1 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q [8f]||
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
[1d] [8f]f0d[wd] [us]swa[ta] [wp]p
4o[8o] q [8u] [eo] 8oq [8u]
[5p] 9uw [9u] [ro] 9 w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
[1y] [8u] [0u]ywuu w t w
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[5y]u9u[wy] [9u] r 9 w 9y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[1y]u8u[0y] [wu] u w t wy
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] q [8t]
[5s] [9p] w [9o] [rp] 9tw [9t]
4r[8e] q 8 e [8t] [qy] [8u]
1 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q a q o|
1 8 [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] [rp] 9 w [9o]i
[4u] 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
[1d] [8f]f0d[wd] [us]swa[ta] [wp]p
4o[8o] q [8u] [eo] 8oq [8u]
[5p] 9uw [9u] [ro] 9 w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 8 [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
[1y] [8u] [0u]y u||
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u t y
[5y]u9u[wy] u||y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u t y
[1y]u8u[0y] u||y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u|t
[5s] [9p] w o p t t
[1y] [8u] [0u]ywuu w t w
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[5y]u9u[wy] [9u] r 9 w 9y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[1y]u8u[0y] [wu] u w t wy
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] q [8t]
[5s] [9p] w [9o] [rp] 9tw [9t]
4r[8e] q 8 e 8 q 8
[qu]||p p o
p o u u o u
[qu]||s s p
s s p s d d
[8f]||h f||
8 [wf] [th]|f
f h|f
d s p
[8o]||0 w t
[0s] d||f d
[uf] [ig] [uf] [yd]|[ts]|o
[uf] [ig] [uf] [yd]|[ts]|h
[ql] k j h|f|d
[8f]| d|s|o
[0y] u uy u||
y u uo i u t y
[8y]u uy u||
[0y] u uo i u t y
[0y]u uy u||y
y u uo i u|t
[8s] p|o p t t
[0y] u uy u||
y u uo i u t y
[8y]u uy u||
[0y] u uo i u t y
[0y]u uy u||y
[0y] u uo i u t|

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About This Music Sheet

Matilda (Harry Styles) is a song by Harry Styles. Use your computer keyboard to play Matilda (Harry Styles) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:51, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Matilda (Harry Styles) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Harry Styles

  • [0et]|||
    [8qe]| |[9wr]| |
    [0et]| f| s| d|
    [0wtp]| o| s| d s
    [qet]op||s| d s
    [8qe]op||[9wr]| |
    [0et]| f| s| d|
    [0wtp]| o| s| d s
    [qet]op||s| d s
    [8qe]op||[9wr]| |
    [0et]| h| f| d|
    [0wtg]| f| d f ds
    [qetp]| |sdff
    [8qe]d||[9wr]| |
    [0ets]a s s d dd s
    [0wts]a s s d dd s
    [qets]a s s d| d|
    [8qep]s||[9wr]| sd
    [0etf]| [0et] l [0et]| [0etj] h
    [0wt]| [0wt] h[0wt]f fd f
    [qet] d [qet] h[qet]f fd f
    [8qe] d [8qe]| [9wr] s [9wrs]d
    [0etf]| [0et] l [0et]| [0etj] h
    [0wt]| [0wt] h[0wt]f fd f
    [qet] d [qet] h[qet]f fd f
    [8qe] d [8qes]dff[9wr]d d s d
    [0et] sp[0eto]| [0et]| [0et]|
    [0wt]| [0wtf]fhh[0wt]g g f d
    [qet] s[qets] p [qet]| |
    [8qe]| |[9wr]| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:16
    Adore You (Harry Styles)

    Harry Styles

  • [tuof]|||
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [8t]|hf h f h f
    [7rh] f h jf[0u]||
    [6e]|jk l k j h
    [5wf] d s ds[8t]||
    [4q]||ps s po
    [30] f f df[%W]|fdf
    [6e]||f s
    [8t]|hf[8t]h f [8th] f
    [7rh] f h jf[0u]||
    [6e]|jk[6e]l k [6ej] h
    [5wf] ds d s[8t]||
    [4q]| [4q] ps s[4q]po
    [30] f f df[%W]|f d
    [6ef]| [6e]| [6ef] s
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [wtud]fh [wtuh] h [wtu] f [wtu] f
    [eryH] H [eryH] H [Wu]|[Wu] f
    [euj] j [euj] l [eu] k [euj]|
    [0rd] f [0rg] f [Wr] d [Wrs]|
    [0etp] s[0et] f [0etj] k[0et] l
    [9q] e y e i j|j
    [0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
    e [ul] s u s||
    w y P|t o f|
    9 e i e i j|j
    [0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
    e [ul] s u s||
    8|[8h]f h8 f [8h] f
    [7h] f [7h] jf0|0|
    6|[6f]jk l6 k [6j] h
    [5f] d [5s] d [8f] d [8s]|
    4|4|[4p]ps s4po
    3 f [3f] df% f[%f] d
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [wtud]fh h h|f|f
    [eryH] H H H [Wu]| f
    [euj] j j l|k j|
    [0rd] f g f W d s s
    [0et] dsp||
    [1x] v m m||
    [3n] V x||
    [4c] b m x||
    [5z]| xzn||
    [1x] v m m||
    [3n] V x||
    [4x]||z x z

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:59
    Love Of My Life (Harry Styles)

    Harry Styles

  • [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [pSf] | [pSf] | [pSf] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [rYI] [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:25

    Harry Styles

  • [w80]||[w80]||[w80]||[w80]|| [860]||[860]||[860]||[860]|| [975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] t t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e [r975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]|| [860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]|| [860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] t t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e [r975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]|| [860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]|| [860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [81]|[of]|[w80] [od]| [wso80]| [tp] [w80]|[to]| 6|[pf]|[860] [pd]| [sp860]| [tp] [860]|[to]| 5|[of]|[975] [od]| [so975]| [yp] [975]|[yo]| [q4] 0 q w [e864] w e r [t864] r t y [u864] y u i [o81]|[of]|[w80] [od]| [wso80]| [tp] [w80]|[to]| 6|[pf]|[860] [pd]| [sp860]| [tp] [860]|[to]| 5|[of]|[975] [od]| [so975]| [yp] [975]|[yo]| [qe4]||[864]|[qe]|[864]||[qe864]|| [w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| u [i975] i i [i4]|o|[e864]||[864]| u [o864] o ou [o81]|u|[w80]||[w80]| u [o80] o ou [o6]|u|[860]||[860]| u [o860] o ou [o5]|u|[y975]||[975]||[975]|| 5||[975]| i [i975] i i [i975] i i [u8]||[80]| i [i80] i i [i80] i i [u6]||[860]| i [i860] i i [i860] i i [u5]||[75]||[u75]|y|[y75]||[wut81]
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:42
    Sign Of The Times

    Harry Styles


  • wwwwwwooowrtuuuuuuutuuuuuuuyiiiiiii iioo wwt| tuosapo uoi yuy uyt| wwt| tuosapo uoi yuy uyt| r| ttyu tyttoooooootoooooooY yYi Yio iot tyY yYi Yio| s tyY yYi Yio iot tyY yYi Yiy| o wwt| tuosapo uoi yuy uyt| wwt| tuosapo uoi yuy uyt| r| ttyu tyttoooooootoooooooY yYi Yio iot tyY yYi Yio| s tyY yYi Yio iot tyY yYi Yiy| o wwt| tuosapo uoi yuy uyt| wwt| tuosapo uoi yuy uyt| r| ttyu tyttoooooootoooooooY yYi Yio iot tyY yYi Yio| s tyY yYi Yio iot tyY yYi Yiy| o wwt| tuosapo uoi yuy uyt| wwt| tuosapo uoi yuy uyt| r| ttyu tyttoooooootoooooooY yYi Yio iot tyY yYi Yio| s tyY yYi Yio iot tyY yYi Yiy| o wwiopapas ou oiopapas ot oiopapas ou oi uy ut|s
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  • 6etutete0e8e

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    Length: 01:06
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  • t u o t r u o rr e |
    t i u y t i u y t t t u o t r u o rr e |
    t i u y t i u y t t

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:30
    Super Easy
    Count On Me

    Bruno Mars