02:36 -
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About This Music Sheet
Medals is a song by Luhan. Use your computer keyboard to play Medals music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:36, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Medals is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using K-Pop.
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Other Songs By Luhan
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Level: 6Length: 03:46IntermediateOur Tomorrow
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6| |6| |6 666 6 6 7 [81] [92] 6 6 6 7 [81] [92] 6|6|6|6 666|6|6|6|6 666 6 6 7 [81] [92] [ig6] [ig6] [ig6] [uf7] [yd81] [ts92] [ig6] [ig6] [ig6] [uf7] [yd81] [ts92] 6 6 6 7 [81] [92] [j6] [l6] [j6] [l7] [j81] [H92] [j6] [l6] [j6] [l7] [j81] [H92] [j81] l [j81] l [j81] H [j7] l [j6] l [j%] H [j81] l [j81] l [j81] H [j7] l [j6] l [j%] H [j6] l j l j|[j6]| |6| |666 6 6 7 [81] [92] 6 6 6 7 [81] [92] [ig6] [ig6] [ig6] [uf7] [yd81] [ts92] [ig6] [ig6] [ig6] [uf7] [yd81] [ts92] [pe6] [pe6] [pe6] [ra7] [ts81] [yd92] [uf30]| |[30]|[yd7]|[TS*!]|[ra30]|[wPE5]|[ra71]
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[u63] e tyu e ty[u63] e tyu e ty[u63] e Tyu e Ty[u63] e Tyu e Ty[u63]| e| [te63]yu| e| ty[wr73] 0 wer 0 we[wr73] 0 wer 0 w [y52]| w| [wt52]ry| w| tr[qe62] 9 qwe 9 qw[qe62] 9 qwe 9 [q62] [u63]| [63] [e63]| [63] [te63]yu [63] [e63]| [t63]y[wr73] 0 [w73]e[r73] 0 [w73]e[wr73] 0 [w73]e[r73] 0 [w73] [y52]| [52] [w52]| [52] [wt52]ry [52] [w52]| [t52]r[qe63] 0 [q63]w[e63] 0 [q63]w[qe63] 0 [q63]w[e63] 0 [e63] [u6]3680 [e6]3680 [te6][y3][u6]80 [e6]368[t0]y[r3]707[w0][e7][r3]707[w0][e7][r3]707[w0][e7][r3]7[w0]7[r0]7[y5]9w9w9[w5]9w9w9[r5]9w9[wt]9[r5]9w9w9[e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e630] [e630] [e630] [p84] t [i84]o[p84] t [i84]p[o51] t [u51]i[o51] t [u51]o[i62] e [y62]u[i62] e [u62]i[u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[t41] q [e41]r[t41] q [e41]r[t41] [q41] [t41] [y73] [t73] [y73] [u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[u51] i [o51] [p84] t [i84][o84][p84] t [i84][p84][o51] t [u51][i51][o51] t [u51][51][i62] e [y62][u62][i62] e [u62][i62][u63] e [t63][y63][u63] e [r63][63][t41] q [e41][r41][t41] q [e41][r41][t41] [q41] [t41] [r73] [730] [r73] [e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e6] u iop u iop u iop
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