02:46 -
3 -
upsf fd ds0a d|
Oadg gh gfds f|
upsj|jH|Hh g|
gfdf d sa p|
0etu uy yttr y|
0Wry yt tr e t|
etu uy yttr y|
0Wry uytr t|
0et[ut] [ut][yr] [yr][te][te][rW] [yr]|
0Wr[yr] [yr][te] [te][rW] [e0] [t0]|
etu uy yuuo i|
iuyu yytr e|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|[jg] [hf][gd]|
[sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|
[jg][jg][hf][gd]f@3 87 5%7q0
0etu uy yttr y|
0Wry uytr e|t|
etu uy yuuoii|
iuyu y tr e pppp|
g d f s d a s p Yu|
[ut] [ut][yr] [yr][te][te][rW] [yr]|
0Wr[yr] [yr][te] [te][rW] [e0] [t0]|
etu uy yuuo i|
iuyu yytr e|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|
[jg] [hf][gd]|
[sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|
[jg][jg]hegtf@3 87 5%7q0
0etu uy yttr y|
0Wry uytr e|t|
etu uy yuuoii|
iuyu y tr ee|
psf fd ds0a d|
Oadg gh gfds f|
upsj|jH|Hh g|
gfdf d sa p eeee p [gd]|
[hf][jg]|[jg] [hf][gd]|
[sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|
[jg][jg]hegtf@3 87 5%7q0
0etu uy yttr y|
0Wry uytr e|t|
etu uy yuuoii|
iuyu y tr e pppp
fdf d sa p|
fdf [gd] [sh][aH] [pj]|
[uta]| [r80]
About This Music Sheet
Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon) is a song by Misae Takamatsu. Use your computer keyboard to play Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:46, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon) is classified in the genres: Japan, Songs From TV, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Theme Song.
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Level: 5Length: 02:17IntermediateTears of the Sea (Nagi no Asukara)
Yoshiaki Dewa
[9y]| [qep]| |o|i|
[8p]| [qe]|||
[9y]| [qes]| [9wra]|P|[9p]|
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[tj]| [ip]|||
[yd]| [ipl]| [yoak]|J|[yj]|
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[rh]| [yod]| |f|
[yg]| [ip]|||
[7o]| [9wy]| |u|
u| y|
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k f f k f f k f l f k f f k f f k f l f k f f k f f k f l f k f f k f f k f l f [k3] f f k f f k f l f [k5] f f k f f k f l f [J%] D D J D D J D k D J D D J D D J D k D [k3] f f k f f k f l f [k5] f f k f f k f l f [J%] D D J D D J D k D [J6] D D J D D J D k D [j2] d d j d d j d J d [j4] d d j d d j d J d [H!] S S H S S H S j S H S S H S S H S j S [j2] d d j d d j d J d [j4] d d j d d j d J d [H!] S S H S S H S j S H S S H S S H S j S [f6] p p f p p f p g p [f1] p p f p p f p g p [f2] p p f p p f p g p [f3] p p f p p f p g p [f6] p p f p p f p g p [f1] p p f p p f p g p [f2] p p f p p f p g p [f3] p p f p p f p g p f p p f p p f p g p f p p f p p f p g pLevel: 4Length: 01:09Easy
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