02:46 -
3 -
upsf fd ds0a d|
Oadg gh gfds f|
upsj|jH|Hh g|
gfdf d sa p|
0etu uy yttr y|
0Wry yt tr e t|
etu uy yttr y|
0Wry uytr t|
0et[ut] [ut][yr] [yr][te][te][rW] [yr]|
0Wr[yr] [yr][te] [te][rW] [e0] [t0]|
etu uy yuuo i|
iuyu yytr e|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|[jg] [hf][gd]|
[sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|
[jg][jg][hf][gd]f@3 87 5%7q0
0etu uy yttr y|
0Wry uytr e|t|
etu uy yuuoii|
iuyu y tr e pppp|
g d f s d a s p Yu|
[ut] [ut][yr] [yr][te][te][rW] [yr]|
0Wr[yr] [yr][te] [te][rW] [e0] [t0]|
etu uy yuuo i|
iuyu yytr e|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|
[jg] [hf][gd]|
[sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|
[jg][jg]hegtf@3 87 5%7q0
0etu uy yttr y|
0Wry uytr e|t|
etu uy yuuoii|
iuyu y tr ee|
psf fd ds0a d|
Oadg gh gfds f|
upsj|jH|Hh g|
gfdf d sa p eeee p [gd]|
[hf][jg]|[jg] [hf][gd]|
[sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]|
p [gd]| [hf][jg]|
[jg][jg]hegtf@3 87 5%7q0
0etu uy yttr y|
0Wry uytr e|t|
etu uy yuuoii|
iuyu y tr e pppp
fdf d sa p|
fdf [gd] [sh][aH] [pj]|
[uta]| [r80]
About This Music Sheet
Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon) is a song by Misae Takamatsu. Use your computer keyboard to play Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:46, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon) is classified in the genres: Japan, Songs From TV, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Theme Song.
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Level: 6Length: 00:56IntermediateIs This Love (Sword Art Online)
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[wto0]||[wts0]|| [wt0]||[wra9]|d| [se80]||[e80]|| [qe8]||[qe8]|d| [wtf0]|f|[wt0]|| [wt0]||[ywrd] g f [se80]||l| [qke8] h l [qke8] h f [wth0]||[wt0]|| [qed9] g f [ywrd] s a||| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [sqe9] a s d [se80] p d f [tqg0]||[wtf0]|| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [sqe9] a s d [se80] p d f [tqg0]||[wtf0]|| [wtsq]| ap[ywqa]|| [sqge8]||[fe80] p| [pe80]| p [ywra]|| [ywo0]||[yw0]|p o [ywro]|o|[ywr]|s a [oe80] o o [oe80] o f [qpge8]|s|[yws9] a a| [ywo0]|o|[wt0]|p o [ywro]|o|[ywr] s|a [ed80] p| [e80] d g [qpge8]|s s [wsr9] a a| [wra9]||| [uo8]||[wts0]|| [yo5]||[ywqa]|d| [uso85]||[e80]|| [pi4]||[qe8]|d| [sf8]|[wtsf0]|| [fa5]||[ywqd] g f [spe80]||l| [qke8] h l [qke8] h f [hf8]||[wt0]|| [qed9] g f [ywqd] s a [uo8]||[wts0]|| [yo5]||[ywqa]|d| [uso85]||[e80]|| [pi4]||[qe8]|d| [sf8]|[wtsf0]|| [fa5]||[ywqd] g f [spe80]||l| [qke8] h l [qke8] h f [hf8]||[wt0]|| [qed9] g f [ywqd] s a [ywra]||| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [sqe9] a s d [se80] p d f [tqg0]||[wtf0]|| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [qped9]| s [wrfa0]|| [qie9] o p o [wrqp] a p a [se80]||[xle80]|| [qie8] o p o [wrqp] a p a [qped9]| s [ywrfa]| d [sqge8]| f [wrqo] p o| [rqo9] d h|| [uo8]||[wts0]|| [yo5]||[ywqa]|d| [uso85]||[e80]|| [pi4]||[qe8]|d| [sf8]|[wtsf0]|| [fa5]||[ywqd] g f [spe80]||l| [qke8] h l [qke8] h f [hf8]||[wt0]|| [qed9] g f [wrqd] s a [ws80]Level: 7Length: 02:25Intermediate
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a f h G f k j G| f h G d g a| a f h G f k z L l| j l k J a h f| hk|hk|hlkJ|hG lk ah l| hk|hk|HzLl| hLlkahf| r u o I u a p I u o I Y i r| r u o I u a d S s O s a P p o uLevel: 3Easy
Harry Potter (Theme)
John Williams