01:39 -
[p9] [fe] [ed]
[wp] [ya] [yo]
[o0] [td] [ts] [i6] q q
[u8] [wi] [wo]
[qp] [ta] [ts]
[d0] [rf] [rd] [yrO0]|
[p60] f f [a60] p p [u60] p p a [p60] [60]
[p84] f f [a84] p p [u84] p p a [p84] [84]
[p9] [tf] [td]
[wp] [ya] [yo]
[o0] [td] [ts] [ie] t t
[u8] [wi] [wo]
[qp] [ta] [ts]
[d9] [fe] [ed] [yiO0] r r
6 [f0] [jS0]
6 [f0] [jS0]
6 [f0] [jS0]
6 [f0] [jS0]
[j60] x x [k60] j j
[f60] j j k [j60] [60]
[j9] [xe] [xe]
[k9] [je] [je]
[f9] [je] [je] k [je9] [e9]
[j9] [xqe] [zqe]
[wj] [yrk] [yrh]
[h0] [zwt] [wtl]
[ge] [ti] [ti] [wtf0] g h [tqje] k l
[zyqe] Z x [yrcW]|
x [60] [xlj] [xlj] [xlj60]|
[jf] [rh0] [zH] [zH] [zrH0]|
[fH] e [utl] [utl]
[le] [ut] [utf]
[qj] [te] [te] 8 [te] [tje]
[qj] [tke] [tje]
[k8] [tje] [tke]
[lQ] [zye] [yle]
[zQ] [ye] [yle]
[xw] [utc] [xut] [wric]|
x [wri] [wri]
[l8] [whf0] [wsf0] [s8] [wf0] [wh0]
[qlj] [tjge] [tsge] [sq] [tge] [tje]
[wlhf8]| [wo]| [wt80]
About This Music Sheet
My Favorite Things (The Sound Of Music) is a song by Julie Andrews. Use your computer keyboard to play My Favorite Things (The Sound Of Music) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:39, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song My Favorite Things (The Sound Of Music) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Happy, Sound of Music.
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Other Songs By Julie Andrews
[0t]| y [wu]| t [8u]|t|u||
[qy]| u [ei] i u y [9i]|||
[8u]| i [0o]| u [8o]|u|o||
[9i]| o [qp] p o i [9p]|||
[8o]| t [8y] u i o [qp]|||
[9p]| y [9u] I o p [wa]|||
[0a]| u [0I] O p a [es]||
a P [qp]|i|[wa]|o|[8s]|o|u|t|
[wt] y u i o p a s [8s]|[wo]|[8s]Level: 4Length: 00:36EasyDo Re Mi (Easy) (The Sound of Music)
Julie Andrews
t | y u | t u|t|u|
y | u i i u y i |
u | i o | u o|u|o |
i | o p p o i p |
o | t y u i o p |
p | y u i o p a |
a | u i o p a s |
s a P p|i|a|o|s |
t y u i o p a s|o|sLevel: 1Length: 00:50Super EasyDo Re Mi (The Sound of Music)
Julie Andrews
p f f a p p u p p a p p f f a p p u p p a p [9tip] [tipf] d [5qtip] [qria] o [8ruo] [ruod] s [4eti] * 9 [50tu] i o [QY5tp] a s [5qipd] f d [5yuO] q 0 6 [rtu] 0 6 [yTI] 0 6 [rtuo] 0 6 [ryI] 0 [6p] [rtuf] [0f] [6a] [TIyp] [0p] [6u] [rtup] [0p] [6a] [TIyp] 0 [6p] [etif] [qf] [6a] [etip] [qp] [6u] [etip] [qp] [6a] [etip] q [2p] [tif] d [5p] [ria] o [8o] [WOud] [eups] [4eti] [*T] [9y] [50tu] i o [QY5tp] a s [5qipd] f d [3yiO] q 0 6 [T0ru] [Trup] 3 [T0ru] [Trup] 6 [T0ru] [Trup] 3 [T0ru] [Trup] [6p] [T0uf] [T0uf] [3a] [T0up] [T0up] [6u] [T0p] [T0up] [3a] [T0up] [0T] [2p] [Qyf] [Qypf] [6a] [Qyp] [QIyp] [2u] [Qyp] [Qyp] [6a] [QIyp] [Qy] [2ip] [Tf] [td] [rip] a [5o] [1uo] [Wd] [es] [4ei] * 9 [50tu] i 0 o [QY5tp] a Q s [5qipd] D q f [OS3g] [Wyos] [Ia] 7 [etusf] [Wtusf] [wtusf] p 7 [eypd] [wyod] [WOyd] 3 o 6 [etps] [WOts] [wtos] 6 u [4ip] [8e] [qt] 4 [8e] [qtip] [4ip] [8e] a [qtp] [4a] [8ep] [qta] [$ps] [(td] [Yes] [$d] [(t] [Yes] [5osf] [wug] [tuf] [PS5og] [wT] [Eu] [5ps] [eti] [O5iaf] [1us] w [ti] p s g j [1ah] g [wf] [tipd] a [wp] [1o] w [ti] d g [wj] l [1k] h [wf] [tid] h [ws] [1a] d [wp] [tis] a s [wd] a [1p] o w [tio] P s [wD] P [1O] o w [ti] O S D [wg] H [1h] [wuos] [eid] [5ip] [1uo] [0wt] [qey] [5qe] [10w] o [5o] [qey] [hv] [10w] o [5o] [qey] t e [10w] o [5o] [qey] [hv] [10w] o [5o] [qey] t e [150w]
Level: 6Length: 02:30IntermediateMy Favorite Things (The Sound of Music) (Intermediate)
Julie Andrews
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Play Date
Melanie Martinez
Tuo[O*][W0] *[W0][T*][uW0]o [O*][W0]S[O*][W0][S*][WO0]u [o(][wE]|[wE] [wE] [eQ][eQ] [wE] ETu [I(][eQ] ([eQ][E(][eTQ]u [I(][eQ]u[t(][eQ][Y(][teQ]WT* *7 7 5 5% Tuo[O*][W0] *[W0][T*][uW0]o [O*][W0]S[O*][W0][S*][WO0]u [o(][wE]|[wE] [wE] [eQ][eQ] [wE] ETu [I(][eQ] ([eQ][E(][eTQ]u [I(][eQ]u[t(][eQ][Y(][teQ]W T[*!] [*!]7 7 5 5% OSD [f%] * 0f[D*]fDS [s%] [^S]D7O8 [f*] [S0]fQ [kW][QJ]| 0 (J[k*]J[j6] * 0j[jQ][kW]HGHGwfQf[G(] [H0] [QD] [aW]O[a0][QD]S[QO][p*]PQO[S0]D [f%] * 0f[D*]fDS [s%] [^S]D7O8 [f*] [S0]fQ [kW][QJ]| 0 (J[k*]J[j6] * 0j[jQ][kW]HGHGwfQf[G(] [H%] H H H [WSO]fkLevel: 6Length: 00:49Intermediate
Lancer (Deltarune)
Toby Fox
[ut]|p|s|[ye]||[te]|[wr]|| [yr]|u|[ro]|[te]||[wr]|[qe]|| [ut]|p|s|[yq]||[te]|[wr]|| [wr]|e|w|e|||e [usf]|[pj]|[slf]|[ypd]||[tsp]|[roa]|| [ypd]|[uf]|[oha]|[uts]||[yra]|[tpe]|| [usf]|[pj]|[slh]|[yid]||[tsp]|[roa]|| [yra]|[pe]|[wo]|[tpe]||[te]|| [usf]|[pj]|[slf]|[ypd]||[tsp]|[roa]|| [ypd]|[uf]|[oha]|[uts]||[yra]|[tpe]|| [usf]|[pj]|[slh]|[yid]||[tsp]|[roa]|| [yra]|[pe]|[wo]|[tpe]|| [te]||[tpe]||[te]Level: 5Length: 01:00Intermediate
Honor Him (Gladiator)
Hans Zimmer