j k
[qj]|t|i|h g [th]|o|t s d f
[yg]|i|p|g|[tg]| [of]|i|
[wd]|y|o|s|a| w|
[uh]|s|f|s|[se]|u|p s d f
[qp]|t|[sp]|i|[wd]|o|a o h g
[th]|s|f|o|[se]|u|p s d f
[yg]|d|i|g d [wg]|i|a|f d
[tf]|o|s|o|s| a|
[qp]|t|[sp]|i|[wd]|o|a o h g
[th]|s|f|o|[se]|u|p s d f
[wd]|y|o|a|d|a|o a s d
[ts]|o|s|f|h| a h G
[h3] 7 0 w r a h G [h3] 7 0 w r a h G
[h8] w t u [tj] w 8 w [k5] 9 w r y d k j
[k5] 9 w r y d k j [k5] 9 w r y d k j
[k5] 9 w r [lj6] 0 e t [jG9] e y I p j z l
[zr] I a o G| [h8] w t u o h j k
[l6] 0 e t [zyj] e [lj9] 6 [lh5] 9 w r [yk] a [wh] G
[h$] 7 0 w r a h G [h7] 0 w r|a h j
[k8] w t [uj] o u [th] 0 [k8] w t [uj] t w [h8] [wj]
[kh5] 9 w r 9 d [wk] [j9] [kh5] 9 w r 9 d [wk] [l9]
[jG2] 6 9 Q 9 [p6] [j9] [h6] [jG2] 6 9 Q 9 [p6] [k9] [j6]
[hf1] 5 8 0 t o [h9] [G5] [hf1] 5 8 0 [jf8] w 0 8
[hd5] 2 5 7 9 w r y o| d k j
[h8] 0 w t u|h G [h8] w t u [jf]|
[hd5]|9|w|e|r| |
5|9|w|e|r||p a
[u7]|Q|r| Y||r|
[u7]|Q|r| Y||r|
[u7]|Q|r| I
About This Music Sheet
Nothing I’ve Ever Known (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) is a song by Bryan Adams. Use your computer keyboard to play Nothing I’ve Ever Known (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:33, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Nothing I’ve Ever Known (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Animation, DreamWorks.
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Other Songs By Bryan Adams
[8t]| [sh]| [6eph] [pg] [pf] [pf] p [pf] p f
[5wof] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
p s [9yid]|[pd] [id] i|f p [6etu]| u|
p s [^Eid]|[Pd] d i|[Pf] [id] [5wtyo]| [ryo]|
[8t]| [sh]| [6esh] [sg] [pf] [pf] p|[pf] [pf]
[5waf] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
p [os] [9yid]|[id]|[id]|[is] [is] [6etu]| s f|
[^Eif]|[id] [id] i| [6e]| p [ps] [ps]
[5wod] [od]|[od]|[os] [od] [5wo]| [ryo]|p|
[48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
[8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|
p [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|
d s [59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|
o [48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
[48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
d s [59d]|a|y| o| d|
[8t]| [sh]| [6eph] [pg] [pf] [pf] p [pf] p f
[5wof] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
p s [9yid]|[pd] [id] i|f p [6etu]| u|
p s [^Eid]|[Pd] d i|[Pf] [id] [5wtyo]| [ryo]|
[8t]| [sh]| [6esh] [sg] [pf] [pf] p|[pf] [pf]
[5waf] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||p [os]
[9yid]|[id]|[id]|[is] [is] [6etu]| s f|
[^Eif]|[id] [id] i| [6e]| p [ps] [ps]
[5wod] [od]|[od]|[os] [od] [5wo]| [ryo]|p|
[48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
[8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|p
[48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|d s
[59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|o
[48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
[48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
d s [59d]|a|[59oad] t y a y| [59uoa]|
[59]|[yos]| [yoa]|[59yop]| [ryo]|
[5wh]|h|[4q]| [30l]|j|[29h]|j|
[9eyip]||d f [9epdg]|f d [0t]|s|
[qtips]| [4q]|s j|h|[59] h g h
[60psf]||f [60g] f|d d s d|
[7woa]| [oad]| [7woad]| [8wuos]|
[9eyip]||d f [9epdg]|f|[0td] s s|
[qtip]| [4q]|s s j h|[qt] h h f
[8wuos]| [uos]| [8w]|[sfh]| f h
[59sdj]|h [sdh]|j|[59adh]| |
[48ips]| [59oad]| [60psf]| |
[8wosf]| |[48ips]| |
[48ips]| [59oad]| [60psf]| |
[59oad]| |[59oad]| [59oad]|h
[48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
[8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|p
[48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|
d s [59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|o
[48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
[48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
d s [59d]|a|y| o| d|
[50t]|y|u|[48wet]Level: 7Length: 03:55IntermediateHeaven (Bryan Adams)
Bryan Adams
h|hgff ff fdd| |psd dd fp||psd dd fd| | h|hgff ff fdd| |psd d d ss||sf f dd| | pssdd d sd| |sssd df f|| fgh hh gf s||psssd df f|| dsd a| |oss d df f|| fgh hh gf s||psssd df f|| dsd a h|hgff ff fdd| |psd dd fp||psd dd fd| | h|hgff ff fdd| |psd d d ss||sf f dd| | pssdd d sd| |sssd df f||fgh hh gf s|| psssd df f||dsd a| | oss d df f||fgh hh gf s|| psssd df f||dsd a||| dfg fd s s||sj h hghf|| fgf ddsd|||dfg f dss| | ssjh|hhfs| |h|fhj hh jfh|j sssd df f||fgh hh gf s|| psssd df f||dsd a| | oss d df f||fgh hh gf s|| psssd df f||fgh h|| lj h j j|h|f hjhhffs hjhhf dLevel: 2Length: 02:34Easy
Bryan Adams
[tsof]| [to]| [to]| [tsog]hgf[toda]| [to]| [to]| [toda]hhs[tspi]| [ti]| [ti]| [tspi]dfs[toda]| [to]| [to]| | 8| [sf]g[f8]d[d8]s ioiu[y5]| [da] 5s[a5]po yoot[tp4]|| [a4] [sp4]| fds [da5]||5 5| [sf] g[sf8]ds| 8 8| [da] s [oa5]po| 5 5||o [pi4]| [ia] 4 [si4]| g| [sf5]ds| [d5] [da5]||f [pg9]| [pg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]||9 9||f [pg9]| [pg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]||9 9| [sf] g [sf8]ds| 8 8| [sg]hgf[da5]|| 5 5 o[of] [of] [id8] [us]| 8 8| |8||8 8| |8| [tsf]g[f8]d[d8]s [ti]oiu[y5]| [wda] 5s[oa5]po [yw]oot[tp4]| [qa] 4 [s4]| [qpg] f[da5]| w 5 5| [wsf]gfd[d8]s t 8 8| [thf] fd[f5]d w 5 5| w oo[pi4]| [qia] 4 [si4]| [qjg] g [sf5]| [ws] [d5] [da5]| w f [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]| y 9 9| y f [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]| y 9 9| [yf] g [sf8]ds t 8 8| [tsg]hgf[da5]| w 5 5 o[wof] [of] [id8] [us] t 8 8| t| 8| t 8 8| [ts]| [d^P]| [dPE] ^ ^| [dPE]| [oD(]| [oYD] ( (| [oYD] g [g^P]| [dPE] ^ ^| [dPE] g [pg4]| [sqp] 4 4| [qpg] [pg][sg8]| [tsf] 8 8| [tsf] h [ha5]| [wda] 5 5| [wha] [ha][ha9] [pG] y [dI9] 9| [yjG] k[sj5] [ha] w [sj5] 5 [ha] w| | [id] [if] [pi] [sp4]| [sqf] 4 4| q| 4 ff[qd]s[p4] [id4] [if]q[pi] [uo8]| t 8 8| tpss8| t 8 [sf8][sh][sh][sh]t s [s4]| [sqj] 4 4| q l [sj4]| q 4 [id4] [if]q[pi] [o8] jht [j8][sf]8| t| [d8]s t 8 [sh8]| [tsh] [sh] [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [yh] f [da5]| w 5 5| [wh] h [jg9]hg [ypg] 9g[jg9] h [yh] f [da5]| w 5 5| [wg] g [og8]| [tof] [of8] 8| t h [ha5]| [wda] [da5] 5| [wha] j[ph4]| [qpg] [pg4] 4| [qh] g [sg4]| [sh]| [sH]||| shg[sf5]||5 5| ghgf[da5]||5 5| f ds[sp4]|| 4 4 o f f [ud8] sLevel: 6Length: 03:56Intermediate
Everything I Do
Bryan Adams
6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0j[j6]k[k0]l[tl]k[k0]j[tj]f[f0]s[ts]p[p0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge] i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[qj]k[rk]h[h9]d[rd]g[g5]f[f8]d[wf]g[yfW0]| | [f6]| [p0] s [tf] d [f6]| [p0] s [tf] d [f6]| [p0] s [tg] f [g9]| [pe] s [tig] f [g9]| [ge] f [tig] G [h5]| [qh] j [wrh] j [f8]| t| [r7]| [x6]| [j0] l [xt] z [x6]| [j0] l [xt] z [x6]| [j0] l [tc] x [c9]| [je] l [tic] x [c9]| [ec] x [tic] C [v5]| [vq] b [wvr] b [x8]| t| [r7]| [l5]| 0 f [tf] g [g9]| t d [ki] j [k5]| [rq] d [wd] f [f8]| [wus] s [j7] h [j6]| 0 s [ts] d [d7]| q a [fe] d [f0]| r| O| [l6]| 0 l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [f8]| t| [r7]| [l6]| [l0] l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [j6]| 0| t| [l6]| 0 l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [f8]| t| [r7]| [l6]| [l0] l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [j6]| 0| t| 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0j[j6]k[k0]l[tl]k[k0]j[tj]f[f0]s[ts]p[p0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge] i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[qj]k[rk]h[h9]d[rd]g[g5]f[f8]d[wf]g[yfW0]| | [f6]| [p0] s [tf] d [f6]| [p0] s [tf] d [f6]| [p0] s [tg] f [g9]| [pe] s [tig] f [g9]| [ge] f [tig] G [h5]| [qh] j [wrh] j [f8]| t| [r7]| [x6]| [j0] l [xt] z [x6]| [j0] l [xt] z [x6]| [j0] l [tc] x [c9]| [je] l [tic] x [c9]| [ec] x [tic] C [v5]| [vq] b [wvr] b [x8]| t| [r7]| [l5]| 0 f [tf] g [g9]| t d [ki] j [k5]| [rq] d [wd] f [f8]| [wus] s [j7] h [j6]| 0 s [ts] d [d7]| q a [fe] d [f0]| r| O| [l6]| 0 l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [f8]| t| [r7]| [l6]| [l0] l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [j6]| 0| t| [l6]| 0 l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [f8]| t| [r7]| [l6]| [l0] l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [j6]| 0| t| [ml6]| 0 [ml] [tml] z [z9]| e [ml] [tnki] [jb] [vh5]| 9 [vh] [rjb] [vh] [xf8]| t| [r7]| [ml6]| [ml0] [ml] [tml] z [z9]| e [ml] [tnki] [jb] [vh5]| 9 [vh] [rjb] [vh] [j6]| 0| t| u| p| s| [ji]lxLevel: 6Length: 03:39Intermediate
Mariage d’amour
Richard Clayderman
[ywu8] 8 [wut] 8 [ywu] 8 [wut] [w8] [wut7] [w7] [wut] 7 [ywu] w [r7]tuo[wut6] 0 [wut] [60] [wut] 0 [yo]uy[t6] 7[wut5] 0 [wut] 0 [wut] [50] [r5]tuo[ute4] q [ute] [q4] [ute] q [t4]y 5[ywt3] 0 [ywt] 0 [ywu] 0w[t3]yuo[yue2] 9 [yue] 9 [yte2] 9 [yte] [92]4[wte5] 9 [wte] 9 [wr5] 9 [r5][t6][y7] [wut8] 8 [wut] 8 [wut] w [wu]iu[y8] [ywu7] 7 [wut] 7 [wut] [w7] [r7]tuo[wut6] [60] [wut] 0 [wut] 0 [wut6] [60] 7[wut5] [50] [wut] 0 [wut] 0 [r5]tuo[tpi4] [qe] [tpi] [qe] [tpie] e [ia]saqw[uto3] 0 [uto] 0 [uto] 0 rtuo[yti2] 9 [yti] 9 [ut] 9 [te] 9 [wtq5] 5 [wtq] 4 [wr5]|[urW%]|[u6]psy u s| |[u5]oay u a| |[t4]ipt i p| |[r3]uor t o|a s h [u6]psu p s p u d a [yeI9] e u p|w [u2] o [wte4] q q [wte]|q [wte4] 45[yre3] 3 9 [yre] 3 [93] [yre3] 9 [rT60] 0 [eT0] 6 [eT0] 0 [eT0] 6 [eT0%] % [eT0] % [rT0] % [W%]eTu[eT0$] $ [eT0] $ [eT0] [$] [eT0$] [$] %[eT30] 3 [eT0] 3 [eT0] 3 [W3]eTu[eTQ2] 9 [eTQ] 9 [eTQ] 9e[eT]yT[e9]0[urT!] * [ueT] * [ueT*] *0[W]eTu[eTQ7] 7 [eTQ] 7 [rT7(] 7 [re(] 7 [eQ30] 3 [eQ0] 3 [W930] 3 [W3]er [ueaS] u [upS] e [uaS] eu[uS]fS[pe] [uaS%] W [uaS] W [upS] Wu[WO]pSf[upS$] Q [uaS] Q [upS] Q [uaS] Q [uaS3] 0 [upS] 0 [upS] 0 Op[S0]f[ypS9] e [ypS] e [ypS] ey[pS]dS[pe] [faS] T [upfS] T [upe] [T]u[pT]OuT[yre7] 7 9 [eQ9] 7 9 [eQ97] 9 [eQ30] 3 [eQ0] 3 [W930]| |[yp]dGp[fT]p[rd]I[eS]u[u0]pa ruIOp[O3] 70WruOa| |[e9]yIe[u]e[y7]Q[T6]0[30]eru|70WruOafHkxVnx|||pj| |60e
Level: 6Length: 01:50IntermediateRondo Rondo Rondo (Revue Starlight)
Yoshiaki Fujisawa
d [gj] d [gj] s [gj] s [gj] P [gj] P [gj] p [fh] p [fh] d [gj] d [gj] s [gj] s [gj] P [gj] P [gj] p [fh] p [fh] [dy] [gj]y[dy] [gj]t[sy] [gjt] [se] [gj]e[PE] [gj]E[EP]t[gj] [pe] [fh] p [fh] [yd] [gjy] [yd]y[gj]y[sy] [gj] [se] [gj] [PE] [gjE] [PE] [gjt] [pe] [fh] p [fh] [dp] [gjp] [di] [gji] [so] [gjo] [su] [gju] [Pi] [gji] [Py] [gj] [pu] [fh] [pT] [fh] [dp] [gjp] [di] [gji] [so] [gjo] [su] [gju]u[Pi] [gji] [Py] [gj] [pu] [fh] [pT] [fh] [Eq^]| y u [i59w] u y |[e269]| y |[60eu]| i |[^qE]| y u [59iw] u y |[e269] e i i [ue06]| t |[^qEdz]| [pj]| [59wsl]| [PJ]| [269pj]| g h [j60e] h g fd[^qE]| [ig] [ig] [59wyd] [yd] [ig] [ig] [60euf]| [S]| [p]| [o]| d [gj] d [gj] s [gj] s [gj] P [gj] P [gj] p [fh] p [fh] [d9] [gjqe] d [gjqe] [s8] [gjqe] s [gjqe] [P^] [gjqe] P [gjqe] [p6] [fh0w] p [fh0w] [d9] [qed] d [qe]s[8d] [qes] p [qe]p[P^] [qe] Ps[qe] [6p] [0w]| [0w]i[9d] [qe] d [qes] [8d] [qes] p [qep]P^ [qeP] P [qes] [6p] [0w]| [0wp] [9j] [jqe] g [gqe] [8h] [hqe] f [fqe] [^g] [qeg] d [dqe] [f6] [0w] p [0w] [9j] [qej] g [gqe] [8h] [fqe] f [fqe] [^g] [qe] d [qed] [6f] [0w] S [0w] [^qEd]| d f [59wg] f d |[269p]| d |[60ef]| g |[^qE]| d f [59wg] f d d [269p] p g |[60ef]| s |[^qEdJz] |[pgj] |[59wsjl] [sjl] [PhJ] |[269pgj] [dg] [dg] [fh] [60egj] [fh] [dg] fd[^qE]| [idg] [idg] [59wyPd] [yPd] [idg] [idg] [60euSf] [TpS] [TpS]| [p]| [o]| [eyid]| [f]| [g]| [j]| [TuoS]| [f]| [h]| [j]| [tipg]| [h]| [j]| [g]| [ryij]| [h]| [g]| [f] 7 [^dz] [iyE] [iyEgc] [yiEgc] [^dz] [Eyidz] [Eyigc] [Eyigc] [6fx] [eti] [etipj] [eti] [6gc] [etigc] [etigc] [etigc] [%fx] [Wru] [WruOH] [Wru] [%gc] [Wrugc] [Wrugc] [Wrugc] [60Tfx] [SL] [SL]| [p]| [o]| d [gj] d [gj] s [gj] s [gj] P [gj] P [gj] p [fh] p [fh] d [gj] d [gj] s [gj] s [gj] P [gj] P [gj] p [fh] p [fh] [d9] [gjqe] [d9] [gjqe] [s8] [gjqe] [s8] [gjqe] [P^] [gjqe] [P^] [gjqe] [p6] [fh0w] [p6] [fh0w] [d9] [gjqe] [d9] [gjqe] [s8] [gjqe] [s8] [gjqe] [P^] [gjqe] [P^] [gjqe] [p6] [fh0w] [p6] [fh0w] | | [29y]
Level: 7Length: 02:43IntermediateTubbo’s Song
Precious Jewel Amor