Opelucid City (Pokemon White)

Junichi Masuda 13 November 2020

f j [x6] 0 e u|y|t 5 0 w u|[tc]|[xr] [x5] 0 w 0 t [zr] [le] [bQ$]| |[r7]|v C v [v3] % w u|b v [me6]|v|c|x|[c2]|5 q 9 [yc] [ve] c [ql4]| |[z5]|5 h l [k1] 5 8 9 k h j [tJ8]|j J 1 [v0]b|[x9] [v8] 4 8 q [tc] [xY] c|[m^E]|[vq] ^|z c|[x81]|5 8 5 [x0] c [v(]0[b1]|c|x|z|[x81]|5 8 5 [x0] c [wv]e[rb7]||c [b30] V|[92] u [f6] 0 e u|t|r % 0 W u|[tg]|[rf] [f5] 0 w 0 t d s [jQ$]| |[r7]|h G [h30]|^ w [uo]|j h [l6]|[h5]|[g4]|[f3]|[g4] 2 [f5] [qg] ^ [g^] h [g4] [ws5]||89[d5] 45[92] [o5] [s6] [a1] 5 8 9 a o p [tP8]|[p7]6P [h6]j|[f81]|[h5] [qh4] 8 w [ge] [if] [g8]|[l5]6[^E]6[h^]||d g|f 1 5 8 5 [f(]0g h [j1]|[g7]1 [f7]8w4d|f 1 5 8 5 [f0] g h [wj5]|g|f 9 [wd5] h dfgh[jg4]||44 4 44 2 [jg4] [kh] [lj]44[kh]4 [jg]45[kh]2 [hf3]||33 3 30 [aG7]h[fS6]||66 6 6We[pd]0f9[gd2]| |f[gd] [sqf]r [da6] [sp5]||[uo][da][oa] 5965[oP][a2][hf1]||88 1 1[h8]Hh[aG1][hf][jS6]||66 6 6[ed][sr][a30]s[jg4]||44 1 1[e6] 1 [lj7] [kh] [jg]77[kh]5 [dG]5([jG]$ [hf3]||33 3 30 [dG7][hf][lj6]| |6[hJ] [hf6][sqf][wsp][da3][sf][gd2]2 [sf] 2[lj2] [gd2] 2[sf9] 6[da] [sp5] 5 [da4][oa2]755 5[pi][oa][us81] [81] [81] 1 18 1 [so5] [uo][pd] [uo][ia] 5 5qw[tp2][ya][us81] [81] [81] 1 18 6 [d7] [f92] [a30]||f [j3] [x6] 0 e u|y|t 5 0 w u|[tc]|[xr] [x5] 0 w 0 t [zr] [le] [bQ$]| |[r7]|v C v [v3] % w u|b v [me6]|v|c|x|[c2]|5 q 9 [yc] [ve] c [ql4]| |[z5]|5 h l [k1] 5 8 9 k h j [tJ8]|j J 1 [v0]b|[x9] [v8] 4 8 q [tc] [xY] c|[m^E]|[vq] ^|z c|[x81]|5 8 5 [x0] c [v(]0[b1]|c|x|z|[x81] [x81] 5 8 5 [x0] c [v(]0[b1]|c|x|z|[xs]out

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About This Music Sheet

Opelucid City (Pokemon White) is a song by Junichi Masuda. Use your computer keyboard to play Opelucid City (Pokemon White) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:22, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Opelucid City (Pokemon White) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Pokemon.


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Other Songs By Junichi Masuda

  • w t y
    [1u] [50] [8w] [5y] [1u] [5y] [8u] [5i]
    3 [7o] 0 [7p] [%u] [0y] [Wu] [0O]
    [6tp] 0 [eya] 0 [%tp] 0 [Wu] [0y]
    [5t] [qr] [wt] [0u] [$Iyp]| e r
    [4t] [80] q [8e] [4o] [8i] [3i] [8u]
    [2t] [60] [9q] [6e] [2p] [6i] [9u] [6y]
    [5t] 9 w 9 r [9t] [we] [9t]
    [5r] 9 4 [9t] [5y] 5 o i
    [1u] [50] [8w] [5y] [1u] [5y] [8u] [5i]
    [3w] [7o] 0 [7p] [%u] [0y] [Wu] [0O]
    [6tp] 0 [eya] 0 [%us] 0 [Wu] [0y]
    [5t] [0r] [wt] [0u] [$Iyp]| e r
    [4t] [80] q [8e] [4o] [8i] [3i] [8u]
    [2t] [60] [9q] [6e] [2p] [6i] [9u] [6y]
    [5t] 9 w 9 r [9t] [we] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] 4 [9t] [5y] 5 u i
    [3o] [7w] [0r] [7o] [%O] [0i] [Wu] [0y]
    [6t] [0t] 5 [0r] [$e] 9 [Qt] [9u]
    [4y] 9 q 9 $ [9t] [Qe] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] w [9t] [5y] 5 u i
    [3o] [7w] [0r] [7o] [%O] [0u] [WO] [0a]
    [6d] [0s] [5a] [0s] [$p] 9 [Qs] [9f]
    [4d] 9 q 9 $ [9s] [Qp] [9s]
    [5a] [2a] 5 [7s] [9d] w h g
    [8f] [wo] t [wd] [tf] [wd] [tf] [wg]
    0 [rh] u [rj] [Wf] [ud] [Of] [uH]
    [es]fju [pk] u [Ws]fju [Of] [ud]
    [ws] [ua] [os] [uf] [Qs]Gjy [Ip] a
    [qs] [tu] i [tp] [qh] [tg] [0g] [tf]gf
    [9s] [eu] [yi] [ep] [9j] [eg] [yf] [ed]
    [ws] y o y a [ys] [op] [ys]
    [wa] y q [ys] [wd] 5 h g
    [8f] [wu] [to] [wd] [8f] [wd] [tf] [wg]
    [0o] [rh] u [rj] [Wf] [ud] [Of] [uH]
    [es]fju [pk] u [Wf]jlu [Of] [ud]
    [ws] [ua] [os] [uf] [Qs]Gjy [Ip] a
    [qs] [tu] i [tp] [eh] [tg] [0g] [tf]gf
    [9s] [eu] [yi] [ep] [9j] [eg] [yf] [ed]
    [ws] y o y a [ys] [op] [ys]
    [wa] y q [ys] [wd] 5 f g
    [0h] [ro] [ua] [rh] [WH] [ug] [Of] [ud]
    [es] [us] w [ua] [Qp] y [Is] [yf]
    [qd] y i y Q [ys] [Ip] [ys]
    [wa] [ya] o [ys] [wd] 5 f g
    [0h] [ro] [ua] [rh] [WH] [uf] [OH] [uk]
    [ez] [ul] [wk] [yl] [Qj] y [Il] [yx]
    [qz] y i y Q [yl] [Ij] [yl]
    [wk] [yk] o [yl] [5z] 5 o i
    [1u] [50] [8w] [5y] [1u] [5y] [8u] [5i]
    [3w] [7o] 0 [7p] [%u] [0y] [Wu] [0O]
    [6t]up0 [ea] 0 [%tup] 0 [Wu] [0y]
    [5t] [0r] [wt] [0u] [$Itp]| e r
    [4t] [80] q [8e] [4o] [8i] [3i] [8u]iu
    [2t] [60] [9q] [6e] [2p] [6i] [9u] [6y]
    [5t] 9 w 9 r [9t] [we] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] 4 [9t] [5y] 5 o i
    [1u] [50] [8w] [5y] [1u] [5y] [8u] [5i]
    [3w] [7o] 0 [7p] [%u] [0y] [Wu] [0O]
    [6tp] 0 [eya] 0 [%us] 0 [Wu] [0y]
    [5t] [0r] [wt] [0u] [$Iyp]| e r
    [4t] [80] q [8e] [4o] [8i] [3i] [8u]iu
    [2t] [60] [9q] [6e] [2p] [6i] [9u] [6y]
    [5t] 9 w 9 r [9t] [we] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] 4 [9t] [5y] 5 u i
    [3o] [7w] [0r] [7o] [%O] [0i] [Wu] [0y]
    [6t] [0t] 5 [0r] [$e] 9 [Qt] [9u]
    [4y] 9 q 9 $ [9t] [Qe] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] w [9t] [5y] 5 u i
    [3o] [7w] [0r] [7o] [%O] [0u] [WO] [0a]
    [6d] [0s] [5a] [0s] [$Ip] 9 [QIs] [I9f]
    [4id] 9 q 9 $ [9s] [Qp] [9s]
    [5a]2579wsd| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:12
    Littleroot Town (Pokemon)

    Junichi Masuda

  • l|v|n|C|l|v|n|C|l|v|n|C|l|v|n|C|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[uol]|[vI]|[un]|[aC]|[ulT]|[vt]|[rnT]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[yla]|[vo]|[ynI]|[aC]|[usl]|[vt]|[srn]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[uol]|[vI]|[un]|[aC]|[ulT]|[vt]|[rnT]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[yla]|[vo]|[ynI]|[aC]|[tl]|v|[tn]|C|[ul]|v|n|C|[yl]|v|n|C|[tl]|v|n|C|[ul]|[vt]|[rn]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[uol]|[vI]|[un]|[aC]|[ulT]|[vt]|[rnT]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[yla]|[vo]|[ynI]|[aC]|[usl]|[vt]|[srn]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[uol]|[vI]|[un]|[aC]|[ulT]|[vt]|[rnT]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[yla]|[vo]|[ynI]|[aC]|[tl]|v|[tn]|C|[ul]|v|n|C|[yl]|v|n|C|[tl]|v|n|C|[ul]|[vt]|[rn]|[uC]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:28
    Lavender Town (Pokemon) (Alternative)

    Junichi Masuda

  • Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I Y Yu u u| TYu u u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I a Yu u u| SDf f f| u T TYua p O a O u Iu|y T Y ut Y u I I u IO|u T TYua p O f D a O au|y T|u Yu I u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I Y Yu u u| TYu u u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I a Yu u u| SDf f f| u T TYua p O a O u Iu|y T Y ut Y u I I u IO|u T TYua p O f D a O au|y T|u Yu I u| Op

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:04
    Accumula Town (Pokemon)

    Junichi Masuda

  • h g f d l j k j h|| f s s d f psg| | a s d [of]||gfd| | h g f h l k k l j||h h| | [pg] [of] [id] [us] [ha] [pg] [of] [id] [us]| | s d f psg| [pg]| [ha]||[pg] [of]| | s d f [pg]| [pg]| [ha]||gh[of]| | f d s [id]| |[pi]| [of]| [id]| |[si]| [pi]| [ya]|| y [us]| [of]| [of]||gfd| | y o a d v c x z m b n b v|| x l l z x jlc| | k l z [xh]||cxz| | v c x v m n n m b||v v| | [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf] [vk] [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf]| | l z x jlcj l c v h k c x| | l z x c j l c v h k cvx| | x z l z g j g j g x g z g j g l g j g k d h d l f x f x||cxz| | h g f d l j k j h|| f s s d f psg| | a s d [of]||gfd| | h g f h l k k l j||h h| | [pg] [of] [id] [us] [ha] [pg] [of] [id] [us]| | s d f psg| [pg]| [ha]||[pg] [of]| | s d f [pg]| [pg]| [ha]||gh[of]| | f d s [id]| |[pi]| [of]| [id]| |[si]| [pi]| [ya]||y [us]| [of]| [of]||gfd| | y o a d v c x z m b n b v|| x l l z x jlc| | k l z [xh]||cxz| | v c x v m n n m b||v v| | [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf] [vk] [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf]| | l z x jlcj l c v h k c n x| | l z x c j l c v h k cvx| | x z l z g j g j g x g z g j g l g j g k d h d l f x f x||cxz|||[xm]
    Level: 4
    Length: 02:50
    Pallet Town (Pokemon)

    Junichi Masuda


  • [sple]|||k| f| |f [qki]| |h||[zd]||x||| [ysl9]| |[woka]| |h| f| |[wojd]| |[od]| [zh]| | 6| |[81]||v| |[ml]| |[nk]| |c| | [vh] y u o s| |h| | [vlk6]| |[toe]| |v||z| x| [xf]| [ql4]| |[ywo]| |z| [zd]| [ml]| [nk]||| [jb92]| y| |o| o| h| g| f| s| [zd30]| |u| [ml]| [nk]| |x| v| l| n| [jb4] [nk8] [mle] [vh8] [zw]|| [ml5]| [s6] 0 [yw] t||h s k| [pj4] [ka8] [sle] [oh8] [zd5]| | [woh]| [s6]| |y||t| | [pj4] [sl8] [xqf] [vh] [vh5] 9 w|| [pj6] [sl0] [xfe] [vh0] [vth] o [jb4] [nk8] [mle] [vh8] [z5]| 9| [wvh]| [s6]||o||t|| [l4] k h s [yh] s y s l k h s h s| s [h6] [se]| [ts] y u s [h6] s [ut] s [to] [po] [to] s| [l4] [k8] [qh] [ws] [se] a o y [o4] [y8] [qo] y| t| | [x6]||[zd]||v| | [ts]||[gc]||[pe]||| [v3]||[sl]||[ml]|| [pj]||[yd]||[pe6]| | [wo]||[qi]| |[u0]| |[b6]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:40
    AZ-p1@n0adlib3 (Aldnoah.Zero)

    Hiroyuki Sawano

  • 6 3 8 3 8 [3p] [8s] [3a]
    [3u] 7 w 7 w [7u] [wo] [7u]
    [4p] 8 e 8 e 8 [ep] 8
    [2d] 6 q 6 q 6 q 6
    [3a] 7 w 7 w 7 [wu] 7
    [6s] 3 8 [3a] [6p] [3o] [6s]a3p
    [3o] 7 w 7 w 7 w 7
    [6p] 3 8 3 6 [3p] [8s] 3a
    [3u] 7 w 7 w [7u] [wo] 7u
    [4p] 8 e 8 e [8p] [eo] 8i
    [3o] 7 w 7 w [7o] [wi] 7u
    [2y] 6 q 6 q [6u]y[qt] [6y]
    [6u] 3 8 3 8 [3p] [8s] 3a
    [3u] 7 w 7 w [7u] [wo] 7u
    [4p] 8 e 8 e 8 e [8p]
    [2d] 6 q 6 q 6 q [6d]
    [3a] 7 w 7 w 7 w [7u]
    [6s] 3 8 [3a] [8p] [3o] [8s]a3p
    [3o] 7 w 7 w 7 w [7oh]
    [6pj] 3 8 6 [6e]tup||
    [6uf] [0ts] [etuf] 0 [et] [0uf] [etuf] [qig]
    [6ig] q [et] q [et] q [et] [qig]
    [3oh] [0uf] [wroh] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] [0oh]
    [26oh] [qpj] [eypj] q [ey] q [ey] [qpj]
    [48pj][oh]q[ig][etuf] q [et] q [etyd] q
    [6uf] 0 [et] 0 [et] [0jb] [etlm] 0[kn]
    [0fx] r [uo] r [uo] [rfx] [uohv] r[fx]
    [8jb] t [ip] t [ip] [tjb] [iphv] t[gc]
    [7hv] r [uo] r [uo] [rhv] [uogc] r[fx]
    [69dz] e [yi] e [yi] [efx][dz][yisl] [edz]
    [60fx] e [tu] e [tu] [ejb] [tulm] e[kn]
    [37fx] r [uo] r [uo] [rfx] [uohv] r[fx]
    [qjb] t [ip] t [ip] t [ip] [tjb]
    [26z] e [yi] e [yi] e [yi] [ez]
    [37kn] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] [rfx]
    [60lm] e [tu] [ekn] [tujb] [ehv] [tulm][kn]e[jb]
    [0hv] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] r
    [6e] [8u] [0p] [es] [tf] [uj] [pl] [sx]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:10
    A Time For Us (Richard Clayderman)

    Richard Clayderman

  • 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8
    1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1t] [8t] [1t] [8t] [1u] 8 [1u] [8u]
    [1o] [8o] 1 [8f] 1 [8d] [1s] 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1t] [8t] [1t] [8t] [1u] [8u] [1u] [8u]
    [1o] [8o] [1o] [8o] [1f] [8d] [1s] 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [8ps] [ps] [ps] [ps] [o^P] [oP] [oP] [oP]
    [6ip] [ip] [ip] [ip] [5uo] [uo] [uo] [uo]
    [1t] [8t] [1E] [8t] 1 [8w] 1 [8w]
    [1t] [8i] [1u] [8t] 1 8 1 8
    [1uo] [8uo] [1uo] 8 [1yi] [8yi] [1yi] 8
    [1tu] [8tu] [1tu] 8 [1tu] 8 [1tu] 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [8et] [et] [et] [et] [w^E] [wE] [wE] [wE]
    [6qe] [qe] [qe] [qe] [50w] [0w] [0w] [0w]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
    E|E W E|E W
    E W E W Y|T|
    E|E W E|E W
    T E E W W|E|
    [1E] 8 [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] [8W]
    [1E] [8W] [1E] [8W] [1Y] 8 [1T] 8
    [1E] 8 [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] [8W]
    [1T] [8E] [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] [%O]|[5o]|
    [4i] i Y i 1 [8t] 1 [8t]
    [4i] P p [4i]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:57
    Funky Town (Lipps Inc.)

    Lipps Inc.