01:28 -
o a s| s d s
a s d| o h g
f d s| a s d s
a s g f d p s a
p a s| s d s
a s d| o h g
f d s| s d s
a s g f d p s a
p a s|d|f|||
sd d|
sdsdsdsd f|
dsdsdsdsdsd f|
pdf g fdsfff
ffffffffg f|
dsdsdsd f|
dsdsdsdsdsdsd f| s|||
ps sf gf ds|||
s d a|s|h|||
pg gf d s df|
dfg gf d s df|
s d a|s|h|||
pg gf d s df|
g gf d s df o a s|
s d s a s d|
o h g f d s|
a s d s a s g f
d p s a p a s|
s d s a s d|
o h g f d s|
s d s a s g f
d p s a p a s
About This Music Sheet
Opening 6 (Bleach) is a song by Aqua Timez. Use your computer keyboard to play Opening 6 (Bleach) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:28, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Opening 6 (Bleach) is classified in the genres: Japan, Rock, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Bleach.
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J j J h | h z l z | h l J l | h G f G d J j J | h D d D | d j h j | j z cLevel: 2Easy
Barbastella (Batman Begins)
Hans Zimmer
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Level: 6Length: 04:02IntermediateGate of Steiner (Steins;Gate) (Alternative)
Takeshi Abo
eu uy| eu uy| rr rt r rtre| eu uy| wwww| 9we|||
eu uy| eu uy| rr rt r rtre| eu uy| wwww| 9re|
p p p p j j j h h f| o h h h G G d|
fdfdf p| fdf p fdfdf p| ppp s|
fdsd p|fdsd o|hhhh G|GGGG f|
fdsd p|fdsd o|hhhh G|GGGG f|
eu uy| eu uy| rr rt r rtre| eu uy| wwww| 9re|
p p p p j j j h h f| o h h h G G d|
fdfdf p| fdf p fdfdf p| ppp s|fdsd p|fdsd o|hhhh G|GGGG f s| s d a|||
a| a p p|||s| s d a|||a| a p p p p p p j j j h h f| o h h h G G d|
fdfdf p| fdf p fdfdf p| ppp s|fdsd p|fdsd o|hhhh G|GGGG f s| s d a|||
a| a p p|||s| s d a|||a| a p p p p pLevel: 2Length: 02:54EasyRadioactive (Easy)
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