00:48 -
[5ry]w[ry]| [ry]w[7ry]Q[ry]| [ry]Q[ru3]w[ru]| [ru] [tu8] [tu] [tu]rer[5ry]w[ry]| [ry]w[7ry]Q[ry]| [ry]Q[ru3]w[ru]| [ru] [tu8] [tu] [tu]rer[w5]| [o]| [7]| IoIy[u3] | u [t8] t trer[w5]| [o]| [7]| IopI[u3]| yuyr[t8] t trer[w9]ryryoyoaoad[h5]
About This Music Sheet
Opening Theme (The Office) (Easy) is a song by Jay Ferguson. Use your computer keyboard to play Opening Theme (The Office) (Easy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:48, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Opening Theme (The Office) (Easy) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Theme Song.
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Other Songs By Jay Ferguson
[thf8]s[hf]| [hf]s[uhf0]a[hf]| [hf]a[jfe6]s[jf]| [jf]s[qjig] [jg] [qjig]fdf[thf8]s[hf]| [hf]s[uhf0]a[hf]| [hf]a[jfe6]s[jf]| [jf]s[qjig] [jg] [qjig]fdf[thf8]s[thf8] [t8] [thf8]s[uhf0]a[uhf0] [u0] [uhf0]a[jfe6]s[jfe6] [e6] [jfe6]s[qjig] [qjig][qi][qjig][qif][qid][qif][uso]t[uo] [uol]t[uo]t[uo]r[uo] [uok][rl][uok][rh][utj]e[ut] [utj]e[utj]e[tig]e[tig] [tig][wf][tid][wf][uso]t[uo8] [uolf]t[uo]t[uo]r[uo0] [uokH][rlj][zuok][kOH][utpj]e[ut6] [utpj]e[utpj]e[tig]e[wtig] [tig][wf][tid][wf][hf]s[thf]| [hf]s[hf]a[uhf]| [hf]a[jf]s[jfe]| [jf]s[jg] [jg] [jg]fdf[ts8]os[uf0]sf[woh]fh[ts]fl
Level: 6Length: 00:49IntermediateOpening Theme (The Office)
Jay Ferguson
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6w] e [6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e|[3e] 5 [5w] [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e|[3e] 5 5 [3e] [2e]
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3w] [2e]
[6tu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8 [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] [6uf] [8ep] [ep] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf]|[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30ts] [ts]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]|e [3w] [5e] [5w] [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 [5e] [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]|e 3 [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
[6e]|[6e] [3tu] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
[2yd]|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6ts] [5yd]
2|[yd] [6ts] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[yd] [6yd] [8yd]|[6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] [6wo] [8wo] [WO] [6ep] 5
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29ep] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5etu] e 3 2
[6etu]| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e] 6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] 3 2 6| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e]
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
[2yd] [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2 [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
2|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] 6 [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [etu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e e [3w] [5e] [5e] [3e] [2w]
6 e [6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf]|
[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30uf]|[30] [30]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
[2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
[2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
[6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
[6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
[6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[5oh]|5 2 4|[2uf] [1oh]
[5oh]|[5uf] [2oh] 4|[2uf] 1
[2ig]|9 6 8|[6uf] 5
[2yd]|[9uf] [6yd] [8ts]|[6yd] 5
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 5 4 3 2 1
6 e [6etu] [3e] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
[6etu]|e [3e] [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6w] e [6etu] 3 5 [etu] [3e] [2e]
[6tu] e|3 [5e] 5 [3e] 2
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3e] [2e] [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
2 [yd] [9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[9yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] 5
[2uf] [uf] [9uf] [6uf] [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30uf] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29ep] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
[2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
[2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
[6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
[6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
[6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6|r 3 [5t] 5 [3y] 2
[5oh]|5 2 4 4 [oh] [ig]
[5uf]|[5oh] [2ig] [4uf] [4ts] [yd] [uf]
[2ig]|9 6 8 8 [ig] [uf]
[2yd] [ts] [9ig] [6uf] [8yd] [8ts] [yd] [ts]
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]Level: 6Length: 05:53IntermediateRed Right Hand (Peaky Blinders Main Theme)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
8 [ut] [yi] [uo] [pi4] [oa] [sp] 5 [oa]| [uo] [pi4] [uo] [yi] 8 [ut] [yi] [uo] [pi4] [oa] [sp] 5 [da]| [oa] [sp4] [oa] [pi] 8 [ut] [yi] [uo] [pi4] [oa] [sp] 5 [oa]| [uo] [pi4] [uo] [yi] 8 [ut] [yi] [uo] [pi4] [oa] [sp] [da5] [sp] [oa] [pi4] [uo] [yi] [ut8]| |5||[ya] [us8]Level: 5Length: 00:26Intermediate
Rugrats (Theme)
Mark Mothersbaugh
y| u f|d|a| a p|o| u| u f|d|a| a p|a| u| u f|d|a| a p a d o u| a p|o|y [10] 0 0 [u1]|y|[r3] r r e|w| [10] 0 0 [u1]|y|[r1] r r e|w| [10] 0 0 [u1]|y|[r3] r r [e3] r y e [10] 0 0 [u1]|y|[r3] r r [e3]|wLevel: 4Length: 00:32Easy
Glad You Came
The Wanted