Pallet Town (Pokemon)

Junichi Masuda 10 September 2020

h g f d l j k j h||
f s s d f psg| |
a s d [of]||gfd| |
h g f h l k k l j||h h| |
[pg] [of] [id] [us] [ha] [pg] [of] [id] [us]| |
s d f psg| [pg]| [ha]||[pg] [of]| |
s d f [pg]| [pg]| [ha]||gh[of]| |
f d s [id]| |[pi]| [of]| [id]| |[si]| [pi]| [ya]||
y [us]| [of]| [of]||gfd| |
y o a d v c x z m b n b v||
x l l z x jlc| |
k l z [xh]||cxz| |
v c x v m n n m b||v v| |
[jc] [xh] [zg] [lf] [vk] [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf]| |
l z x jlcj l c v h k c x| |
l z x c j l c v h k cvx| |
x z l z g j g j g x g z g j g l g j g
k d h d l f x f x||cxz| |
h g f d l j k j h||
f s s d f psg| |
a s d [of]||gfd| |
h g f h l k k l j||h h| |
[pg] [of] [id] [us] [ha] [pg] [of] [id] [us]| |
s d f psg| [pg]| [ha]||[pg] [of]| |
s d f [pg]| [pg]| [ha]||gh[of]| |
f d s [id]| |[pi]| [of]| [id]| |[si]| [pi]|
[ya]||y [us]| [of]| [of]||gfd| |
y o a d v c x z m b n b v||
x l l z x jlc| |
k l z [xh]||cxz| |
v c x v m n n m b||v v| |
[jc] [xh] [zg] [lf] [vk] [jc] [xh] [zg] [lf]| |
l z x jlcj l c v h k c n x| |
l z x c j l c v h k cvx| |
x z l z g j g j g x g
z g j g l g j g
k d h d l f x f x||cxz|||[xm]

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About This Music Sheet

Pallet Town (Pokemon) is a song by Junichi Masuda. Use your computer keyboard to play Pallet Town (Pokemon) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:50, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Pallet Town (Pokemon) is classified in the genres: Songs From Games, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Nintendo, Pokemon.


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Other Songs By Junichi Masuda

  • w t y
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    [5r] 9 4 [9t] [5y] 5 o i
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    [6tp] 0 [eya] 0 [%us] 0 [Wu] [0y]
    [5t] [0r] [wt] [0u] [$Iyp]| e r
    [4t] [80] q [8e] [4o] [8i] [3i] [8u]
    [2t] [60] [9q] [6e] [2p] [6i] [9u] [6y]
    [5t] 9 w 9 r [9t] [we] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] 4 [9t] [5y] 5 u i
    [3o] [7w] [0r] [7o] [%O] [0i] [Wu] [0y]
    [6t] [0t] 5 [0r] [$e] 9 [Qt] [9u]
    [4y] 9 q 9 $ [9t] [Qe] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] w [9t] [5y] 5 u i
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    [6d] [0s] [5a] [0s] [$p] 9 [Qs] [9f]
    [4d] 9 q 9 $ [9s] [Qp] [9s]
    [5a] [2a] 5 [7s] [9d] w h g
    [8f] [wo] t [wd] [tf] [wd] [tf] [wg]
    0 [rh] u [rj] [Wf] [ud] [Of] [uH]
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    [qs] [tu] i [tp] [qh] [tg] [0g] [tf]gf
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    [ws] y o y a [ys] [op] [ys]
    [wa] y q [ys] [wd] 5 h g
    [8f] [wu] [to] [wd] [8f] [wd] [tf] [wg]
    [0o] [rh] u [rj] [Wf] [ud] [Of] [uH]
    [es]fju [pk] u [Wf]jlu [Of] [ud]
    [ws] [ua] [os] [uf] [Qs]Gjy [Ip] a
    [qs] [tu] i [tp] [eh] [tg] [0g] [tf]gf
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    [ws] y o y a [ys] [op] [ys]
    [wa] y q [ys] [wd] 5 f g
    [0h] [ro] [ua] [rh] [WH] [ug] [Of] [ud]
    [es] [us] w [ua] [Qp] y [Is] [yf]
    [qd] y i y Q [ys] [Ip] [ys]
    [wa] [ya] o [ys] [wd] 5 f g
    [0h] [ro] [ua] [rh] [WH] [uf] [OH] [uk]
    [ez] [ul] [wk] [yl] [Qj] y [Il] [yx]
    [qz] y i y Q [yl] [Ij] [yl]
    [wk] [yk] o [yl] [5z] 5 o i
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    [3w] [7o] 0 [7p] [%u] [0y] [Wu] [0O]
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    [5t] [0r] [wt] [0u] [$Itp]| e r
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    [2t] [60] [9q] [6e] [2p] [6i] [9u] [6y]
    [5t] 9 w 9 r [9t] [we] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] 4 [9t] [5y] 5 o i
    [1u] [50] [8w] [5y] [1u] [5y] [8u] [5i]
    [3w] [7o] 0 [7p] [%u] [0y] [Wu] [0O]
    [6tp] 0 [eya] 0 [%us] 0 [Wu] [0y]
    [5t] [0r] [wt] [0u] [$Iyp]| e r
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    [3o] [7w] [0r] [7o] [%O] [0i] [Wu] [0y]
    [6t] [0t] 5 [0r] [$e] 9 [Qt] [9u]
    [4y] 9 q 9 $ [9t] [Qe] [9t]
    [5r] [9r] w [9t] [5y] 5 u i
    [3o] [7w] [0r] [7o] [%O] [0u] [WO] [0a]
    [6d] [0s] [5a] [0s] [$Ip] 9 [QIs] [I9f]
    [4id] 9 q 9 $ [9s] [Qp] [9s]
    [5a]2579wsd| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:12
    Littleroot Town (Pokemon)

    Junichi Masuda

  • l|v|n|C|l|v|n|C|l|v|n|C|l|v|n|C|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[uol]|[vI]|[un]|[aC]|[ulT]|[vt]|[rnT]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[yla]|[vo]|[ynI]|[aC]|[usl]|[vt]|[srn]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[uol]|[vI]|[un]|[aC]|[ulT]|[vt]|[rnT]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[yla]|[vo]|[ynI]|[aC]|[tl]|v|[tn]|C|[ul]|v|n|C|[yl]|v|n|C|[tl]|v|n|C|[ul]|[vt]|[rn]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[uol]|[vI]|[un]|[aC]|[ulT]|[vt]|[rnT]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[yla]|[vo]|[ynI]|[aC]|[usl]|[vt]|[srn]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[uol]|[vI]|[un]|[aC]|[ulT]|[vt]|[rnT]|[uC]|[uol]|v|[on]|C|[ylI]|v|[nI]|C|[yla]|[vo]|[ynI]|[aC]|[tl]|v|[tn]|C|[ul]|v|n|C|[yl]|v|n|C|[tl]|v|n|C|[ul]|[vt]|[rn]|[uC]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:28
    Lavender Town (Pokemon) (Alternative)

    Junichi Masuda

  • Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I Y Yu u u| TYu u u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I a Yu u u| SDf f f| u T TYua p O a O u Iu|y T Y ut Y u I I u IO|u T TYua p O f D a O au|y T|u Yu I u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I Y Yu u u| TYu u u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I a Yu u u| SDf f f| u T TYua p O a O u Iu|y T Y ut Y u I I u IO|u T TYua p O f D a O au|y T|u Yu I u| Op

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:04
    Accumula Town (Pokemon)

    Junichi Masuda

  • f j [x6] 0 e u|y|t 5 0 w u|[tc]|[xr] [x5] 0 w 0 t [zr] [le] [bQ$]| |[r7]|v C v [v3] % w u|b v [me6]|v|c|x|[c2]|5 q 9 [yc] [ve] c [ql4]| |[z5]|5 h l [k1] 5 8 9 k h j [tJ8]|j J 1 [v0]b|[x9] [v8] 4 8 q [tc] [xY] c|[m^E]|[vq] ^|z c|[x81]|5 8 5 [x0] c [v(]0[b1]|c|x|z|[x81]|5 8 5 [x0] c [wv]e[rb7]||c [b30] V|[92] u [f6] 0 e u|t|r % 0 W u|[tg]|[rf] [f5] 0 w 0 t d s [jQ$]| |[r7]|h G [h30]|^ w [uo]|j h [l6]|[h5]|[g4]|[f3]|[g4] 2 [f5] [qg] ^ [g^] h [g4] [ws5]||89[d5] 45[92] [o5] [s6] [a1] 5 8 9 a o p [tP8]|[p7]6P [h6]j|[f81]|[h5] [qh4] 8 w [ge] [if] [g8]|[l5]6[^E]6[h^]||d g|f 1 5 8 5 [f(]0g h [j1]|[g7]1 [f7]8w4d|f 1 5 8 5 [f0] g h [wj5]|g|f 9 [wd5] h dfgh[jg4]||44 4 44 2 [jg4] [kh] [lj]44[kh]4 [jg]45[kh]2 [hf3]||33 3 30 [aG7]h[fS6]||66 6 6We[pd]0f9[gd2]| |f[gd] [sqf]r [da6] [sp5]||[uo][da][oa] 5965[oP][a2][hf1]||88 1 1[h8]Hh[aG1][hf][jS6]||66 6 6[ed][sr][a30]s[jg4]||44 1 1[e6] 1 [lj7] [kh] [jg]77[kh]5 [dG]5([jG]$ [hf3]||33 3 30 [dG7][hf][lj6]| |6[hJ] [hf6][sqf][wsp][da3][sf][gd2]2 [sf] 2[lj2] [gd2] 2[sf9] 6[da] [sp5] 5 [da4][oa2]755 5[pi][oa][us81] [81] [81] 1 18 1 [so5] [uo][pd] [uo][ia] 5 5qw[tp2][ya][us81] [81] [81] 1 18 6 [d7] [f92] [a30]||f [j3] [x6] 0 e u|y|t 5 0 w u|[tc]|[xr] [x5] 0 w 0 t [zr] [le] [bQ$]| |[r7]|v C v [v3] % w u|b v [me6]|v|c|x|[c2]|5 q 9 [yc] [ve] c [ql4]| |[z5]|5 h l [k1] 5 8 9 k h j [tJ8]|j J 1 [v0]b|[x9] [v8] 4 8 q [tc] [xY] c|[m^E]|[vq] ^|z c|[x81]|5 8 5 [x0] c [v(]0[b1]|c|x|z|[x81] [x81] 5 8 5 [x0] c [v(]0[b1]|c|x|z|[xs]out

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:22
    Opelucid City (Pokemon White)

    Junichi Masuda


  • [a6]souasouasouasouasouasouasouasou [p4]otyiutepotyiutepotyiutepotyiute [skf]||| [a6]souasouasouasouasouasouasouasou [p4]otyiutepotyiutepotyiutepotyiute [i2]uetiuoyiuetiuoyiuetiuoyiuetiuoy [s7]auoporysauoporysauoporysauopory [utpea]66666 ee66666 ee66666 ee66666 e [sqpoif]88414 qq88414 qq88414 qq88414 q [utpea]66666a[se][he][a6][s6][h6][a6][s6]h[ea] [se]66666a[se][he][a6][s6][h6][a6][s6]h[ea] [qa][s8][o8][a4][s1][o4]a[sq][qo][a8][s8][o4][a1][s4] q [qa]88414 q[qp]88414 q [c9][x2][v2][z2][c2][x2]j[l9][c9][x2][v2][z2][c2][x2]j[l9] [c9][x2][v2][z2][c2][x2]j[l9][c9][x2][v2][z2][c2][x2]j[l9] [yrpoa]77777 rr77777 r r777[w7]e[r7]tyu[ro]p[ro]p[a7]s[d7]f[h7]j[h7]j[k7]lzx[vr]b e666[a6]6p[ue]e66666 e e6[a6][p6][a6]6s[ed]e6[s6][a6]66oe q884[o1]4p[tq]q88414 q q884[o1]4p[tq]q88414 q e666[a6]6p[ue]e66666 e e6[a6][p6][a6]6s[ed]e6[f6][h6]66je [sq]884[o1]4p[tq]q884[h1]4j[sq] q884[o1]4p[tq]q88414 q 92[g2][f2][g2]2f[g9]92[f2][p2]22 9 92[g2][f2][g2]2f[h9]92[g2][f2]22d9 [vr][h7][h7][v7][v7][h7]h[vr][vr][h7][h7][v7]77 r [vr][h7][h7][v7][v7][h7]h[vr][vr][h7][h7][v7]77 r
    Level: 8
    Length: 03:26
    Aquatic Ambience (Donkey Kong Country)

    The OneUps

  • [468]rto|t [59] rt|w
    [468]rto|t 3 rt|w
    [468]rto|t [59] rt|w
    [468]rto|t 3r[rt][to]rw[et]
    4af [4d]|d5d s[5d] d
    [6p]pfs[6d] sd3d s[3d] d
    [4p]afs[4d] sd5d s[5d] d
    [6h] f [6h] f
    [3d]dd[3f][5d][8s][6s]5[4s]|4 pf
    [5h] g[5f]|df[6s]|6 pf
    [3h] g[3f]|df[4s]| pf
    [5h] gf|df[6h] f h f
    [4s]ssh4 aa[5a]aaa[5a]s[5s][6s]
    [6a]ssh6 sa[3a]aaa[3a]sss
    [4a]ssh4 sa[5a]aaa[5a]s[5s][6a]
    [6a]ssh6 sd[3d]k 3[3h]31j
    [4s]ssh4 aa[5a]aaa[5a]s[5s][6s]
    [6a]ssh6 sa[3a]aaa[3a]sss
    [4a]ssh4 sa[5a]aaa[5a]s[5s][6a]
    [6a]ssh6 sd[3d]k 3[3h]31j
    4ffffssssdd 5 5
    6 df[6f]sss[3s]dd 3sds
    4 ff[4f]sss[5s]dd 5 56
    4kkl4dds[5d] ds[5d] f
    6dds[6d]dds[3d] f [3a] s
    6 p 6sss[3s]dsljh|
    [4s]|4 pf
    5dg[5f]|df[6s]|6 pf
    3dg[3f]|df[4s]| pf
    5dgf|df[6h] f h f dddfdss
    [4s]ssh4 aa[5a]aaa[5a]s[5s][6s]
    [6a]ssh6 sa[3a]aaa[3a]sss
    [4a]ssh4 sa[5a]aaa[5a]s[5s][6a]
    [6a]ssh6 df[3h]k 3[3h]31j
    4rto|t [59] rt|w
    4rto|t 3 rtsdsh4| t
    5 rt|wa6sah|df[3h]krt[rh]wej

    Level: 4
    Length: 02:13
    Stay (Justin Bieber and The Kid LAROI)

    Justin Bieber

  • t t t r r t y u|
    i o p o u y t tu u y t u y te|||
    t t t r r t y u|
    io p o u y t tuyty t u y te||
    u y t y tt||
    o u o uo o p o u t y tt||
    y ty te| p o u p oo||
    o o p po o oou u y y tt||yt e|||
    t t t r r t y u|
    i o p o u y t tu u y t u y te|||
    t t t r r t y u|
    io p o u y t tuyty t u y te||
    u y t y tt||
    o u o uo o p o u t y tt||
    y ty te| p o u p oo||
    o o p po o oou u y y tt||yt e|||
    u yt e u||
    y tE w y||
    t EW q t||
    e t o||
    u yt e u||
    y tE w y||
    t EW q t||
    e t o

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:19
    Just The Two Of Us (Bill Withers)

    Bill Withers