
Lady Gaga 10 September 2020

o o o t t t o o o t t t o o o t t t o O P O Y y Y t t t i | Y y t y Y t | t Y y o o | o t t t o o o t t t o o o t t t o O P O Y y Y t | t t i Y y t y Y t | o o o i o P o | O O O O O P o o o o o O s O i o i o s O | O O O O O P o o o o o O s O i o i o s O | D S s P o Y Y Y Y Y D S s P i | T Y O O O O O P o o o o o O s O i o i o s O | o o o t t t o o o t t t o o o t t t o O P O Y y Y t t t i | Y y t y Y t

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About This Music Sheet

Paparazzi is a song by Lady Gaga. Use your computer keyboard to play Paparazzi music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Paparazzi is classified in the genres: Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Dance-Pop, Female Artists.


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Other Songs By Lady Gaga

  • ggffddSSd pp Sd
    g ddd fgddd dfgdddg jJj hjh

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:15
    Super Easy
    Bloody Mary (Wednesday)

    Lady Gaga

  • odfds[tp60]| [ut]| [up]| df[d8][s6][tpi84]o [ti]| [te]||s [us85] os o[uso]sss[uso][id]oa[yo95]| [yo]| [yo] odf[d3]s[tp60]| [ut] e [ut] o[uod]f[d8][s6][tpi84]o [ti]| [ti]| [ti] s [wuso8] o[uso] to[uso] ss[uso][id]oa[yo95]| [yo] r [yo]| u[u3]o[tpi84] p [tpi] a [tsi] s s uo[wto8] p [wt]| [wt]||uo[tpie8] p [tpi] a [tsi] s s [u3]u[yw95]| [yr] w [yr]||[u6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]| |te[te84]| [ur95] [wu8]ou||u [ie84] uy tr[w95] er t [wt8]|||yuyt[e60]| [ut0]| [ut6] e [ye]u[y8][t6][qe84]w 8| [te4] e [te8] t [wt85] w[wt8] w[wt8]58t[te8]y [wr][95]| [wr] w [yr] w [yo]o[ys3]a[ut60] po[utp0]| 6 u [uto]o[us1][a3][ti84] po[tpe4]oi[yr] [tqe]| q wo[wso8] uo[wso] uo[us8] os[uso8][id]oa[o95]| [oa5] y [p5]y[oa] [oa5]u[u6]o[pi84] [tp] [pi4] [ta] [si4] [ts] [si8] uo[wu8] p [uo8] y [uo8]5[y8] [to8] uo[up60] p [up0] [ya] [usp0] s [usp] [u3]u[yr95]| [yr5] w [yr5]| [yr5] [ur6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]||6 te[te84]| [yur95] [wu8]o[ut]||u [ie84] uy4 tr[w95] er5 t [tq^]| [sqi^P]| [tqp^E] E [y^E] E [piD84]dsp[spi84] sp[spi84]ssY4yt [w810] Dd[uso81]| [uoD81][yd][us] [uo81]y[us] [ysi^] Dd[ysi^]| [yi^D][td][ys]s[yi^]t[ys] [sqpi4] Dd[sqpi4]| [qpiD4][dY][si]s[qpi4]Y[si] [da5] [o5]h[hd5] [o5] [wh5]h[whd5] [w5]u[wu5]o[pi84] [tp] [pi4] [ta] [si4] [ts] [piD8]dsu[wuo8]po [uo8] y [uo8]5[y8] [to8] uo[up60] p [up0] [ya] [usp0] s [usp] [u3]u[yr95]| [yr5] w [yr5]| 5 [u6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]||[e6] te[te84]| [yur95] [wut8] o||u [tie84] uy[e4] tr[w95] er5| [up60] sp[tsp60]p [spD60]dss[up] [ue]o[tpi84]| [yro95] [u60]y[te]||te[te84]| [yur95] [wu8] [uto]||u[tie4] [u8]yq tr[w5] [e9]rw| |te[t84]|||[y^E]| [^YE]yte t [te4]| |[10]8

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:51
    Always Remember Us This Way (A Star Is Born)

    Lady Gaga

  • e t o t r [yo]|[uto]|||q t i o|q p o t o|[ywo]|p o y e t o t r [yo]|[uto]|||e|j j [rj] h|[tf]|||q|g g g g g g [tg] f|[wd]| |e|f j [rj] h|[tf]|||q|g g g g g g [tg] f|[wd]| |[se]| |[rd]||[tf]|||q g h h h g|f [td]|f [wd]||s s e| |[rd]||[tf]|||q g h h h g|f [td]|f [wd]| |e t o t r [yo]|[uto]|||e t o t r [yo]|[uto]|||e|j j [rj] h|[tf]|||q|g g g g g g [tg] f|[wd]| |e|f j [rj] h|[tf]|||q|g g g g g g [tg] f|[wd]| |[se]| |[rd]||[tf]|||q g h h h g|f [td]|f [wd]||s s e| |[rd]||[tf]|||q g h h h g|f [td]|f [wd]| |[ypg] g g g|f||[wrd] d f d|s||[wtf] f f h [yw] s|s [ue]df| |[ypg] g g g|f||[wrd] d f d|s||[wtf] f f h [yw] s|s [ue]df| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |[wt]|s s [ywa] a a a [upe] p|p| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |o [wts] s s s [yw] o|u [ue]|||6|||[ra0]||[r0] a s [ra0]|[ywp]||[yw]||[yw] a [e9]||[se9]|f [se9] a [upe]||[ue] f|[use] a [r0]||[ra0]|s [ra0] s [ywf]||[yw]||[yw]|[eQ9]||[eQ9]||[eQ9]|[ypg] g g g|f||[wrd] d f d|s||[wtf] f f h [yw] s|s [ue]df| |[ypg] g g g|f||[wrd] d f d|s||[wtf] f f h [yw] s|s [ue]df| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |[wt]|s s [ywa] a a a [upe] p|p| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |o [wts] s s s [yw] o|u [ue]|||6

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:50
    Shallow (A Star is Born) (Alternative)

    Lady Gaga

  • 6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]|||
    q t i o t q p o
    8 [to]| [5ro]| [9p]o[wy] [5t]
    6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]| w t| |8|
    6 0 [etp] [tp] [7tp] [wo]| [8tu]| w t| |
    q t i [qti] [ti] [ti] [qti] [ti]
    [8ti] u| [5wty]| 9 [wp]o[5y]
    6 0 [etp] [tp] [7tp] o w [8tu]| w t||w t 8
    4 8 [qti] [eti] [ti] [4ti] [qti] [4ti]
    [8ti] u| [5wty]| 9 [wp]o[5y]
    [60et]| |[7wry]||[8wy] [8tu]|||
    4 [8to] [qto] [eto] [to] i 4 u
    [8ty]| u [5ry]| [9y] [wt] [5t]
    [60et]| |[7wry]||[8wy] [8tu]|||
    4 [8to] [qto] [eto] [to] i 4 u
    [8ty] w u [5wy]| 9 w 5
    6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]| w t| |8|
    6 0 [esj] [tsj] [7sj] [7h] r [8osf]| w u||w t|
    q t [is] [pg] [pg] [tpg] [ipg] [pg]
    [8pg] [wof] t [5sd]| [9f]d[ws] [ra]
    6 [0s] [ej] [tsj] [7h] w [rf]d[8os] w u||w t 8 4
    8 [qs] [epg] [tpg] [pg] [4qpg] [pg] [8tog]
    [wf] t [5wosd]| 9 w 5 [60uos]| |
    4 [8osh] [qosh] [eosh] [tosh] [og] 4 f
    [8osd] w [tf] [5wsd]| 9 [wd] s
    6 0 e t [7wrosh]||[8wtosf]||w| w t 8 4|
    [8osh] [qosh] [eosh] [tosh] g 4 f
    [8osd] w [tf] [5wd]| [9s] w 5
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9ygjc]| [fjx]||
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fhx] [wrydhz]| [sl] [5w]|
    [8tfhx] [fhx] [fhx] [hv] [7wr] [sfl]| [sfl]
    [60e] [fx]| |[6e]|
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9ygjc]| [fx] [29]|
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fx] [wrydz]| [sl] [5w] [oh]
    [8wtoh] [fhx] [tuofhx] [hxv] [7wr] [sl] [wry] [sfl]
    [60e] [fx] [etu]||6 e 6
    2 9 [edgl] [ydgl] [2dgl] [dl] 9|
    [5wdhk] k l [wryhk]||[5w]|
    8 w [tfhl] [fhl] [7dhl] w [rdhl] [7k]
    [6fhk] [0j] e [sfj]| 0 e 6
    [29]| [dgl] [9edgl] [dgl] [dl] [29]|
    [5wdhk] k l [wryhk]||[5wh] h
    [8tfhl] [fhl] [tuofhl] [dhl] [7r] h [wry] [sf]
    [6eu]||[tu]| [et] u e
    6 0 e t u 0 e 6
    [3uoa] 0 w r [uoa] [rs] [0a] 3
    [5yoa] 9 w 5 9 w 5 [I9ya]
    2 9 e [ys] e [9f] [9s] [ea]
    [6tup] 0 e t [upsf] 0 e [6uoa]
    3 0 w [ruoa] 0 [rs] [0a] [3s]
    [5oaf] 9 w 5 9 w r 5
    [I2pf] 9 e 9 e y 9 e
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9egjc]| [fjx]||
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fhx] [wrydhz]| [sl] [5w]|
    [8wtfhx] [fhx] [tosfhx] [hv] [7wr] [sl] [wry] [sfl]
    [60e] [fx] [etu]||6 e 6
    [2gjc] [9gjc] [egjc] [ygjc] 9 [efx] y 9
    [5dz] [wdz] [rfx] [ydz] w [ysl] r [5oh]
    [8sfl] [wsfl] [tsfl] [8sfl] 7 [woh] r [7uf]
    [6u] 0 e t u 6 e 6
    2 9 [edgl] [ydgl] [9dgl] [edgl] y 9
    [5hk] [9k] [wl] [9dhk] r 9 w 5
    8 w [tfhl] [8fhl] [7dhl] [wl] [rdhl] [7k]
    [6fhk] [0j] e [tfj] u| 6|
    2 9 [esgj] [ysgj] [9sgj] [ysgj] e 9
    [5adh] 9 [wdj] [rdk] y| w h
    [8fhl] [wfhl] [tfhl] [dhl] 7 [wh] r [7sf]
    6 0 e t u e t 0
    [9eygjc] c c c| x||
    [wyodhz] z x z| l| h
    [tuofhx] x x v [roa] [hl]| [hl] [eu] x| |
    [ypdgjc] c c c| x| u
    [oadhz] z x z| l| h
    [tosfl] l l l [roa] h| f [eup]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:42
    Shallow (A Star Is Born) (Expert)

    Lady Gaga

  • [f6] 0 d e [se] 0 e p 8 [wo] o t s w [tj] h [G9] e d y p [pe] [ya]| [uspe]||| [pe] [up] o o s s [ua] [ea] [ta] [wo] o o [wo] u t w [o9] [oe] o o o o [yo] p [tp] u u| u t e 0 [pe] [up] p p p p [up] [ea] [ta] [wo] o o [wo] u t w [o9] [oe] o o o o [yo] p [tp] u u| u| e p [p6] [ue] [u6] e [u6] e 6 [pe] [p1] [u8] [u1] 8 [u1] 8 1 8 [p2] [p9] [o2] [o9] [s2] [s9] [a2] [a9] [a6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [p6] [p0] [oe] o [s6] s [ea] a [a8] [wo] [to] o [o8]| t o [o9] [oe] [yo] o [o9] o [yo] p [p6] [u0] [ue]| [u6]| e| [p6] [p0] [oe] o [s6] s [ea] a [a8] [wo] [to] o [o8]| t o [o9] [oe] [yo] o [o9] o [yo] p [p6] [u0] [ue]| [u6]| e| [f6] e [f6] [fe] [d6] e [d6] [ed] [s1] [s8] [s1] [s8] [a1] [o8] [u1] [p8] 2 [f9] [f2] [f9] [d2] 9 [d2] [d9] [s6] [s6] 6 [a6] [a6] [p6] 6 6 [f6] e [f6] [fe] [d6] e [d6] [ed] [s1] [s8] [s1] [s8] [a1] [o8] [u1] [p8] 2 [f9] [f2] [f9] [d2] 9 [d2] [d9] [s6] [s6] [s6] [u6] [u6] [p6] 6 6 [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p1] [o8] [o1] 8 [s1] [s8] [a1] [a8] [a2] [oa9] [oa2] [oa9] [oa2] [o9] [o2] [p9] [p6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p1] [o8] [o1] 8 [s1] [s8] [a1] [a8] [a2] [oa9] [oa2] [oa9] [oa2] [o9] [o2] [p9] [p6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [p6] [p0] [oe] o [s6] s [ea] a [a8] [wo] [to] o [o8]| t o [o9] [oe] [yo] o [o9] o [yo] p [p6] [u0] [ue]| [u6]| e| [p6] [p0] [oe] o [s6] s [ea] a [a8] [wo] [to] o [o8]| t o [o9] [oe] [yo] o [o9] o [yo] p [p6] [u0] [ue]| [u6]| e| [f6] e [f6] [fe] [d6] e [d6] [ed] [s1] [s8] [s1] [s8] [a1] [o8] [u1] [p8] 2 [f9] [f2] [f9] [d2] 9 [d2] [d9] [s6] [s6] 6 [a6] [a6] [p6] 6 6 [f6] e [f6] [fe] [d6] e [d6] [ed] [s1] [s8] [s1] [s8] [a1] [o8] [u1] [p8] 2 [f9] [f2] [f9] [d2] 9 [d2] [d9] [s6] [s6] [s6] [u6] [u6] [p6] 6 6 [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p1] [o8] [o1] 8 [s1] [s8] [a1] [a8] [a2] [oa9] [oa2] [oa9] [oa2] [o9] [o2] [p9] [p6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p1] [o8] [o1] 8 [s1] [s8] [a1] [a8] [a2] [oa9] [oa2] [oa9] [oa2] [o9] [o2] [p9] [p6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [f6] 0 d e [se] 0 e p 8 [wo] o t s w [tj] h [G9] e d y p [pe] [ya]| [uspe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:43

    Lady Gaga


  • [se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]ohodoha[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]oho[td]o[rh]a[se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]a[hd]oho[td]o[rh]a[se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]so s ssss[se6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss|[tsqe]sss[us81] s [wuts]s[wso5]ps|[ywsr]ssp[us6]|[utse]s[sqi4]ps|[tsqe]ssp[us81] s [wuts]s[ws5]d [od] [ywsr]sss[pfe6] s [utse]p[sqi4]ps|[tsqe]sss[us81] p [wuts]s[wso5] s|[ywsr]psp[use6] p [tsqe] [si81]p [si] [tsqe]sss[wd5]ddfdss [sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wusrh]o[hd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywsro]sss[use6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]ss [us81] s [wuts] [wso5]ps55 [ywsr]ssp[use6] f [utse]s[sqi4]ps44 [tsqe]sss[us81]sss[wuts]s[yws5]d[od]5[s5] [ywsr]ssd[pfe6] h [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]sss[us81]|[wuts]s[yws5]sd55 [ywsr]sss[use6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]sss[wod5]dd|ss[sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywr] [sp9][da][usfe6]a[usf0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]p[us8][pd][usf81]o[wusf]o[wuto]s[wda5]oya[d9]o[ywra]o[sp9][da][usfe6]a[us0]p[utse]p[qpi4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[sp8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd]a[hd9][ja][ywrd]a[sp9]d[fe6] [pf] [utse]s[qpf4] s [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81]s[of] [wuts] [wof5]|[of] [ywr] [of] [e6] [pf]f[utse]s[qpf4] s [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81] [of] [wuts]s[wof5] s [of] [ywsr] [of] [e6] [pf] [utse]s[qpf4] d [si] [tsqe] ff[s81]s[of] [wuts] [wof5] d [so] [ywr] f [e6] [pf]f[utfe]f[qpf4] g [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81] [of] ss[of] [sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywrd]a[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sf0]p[utse]s[sq4]ssp[g8]p[tsqpe]s[s8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[ws]s[wutpd]s[wa5]o[h9]o[ywsr]s[s9][da][sfe6]a[s0]p[utse]s[sqp4]psp[g8]p[tsqe]s[s8][da][sf81]p[wsf]p[wuts]s[wod5]aod[h9]o[ywsr]s[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sf0]p[utse]p[sq4]psp[g8]i[tsqe]s[sp8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[ws]s[wutpd]s[wa5]o[h9]o[ywsr]p[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sp0]a[utse]p[sqp4]psp[g8]i[tsqe]s[sp8][da][sf81]s[wsf]s[wutd]s[wda5][so][sl][sl][ka9][ka][ywrpj][oh]9[pj][se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]a[hd]ohodoha[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]ohah

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:23
    Hall Of Fame (Alternative)

    The Script

  • [utqpe]|a|s [sp] [utohe]||f|u o [ha]|[ywr]|a|r| [ywr0]||y 0 [rp] o [utqpe]|a t s| [utokfe]||s|u| [of]|[ywr]|[ha]|r y [ywro0]||r[uf] d [s0] a [tp4]|[ta] 8 [tsq]| [sph6]||[spf] 0 t 6 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 w r| [p3] o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]| [sf6]||[shf] 0 t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]||7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [tp4] 8 [tqa4] e [ts]| [sph6]||[spf0] [te] 6 0 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 7 w 3 p o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]| [us6]||[sh0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]||7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [up4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [tsphe6]||[spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [30]| [73] 0 7 w 3 p [o3] [up4]|[uta] [84] [tsq4]| [usf6]||[shf0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uo30]||[73] [wuof] d [s73] a [usp4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [sphe6]||[spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [p3]||[o73]|w 7 [p3] o [utp92]|[uta] 6 [ts9]| [usfe6]||[shf0]|t 6 [uof]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uoa30]||[73] [wuof] d [s73] a [p840]||[uo]fd sa [woa60]|o o [ua] s [ua]|5 9 w r y|3|| 7 s [wf] f [h3]|[sp4] 8 q e t p [if4]|[d6] 0 e [uts] e| 6 as[oa5] 9 w r y|3| 7 0 w [rof] d [s3] a [tqpie]| [pi]f d s a [utoea]|o o a s a|[ywr]| r y w 0|| w s [rf] f [h0]|[utsqe]| t u [qp] f|[utoed]| s t u e as[ywra]| y r w 0|| w|r|y| [qe] [usj] a [sl] [utoe]|f u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[utqpe] [ka] [sl] [utoe]|h u [xf] [ywr] h| [ha] [ywr0]|[yxhf][zd][sl][ka][tqpje] [ka] [sl] [utokhe]|[hf] u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[qpe9] a [sl] [utofe]|t u [ofa] [ywr]| a [ywr0]

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:12
    Jocelyn Flores (Intermediate)


  • l k j h f l k j j h f k j j j h s k j h z l k j h l k j j h f k j j j h s k j h l k j h f l k j j h f k j h j h h l l z z l z z l z z l h z z l z l l x z l x z l k j h l k j j h f k j h j k l

    Level: 3
    La Vie En Rose

    Edith Piaf