01:02 -
d| f||s
[8wo]| |o u
[Wqi] s s d d f f s
[0wo]| |f
[^9g] f f d [W0d]||a
[0es] j j h h f f s
[Eqh] g g f [0wf]||p
[8qp] h h g g f f s
[Wqf] d d s [9wd]| |
d| f||s
[80o] 9 0 q [0w]| o u
[Wqi] s s d [wd] f [qf] g
[0wf] 9 8 7 [^0] f f g
[^9g] f f g [0wh]| 8|
[qes] l l k [wk] j [qj] h
[W0h] f [Wf] d [0es]||s
[Wqs] D D h h l [9wz]|||
l| [Wql]| [qwl]|
About This Music Sheet
Remember Me (Coco Theme Song) is a song by Kristen Anderson-Lopez. Use your computer keyboard to play Remember Me (Coco Theme Song) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:02, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Remember Me (Coco Theme Song) is classified in the genre of Disney on Virtual Piano.
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Level: 5Length: 00:27IntermediateInside Out (Main Theme)
Michael Giacchino
[wut]||f a| | [urW]||f k| | [tie]||jkl k| j [yrk]||h [utke]| | 8 e t [uf] a u t e 0 W r [uf] k u r W q e t [ji]kl [ki] t [je] [wk] r y [oj] [ke] r u f [he]tih g g [wf]ruf d d [f0]ruf a f Wru||f [he]tih g g [wf]ruf d d [f0]Wru k| Wru||f [sh4]8w[sh] [sg] [sg] [pf3]680[pf] [pd] [pd] [fa3]70[fa] [aO] [fa] %70||f [sh4]8w[sh] [sg] [sg] [pf3]680[pf] [pd] [pd] [fa730]| [kf]| [urW]| | [ute]||f a| [ute] [ute] [wut]||f k| [wut] [wut] [utq]||jkl k [utq] [utqj] [k730]| |H| [730] [730] [962]||p u| [962] [730] [q84]||p f| [q84] 0 [8510]||sdf d [851] [s962] [f730]||dsa||u [o4]8wo i i [u3]680u y y [u3]70u r u %70||u [o4]8wo i i [u3]680u y y [u730]| a| [urW]||u [to4]8w[to] [ti] [ti] [ue3]680[ue] [ye] [ye] [ur3]70[ur] [rW] [ur] %70||u [to4]8w[to] [ti] [ti] [ue3]680[ue] [ye] [ye] [ur730]||iuy| t| [r3]Level: 7Length: 01:39Intermediate
Renesmee’s Lullaby (Twilight)
Carter Burwell
[u6] 0 r [tp] [up]| [to]| [u5] 0 w [rp] [up]| [ro]| [p4] 8 w e [a5] 9 [oe] r [p6] 0 r t u| t| [u6] 0 r [ts] [us]| [ta]| [u5] 0 w [sr] [us]| o| [p4] 8 w e [a5] 9 [ed] r [p6] 0 r t r| w| [a4]s 8 q w [pfe]| | 4 8 [wpf] e [tg]| f| [pf5] 9 w r [ya]| | 5 9 [wo] e [ra]| o| [a4][us] 8 q w [ufe]| | 4 8 [wuf] e [tig]| [uf]| [ufa8] w t y [uoh]| t| [yr5] 9 [wt] e [yr]| r| [ie2] 6 9 0 [qpi]| | 2 6 [pi0] q [iea]| [pi]| [ua1] 6 8 0 [use]| | [ur1] 6 8 9 [ue0]| | [pj4] 8 w e [toh]| [ige]| [uf4] 8 [tsq] w [ufe]| [qig]| [uf5] 9 w r y r w 9 [yd5] 9 [woh] r [ypj] r [wka] 9 [sl6] 0 e [tka] [upj] t [kea] [sl0] [oh5] 0 [wf] r [ud] r [wa] 0 [sl1] 5 8 [ka0] [woh] 0 [ka8] [sl5] [kda5] 9 [ws] e [ra] w [o9] 7 [pjd2] 6 9 q [ohed] q [pjd9] 6 [kfa1] 6 [slf8] 0 [usfe] 0 8 6 [sig4] 8 w e [tslg] e q 8 [ohd5] 9 w r [zykd] r w 9 [spj6] 3 6 7 8 0 e r t u p a s f j| [u6] 0 r [tp] [up]| [to]| [u5] 0 w [rp] [up]| [ro]| [p4] 8 w e [a5] 9 [oe] r [p6] 0 r t u| t| [u6] 0 r [ts] [us]| [ta]| [u5] 0 w [sr] [us]| o| [p4] 8 w e [a5] 9 [ed] r [p6] 0 r t r| w| [a4]s 8 q w [pfe]| | 4 8 [wpf] e [tg]| f| [pf5] 9 w r [ya]| | 5 9 [wo] e [ra]| o| [a4][us] 8 q w [ufe]| | 4 8 [wuf] e [tig]| [uf]| [ufa8] w t y [uoh]| t| [yr5] 9 [wt] e [yr]| r| [ie2] 6 9 0 [qpi]| | 2 6 [pi0] q [iea]| [pi]| [ua1] 6 8 0 [use]| | [ur1] 6 8 9 [ue0]| | [pj4] 8 w e [toh]| [ige]| [uf4] 8 [tsq] w [ufe]| [qig]| [uf5] 9 w r y r w 9 [yd5] 9 [woh] r [ypj] r [wka] 9 [sl6] 0 e [tka] [upj] t [kea] [sl0] [oh5] 0 [wf] r [ud] r [wa] 0 [sl1] 5 8 [ka0] [woh] 0 [ka8] [sl5] [kda5] 9 [ws] e [ra] w [o9] 7 [pjd2] 6 9 q [ohed] q [pjd9] 6 [kfa1] 6 [slf8] 0 [usfe] 0 8 6 [sig4] 8 w e [tslg] e q 8 [ohd5] 9 w r [zykd] r w 9 [spj6] 3 6 7 8 0 e r t u p a s f j| [sf6] 0 r [tjf] [ujf]| [th]| [fa5] 0 w [rjf] [ujf]| [rh]| [sj4] 8 w e [kd5] 9 [he] r [sj6] 0 [ue] r [yt]| [ue]| [sf6] 0 r [tlf] [ulf]| [tk]| [fa5] 0 w [rlf] [ulf]| [rh]| [sj4] 8 w e [kd5] 9 [he] r [sj6] 0 e r [sjfe]Level: 6Length: 04:11Intermediate
Sarada’s Heartache (Boruto)
Yasuharu Takanashi