Renai Circulation (Bakemonogatari)

Satoru Kosaki 24 September 2023

o|a oy
[8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
[7u] u y [0o] [0a] oy
[6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
[5o] o ou [0a]||
[8o] owpP [9a] oe yu
[5o] o9pP [0a] or u
[8o] uow u [9o] uoe u
[5s]a o9 u [0a]|r|
[8o] owpP [9a] oe yu
[5o] o9pP [0a] or u
[8o] uow u [9o] uoe u
[5s]a o9 p [5o]||
8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
5|9|0 [oP] [Ora]|
8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
5|9|0 [oa] [ruo]|
8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
5|9|0 [oP] [Ora]|
8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
5|9|5 [oa] [uo]|
[8a] s [wa] s [9d]|[ea] s
[5a] s [9d]|[0s]ds [ra] s
[8a]o owou [9a]o oeou
[5o] o9ou [0a]|r|
[8a] s [wa] s [9d]|[ea] s
[5a] s [9d]|[0d] s [ra] s
[8a]o owou [9a]o oeop
[5o] oo9oa [5o]||
[5d]|[wa]|[5p]|[wa] pa
[0p] o [rp] a 0|r a
[8f]|[wa]|[8p]|[wo] oo
[9o] p [ea] d 9|e|
[5d]|[wa]|[5p]|[wa] pa
[0p] o [rp] a 0|r a
[5o]| 9 5| oy
[8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
[7u] u y [0o] [0a] oy
[6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
[5o] o ou [0a]| oy
[8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
[7u] u y [0a] [0o] oy
[6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
[5o] o oa o|hkv

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About This Music Sheet

Renai Circulation (Bakemonogatari) is a song by Satoru Kosaki. Use your computer keyboard to play Renai Circulation (Bakemonogatari) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:28, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Renai Circulation (Bakemonogatari) is classified in the genres: Manga, Songs From TV on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Satoru Kosaki

  • iI o[iO] Si O[uo] Su o[YI]PS[gY] [OD] sP p[iO] Si O[uo] Su o[YI]PS[gY] [OD] s[wS] D[gT] [gO] [of] [ID] [id] [uS][id] [yP] P[pi] P[SI] I[YP] S[sO] gW ST W * iI o[iO] Si O[uo] Su o[YI]PS[gY] [OD] sP p[iO] Si O[uo] Su o[YI]PS[gY] [OD] s[wS] D[gT] [gO] [of] [ID] [id] [uS][id] [yP] P[pi] P[SI] I[YP] S[sO] gW ST W *

    Level: 5
    Length: 00:26
    Geeyan de Catch da ne (Lucky Star)

    Satoru Kosaki

  • 2| [utqe]| | 5| [utqe]| | 1| [ywr0]| | [ywr90]| 8| 7| 2| [tqe0]| 9| 5| [utqe]| | 1| [uoa]| o| [wur]| 8| 1| 5| [yqE]| | 1| [yE0]| u| 4| [te0]| e| [t^W0]| 9| 8| [wti5]|||[tsh0]| | [tsqh]| |[ywsh]||| [tsh0]| |[tqhd]| | [ywsh]| |a| | [tsh0]| o| s| [tsqh]||a p| [ywsoh]| |a| | [tsh0]| o| s| [tsqh]||a s| [ywshd]| |a| | [tsh0]| s| h| [tsqh]||g f| [ywshd]| |[uaW]| | [ka]| [sl]| [zd]| [xf5]| [utqe]| [spf]||| 5| [ywr0]| [oda]| |[zd]| [vh]| [sl5]| [utqe]| [spf]||| 5| [ywr0]| [oda]| [ka]| [sl]| [zd]| [xf5]| [utqe]| [spf]||| 5| [ywr0]| [oda]| |[zd]| [vh]| [sl5]| [utqe]| [spf]||| [spif]| [uoda]| |[utspi]||| [uo80]| w| t| [70]| [wp]| [ra]| [us60]| w| e| [a50]| w| [rp]| [oe84]| [qi]| [ue]| [83]| [o0]| [wi]| [ie82]| 9| w| [ro75]| [tp0]| [ywa]| [ud51]| [s8]| [a0]| [3%]| [s0]| [yrO]| [ya84]| [tqp]| [re]| [t9$]| Q| [pe]| [uto85]| 0| w| [85]| 0| [wi]| [yto75]| 9| w| [r5]| | [uo80]| w| t| [70] p [wo] I [ro] f [upd60]| [ws]| e a [s50]| w| [ro]| [po84]| [qi]| [ue]| [83] P [p0] O [wpi] g [if82]| [d9]| w S [od75]| [pf0]| [wga]| [hd51]| [ts8]| [ra0]| [ts3%]| [sl0]| [rdH]| [kd84]| [sqj]| [kea]| [sl9$]| [kQ]| [pje]| [oh85]| [uf0]| [wts]| [wo85]| [ts0]| [wuf]| [ywsd85]| |[s8]| | [a75]| |a| s| d| [f2]| [tqe]| | [d3]| [hW9]| g| [f6]| [yoea]| s| [yuea]| p O p a [s2]| [upi]| | [a3]| [todW]| [si]| [a6]| [wutr]| y| [wutp]| | [p6]| [eT0]| | 5 P [peT0] O p S [f4]| [edT0]| w S [d2]| [qeT]| 0| [a@]| [eQ(]| | 7 s [eaYQ(] P a D [G3]| [rfQI9]| I| [yra730]| [uts0]75[yid3]75 [uf2] [ut4] [yi6] [ut9] [yr6] [ut4] [ydO3] 7 [p0] [oh7] [igda%] 3 [uspf6] [t0] [yoe] [t0] [ri8] [t3] [u6] 0 [tpe] [rO0] [tp8] [ya6] [usp7] [te3] [rW%] [qe7] [W0%] [730] [aO3] 0 [riW] [d0] [usrW] 0 [ya6] 8 [yr0] [TE8] [te0] [rW8] [tp6] [80] [te0] [80] [te0] [80] [peT6] [30] [eT6] [0*] [eT6] [30] 5 [P0] [upeT*] [O0] [poeT6] [S0] [pif4] * [yqpd] * 6 [f4] [ohd2] 6 [qige] 6 [q9] [f6]gfd [f3] 8 [use] 8 [ue] 8 [tp3] 8 e 8 e 8 3 7 [yaW] 7 [yW] 7 [rO3] 7 r 7 W 7 [tspjif]| |lx
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:44
    Wolf and Rabbit (Beastars)

    Satoru Kosaki

  • [if] g [sf] g [ha]| f g
    [uf] g [ha]| [ph] g f g
    [yf] si p [of] sw d [ts] so p [fe]| |
    [if] g [sf] g [ha]| f g
    [uf] g [ha]| [ph] g f g
    [yf] si p [of] sw d [ts] so f [ts]| |
    [th]| [sf]| [od]| f|
    [ed] s [ud] f p| u f
    [qjf]| [tf]| [id]| s|
    [ws] d [yf] d o| |
    [th]| [sf]| [od]| f|
    [ed] s [ud] f p| u f
    [qjf]| [tf]| [ws]| [of]|
    [ts]| w| 8||
    so[qp] pi o [ws] s
    so[p0] pu o [se] f
    so[p9] pi o [ws]
    so d [ts] so p [fe]||
    so[qpg] pi o [ws] s
    so[pf0] pu o [fe] s
    so[pd9] pi o [ws]
    so d [ts] sw f [s8]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:12
    Koyomi-oniichan (Bakemonogatari)

    Satoru Kosaki


  • Y i o [i(]|w E| |(|w [YE] Y iqo [i9]|w E| |9|w [YE] P|[o9]|[O8]|[o(] [wY]| |8|( [wY] P|[o8]|[O%]|[o8] [Y(]||i o % i 8 ( Y iwo [i(]|w [YE]| |[oP] (|w [YE] Y i P [yP9]|w [yE]||o O 9|w [yYE] P|o|[YO8]|[o(] [wtO]||o O 8|( [wt] P|o q [tO%]|[o8] [OE(]||[YP] [YP] [Z%]|8 [W(]|h [w(]Dd[PD@]|( [whE] D|[wE]|[hD@]|[JD(] [wE] H h[qE]g [od2]|9 [whE] d|[wE]|[od2]|[hP9] [wE] g D[wE]ds[oP1]|( [wtD] [oP]|[wt]|1 P [D(] [wt]PD P[tqD] [gH]%|( [tW] [hD]|[tW] [sY] %|( [tW]||[tW]|[PJ(] hJ [wE]hg|[whE]|[PJ(] hJ [wE]hg|[qhE]|[PJ9] hJ [wE]hg|[whE]|[PJ9] hJ [wE]hg|[hE9]|[sD8]||[wt]||[wt]|8|h [wt]gh g[whE] [HD]%||[tW] [hD]|[tW]|[sD%]||[tWD] H|[thW] h @ g h [wE]gh|[wED] D[h@] gh [wE]gh g[qED] g[d2] dh [wE]gh|[wED]|2 D h [wE]gh g [ED9] g [gP1]||[wth] [hP]|[wt] D [H1] h g[wt] h|[wE] h [h%] D|[tW]||[tsW]|[P%]||[tW]||[tWP]|[oD@]|w [wE]||[wsE] P @|( [wPE] P P[wE]P [gdP2]|9 [wE]||[whE] g 2|9 [wsE] s s[wE]s [sH1]|8 [wt] h|[wts]|[HD1]|( [wt] h|[wts]|[sHD%]|8 [E(] [hP]|Y [gP] [ZD%]|( [tW]|h [tW]Dd[D@]|( [whE] D ( [wE] ( [hD@]|[JD(] [wE] H (h[wE]g( [od2]|9 [whE] d 9 [wE] 9 [od2]|[hP9] [wE] g 9D[wE]d9s[oP1]|8 [wtD] [oP] 8 [wt] 8 1 P [D8] [wt]PD 8P[wtD] 8[gH]%|( [tW] [hD] ( [tW] ( [sY%]|( [tW]|( [tW] ( [PJ@] h[J(] [wE]hg ( [whE] ( [PJ@] h[J(] [wE]hg ( [whE] ( [PJ2] h[J9] [wE]hg 9 [whE] 9 [PJ2] h[J9] [wE]hg 9 [whE] 9 [sD1]|8 [wt]|8 [wt] 8 1|[h8] [wt]gh 8g[wth] 8[HD]%|( [tW] [hD] ( [tW] ( [sD%]|( [tW]|( [tW]|[h(]|w [YJE] h| |[h(]|[wg] [YED]|g h|[g9]|w [yJE] h| |[h9]|[wg] [yED]|g h|[D8]|( [wtJ] h| |8|( [wt] s D g [OD%]|8 [E(] [sO]|Y|[ZP%]|8 [E(]|^ ( 9 [v(] w E [YB] [vo]| |[v(] w [cE] [ZY] o c v|[c9] w E [yB] [vi]| |[v9] w [cE] [yZ] i c v|[Z8] w t [YB] [vo]| |8 w t Y [ol] Z c [ZV%] ( W E [vZ]|Y|[J(][ZE]Z

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:24
    Sweet Night (Itaewon Class)


  • [tuo] [tuo] [tuo] [tuo] [yip] [yip] [yip] [yip] [etu] [etu] [etu] [etu] [qet] [qet] [qet] [qet] t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u t y [is] [pd] [id] [ys] [is] p e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [ul] [tl] [uh] [oh] u y i [pf] [ih] [yh] [ij] [pj] i e t [uf] [th] [eh] [tf] [uf] [th] [qh] [es] [ts] [ed] [qd] [es] [ts] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qeid] [ps] [qets] [pf] [tusf] f [tush] f [tusf] f [tudh] [fg] [yidj] g [yigj] g [yidj] g [yigj] [gh] [etps] s [etpf] s [etps] s [etfg] [sj] [qeip] p [qeis] p [qeip] p [qesl] [pl] [tusf] f [tush] f [tusf] f [tush] [fz] [yidj] g [yigj] g [yidj] g [yijl] [gl] [etsv] s [etpf] s [etsx] s [etfl] [sj] [qeps] [8l] [wv] [qc] [9x] [8z] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [8il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [qips] e t [8l] [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u t y [is] [pd] [id] [ys] [is] p e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [ul] [tl] [uh] [oh] u y i [pf] [ih] [yh] [ij] [pj] i e t [uf] [th] [eh] [tf] [uf] [th] [qh] [es] [ts] [ed] [qd] [es] [ts] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qetd] s [sf] f [tuo] d g [yip] f h [etu] g j [qet] l l [tuo] h z [yip] l l [etuv] x l j [qet] [8l] [wv] [qc] [9x] [8z] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [8il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [qips] e t [8l] [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtol] [wto] k [wto] [wtoh] [9wy] [9wyl] l [9wyl] l [9wyl] l [0euz] x [0eu] z [0eu] [0eul] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtoz] x [wto] z [wto] [wtok] w r y [8l] [wv] [qc] [0yx] [9rz] [tfz] [uf] [od] [ud] [tf] [uf] [odl] [udx] [yg] [ig] [pf] [if] [ygv] [igc] [pfx] [ifz] [esz] [ts] [up] [tp] [es] [ts] [upl] [tpx] [qp] [ep] [ti] [ei] [qpv] [epc] [tix] [eiz] [tfz] [uf] [od] [udz] [tf] [uf] [odz] [ud] [yg] [ig] [pf] [ifl] [ygv] [igc] [pfx] [ifz] [esz] [ts] [up] [tpz] [es] [ts] [upz] [tpl] [qp] [ep] [ti] [eil] [qpv] [epc] [tix] [eiz] [tfz] u [od] u [tf] u [odl] [ux] [yg] i [pf] i [ygv] [ic] [pfx] [iz] [esz] t [up] t [es] t [upl] [tx] [qp] e [ti] e [qpv] [ec] [tix] [ez] [tfz] u [od] [uz] [tf] u [odz] u [yg] i [pf] [il] [ygv] [ic] [pfx] [iz] [esz] t [up] [tz] [es] t [upz] [tl] [qp] e [ti] e [qp] e [ti] e [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtol] [wto] k [wto] [wtoh] [9wy] [9wy] [9wy] [9wy] [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtoz] x [wto] z [wto] [wtok]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:54
    Firework (Intermediate)

    Katy Perry

  • [8of] [of] s w o f s [qp]|
    p p i [9o] o [5i]|
    8 [wu]|[wu]|[wu]|[wu]
    [ei] [ei] [ei] [ei] [qy] 5|5
    8 [wu]|[wu]|[wu]|[wu]
    [ei] [ei] [ei] [ei] [qy] 5|5
    8 [wu]|[wu]|[wu]|[wu]
    [ei] [ei] [ei] [ei] [qy] 5|[5w]
    [8u] u y|[wt]|r r
    [qe]|e y 9 y|t
    [wr]|r r 5 e r|
    [8e]|w w|w|w
    [8u] u y|t|r r
    [qe] e|y 9 y y t
    [wr] r|r| [5w]|
    [6e]|[7r] [8t]|t|e
    [5w] [5w] [5w]| [9q]|[9q]
    [80] [80] [80]| t|e
    [5w] [5w] [5w]| [9q]|[9q]
    [80] [80] [80]| t|e
    [5w] [5w] [5w]|[6e]|[7r] [8t]|
    [of]|[of] [id] [id] [wus] w
    [8u]|y y [wt] t r r
    [qe] e e|[9y]|y t
    [wr] r r r [5r]|e r
    [8e]|w w| u u
    [8u]|y y [wt]|r e
    q e e|[9y]|y t
    [wr]|r r| [5w] [5w]|
    [6e] [7r]|[8t]|t e
    [5w] [5w] [5w]| [9q]|[9q]
    [80] [80] [80]| t|e
    [5w] [5w] [5w]| [9q]|[9q]
    [80] [80] [80]| t|e
    [5w] [5w] [5w]|[6e]|[7r] [8t]|
    [of]|[of] [id] [id] [us]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:11
    Da Coconut Nut (Smokey Mountain)

    Ryan Cayabyab