01:52 -
3 -
[s860]||w|p f q||0 f h s
[a860]||w|p f e||[rf] d s
[s860]||w|p f q||0 f h s
[wf0]||d s [f730]|||
[t6]uos 0|[yed]|y t
[o4]sh 8|[qig]|8|[upe]|||
[i4]psg 8|[uqf]||
[y2]od 6|[uf9]|6|
[t6]uos 0|[ped] y t e
[o4]sh 8|[qpj]|e|
[t4]os 8|[yqod]|8|
[i9]psg q|y|e|
[o0]adh w|u|t|
[spjf6]|8 0 e t u p s f j l x b m x b
About This Music Sheet
Saigo no Uso (Death Parade) is a song by Yuki Hayashi. Use your computer keyboard to play Saigo no Uso (Death Parade) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:52, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Saigo no Uso (Death Parade) is classified in the genres: Manga, Songs From TV, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime.
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Other Songs By Yuki Hayashi
[8o][8a][8s][9o]9[9a][9s][qo]q[qo][qa][qs][wd][qf][wd][9s][8a]8 [8a]8 [8a][ws][8s]| [8ts]|
[8o][8a][8s][9o]9[9a][9s][qo]q[qo][qa][qs][wd][qf][wd][9s][8a]8 [8a]8 [8a][ws][8s]
[ig][oh][pj][ak][tsl]Level: 4Length: 00:13EasyHaikyuu Commercial Break
Yuki Hayashi
sfhle u p a| s| osh0 t u o| s| psgjq t i o| p| s d [ywrf]|||d| [ywrf]|||d h [spi]| u| y| t| [rj] h g f d| s| [tsqe]| o| [ywrd]|||[tqhe]|||[uto]|||s d [utoa]|||[ywra]s ap o|||u| [tsqe]|||s d [utsoe]|[so]a o| u [qe9] h g f [tsqe]| p| d| a| [tsqe]| a| p| s| a| [o860]|||s| a| p| s d [ywrf]|||[wrd0]|||p[tsqe]|a| p| s| [ywra]| o|||sd s[tqfe]| g d| s [wrd0]|||u| o| a s d [tsqe]| a a| d| [tsqe]| a| o a [utse]| s a| d a [wr0]| o| o p s f [tqe] o d| f a [wr0] d a| o a [utse]| s [ywrh]| g f [ute]| d| a s d [tsqe]| a a| d| d[sqe9]| a| o a [utse]| [ywrd]|s d [utof]| s h|[qge9]| s j| [wrh0]|||s| a s [qpe9]| a| s|[ywra]| s| [utod]|||u| o| a s d [tsqe]| a a| d| [tsqe]| a| o a [utse]| s a| d a [wr0]| o| o p s f [tqe] o d| f a [wr0] d a| o a [utse]| s [ywrh]| g f [ute]| d| a s d [tsqe]| a a| d| d[sqe9]| a| o a [utse]| [ywrd]|s d [utof]| s h|[qge9]| s j| [wrh0]|||s| a s [qpe9]| a| s|[ywra]| s| [utod]|||[tsqe]| f| [wa80]| s| d h| s [tqje]|||h [ywr] s| [uthe]|||[ywrg]| f| [tsqe]|||p a s [wa80]| s| d f s f [tqfe]| g| [wf80] s p s [so]|||ds[ywrd]| f| [sqe9]|||f|||[wa80]| s| d h| s [tqje]|||[ywrl] k h [w80]| f [ywr] g h [tqje]| h| g| [wrh0]|||s|||[tqle]|||k j| j| k| l| [zywr]|||[xute]|||[zywr]|||k [tqhe]| g h [utje]| l| h l [zywr]| k| z|x c[xtqe] z l [wrk0]|||[tsqe]|||[ywrf] g h|ds s [wra0]| fg[tqhe]|||[utse]|||o s [ywrd]|||o|||[tqfe]|||g| h| [qje9]|||[tqle]|||h l [zywr]| k| z| x c [vtqe]|||[ute] s f j|||[tqle]| k| z| v
Level: 6Length: 05:42IntermediateMight U (My Hero Academia)
Yuki Hayashi
[tq2] [tq]2 [tq2] 2[tq]2 [tq2] 2
[wt3] [wt]3 [wt3] 3[wt]3 [wt3] 3
[tq4] [tq]4 [tq4] 4[tq]4 [tq4] 4
[wt5] [wt]5 [wt5] 5[wt]5 [wt5] 5
[tqe2] [tqe]2 [tqe42] [sl2] [42] [zd2] [42]
[slf3]|3 [oh53] [sl3] [53] [vh3] [53]
[vh4]|4 [gc6][xf][zd4] 6 4 [sl6]
[zd3] [wt]3 [wt53] 3[wt][53] [sl3] [53]
[pjd2]|2 [ig42] [sl2] [42] [zd2] [42]
[ka3]|3 [sl53] 3 [53] [zd3] [53]
[xf4]|4 [pj6] 4 6 [xf4] 6
[zkgc5] [zkgc5] [zkgc5] [zvkh5] [zvkh5] [zvkh5]
[tqe2] [tqe]2 [tqe42] [sl2] [42] [zd2] [42]
[slf3]|3 [oh53] [sl3] [53] [vh3] [53]
[vh4]|4 [gc6][xf][zd4] 6 4 [sl6]
[zd3] [wt]3 [wt53] 3[wt][53] [wt3] [53]
[tqe2] [tqe]2 [tqe42] [pj2] [42] 2 [oh42][pj]
[oh3]|3 [uf53] [pj3] [53] [ka3] [53]
[sljg4]|4 [soh6] 4 6 4 [sl6]
[kda5] [kda5] [kda5] [zhd5] [zhd5] [zhd5]|||
[q92]||w e [wr3]||w t r
[e40]| w| q|[w95]| r t|[y5]|
[te2] [wr]2 [te42] 2 [42] [yr2] [42]
[ut3]|3 [53] 3 [t53] [i3] [u53]
[y4]|4 [r6] 4 6 [t4] 6
[yro5] w[yro5] o[hda5] o[zvk5] v[zvn5]|
[xf4] 4[41][gc]4[xf41] q8[sl6]4164
[zkhd3] 3[52] 5[52] w9[ka7]5[sl2][zd7]5
[zd3] 3[70][xf]3[zd70] ur[wka]0[sl7][zd5]3
[slhf6] 6[63] 6[63] 5 5[52] 5[52]
[xf4] 4[41][gc]4[xf41] q8[ka6]4[sl1][zd6]4
[zvkh3] 3[52] 5[xf52] [wnk]975[ml2]75
[vlh1] 1[85] 1[85] 7 [gc7][75][xf7] [gc75]
[zkhd3] 3[70] 3[vh70] urw0[gc7]53
[xf6] 6[63] 6[zd63] 5 5[52][slf]5[52]
[xf4] 4[41][gc]4[xf41] q8[ka6]4[sl1][zd6]4
[zkhd3] 3[52] 5[sl52] w975[ka2]75
[ka1] 1[85] 1[slhf85] tw08531
[wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810]||151Level: 7Length: 01:57IntermediateKoutekishu To Kaite Tomo To Yomu (My Hero Academia)
Yuki Hayashi
O| |p| |[a%] 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 [T6] 0 e 0 e 0 e 0 [Y7] Q r Q r Q r Q [O*] W T W [pT] W T W [a%] 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 [T6] 0 e 0 e 0 e 0 [Y7] Q r Q [rp] Q r Q [O7] Q r Q [rp] Q r Q [a%] 0 W 0 W 0 [WD] 0 [D6] 0 e 0 [fe] 0 e 0 [a7] Q r [fQ] r Q [rG] Q [G] W T W [TH] W T W [f%] 0 W 0 W 0 [aW] 0 [D6] 0 e 0 [fe] 0 e 0 [G7] Q r Q r Q r Q 7 Q r Q r Q r Q| |r u I [O3] 7 0 W|u I O [p6] 0 e O| |Iu[I7] Q r T|u I p [rO0] p O [rI(]|a|[u*] W T||u a S [a7] Q [rp]|O||uI[O6] 0 I|[p^] 0O I [u7] Q r IuI| |[O3] 7 0 W|u I O [p6] 0 e O| |Iu[I7] Q r T|u I p [rO0] a S [ra(] S D [f] W T u| |DS[a7] Q [rO]|a|S D [f6] 0 e|S|f|f| |S|f|[f7] Q r DfG| |7 Q r I a G k C [rn]| |a f G [H%] 0 W 0 W [f0] [WG] [H0] [j6] 0 e [H0] e 0 e [G0]f[G7] Q r Q r [fQ] [rG] [jQ] [H0] rjuHr [G(] r [kY] r [f*] W T W T [fW] [kT] [WL] [k7] Q [rj] Q [rH] Q r [fQ]G[H6] 0 [eG] 0 [j^] 0HEG0 [f7] Q r [QG]f[rG] Q r Q [H%] 0 W 0 W [f0] [WG] [H0] [j6] 0 e [H0] e 0 e [G0]f[G7] Q r Q r [fQ] [rG] [jQ] [H0] rkuLr [k(] rLYZr [x] W T W T W T [ZW]L[k7] Q [rH] Q [rk] Q [rL] [ZQ] [x6] 0 e 0 [eL] 0 [xe] 0 [x6] 0 e 0 [eL] 0 [xe] 0 [x7] Q r [ZQ]x[rC] Q r Q r Q r Q r Q r Q [pfS6] 0 e T u p S f j| |j|k|[spf6] 0 e t u p s f j|||G| |D| |[f3] % 7 0 W r u O a f H k [xufVH]| |[W30]
Level: 6Length: 02:32IntermediateChemical Reaction of Encounters (Haikyuu)
Yuki Hayashi
o| |h| [tol]| |z| x| l| [roh0]|||j| k| [uolfe]| k| j| |h| j| [utqpof]|||d| f| [tsjhe9]|||d| f| [yrkf0]| j| h| |d| f| [utqjhf]|||k| l| [zywojh]| |[hd]| | [upj]| |f||| [xulj]| pf||G||hGfd f| [xulj]| d f s| d a p| | [xukj]| uo| p| |uo| p| [xukha]| s d a| p| | [zukfG] hGd f| |hGd f|| [uskjf] hGd| a||s d| | [uhda]| p a s| d| [zukhfa]| |o| a| [up6] y t ewy o u y [u6] y t ewy o u t [u6] y t ewy o u y [u6] y t ewy o [xuf] t [jb6] y t ewy o u y 6 y [tnk] ew[yml] o [ujb] t [vh5] y t ewy o u y [u5] y t [jeb]wy o [unk] t [ml6] y t [nke]wy o [ujb] y 6 y t [vhe]wy o [ujb] t [xf2] y t ewy o u y [u2] y t [zed]wy o [xuf] t [jb4] y t ewy o u y [u4] y t [zed]wy o [xuf] t [nk8] y [tjb] [vhe]wy o u y [u5] y t [zed]wy o [xuf] t [jb6]| [pje6]| [pjfe6]| [pje6]| [kfea6]| [pe] [jf] [pe] o [upf] y [pe6]| [pljeb]| [pkeb]| [vphe]| [pje6] [jb] [zpeb]| [pmle] [zo] [upjb] y [pje6] [nk] [xpmle]| [xpnke]| [xvphe] [jb] [pe6]| [pe]| [pjfe] [xof] [xvuph] [yjb] [wvnk5]| [yoh] [vtml] [wo]| [vronk] e [w5] [nk] [zyvojb] [nk] [vtonk] u [zywoml] [tnk] [e6] [jb] [yu] t [e6] o [yu] r [pe6] o [ue] tr[ue6] [xwf] [vhe0] [jb9] [yvnk9]| [yoh] [vtml] [y9]| [zyvr] e [zyv9]| [yw]| [wt] [jb0] [wml9] [z8] [qmlc4]| [ti] r [qi] [nk] [ymli] [zt] [qmlc4]| [tnki] [jcb] [yi] [tjb] [ie] w [t8]| [xtoml]| [utnk] y [wvtlh]| [w5] [nk] [vtoml]| [wunk] y [vtml] [wrnk] [e6] [jb] [yu] t [e6] o [yu] r [slfe6]| [up] [kfa] [up] o u tr [pj92] y t ew[yf] o u y [d92] y t ew[ys] o [ud] t [ka81] y t ewy o [up] [ya] [u81] y t ew[yl] o u t [zd92] y t ew[yf] o u y [d92] y t ew[yh] o [ug] t [xf81] y t ewy o [ug] y [f81] y t ewy o u t [up92] y [tf] ew[yd] o [us] y [pd92] y t ew[ys] o [ud] t [us6]a[yp] t ewy o [uo] [yp] [pe6] y t ewy o u t [wu30] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ud]| [us30] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ua] t [ue40] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ud]| [wsr5] y [ta] ew[yd] o u t [pf6] [y0] [wt]e [y6] [o0] [wu]e[yt] [u6] [y0] [wt]eew[y6] [o0] [wu]et [ue6] [y0] [wt]e [y6] [o0] [wu]e[yt] [u6] [y0] [wt]eew[y6] [o0] [wu]et [ue6] y t [e6]w[y6] o u [y5] [u6] y t [e6]w[y6] o u [t5] [u6] y t ewy o u y [utrpe] e e [fe] e [ke] e [le] e [je] e [ke] e [le] e [xe] [ypo] [zw]xzw [wk] w w w wj [wh] w w w w w w w [utpoe] e e [fe] e [ke] e [le] e [je] e [ke] e [le] e [ve] [ypo] [yx] y y y y y y [yx]cx[zy] y y y y y y [uspom]nmu u u u u [ub] u [um]nbvu u u [xu] uzulu [zyuro] [rk] rlj[rh] r r r r w w w w [zwvh] w w w [xjb6]| [pje6]| [pjfe6]| [pje6]| [kfea6]| [pe] [jf] [pe] o [upf] y [pe6]| [pljeb]| [pkeb]| [vphe]| [pje6] [jb] [zpeb]| [pmle] [zo] [upjb] y [pje6] [nk] [xpmle]| [xpnke]| [xvphe] [jb] [pe6]| [pe]| [pjfe] [xof] [xvuph] [yjb] [wvnk5]| [yoh] [vtml] [wo]| [vronk] e [w5] [nk] [zyvojb] [nk] [vtonk] u [zywoml] [tnk] [e6] [jb] [yu] t [e6] o [yu] r [pe6] o [ue] tr[ue6] [xwf] [vhe0] [jb9] [yvnk9]| [yoh] [vtml] [y9]| [zyvr] e [zyv9]| [yw]| [wt] [jb0] [wml9] [z8] [qmlc4]| [ti] r [qi] [nk] [ymli] [zt] [qmlc4]| [tnki] [jcb] [yi] [tjb] [ie] w [t8]| [xtoml]| [utnk] y [wvtlh]| [w5] [nk] [vtoml]| [wunk] y [vtml] [wrnk] [e6] [jb] [yu] t [e6] o [yu] r [slfe6]| [up] [kfa] [up] o u tr [pj92] y t ew[yf] o u y [d92] y t ew[ys] o [ud] t [ka81] y t ewy o [up] [ya] [u81] y t ew[yl] o u t [zd92] y t ew[yf] o u y [d92] y t ew[yh] o [ug] t [xf81] y t ewy o [ug] y [f81] y t ewy o u t [up92] y [tf] ew[yd] o [us] y [pd92] y t ew[ys] o [ud] t [us6]a[yp] t ewy o [uo] [yp] [pe6] y t ewy o u t [wu30] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ud]| [us30] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ua] t [ue40] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ud]| [wsr5] y [ta] ew[yd] o u t [pf6] [y0] [wt]e [y6] [o0] [wu]e[yt] [u6] [y0] [wt]eew[y6] [o0] [wu]et [ue6] [y0] [wt]e [y6] [o0] [wu]e[yt] [u6] [y0] [wt]eew[y6] [o0] [wu]et [utrp6]Level: 8Length: 05:32Expert
Wanderlust (Final Fantasy XV)
Yoko Shimomura
6 0 y 0 t| |6 0 r e t| |[w6]e 0 e [t0] y 0 e [u0] [e4] q e q t q e q [w5]e 9 w [te9] [ywr] 9 w [i9]o [u8] 0 w 0 t 0 [wu] [o0] [o4]p q e q t q [oe] [uq] [y6]u 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 [t5]y 9 w [u9] [wr] 9 w [t9] [e4] q e q t q e q 4 q e q t| |[y6]u 0 [te] 0 [s6] 0 [te] 0 [p3]a 0 [wrp] 0 [o3] 0 [wr] 0 [p4] q [tea] q [s4] q [te] q [y8]u 0 [wti] 0 [o8] 0 [wt] 0 [y9] e [yi] e [o9]p e [yi] e [s6] 0 [tea] 0 [p6] 0 [te] 0 [a5] 9 [wr] 9 [o5] 9 [wr] 9 [p4] q [te] q [s5] 9 [wra] 9 [y6]u 0 [te] 0 [s6] 0 [te] 0 [p3]a 0 [wrp] 0 [o3] 0 [wr] 0 [p4] q [tea] q [s4] q [te] 67[y8]u 0 [wti] 0 [o8] 0 [wt] 0 [t9]y e [yi] e [o9]p e [yi] e [s6] 0 [tea] 0 [p6] 0 [te] 0 [p5]a 9 [wr] 9 [o5] 9 [wr] 9 [p4] q [te] q [s5] 9 [wa] 9 [p6]a 0 y 0 [tp]| |6 0 r e t| |[w860]e80||t y||u [e4]68|||[w5]9ew||[te] [y5] 9 r [i9]o [u8] 0 w 0 rt r [wu] [o0] [o4]p q e q t q [oe] [uq] [y6]u 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 [t5]y 9 w [u9] [wr] 9 w [t9] [e4] q e q t q e q [o4]p q e q t q e q 6 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 680et
Level: 6Length: 02:41IntermediateShirohae (Naruto)
Yasuharu Takanashi
6 0 e| |
8 w t| 9 e y|
6 0 e| |
8 w t| 9 e y|
6 0 e| |f|
[8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
[6f] 0 e| |p
[8s] [ws] t s 9 e [yd]|
[6f] 0 e| |f|
[8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
[6f] 0 e| |p
[8s] [ws] t d 9 e [yp]|
[6p] 0 e| |f|
[8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
[6f] 0 e| |p
[8s] [ws] t s 9 e [yd]|
[6f] 0 e| |f|
[8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
[6f] 0 e| |p|
[8s] [ws] t d 9 e [yo]|
[59wo]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
[60eh] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es] s
[48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
[8wt]| [8wtf]| [8wtd] s [8wt] d
[59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
[60eh] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es]|
[48qs]| [48q]| [48qs]| [48qp] s
[8wt]| [8wt]| [8wtd]| [8wto] o
[59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w] s
[60ed] s [60e] f [60e]| [60es] s
[48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
[8wtf]| [8wtf]| [8wtd] s [8wt] d
[59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
[60ef] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es] s
[48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
[8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wto]|
8 w t| 9 e y|
6 0 e| |f|
[8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
[6f] 0 e| |p
[8s] [ws] t s 9 e [yd]|
[6f] 0 e| |f|
[8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
[6f] 0 e| |p
[8s] [ws] t d 9 e [yp]|
[6p] 0 e| |f|
[8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
[6f] 0 e| |p
[8s] [ws] t s 9 e [yd]|
[6f] 0 e| |f|
[8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
[6f] 0 e| |p|
[8s] [ws] t d 9 e [yo]|
[59wo]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
[60eh] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es] s
[48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
[8wt]| [8wtf]| [8wtd] s [8wt] d
[59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
[60eh] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es]|
[48qs]| [48q]| [48qs]| [48qp] s
[8wt]| [8wt]| [8wtd]| [8wto] o
[59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w] s
[60ed] s [60e] f [60e]| [60es] s
[48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
[8wtf]| [8wtf]| [8wtd] s [8wt] d
[59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
[60ef] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es] s
[48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
[8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wto]|
[8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wt] s
[59wd]| [59w]| [59w]| [59ws]|
[60ed] s [60e] f [60e]| [60es] s
[48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48qs]|
[8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wts]|
[59wd]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
[60ef] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es]|
[48qs]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
[8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wto]|
[60ep]Level: 6Length: 03:57IntermediateHurt (Johnny Cash)
Johnny Cash