Stereo Madness

Forever Bound 10 September 2020


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About This Music Sheet

Stereo Madness is a song by Forever Bound. Use your computer keyboard to play Stereo Madness music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Stereo Madness is classified in the genres: Dance, Electronica on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using EDM, The Netherlands.


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  • uaGh uaof todf thos eukh tfud yIkG ydIa 0rzk rhuf tokh tfus eukh efud rI[ak] GrdI [30]rIo 0rwu 0yu 0t0r 30oI 0y0t 30yu 0t0r [30]rIo 0rwu 0yu 0t0r 30oI 0y0t 30yu 0t0r 0rIo 0rwu 8wyu 8owt 60ao 6u0y 7QaI 7yQr 37da 0owu 8wao 8u0t 60ao 6u0y 7Q[ra]I 7yQr
    Level: 4
    Right Back

    Yuri Kane

  • [80wt]| |t y u [8qeti]| |
    i u y [80wt]| |
    t y u [80wu]| |
    [7qwy]| |
    [80wt]| |t y u [8qeti]| |
    i u y [80wt]| |
    t y u [7qwr]| |
    [80wt]| f d s
    [80w]||ff| d [8qed]
    s||ss a p [80wo]| |
    s d f [80wf]||
    d [7qwd]| |
    [80ws]||ff| d [8qed]
    s| |s a p [80wo]| |
    f d s| s
    [80ws]| s s[80wp] s| p
    [80wu] o p [80ws]||fd
    [80wf]| f [80wd] s||s
    [7qwa]| d [80ws]||op
    [80ws]| s s[80wp] s| p
    [80wu] o p [80ws]||fd
    [80wf]| f [80wd] s||s
    [7qwa]| d [80ws]

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:10
    Lean On Me (Alternative)

    Bill Withers

  • p|s a s d [sf]| [sof] d f g [ha]|| [spi]|j h j k l| [uka]|[ro]|[ha]|| [ypg]|f|g|[oj] i [uth]|g|[wrf]|[tso]| [idE]||[us]|[pf]| [rpd]|O I [ufO]||| [e6]|[t0] u [se]|a| [o5]|[y9]|[ur]|| [u4]|[i8] o [ie]|[u0]| [y3]|[t0]|[wu]|| [e9]|[t0] [ue] [ws]|[ya]| [ro8]|y|[wu]|| [uE]|i o i|u| [yr]|[t7] We[ur0]|W| [pe6] 0 [tse] [uf0] [slf6] 0 [keda] 0 [oha5] 9 [yrpd] 9 [uof5] 9 r 9 [pf4] 8 [pge] [ha8] [sg4] 8 [qpf] 8 [da3] 7 [sp0] 7 [wof] 7 0 7 [pi2] 6 [s9] [f6] [l2] 6 [kh9] 6 [hf1] 7 [d8] 9 [f0] q [wf] [ra] [xE]|c v c|x| [zr]|[l7] We[xr0]|W| [pe6] 0 [tse] [uf0] [slf6] 0 [keda] 0 [oha5] 9 [yrpd] 9 [uof5] 9 r 9 [pf4] 8 [pge] [ha8] [sg4] 8 [qpf] 8 [da3] 7 [sp0] 7 [wof] 7 0 7 [pi2] 6 [s9] [f6] [l2] 6 [kh9] 6 [hf1] 7 [d8] 9 [f0] q [wf] [ra] [xE]|c v c|x| [zr]|[l7] We[xr0]|W| [6] [6] [tsp] [roa] [tsp] [yda] [usf6]| [usf5] [5][yda][usf] [igd][rhfa]|[je5] [rk] [tql]|4 [zyo] [tpl]| [rok] [wha0]|[r3]|o|y| [pg81] [of] [pg] [sj] [ha] [pg] [of] [pg] [ha7]|[of] [id] [of5]|[us] [of] [pg^]| [pf] [od]|[si]|[ua7]||[fW%]|| e|[uk] l [uk] j [fe]|[us]|[uf]| w|[uk] l [uk] j [zw]|u|u| q|[uk] l [uk] j [qk]|t|[ul]|[th]| [oh] g [of] g [of] ioiu i u y E| [yf] g [if] d [PE]|[yi]|[ig]| [fe]|t d [us] d [fe]|t|[us]| [rD]|[aI]|[pI]|[rY]|I|[ID]| [uf]| a| a| u
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:48
    The Legend (Deltarune)

    Toby Fox