Scarborough Fair (Alternative)

Simon & Garfunkel 26 November 2020
  • TYPE
  • transposition

9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e t r [wy] e
[9ip] [eip] w e 0 [qp]
[8u] w 8 [9i] [0u] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 w
q e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ip] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e [0d] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qp] e [0o] w [9i] q
[8u] w t w q w
0 w 9 w 8 w
[9y] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wyp] e [0yp] q
[8tu] w [9yi] w [8tu] w
[9yi] e [tu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qe] e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9d] e [wd] e [0d] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wd] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qtp] e [0yo] w [9yi] q
[8tu] w t w [qt] w
[0t] w [9y] w [8t] w
[9y] q [ey] q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9yi] e [wu] e [qi] e
[0o] e [9i] e [8u] e
[9i] e [0u] e [qt] e
[9y] q w e w q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wyp] e [0yp] q
[8tu] w [9yi] w [8tu] w
[9yi] e [tu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qe] e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9od] e [wd] e [0pd] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wi] q
[9i] e [yi] e [9o] e
[qp] e t e [to] e
[qi] e [0o] w [9ip] q
[8us] w t w [qo] w
[0s] w [9s] [wo] [8s] [wa]
[9yd] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9yi] e [wu] e [qi] e
[0o] e [9i] e [8u] e
[9i] e [0u] e [qt] e
[9y] q w e w q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wp] e [0p] q
[8u] w [9i] w [8u] w
[9y] e [tyu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qy] e [etip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9d] e [wd] e [0d] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wi] q
[9i] e [yi] e [9i] e
[qp] e [ts] e [tos] e
[qis] e [0op] w [9is] q
[8uo] w t w [qo] w
[0t] [wy] [9u] w [8i] w
[9y] q [ey] q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e t r [wy] e
[9ip] [eip] w e 0 [qp]
[8u] w 8 [9i] [0u] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 w
q e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ip] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e [0d] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qp] e [0o] w [9i] q
[8u] w t w q w
0 w 9 w 8 w
[9y] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
[9o] e w e 0 w
[9i] q e q [wu] t
[9ey] [dj]

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About This Music Sheet

Scarborough Fair (Alternative) is a song by Simon & Garfunkel. Use your computer keyboard to play Scarborough Fair (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 3:11, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Scarborough Fair (Alternative) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using 60s Songs, Folk.


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Other Songs By Simon & Garfunkel

  • e u [ka] u [sl] p u [ka] u e [sl]| | e u [ka] u [sl] p u [ka] u e [sl]| | w y [pj] y [ka] o y [pj] y w [ka]| | e u [ka] u [sl] p u [ka] u e [sl]| | [sqpg]|[spg] [sof8]| |8 8|o s o f s [sqpg] p sg[sof8]| |8 8|[so] [so] [sqpg]| | q q|[spg]|[sjg]|| q q|s g s [sof8]| | 8 8 [sf] [gd] [sf] [sp6]|7|8| | s f [s8] [whda]||| 6 f d f s f a f p||| 5 9 e 9 r w 9 e 9 5 r| | 6 0 r 0 t e 0 r 0 6 t| | [tqie]|[tie] [wut8]| | 8 8|w t w u t [tqie] e ti[wut8]| | 8 8|[wt] [wt] [tqie]| | q q|[tie]|[tpi]|| q q|t i t [wut8]| | 8 8 [ut] [yi] [ut] [te6]|7|8| | t u [t8] [ywro]||| 6 u y u t u r u e 6|5|8|6| 5 9 e 9 r w 9 e 9 5 r| | 6 0 r 0 t e 0 r 0 6 t| | [tqie]|[tie] [wut8]| | 8 8|w t w u t [tqie] e ti[wut8]| | 8 8|[wt] [wt] [tqie]| | q q|[tie]|[tpi]|| q q|t i t [wut8]| | 8 8 [ut] [yi] [ut] [te6]|7|8| | t u [t8] [ywro]||| 6 u y u t u r u e||| 5 9 e 9 r w 9 e 9 5 r| | 6 0 r 0 t e 0 r 0 6 t| | [tqie]|[tie] [wut8]| | 8 8|w t w u t [tqie] e ti[wut8]| | 8 8|[wt] [wt] [tqie]| | q q|[tie]|[tpi]|| q q|t i t [wut8]| | 8 8 [ut] [yi] [ut] [te6]|7|8| | t u [t8] [ywro]||| 6 u y u t u r u e 6|[w5]|[t8]|[e6]| 5 9 e 9 r w 9 e 9 5 r| | 6 0 r 0 t e 0 r 0 6 t| | [tqie]|[tie] [wut8]| | 8 8|w t w u t [tqie] e ti[wut8]| | 8 8|[wt] [wt] [tqie]| | q q|[tie]|[tpi]|| q q|t i t [wut8]| | 8 8 [ut] [yi] [ut] [te6]|7|8| | t u [t8] [ywro]||| 6 x z x l x k x j f d f s f a f p [uf] [yd] [uf] [ts] [uf] [ra] [hfa5]|[sjf6]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:20
    The Sound of Silence

    Simon & Garfunkel

  • e u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u o I [yp] u [sfe] [usf] y u r [tf] [wa] y w [se] [ra] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r y t u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [sfe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u [rj] t [sje] u p u [sje] u [thf] u o u [of] u [tf] u [rd] y [se] t [wa] y o y t y r y e y w y [pe] t u t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [ypf] u [rpf] t [woa] y [spe] y [woa] y [spe] u [oa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [ut] u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [je] u [yj] u [rj] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [yj] t [sje] u p u [sje] u [thf] u o u [of] u [tof] u [rpd] y [spe] t [woa] y o y [to] y [ro] y [pe] y [wo] y [pe] t [up] t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [spe] u [ya] u [ts] u [rd] u [se] u [wa] u [se] u [ra] u [to] u [pe] t y u y t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [ypf] u [rpf] t [woa] y [spe] y [woa] y [spe] u [oa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [ut] u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [jed] u [yj] u [rjf] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [ys] t [se] u [sp] u [ed] u [tf] u o u [od] u [ts] u [rd] y [sfe] t [wha] y o y [td] y [rh] y [he] [yd] [wh] [yG] [pje] t u t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [spe] u [ya] u [ts] u [rd] u [se] u [wa] u [se] u [ra] u [to] u [pe] t y u y t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [yf] u [rf] t [wa] y [se] y [wa] y [pe] u [poa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [tp] u [usof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [je] u [yj] u [rj] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [ys] t [se] u [sp] u [se] u [tf] u [oh] u [ohd] u [tsh] u [rfd] y [she] t [wda] y o y [td] y [ro] [yp] [ea] y [ws] y [pe] t [up] t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u o I y u [ed] u y u r y [se] t u t [ya] o [upe]|[xj]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:36
    Scarborough Fair

    Simon & Garfunkel


  • 4 8 w e t| |4 8 w e t| |[t4] 8 w e i||s [s4] 8 w e t|s d [D%] ( [tg]|[d^] q y s [s4] 8 w e t| |[t4] 8 w e i||s [s4] 8 w e t|s d [D%] ( [td] s [^P] q y d [s8] w t i u| |[t4] 8 w e [ti]||s [si4] 8 w e t|s d [OD%] ( [tg]|[d^P] q y s [sp4] 8 w e t|g h [gH] W [iJ]|[h(] E o D [GD7] Q [YHD]|[gS] W i S [sD%] ( t|[gd^] q y P [sp4] 8 w e t| |4 8 w e t t i o [WO]|[W] o i|[W*] Y [YE(]|[E(]||Y [WO(] s [wYD]|[wY] d s|[wY] P [ywP]|[yw]||P [ywd] h [TJI]|[TI] H G|[TI] g [tig]|[tsi]| |[tig]|[rYD]|[rY] g H|[rY] G [gYE]|[YE]| |[YE]|[yE]|[yE]||i [yPE] s [TSQ]|[TQ] s [TQP]|[TQ] O [YWO]|[YW]|[WT] O [WTS] g [yqge]|[yqe] f [yqed]|[yqe] s [tse]|[te0]|[te0] s [tfe0] j [tlY]|[tY] J [tYH]|[tY] h [yhE]|[ydE]|[yE]|[yhE]|[igT]|[iT] h [iTJ]|[iT] H [tih]|[ti]|[ti]|[ti]|[uto]|[uto]|[uto]| |[sg4]|[qe8]| |[qe8]|[WD(%] g [qd^E]| |iPsd[sg4]|[qe8]| |[qe8]|[WD(%] g [qd^E]| |sPiy[tW(%]|[qi^E]| |[qo^E]|[qpe8]| |[tqi84]| |[tqi84]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:14
    Memories (Little Witch Academia)

    Michiru Ōshima

  • [uspf6] 6||[spig6] 6||[spoh6] 6||[spig6] 6||[uspf6]|||[u6] [t0] e [u0] [i4] [t0] e [i0]u[y5] [r9] w [y9] [u8] [wr] w [yw]t[e4] [t0] u [t0] [y4] [r9] w [t9]y[Y$] [r(] e [Y(] [u3] [y0] [r9] [W7] [u6] [t0] e [u0] [i4] [t0] e [i0]u[y5] [r9] w [y9] [u8] [wr] w [yw]t[e4] [t0] u [E0] [r$] [e(] u [e(] [W3] [y9] u [ye9]r[te8]| |p [sf] [jf] l [kh] d [ha] d [ji] [sp] [sg] j h|f|[yg] [pi] [pd] g [sf] p [sp] p [dO] [pi] [sa] [aO] [sp] u p u 6 [tf] j [tl] [k5] [rd] h [rd] [j4] [se] g [je] [h8] u|u [g2] [qp] d [qg] [f6] [tp] s [tp] [d3] [iW] O [dW] [s6] t [sf] t [ugda]|[sf][da][sp][ufaO]|[daH]|[faH]||[sj][kd][uspj]|[sf]|[rgd]|[sf][da][sp][uaWO0]|[rdaO]|[urO]||[tp][ya][tpe0]| |@ 3 8 [W7] [r9] [t(] [yq] [u0] [xpj]| |[pjc]| |[vpj]|3|[pjc]| |[xpj]|||[u6] t e u [i4] t e i [o5] t e o [i3] r W i [u6] t e u [i4] t e i [o5] t e o [i3] r W i [uhe]Hjt e u [qi] t e i [woh] t e [oj] [li0] [zr] [lW] [ji] [ue] t e u [qi] t e i [wo] t e o [i0] r W i [uhe]H[sj]t e u [qi] t e i [woha] t e [soj] [lif0] [zrg] [lfW] [xli] [ue] t e [ujc] [qi] t e i [wvok] t e o [kiH0] r W i [ulje] t e u [qi] t e i [wo] t e o [i0] [rpg] [haW] [pig] [uofe] [ta] [tpe] u [qi] t e i [woda] t e [spo] [i0] r [aWO] i [upe] [ta] [se] [uf] [qji] [tf] [se] [ia] [woda] t e [spo] [i0] r [aWO] i [sf6][sf] [sf][sf] [sp][sp] [sp][sp] [da3][da] [da][da] [aO][aO] [aO][aO] [sp6][sp] [sp][sp] [tp][tp] [tp][tp] [uO3][uO] [uO][uO] [aO][aO] [da][da] [sf6][sf] [sf][sf] [sp][sp] [sp][sp] [da3][da] [da][da] [aO][aO] [aO][aO] [sp6][sp] [sp][sp] [tp][tp] [tp][tp] [uO3][uO] [uO][uO] [aO][aO] [da][da]| |[sp]|[xlj]| |Z [ljc]|x| |Z[zH]| |[hL]| |[lG6]

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:50
    Cold Iron (Katawa Shoujo)

    Sebastien Skaf

  • 1 5 w e| |1 5 w e||0| 1 5 w e| |1 5 w e||0| 1 5 [wo] [pe]| |1 5 [wo] [pe]||[u0]| 1 5 [wo] [ra]| |1 5 [wo] [pe]||[u0]| [u1]o[p5]a[wso]d[pea]| | [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [a1] 5 ws[rd]sasapot [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [u1]o[p5]a[wso]d[pea]| | [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [a1] 5 ws[rd]sasapot [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [s1] 5 [wo] [pe] a| | 1 5 [woa] [pe]||[uo0]| [a1] 5 [wo] [ra] p| | 1 5 [wpo] [pe]||[u0]| [s1] 5 [wo] [pe] a| | 1 5 [woa] [pe]||[uo0]| [a1] 5 [wo] [ra] p| | 1 5 [wpo] [pe]||[u0]| [td86] [e8]f[d0]s[ed]h[rd6] 8 w [h8] [rd75] wa9 a [wp5] 8o[tp8] o [rd75] wf[d9]s[rd7]h[rd7]||h [td6] 8s0 [ea] [pe6] op| [t86] [e8] 0 e [r6] 8 w 8 [r75] w 9| [w5] 8 [t8]| [r75] w 9 [r7] [r7]| | [t6] 8 0 e [e6]| | [td86] [e8]f[d0]s[ed]h[rd6] 8 w [h8] [rd75] wa9 a [wp5] 8o[tp8] o [rd75] wf[d9]s[rd7]h[rd7]||h [td6] 8s0 [ea] [pe6] op| [u1]o[p5]a[wso]d[pea]| | [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [a1] 5 ws[rd]sasapot [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [u1]o[p5]a[wso]d[pea]| | [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [a1] 5 ws[rd]sasapot [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [s1] 5 [wo] [pe] a| | 1 5 [woa] [pe]||[uo0]| [a1] 5 [wo] [ra] p| | 1 5 [wpo] [pe]||[u0]| [s1] 5 [wo] [pe] a| | 1 5 [woa] [pe]||[uo0]| [a1] 5 [wo] [ra] p| | 1 5 [wpo] [pe]||[u0]| [td86] [e8]f[d0]s[ed]h[rd6] 8 w [h8] [rd75] wa9 a [wp5] 8o[tp8] o [rd75] wf[d9]s[rd7]h[rd7]||h [td6] 8s0 [ea] [pe6] op| [td86] [e8]f[d0]s[ed]h[rd6] 8 w [h8] [rd75] wa9 a [wp5] 8o[tp8] o [rd75] wf[d9]s[rd7]h[rd7]||h [td6] 8s0 [ea] [pe6] op
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:25
    Guts (Berserk)

    Susumu Hirasawa